New Zealand Gazette
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No. 29 707 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 19 MARCH 1981 CORRIGENDUM 45.1477 hectares, more or less, being Section 5, Block XII, Licences Issued Under the Animal Remedies Act 1967 Rimu Survey District. All Proc. 2439. S.O. Plan 6223. (Notice No. 2536, Ag. 6/2/3/1) 59.7417 hectares, more or less, being Section 71, Block I, Catlins Survey District. All Gazette notice 7640. S.O. Plan IN the notice of the above heading published in the New 12699. Zealand Gazette, 19 February 1981, No. 17, p. 361: 82.1638 hectares. more or less, being Section 6, Block XII, Rimu Survey District. S.0. Plan 6226. Schedule III, line 5, under the heading remedy delete the 10.3802 hectares, more or less, being Sections 6 and 7, Block words "Deptauac-L" and substitute "Deptavac-L"; V, Catlins Survey District. S.O. Plan 308. Schedule VI, lines 6 and 7, the licencees name should read: As shown on plans G46/1-3 and G47/1-2 deposited in the "Cyanamid of New Zealand Limited"; Head Office of the New Zealand Forest Service at Wellington: From "Marsta V.C. 13 Sheep Dip" to "Equestri-Feed" Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor should be under the heading of "Schedule VII". General and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 5th day of March 1981. VENN YOUNG, Minister of Forests. CORRIGENDUM [L.S] GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! National Roads Board-Notice Partially Revoking Declaration of State Highway to be a Limited Access Road (F.S. 9/7/339, 6/7/91) IN the notice with the above heading, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 4 December 1980, No. 141, p. 3825, Land Taken for a Recreation Ground in Block XIII, Cloudy referring to State Highway No. 45, for "New Plymouth to Bay Survey District, Marlborough County Okura" read "New Plymouth to Oakura". Dated at Wellington this 16th day of March 1981. DAVID BEATTIE, Governor-General F. J. TOURELL, Secretary. A PROCLAMATION (72/45/7/5) PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, The Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a recreation ground State Forest Land Set Apart as State Forest Park for Addition and shall vest in the Marlborough County Council; and I to Catlins State Forest Park also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 19th day of March 1981. DAVID BEATTIE, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION SCHEDULE PURSUANT to section 63B (1) of the Forests Act 1949 (as MARLBOROUGH LAND DISTRICT substituted by section 19 of the Forest Amendment Act 1976), ~LL that piece of land containing 3891 square metres, situated I, The Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor m Block XIII, Cloudy Bay Survey District, Marlborough General of New Zealand, hereby set apart the State forest County, being part Section 163, Wairau Registration District; land described in the Schedule hereto as State forest park as shown on plan S.O. 5601, lodged in the office of the which shall hereby form part of the Catlins State Forest Park. Chief Surveyor at Blenheim, and thereon marked "A" Given under the hand of His Excellency the G~venor SCHEDULE General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 6th day of March 1981. 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT-CLUTHA COUNTY W. L. YOUNG, Minister of Works and Development. 198.0532 hectares, more or Jess, being Section 61, Block IV, and Section 26, Block VII, Catlins Survey District. All New [L.S.] GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Zealand Gazette, 1951, page 1823. S.O. Plans 306 and 311. (P.W. 53/325/1; Wn. D.O. 19/2/33/0) 708 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIB No. 29 Appointing a Non-Elective Member of the Marlborough M49829 Alan Walter Bowers, Royal N.Z. Armoured Corps. Catchment Board C46807 Robert James Easton, Royal N.Z. Army Ordnance Corps. R49833 Waata Tuati Hipango, Royal N.Z. Signal Corps. DAVID BEATI1E, Governor-General A48070 Anthony Russell Kippax, Royal N.Z. Infantry ORDER IN COUNCIL Regiment. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 9th day of P49831 Morgan John Proctor, Royal Regiment N.Z. March 1981 Artillery. E49776 Martin Ross Taylor, Royal N.Z. Army Ordnance Present: Corps. THE RIGHf HoN. R. D. MUUlOONl, PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL M50151 Alan Neil Firth (on prob.), Royal N.Z. Infantry PURSUANT to the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act Regiment. 1941, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and W746807 Nicholas Allan Josephs (on prob.), Royal N.Z. with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, Infantry Regiment. hereby appoints GRADUATES-OFFICER CADET TRAINING CoMPANY, WAIOURU Tudor Howard Evans of Marlborough, farmer, The following Officer Cadets graduated from the Officer to be a member of the Marlborough Catchment Board for Cadet Training Company, Waiouru, and are appointed to 3 years from and after the date of this appointment. commissions in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, in the Corps P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. shown, with seniority from 20 December 1980 and effect from 11 December 1980: (P.W. 75/20) D49821 Christopher Mac Grace, Royal N.Z. Infantry Regi ment. H49457 Roderick Samuel Hart, Royal N.Z. Infantry Regi ment. Declaring an Access Way to be Vested in and to be under the B746811 David James Harvey, Royal N.Z. Infantry Regi Control and Management of the Whakatane District ment. Council D49844 Susan James Hopkirk, Royal N.Z. Corps of Signals. J46031 Stephen John Howard, The Corps of Royal N.Z. DAVID BEArn:g, Governor-General Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. E49845 Leyton Upton Hughes, Royal Regiment N.Z. Artil ORDER IN COUNCIL lery. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 9th day of K44997 Gary Ernest Pullen, The Corps of Royal N.Z. March 1981 Engineers. Present: Q49809 Peter Edward Schweder, Royal Regiment N.Z. Artillery. THE RIGHf HON. R. D. MULDOON PRESIDING IN. CoUNCIL H49848 Adrian Mark Skinner, The Corps of Royal N.Z. PURSUANT to section 11 ·of the Housing Act 1955, His Engineers. Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the A47472 Mark Wheeler, Royal N.Z. Armoured Corps. advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby orders C49199 Barbara Mary Wilson, Royal N.Z. Corps of Trans and declares that the access way described in the Schedule port. hereto shall, on and after the date of this Order in Council, J49849 Pae-Pae Tiriki Wiki, Royal N.Z. Infantry Regiment. vest in and be under the control and management of the As 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.): Whakatane District Council. C49843 Colin George Gadsby, Royal N.Z. Corps of Trans port. SCHEDULE BRIGADIER LIST Brigadier Maxwell Tebbutt, O.B.E., is posted to the Retired SoUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT List, in his present rank, with effect from 3 January 1981. ALL that piece of land containing 178 square metres, situated in Block I, Whakatane Survey District, being Lot 57, D.P. S. CoLONELS LIST 21779, and being part Allotment 587, Waimana Parish. Part Colonel G. A. Hitchings, M.B.E., to be Brigadier, and is certificate of title No. 24C/590. transferred to the Brigadiers List, with seniority and effect P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. from 3 January 1981. (P.W. 54/778/91; Hn. D.O. 98/4/0/15) ROYAL REGIMENT N.Z. ARTILLERY 2nd Lieutenant T. A. Ellen to be Lieutenant, with seniority and effect from 8 February 1981. ROYAL N.Z. ARMOURED CORPS Supernumerary List Appointments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers, Resignations, Lieutenant Ronald Charles Lee, B.E.M., is posted to the and Retirements of Officers of the New Zealand Army Retired List, in his present rank, with effect from 21 January 1981. PURSUANT to section 35 of t'he Defence Act 1971, His THE CoRPS OF ROYAL N.Z. SIGNALS Excellency the Governor-General has approved the following Major F. L. Dennerly is transferred to the Supernumerary appoinLments, .promotions, extensions. transfers, resignations, List, with effect from 6 January 1981. and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Army. ROYAL N.Z. CoRPS OF SIGNALS REGULAR FORCE Captain P. D. Ross to be temp. Major, with effect from GRADUATES-ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE, DUNTROON 12 January 1981. The following Officer Cadets graduated from the Royal Lieutenant (temp. Captain) A. I. F. Gumbley to be Captain, Military College, Duntroon, and are appointed to commissions with seniority and effect from 20 December 1980. in the rank of Lieutenant in order and Corps shown, with 2nd Lieutenant M. J. Roberts to be Lieutenant, with seniority seniority from 10 December 1979 and effect from 10 December and effect from 2 February 1981. 1980. A48024 John Howard Frank Peacock, Royal N.Z. Infantry ROYAL N.Z. INFANTRY REGIMENT Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel L. G. Williams, M.C., to be Colonel and F48029 Michael Robert Hill, Royal N.Z. Corps of Trans is transferred to the Colonels' List, with seniority from port. 3 January 1980 and effect from 3 January 1981. Y48023 David Allan Greenslade, Royal N.Z. Army Ordnance Major G. E. Vickers to be acting Lieutenant Colonel, with Corps. effect from 15 December 1980, and to be temp. Lieutenant GRADUATES-OFFICER CADET ScHooL, PORTSEA Colonel with effect from 9 February 1981. Major J. W. Brown, M.C. to be acting Lieutenant Colonel The following Officer Cadets graduated from the Officer with effect from 24 January 1981: cadet School, Portsea, and are appointed to commissions in Major Edward John Richard Slater is posted to the Retired the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in order and Corps shown with List in his present rank, with effect from 3 February 1981.