Department of Energy Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office 1017 Majestic Drive, Suite 200 Lexington, Kentucky 40513 (859) 219-4000 DEC 2 4 2013 Dr. David Snyder PPPO-03-2088012-14 Archaeology Reviews Manager Ohio Historic Preservation Office 1982 Velma Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43211 Dear Dr. Snyder: TRANSMITTAL OF A REPORT ON PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED AT HISTORIC-ERA SITES AT THE PORTSMOUTH GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT Enclosed for your information is the report titled "Pre-Historic Archaeological Components Identified at Six Historic-Era Farmstead Sites (33Pk185, 33Pk203, 33Pk206, 33Pk 211, 33Pk217 and 33Pk218) Within the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Pike County Ohio" (RSIIPORTS247). This report summarizes the prehistoric-era archaeological components found while conducting Phase II archaeological investigations on six historic-era farmstead sites (33Pk185, 33Pk203, 33Pk206, 33Pk211, 33Pk217, and 33Pk218) at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS), in Pike County, Ohio and presents the results for your information. The co-location of these temporally separate features is merely coincidental though it does show that some settings, such as those with proximity to water or with broad viewsheds, are desirable over time. Archaeological survey reports of the individual farmsteads and the prehistoric sites discussed in this report have been submitted to the Ohio Historic Preservation Office. Each of the individual reports is referenced in the reference section of the enclosed report. A copy of the subject report is enclosed and an electronic copy can be obtained at the Environmental Information Center by contacting 740-289-8898 or at
[email protected]. Additionally, an electronic copy can be found at