
Dato 9. februar 2016 Sagsbehandler Stine Kirkeskov Mail [email protected] Telefon Dokument 15/10041-54 Side 1/55

To the Bidders


Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund, Dual carriageway Marbækvej - Skibbyvej, inclusive of a High Bridge Udbud 14210.001 Vej- og broarbejder

This correction sheet sets out the corrections and additions to all the tender material as defined in the Document List (Contractual documents, Tender documents and Information Room documents).

Queries from bidders with the associated answers are attached as an appendix.

Corrections are shown in bold italics and highlighted in grey.

Corrections and additions: Bidders are hereby notified of the following corrections and additions to the tender documents for the above-mentioned contract:

Vejdirektoratet Telefon +45 7244 3333 Guldalderen 12 [email protected] SE 60729018 2640 Hedehusene vejdirektoratet.dk EAN 5798000893450

Bestemmelser om udbud og tilbud (BUT):

Rettelse til BUT 5.3.2 (Dialogrunder) afsnit 8:

”Tilbudsgiverne bør ikke deltage med mere end 5 deltagere per dialogmøde, idet Vejdirektoratet ønsker en fokuseret proces. De enkelte mødedeltagere kan dog udskiftes efter behov, således at Tilbudsgiver altid løbende kan tilpasse kredsen af mødedeltagere i forhold til de temaer, der konkret skal drøftes.” er ændret til:

”Tilbudsgiverne bør ikke deltage med mere end 5 deltagere per dialogmøde, idet Vejdirektoratet ønsker en fokuseret proces. De enkelte mødedeltagere kan dog udskiftes efter behov, således at Tilbudsgiver altid løbende kan tilpasse kredsen af mødedeltagere i forhold til de temaer, der konkret skal drøftes. Denne udskiftning må kun foretages under pauserne. Det forventes, at Tilbudsgiverne vil holde eventuelle udskiftninger til et minimum, for at undgå for- styrrelser. Til den generelle præsentation af Tilbudsgivers projekt, må begrænsningen på højest 5 delta- gere gerne overskrides, hvis det er nødvendigt, men kan ikke øges til mere end 10 deltagere ”

Rettelse til BUT 5.3.5 (Tilbudsgivernes skriftlige dialogoplæg) afsnit 1:

”Forud for hver dialogrunde skal Tilbudsgiver udfærdige et skriftligt dialogoplæg, der kan danne grund- lag for dialogen på møderne. Det skriftlige dialogoplæg bedes disponeret således, at oplægget kan fungere som disposition for dialogmødet, jf. pkt. 5.4.3 og pkt. 5.4.6.” er ændret til:

”Forud for hver dialogrunde skal Tilbudsgiver udfærdige et skriftligt dialogoplæg, der kan danne grund- lag for dialogen på møderne. Det skriftlige dialogoplæg bedes disponeret således, at oplægget kan fungere som disposition for dialogmødet, jf. pkt. 5.4.3 og pkt. 5.4.6. Tilbudsgiverne skal ydermere fremsende information om deres forslåede deltagere til dialog- møderne, indeholdende navn, stilling og rolle i organisationen ikke senere end 4 arbejdsdage inden dialogmødet. ”

Rettelse til BUT 5.4.1 (Generelt):

”Vejdirektoratet vil inden møder fremsende meddelelse om, hvor dialogmøderne vil blive afholdt.” er ændret til:

”En meddelelse angående dialogmøderne med yderlige information omkring de praktiske for- hold vil blive offentliggjort på Leverandørportalen senest fredag den 12. februar. ”


Tilføjelse til BUT 5.4.3 (Tilbudsgivernes skriftlige dialogoplæg til første dialogrunde):

Sidst i afsnit 5.4.3 tilføjes:

”Supplerende emner:

Hvis Tilbudsgiverne ønsker at drøfte supplerende emner ved første dialogrunde, skal Tilbuds- giverne fremsende en passende beskrivelse af disse emner. Maksimalt 2000 ord/6 sider.”

Rettelse til BUT 5.4.4 (Foreløbig strukturering af første dialogrunde):

“Dag 1:

Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-10.15 Generel præsentation af Til- budsgivers projekt 10.15-10.30 Pause 10.30-12.30 Tema 1/2 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 1/2 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2 16.15-17.00 Opsamling

Dag 2:

Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-09.45 Opsamling på dag 1 09.45-10.00 Pause 10.00-12.30 Tema 3/4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 3/4 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 3/4 16.15-17.00 Opsamling “ er ændret til:


”Dag 1:

Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-10.15 Generel præsentation af Til- budsgivers projekt 10.15-10.30 Pause 10.30-12.30 Tema 4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 1/2 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2 16.30-17.00 Opsamling

Dag 2:

Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-09.45 Opsamling på dag 1 09.45-10.00 Pause 10.00-12.30 Tema 3/4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 3/4 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2/3/4 eller tilbudsgi- verens ønsker til suppleren- de emner 16.30-17.00 Opsamling “

Service translation (Ruling language of the BUT is Danish)

Correction to BUT 5.3.2 (Dialogue rounds) paragraph 8:

“The Tenderers should not bring more than 5 participants per dialogue meeting as the Danish Road Directorate prefers a focused process. However, the individual participants of the meetings may be replaced as required in order to allow the Tenderer to adjust the group of participants according to the topics to be discussed.” is corrected to:

“The Tenderers should not bring more than 5 participants per dialogue meeting as the Danish Road Directorate prefers a focused process. However, the individual participants of the meetings may be replaced as required in order to allow the Tenderer to adjust the


group of participants according to the topics to be discussed. This replacement shall only be carried out at the breaks. It is expected that Tenderers will keep any substitutions to a minimum to avoid disturbance.

For the General Presentation of the Tenderer’s project, this maximum of 5 participants may be exceeded if necessary, but may not be increased to more than 10 participants”

Correction to BUT 5.3.5 (The written dialogue submissions from the Tenderers) paragraph 1:

“Prior to each dialogue round, the Tenderer must prepare a written dialogue submission which is to form the basis of the dialogue at the meetings. The written dialogue submission is requested to be organized so it can serve as an agenda for the dialogue meeting, see clauses 5.4.3 and 5.4.6.” is corrected to:

“Prior to each dialogue round, the Tenderer must prepare a written dialogue submission which is to form the basis of the dialogue at the meetings. The written dialogue submission is requested to be organized so it can serve as an agenda for the dialogue meeting, see clauses 5.4.3 and 5.4.6.” Tenderers shall also submit the details of their proposed attendees for the dialogue meetings, including name, position, and role in the organization, no later than 4 working days prior to the dialogue meeting.”

Addition to BUT 5.4.1 (General):

At the end of 5.4.1, the following is added:

”A Dialogue Meeting Notice with further details of the practical arrangements will be published on the Supplier Portal not later than Friday 12th February.”

Addition to BUT 5.4.3 (The Tenderers' written dialogue submission for the first dialogue round):

At the end of section 5.4.3, the following is added:

”Supplementary topics:

If the Tenderers wish to discuss supplementary topics at the first dialogue round, the Tender- ers are to submit an appropriate description of the relevant aspects. Maximum 2000 words/6 pages.”


Correction to BUT 5.4.4 (Preliminary structure of the first dialogue round):

“Day 1:

Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-10.15 General presentation of the Tenderer's project 10.15-10.30 Break 10.30-12.30 Topic 1/2 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 1/2 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2 16.15-17.00 Summary

Day 2:

Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-09.45 Summary, day 1 09.45-10.00 Break 10.00-12.30 Topic 3/4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 3/4 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 3/4 16.15-17.00 Summary “ is corrected to:

“Day 1:

Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-10.15 General presentation of the Tenderer's project 10.15-10.30 Break 10.30-12.30 Topic 4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 1/2 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2 16.15-17.00 Summary


Day 2:

Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-09.45 Summary, day 1 09.45-10.00 Break 10.00-12.30 Topic 3/4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 3/4 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2/3/4 or supplemen- tary topics that the bidders wish to discuss 16.15-17.00 Summary “

Særlige betingelser (SB): No additions or corrections.

Særlig arbejdsbeskrivelse/Special Work Specification (SAB/SWS):

Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section 2.3.3 (Cross sections): “

Expressway on the high Central reserve of 0.60 m SWS01-00-2.3-070 MR” bridge 2 inner hard strips of 0.50 m each 4 lanes of 3.50 m each 2 external hard strips of 0.50 m each (designated emergency zone) 2 shoulders of 1.00 m each (designat- ed emergency zone)

Is replaced with:

Expressway on the high Central reserve of 0.60 m SWS01-01-2.3-070 MR” bridge 2 inner hard strips of 0.50 m each 4 lanes of 3.50 m each 2 external hard strips of 0.50 m each (designated emergency zone) 2 shoulders of 1.00 m each (designat- ed emergency zone) 3)

Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section (Pavement design criteria):


“The design speed for pavement calculations for roundabouts and adjacent SWS01-00-2.3-610 MR” roads at the distance of 50 shall be 5-20 km/h.

Is replaced with:

“The design speed for MMOPP pavement calculations shall be 5-20 SWS01-01-2.3-610 MR” km/h for roundabouts and T-junctions, and adjacent roads for a dis- tance of 50m from the yield line of a T-junction or roundabout.


Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section (Pavement design criteria)

“Table 2-9A Expected Æ10 loads for the expressway and all other roads SWS01-00-2.3-620 MR

Roads/Sections Æ10 load for each direction in million Æ10 axles The expressway from the round- 5.04 about at Skibbyvej to Ny Landerslevvej junction The expressway from the Ny 7.92 Landerslevvej junction to the east end of the works Realigned Skibbyvej south 6.06 (Route 53) Realigned Østergaardsvej 0.53 Onsvedvej 0.53 Roundabout – Skibbyvej 6.11 Realigned Skibbyvej north 2.04 (Route 53) Ny Landerslevvej 6.20 Connector road NE – Ny 7.43 Landerslevvej Connector road NW – Ny 3.72 Landerslevvej Connector road SE – Ny 7.43 Landerslevvej Connector road SW – Ny 3.72 Landerslevvej Roundabout – Ny Landerslevvej 11.15 north Roundabout – Ny Landerslevvej 7.43 south Mejerigårdsvej (Bridle path) 0.00 Park and ride facility - Ny 0.27 Landerslevvej Roundabout - Ny Landerslevvej / 9.29 Lyngerupvej Realigned Lyngerupvej 5.97 Tørslevvej 0.13 Gammel Færgegårdsvej 0.13 Extension of Svanevænget 0.13 Connector road NE – Marbækvej 1.95 Connector road Ramp NW – 2.21 Marbækvej Connector road SE – Marbækvej 1.95


Connector road SW – Marbækvej 2.21 Roundabout – Marbækvej north 4.16 Roundabout – Marbækvej south 2.21 Marbækvej - north of the south- 2.29 ern roundabout Marbækvej - south of the south- 0.13 ern roundabout Paved access road No 1. 0.53 Access roads No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0.13 9, 10 Access roads No. 2 and 3 (Bridle n.a. paths) Cycle paths including crossings n.a. Bus bays T4 Passing bays T3 Vehicle turning areas n.a. “

Is replaced with:

“Table 2-9A Expected Æ10 loads for the expressway and all other roads SWS01-01-2.3-620 MR

Roads/Sections Æ10 load for each direction in million Æ10 axles The expressway from the round- 5.04 about at Skibbyvej to Ny Landerslevvej junction The expressway from the Ny 7.92 Landerslevvej junction to the east end of the works Realigned Skibbyvej south 6.06 (Route 53) Realigned Østergaardsvej 0.53 Onsvedvej 0.53 Roundabout – Skibbyvej 6.11 Realigned Skibbyvej north 2.04 (Route 53) Ny Landerslevvej 6.20 Connector road NE – Ny 7.43 Landerslevvej Connector road NW – Ny 3.72 Landerslevvej Connector road SE – Ny 7.43 Landerslevvej Connector road SW – Ny 3.72


Landerslevvej Roundabout – Ny Landerslevvej 11.15 north Roundabout – Ny Landerslevvej 7.43 south Mejerigårdsvej (Bridle path) 0.00 Park and ride facility - Ny 0.27 Landerslevvej Roundabout - Ny Landerslevvej / 9.29 Lyngerupvej Realigned Lyngerupvej 5.97 Tørslevvej 0.13 Gammel Færgegårdsvej 0.13 Extension of Svanevænget 0.13 Connector road NE – Marbækvej 1.95 Connector road Ramp NW – 2.21 Marbækvej Connector road SE – Marbækvej 1.95 Connector road SW – Marbækvej 2.21 Roundabout – Marbækvej north 4.16 Roundabout – Marbækvej south 2.21 Marbækvej - north of the south- 2.29 ern roundabout Marbækvej - south of the south- 0.13 ern roundabout Paved access road No 1. 0.53 Access roads No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0.13 9, 10 Access roads No. 2 and 3 (Bridle n.a. paths) Cycle paths including crossings T1 Bus bays T4 Passing bays T3 Vehicle turning areas T2 “


Correction to SWS 01 – Design (Pavement design software)

“For the design of pavement using hydraulically bound base, course the SWS01-00-2.3-690 PMR asphalt layers shall be a minimum thickness of 150 mm. ”

Is replaced with:

“For the design of pavement, if the adjusted result of the MMOPP2013 SWS01-01-2.3-690 PMR calculation for the asphalt layers using hydraulically bound base ” course is less than 150 mm, the thickness of the layers shall be in- creased to a minimum of 150 mm.

Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section (Thickness of pavement layers for areas in which traffic data is not available):

“Pavement layers for areas for which no Æ10 loads are provided shall be SWS01-00-2.3-700 PMR designed in accordance with the requirements of Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 Minimum pavement thickness Roads/Sections Pavement layers Type of wear- ing course Access roads No. 2 and No. 3 Unbound base course – 200 Unbound base (Bridle paths) mm course Sub-base – 300 mm Cycle paths including crossings Soft asphalt (PA) – 20 mm PA Hot mix gravel (GAB 0) – 80 mm Unbound base course – 200 mm Sub-base – 300 mm Vehicle turning areas PA – 20 mm PA Hot mix gravel (GAB 0) – 80 mm Unbound base course – 200 mm Sand and Gravel Sub-base – 300 mm

“ Is replaced with:

“Pavement layers for areas for which no Æ10 loads are provided shall be SWS01-01-2.3-700 PMR designed in accordance with the requirements of Table 2-11.


Table 2-11 Minimum pavement thickness Roads/Sections Pavement layers Type of wear- ing course Access roads No. 2 and No. 3 Unbound base course – 200 Unbound base (Bridle paths) mm course with Sub-base – 300 mm filler 3 cm layer (sten- mel) on top

Central reserve on Expressway Unbound base course (SG) Unbound with exception of section be- – The thickness shall be base course tween approx. chainage 5.200 equal to the cumulative and the eastern end of the High thickness of the unbound Bridge base course layer and bitu- minous layers designed for the carriageway lanes.

Sand and Gravel Sub-base (BL II) - The thickness shall be equal to the thickness of the Sub- base layer spread under- neath the carriageway traffic lanes. Please also refer to require- ment ID SWS01-00-2.3-720. Shoulders on the following roads: Unbound base course (SG) Unbound - Expressway – the thickness shall be base course - Expressway at the tolling area equal to the cumulative - Tørslev Hage from approximate thickness of the Unbound chainage 5.200 to the high bridge base course layer and bitu- - Skibbyvej minous layers designed for - Marbækvej (north to junction) the carriageway lanes. - Ny Landerslevvej - Tørslevvej Sand and Gravel Sub-base - Lyngerupvej (BL II) - Two-way connector roads - The thickness shall be equal - One-way connector roads to the thickness of the Sub- base layer designed for the carriageway plus additional sub base (BL II) to compen- sate for asphalt thickness in the shoulder. Shoulders on the following roads: Sand and Gravel Sub-base Sand and - Onsvedvej and Østergårdsvej (BL II) Gravel Sub- - Gammel Færgegårdsvej - the thickness shall be equal base - Marbækvej south to the cumulative thickness


- Svanevænget, of the all pavement layers - All cycle paths, designed for the carriageway - All vehicle turning areas, lanes. - All access roads

For the definitions of SG and BL II, refer to GWS General Work Speci- fication (GWS) – Sand and Gravel Sub-base (Almindelig Ar- bejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) – Bundsikring af sand og grus) and General Works Specification (GWS) – Unbound Base Course (Almindelig Ar- bejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) – Stabilt grus).”

Addition to SWS 01 – Design, after section 3.3.6 (Reopening of Mademose Å): After requirement ID SWS01-00-3.3-1110, the following is added:

“3.3.7 Casings, piping and hydrants for field irrigation systems

The Contractor shall relocate, design and provide casings for field SWS01-00-3.3-1120 PMR irrigation. The scope comprises but is not limited to the following:

 Existing field irrigation shall be relocated into new casings and SWS01-00-3.3-1130 PMR piping.

 The Contractor shall dismantle, design and relocate or remove SWS01-00-3.3-1140 PMR existing field irrigation hydrants.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination of the reloca- SWS01-00-3.3-1150 PMR” tion works with the landowners.

Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section 4.2.20 (Bearings):

“All bearings for the High Bridge shall be spherical and the same type. SWS01-00-4.2-1400 PMR”

Is replaced with:

“All bearings for the High Bridge shall be spherical and from the same sup- SWS01-01-4.2-1400 PMR” plier /manufacturer.


Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section 4.6.1 (High Bridge):

“Anchors and couplers for pre-stressed reinforcement shall be avoided in SWS01-00-4.6-080 MR” areas with high voltage variations. No more than half of tension force shall be transferred through couplers in any given section.

Is replaced with:

“Anchors and couplers for prestressed reinforcement shall be avoided in SWS01-01-4.6-080 MR” areas with high stress variations. No more than half of tension force shall be transferred through couplers in any given section.

Addition to SWS 01 – Design, Appendix 1, Section 2.3.3 (Ice load):

After requirement ID SWS01-A1-00-2.3-220, the following is added:

“Ice loading shall be considered at any water level between MWL plus SWS01-A1-00-2.3- PMR” the sea level rise allowance, and MWL. 222

Addition to SWS 01 – Design, Appendix 1, Section (Ship impact):

After requirement ID SWS01-A1-00-2.3-400, the following is added:

“For the purposes of deriving ship impact load patterns, the Roskilde SWS01-A1-00-2.3- PMR Fjord shall be classified as a sea waterway. The design vessel shall 402 be considered to have an overall length of 40 metres.

Ship impact loading shall be considered at any water level between SWS01-A1-00-2.3- PMR” HAT plus the sea level rise allowance, and LAT. 407

Addition to SWS01 – Design, Appendix 3, Section 1 (Definitions):



“Employer's Supervisor means the supervisor representing the Employer on site (Bygherretilsyn).”


“Engineered formwork system means formwork that is built out of pre- fabricated modules with a metal frame and covered on the application (concrete) side with material ( boards) having the desired surface structure (steel, aluminum, timber, etc.).”

Correction to SWS 05 – Earthworks, Section 5.4.1 (General):

“In connection with spoil piling of soil, a filling coefficient of 1.0 shall be SWS05-00-5.4-020 MR” applied.

Is replaced with:

“In connection with spoil piling of soil, a bulking factor of 1.0 shall be SWS05-01-5.4-020 MR” applied.

Correction to SWS 21 – Scaffolding and Formwork, Section 1. (General):

“Inspection level for scaffolding and formwork above roads that remain in SWS21-00-1.0-030 PMR” operation shall be in accordance with ‘Approval and examination’ (‘Godkendelse og granskning’).

Is replaced with:

“Inspection level for scaffolding and formwork shall be ‘Approval with SWS21-01-1.0-030 PMR” examination’(‘Godkendelse med granskning’), as described in the ‘Supervision handbook for concrete formwork and scaffolding’ (‘Til- synshåndbog for støbestilladser’).

Correction to SWS 21 – Scaffolding and Formwork, Section 1. (General):

“Specialised scaffolding and formwork shall be permitted for the High SWS21-00-1.0-080 PMR” Bridge, provided the procedures in the ‘Supervision handbook for concrete


formwork and scaffolding’ (‘Tilsynshåndbog for støbestilladser’) are ad- hered to. Inspection level for all specialised scaffolding shall be in accord- ance with the document ‘Approval with examination and control’ (‘Godken- delse med granskning og kontrol’).

Is replaced with:

“Specialised scaffolding and formwork shall be permitted for the High SWS21-01-1.0-080 PMR” Bridge, provided the procedures in the ‘Supervision handbook for concrete formwork and scaffolding’ (‘Tilsynshåndbog for støbestilladser’) are ad- hered to. Inspection level for all specialised scaffolding shall be ‘Approval with examination and control’ (‘Godkendelse med granskning og kontrol’), as described in Supervision handbook for concrete form- work and scaffolding’ (‘Tilsynshåndbog for støbestilladser’).

Correction to SWS 21 – Scaffolding and Formwork, Section 1.3.6 (Loads):

“In accordance with DS 482, Section 5.2, supplementary loads from the SWS21-00-1.3-140 MR” local accumulation of concrete, including and allowance for impact shall be assumed to be acting on an area of 3.0m x 3.0m. Accumulation loads shall be included regardless of the deck thickness and shall be counted as part of the total concrete load.

Is replaced with:

“In accordance with DS 2427, Section 5.2, supplementary loads from the SWS21-01-1.3-140 MR” local accumulation of concrete, including and allowance for impact shall be assumed to be acting on an area of 3.0m x 3.0m. Accumulation loads shall be included regardless of the deck thickness and shall be counted as part of the total concrete load.

Correction to SWS 21 – Scaffolding and Formwork, Section 2.2.2 (Slab formwork):

“High Bridge SWS21-00-2.2-040 PMR” For the High Bridge, forming boards (an engineered formwork system) shall be used.

Is replaced with:

“High Bridge SWS21-01-2.2-040 PMR” For the High Bridge, an engineered formwork system shall be used.


Correction to SWS 23 – Post Tensioned and Prestressed Reinforcement, Section 3.9 (Tensioning):

“Formwork for post-tensioned elements shall not be removed until 100% of SWS23-00-3.9-010 PMR” the compression strength has been achieved.

Is replaced with:

“Formwork for post-tensioned elements shall generally not be re- SWS23-01-3.9-010 PMR” moved until the concrete has reached the specified 28-day cylinder strength. In the case that verifications for the execution stages are carried out according to DS/EN 1992-2, 113.3.2 (101), (103) and (104), earlier removal of formwork is permitted. The value of k used in the verification shall be 0.9.

Addition to SWS24 – Concrete, Section 2.1.5 (High Bridge):

After requirement ID SWS24-00-2.1-100, the following is added:

“Admixtures in bored concrete piles and pilecaps shall be permitted SWS24-00-2.1-110 PMR” for the purpose of retaining adequate workability during casting, subject to compliance with the EFFC /DFI ‘Best Practice Guide to Tremie Concrete for Deep Foundations’ test methods for the charac- terisation of fresh concrete (Appendix A) and the acceptance criteria for selected test methods (Appendix B).

Correction to SWS 24 – Concrete, Section 3.2 (Tolerances):

“Piers: SWS24-00-3.2-030 PMR”

The position of the piers shall be within ±25 mm of the specified location in orthogonal directions.

Vertically, the pier shall be inclined at 1 in 1000 mm from the top of the foundation.

The levels shall be within ±15 mm of the specified level.

At any location, the position of the pier’s outer face shall vary by no more than 5 mm over any 3 m straight length.


Is replaced with:

“Piers: SWS24-01-3.2-030 PMR”

The position of the piers shall be within ±25 mm of the specified location in orthogonal directions. Vertically, the maximum gradient of bridge piers in relation to the vertical plane shall be 1 in 1000mm. The levels shall be within ±15 mm of the specified level. At any location, the position of the pier’s outer face shall vary by no more than 5 mm over any 3 m straight length.

Correction to SWS 24 – Concrete, Section 3.2 (Tolerances – High Bridge):

“Foundations: SWS24-00-3.2-040 PMR”

 In plan, the location of the pier shall be within ±50 mm of the specified location in orthogonal directions.  The levels shall be within ±25 mm of the specified level.

Is replaced with:

“Foundations SWS24-01-3.2-040 PMR”

 In plan, the locations of piles shall be within ±50 mm of the speci- fied locations in orthogonal directions.  The pile levels shall be within ±25 mm of the specified level.

Addition to SWS24 – Concrete, Section 4.5.1 (Tolerances – High Bridge): After requirement ID SWS24-00-4.5-040, the following is added:

“Concrete placed in bored concrete piles in a support fluid shall be SWS24-00-4.5-045 PMR” permitted, subject to the requirements of SWS20-00-3.7-150 in SWS 20 – Foundation.

Addition to SWS 31 – Other Bridge Related Works, after section 17.4 (Checking):

After requirement ID SWS31-00-17-4.0-020, the following is added:


“18 Road Pavements 18.1 General

The works shall include the following:

Delivery and installation of precast edge tiles, as shown in Figure 18.1 SWS31-00-18-18.1- PMR – 1 below, between the end of the edge beam and the foundations of 010 the safety barriers.

Figure 18.1 – 1: Installation of precast edge tiles

Proposed gully pot

Edge beam Front edge of safety barrier

Transition from road cross Edge tiles 625x625x70 section to bridge cross section Detail 5, 1:50 to be placed in dry to Drainage at bridge end stiff concrete

For road pavement outside of the structure, refer to SWS 07 – Sand and gravel sub-base, SWS 08 - Unbound base course and SWS 09 Hot mix asphalt.

18.2 Materials 18.2.1 Edge Tiles At the bridge ends, precast concrete edge tiles shall be placed. The SWS31-00-18-18.2- PMR dimensions of these shall be 625x625x70 mm. The concrete edge tiles 010 shall be CE-marked and produced in accordance with DS/EN 1339.

18.3 Execution


18.3.1 Edge tiles The concrete edge tiles shall be placed on their edge, lining up with SWS31-00-18-18.3- PMR the inner edge of the edge beam as shown in Figure 18.1-1 above. The 010 ” edge tiles shall be set in dry to stiff concrete and shall be subject to the acceptance of the Employer’s Supervisor.

Tilbuds- og afregningsgrundlag (TAG): No additions or corrections.

Tilbudsliste (TBL): No additions or corrections.

Udbudsbetalingsplan: No additions or corrections.

IKT specifikation: No additions or corrections.

Tegninger/Drawings: No additions or corrections.

Models: No additions or corrections.

Other data files: Geophysical data files will be made available on the Supplier Portal.

Disclaimer: The Geophysical data files form part of the Information Room and as such constitute non- contractual documents. None of the information in a non-contractual document will constitute a con- tract or any part of a contract with Tenderers. The Employer reserves the right to supplement, with- draw and amend the non-contractual information room documents at any time during the tender peri- od. The Employer, its respective advisors, consultants, contractors, servants and/or agents will be under no liability for any error, misstatement or omission in the information room documents.


Document list:

The document list has been updated to Rev. 5 and this will be made available on the Supplier Portal.


14210.001, Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund Bilag til rettelsesblad 05 Appendix to Correction Sheet 05

Tender Queries:

Vejdirektoratet has received the following queries on the tender material for the above-mentioned tender. The queries and their accompanying answers appear below:

RET = Rettelsesblad/ Correction Sheet.

Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

1. According to the Document list the following docu- This document and model will be made RET 1 No ment should be available for download, but we available on the Supplier Portal. cannot find it on the VD webpage. Please advice when these document will be available.

- dokument 1.4.9 - Principiel tilladelse til etablering af midlertidig arbejdshavn i forbindelse med etable- ring af ny motortrafikvej i Roskilde Fj

- dokument 3.3.30 - Miljø


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

2. The following document does not seem to appear Bidders are referred to item number 1.2.4 RET 1 No on the Document List. Please advice if or where on the Document List. this document is to be placed on the document list.

- Kvalitets-og miljøledelseskrav til totalentrepriser - 14210.001

3. According to the document list, some of the docu- Bidders are advised that the service trans- RET 1 No ment should also be available in English as a ser- lations for the following documents will be vice translation. As far as we can see the following made available on the Supplier Portal. document does not appear to be translated as of yet. Please advice when we can expect the follow- ing documents to be available in English.  Special Conditions (SB) - 1.1.2 - Special conditions (SB)  Pricing document (TBL)  Method of measurement (TAG) - 1.1.3 - Pricing document (TBL)

- 1.1.6 - Method of measurement (TAG) There will be no service translations made available for the other documents. - 1.5.1 - Water protocol (Vandsynsportokol)

- 1.6.2 - ICT description (IKT beskrivelse)

4. In several documents a reference to a payment Bidders are advised that this document will RET 1 No plan is mentioned, e.g. SB, ad § 2, stk. 2, item F be made available on the Supplier Portal "Udkast til betalingsplan af 4. december 2015". with this addendum. Could VD please clarify where we can find this payment plan (udbudsbetalingsplan).

5. Can you provide us with the Inroads/ NovaPoint The relevant Inroads files will be made RET 1 No road model files (DTM, ALG) for all roads within available to bidders on the Supplier Portal. In relation to the DTM files, bidders are


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

the project? referred to the 3D road geometry model.

6. Can you provide us with the 3D alignment for the Bidders are referred to the previous re- RET 1 No high bridge, it has been left out in the digital road sponse to Tender Query 005. The files alignment file (14210_0200_8200_f4.cl.dgn)? The made available will allow generation of the pdf drawings showing the same are also missing 3D alignment for all roads including the but they are shown in the list expressway.

7. Can you provide us with English service transla- Bidders can see new service translations in RET 1 No tions of the Danish national annexes if you have the updated Document list these available?

8. Can you clarify the thickness of the boundary to The bidder is requested to clarify the exact RET 1 No apply in the tidal and splash zone nature of the query. Bidders are referred to for the high bridge (see SWS01-00-4.6-040)? SWS-24 Concrete in relation to require- ments for cover to reinforcement.

9. Will all bridge specific annexes and guidelines be Bidders are referred to the previous re- RET 2 No translated in to English? sponse to Tender Query 007 and the up- dated Document List. These documents will be uploaded as they become available.

All documents that are currently available are on the Vejregler website: http://english- vejreg- ler.lovportaler.dk/SearchResult.aspx?t=%2f V1%2fNavigation%2fVejreglerEnglish%2fC onstruc- tion+and+planning%2fBridges+and+Highw ay+Structures%2fEurocodes%2f


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

10. We urge Vejdirektoratet to consider postponing Bidders are referred to the new programme RET 2 Yes – see correc- the deadline for delivering material for the first provided as part of this correction sheet. tions in RET 2 dialogue meeting for 4 weeks (subsequently also the dialogue meetings). Can that be accomplis- hed?

11. Regarding BUT, Theme 1 in the first dialogue Bidders are referred to the models and data RET 2 No meeting: made available as part of the Information Vejdirektoratet has, in accordance with our beliefs, Room in relation to the calculation of quan- stated that the tenders cost for tendering are to be tities. No additional data will be made minimized and that the tender process has been available by the Employer. designed with that in mind. Hence, we urge Vejdirektoratet to make the quantities from the illustrative design available for the tenders (no liability). It will reduce the cost for all 5 tenders as neither will have to derive quantities form the same models with the sole purpose of verifying Vejdirektoratets price. We kindly ask Vejdirektoratet please, to make the quantities from the illustrative design available.

12. When will DRD publicize changes to the tender The DRD expects to publicize an updated RET 1 No material after the first dialogue round? version of the Tender Material approxi- mately 2 weeks after the last meeting in the first dialogue round.

13. We ask Vejdirektoretet, please to supply XML files These files will be made available to bid- RET 2 Yes – see correc- for all road alignments in order for the tenders to ders as soon as possible. tions in RET 2 increase the quality of our assessment of quanti- ties. Vejdirektoratet has previously made XML files available in amongst others the Herning - Holstebro tender.


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

14. All annex' (bilag) to the Vandsynsprotokol seems For the annex ’Godkendelse i henhold til RET 3 Yes – see correc- to be missing. Please forward these annex'. Miljøbeskyttelsesloven §§ 28, Frederiks- tions in RET 3 sund Kommune’, bidders are referred to the Document List, items 1.4.8-1.4.15.

The remaining annexes will be made avail- able on the Supplier Portal.

15. Under interim deadline 2a [of the SB] a reference It is confirmed that there are only 4 appen- RET 3 Yes – see correc- to Appendix 5 in SWS - Design is mentioned, con- dices to SWS01 – Design. Bidders are tions in RET 3 taining the Client's design packages. SWS01 - referred to section 3.2 of ’Quality and envi- Design only contains up to Appendix 4 (see page ronment management requirements for 151 in SWS01 - Design). Could VD please provide turnkey contracts, appendix to SWS Man- us with Appendix 5. agement and Cooperation (“Kvalitets- og Miljøledelseskrav til totalentrepriser, bilag til SAB Styring og Samarbejde") in relation to the design packages.

16. According to interim deadline 2a [of the SB] the Bidders are advised that interim deadline RET 3 No design packages for foundations and pillars have 2c only applies in relation to deviating to be submitted 8 months after contract signing ground conditions, as further set out in and according to interim deadline 2c the result of clause 15(4) of the SB. the geotechnical investigations for the high bridge have to be submitted after 12 months. In our in- terpretation there is conflict between these two interim deadlines as we need the result of the geotechnical investigations in order to complete the design for foundations and pillars, ie. 2c comes before 2a. Should the two interim dead- lines have been switched timewise or is interim deadline 2a only dealing with design for founda- tions and pillars for land-based bridges. Please clarify.


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

17. The partial sum of the percentages under HP1 Bidders are advised that a new version of RET 3 Yes – see correc- "Projektering" only add up to 50%, whereas in all the Udbudsbetalingsplan will be made tions in RET 3 other HP-groups they add up to 100%. Please available on the Supplier Portal. It should clarify. be noted that further changes form part of this document.

18. Please confirm that we have understood the fol- Bidders are referred to requirement IDs RET 3 No lowing correctly. Every single time we pass under SWS03-00-5.1-030 and SWS03-00-5.2-020 the transmission lines at st. 2.2 with a vehicle in SWS03-Arbejdsplads, as well as section taller than 3m we have to call the owner of the 9 of SWS 02 – Styring og Samarbejde. transmission line, even though we have estab- lished portals for protection of the transmission The Employer and the utility owner have line? agreed the permanent situation, which is to be in accordance with the alignment re- This might be many times a day and from 6am to quirements shown on Definition Design 18pm. Drawing no. 14210-5028.

What happens if we cannot get hold of the owner of the transmission line?

How does the Client and/or the owner entend to handle semi-permanent works, like excavation and building up of the road, underneath the transmission linis?

How does the Client and/or owner entend to han- dle the permanent situation with normal traffic taller than 3m passes under the transmission lines?

19. According to SAB03-1.5.1 (p.2) contract It is assumed for the purposes of this query RET 3 Yes – see correc- 14210.100 being the road for ch. 8.200-9.100 is that the bidder is referring to contract tion in RET 3 complete Nov. 2017, however according to 14210.200. Bidders are referred to the up- SAB03- (p.11) access to the same road is dated version of requirement ID SWS03-


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

stated as being Nov. 2016 (access to site), being 00-1.5-010 in Section 1.5 of SWS 03 - Ar- one year before. Please clarify. bejdsplads (SWS 03 – Worksite) provided as part of this correction sheet. In case this access road (ch. 8.200-9.100) is not ready before Nov. 2017, how do the Contractor get access to the site compound at Freder- ikssundsvej and the complete site area between Marbækvej and Roskilde Fjord already in Nov. 2016 (which is necessary) when Marbækvej is not allowed for heavy traffic. Please clarify.

20. In "SWS01 - Design" it is given in Clause 4.2.11 For rates to be used in design, RET 3 No that "The design shall allow for a sacrificial thick- bidders are referred to Section 1.1 of Gen- ness for the designated design life of the struc- eral Work Specification (GWS) - Founda- ture. No corrosion protection shall be provided". tion (Almindelig Arbejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) Betonbro – Fundering). The Employer is kindly asked to inform which corrosion rates shall be used for sheet pile walls (design life 120 yrs) as these can not be found in the SWS's.

21. The SWS specifications and the definition draw- Bidders are referred to the new require- RET 4 Yes - see correc- ings do not define the Highest Astronomical Tide, ment IDs SWS01-A1-00-2.2-030 and tion in RET 4 Mean Sea Level or the Lowest Astronomical Tide. SWS01-A1-00-2.2-040 in Appendix 1 of The information is provided in the document SWS01 – Design, which are provided as 14210-ARP-TN-CM-XX-00001. Kindly confirm that part of this correction sheet. these are the levels to be taken for the project.

22. The SWS specifications and the definition draw- Bidders are referred to the response to RET 4 No ings do not outline the sea level rise which is to be Tender Query 021. used in the project to account for climate change over the service life of the bridge. The document 14210-DHI-RP-CM-22-00001 outlines a study which was done but no definite value is given.


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

Kindly confirm the maximum sea level rise which is to be accounted for during the 120 serivce life of the bridge. Currently the report gives values to year 2100.

23. In Clause SWS01-00-4.3-1200 it states that the The minimum clearance requirements de- RET 4 No navigation clearance is to be +22.2 DRV90. Kindly fined in requirement ID SWS01-00-4.3- confirm that this clearance takes allowance for the 1200 of SWS01- Design are confirmed and future sea level rise. no additional sea level rise needs to be taken into account.

24. Clarification of query no. 8 answered in RET1: Bidders are referred to the updated version RET 3 Yes- see correc- of requirement IDs SWS01-00-4.6-040, tions in RET 3 In Clause SWS01-00-4.6-040 it is stated than SWS01-00-4.6-050 and SWS01-00-4.6-060 stainless steel is to be provided between the tidal in Section 4.6.1 of SWS01 – Design pro- zone and splash zone of the piers. In clause vided as part of this correction sheet. SW01-00-4.6-070 it is stated that stainless steel shall be provided as skin friction. Kindly clarify The term ‘skin friction’ is not used any- further the boundary section thickness in which where in the tender documentation. It stainless steel is to be placed and what is intend- should be noted that the Contractor shall ed by the term skin friction. determine as part of his design the required cover and type of reinforcement within the requirements of section 4.6.1.

25. Kindly confirm that it is the aesthetic intention that Bidders are advised that it is not a particu- RET 3 Yes see correc- the integral piers in the high bridge will not have a lar requirement to have a cross tie beam. tions in RET 3 cross tie. Therefore some piers will have one and Bidders are referred to the additional re- others will not as per definition drawing 14210- quirement ID SWS01-00-4.3-505 in Table 21416-050 4-5 of SWS 01 – Design, which forms part of this correction sheet.

26. Clause SWS01-00-4.5-030 of SWS01 Design Bidders are referred to the updated ver- RET 3 Yes – see correc- states that the edge beams are permitted to be sions of requirement IDs SWS01-00-4.5- tion in RET 3 precast concrete. However clause SWS01-00-4.3- 030 and SWS01-00-4.5-450 in Section


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

1320 states that a longitudinal construction joints 4.5.1 of SWS01 – Design, and requirement between the deck slab and edge beam for rein- ID SWS01-00-4.3-450 in section 4.3 of forced concrete construction is not permitted. SWS01 – Design provided as part of this Additionally in SWS01-00-4.3-450 it is stated that correction sheet. no visible construction joints shall be allowed at the edge beam face. Kindly confirm that all of these clauses are correct.

27. In the Geotechnical Factual Report we find CPT Bidders are referred to the AGS files made RET 3 No data included as printouts in the pdf. available on the Supplier Portal to access the digital version of the CPT and other Can CPT raw data (recordings) be provided digi- geotechnical factual data in digital format. tally ?

Document 1.3.6 - Report 1; Rev 1.0; Geotechnical Factual Report by GEO. Geo Project No. 38042 2015-05-05

- Enclosure 1D.01 (Borehole Logs)

- Appendix 1D.I (Interpreted CPT Logs)

28. Yesterday [15.07.2016] we received the mail at- It is confirmed that no new or revised Ten- RET 3 No tached below regarding new documents on the der Documents were uploaded on the 15th DRD portal. When activating the imbedded link, January 2016. Please disregard this notifi- no new documents do however appear. cation, which was due to some minor text updates on the webpage.

29. Topic 2 for the first dialogue meeting, regarding Bidders are referred to sections 4.2 and RET 3 No optimized design: It is our understanding that the 4.3 of the Bestemmelser om Udbud og optimized design for “High Bridge” and “Other Tilbud (Instructions to Tenderers) Structures” are clearly linked to our status in the (BUT/ITT) in relation to the status of mini- Compliance matrix with regard to the “PMR’s”. mum requirements, preliminary minimum Can you elaborate on your expectations to, what


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

role the solving of status for the PMR’s in the requirements and requirements. Compliance Matrix is to have in the dialogue meeting? Bidders are referred to section 5.4 of the BUT/ITT in relation to the written submis- sion requirements for themes 1 and 2 as well as the focus for themes 1 and 2 for the dialogue meetings.

30. In SWS-Design table 2-3 "Requirements for Bidders are referred to the updated version RET 4 Yes – see correc- roundabouts" the minimum radius for the central of requirement ID SWS01-00-2.3-270 pro- tion in RET 4 islands of the roundabouts are specified. A review vided as part of this correction sheet. of the expropriated areas has shown that very little space is left for the actual drivable road area. Is it possible that the amounts shown in table 2-3 are the diameter of the roundabouts instead of radius?

31. SAB 03-Workplace, section 1.6.3, describes the The current status of the archeological RET 4 No excavation of the archaeological investigations, works is that the preliminary archeological which should be finished before the start of the investigations are ongoing on the western- work. The requirement SWS02-00-3.1-660 de- most part of the site and are expected to be scribes the archaeological work on the west side complete in spring 2016. Bidders may as- of the fjord, which will start early 2017, which is sume that all archeological investigations after the start of the execution work November 1st and excavations will be completed on the 2016. If these descriptions are correctly under- areas made available to the Contractor at stood, they are thought to be in conflict with each contract start in accordance with Definition other, could VD please clarify this? Design Drawing no.14210-9004. Bidders may assume that the remaining areas will be made available no later than end of March 2017.

The requirements in SAB02-Styring og Samarbejde and SAB03-Arbejdsplads will


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

be updated before the publishing of the final tender documents based on the status of the archeological investigations at that time.

32. In SWS 0.1 - Design Section, a require- Bidders are referred to the updated re- RET 4 Yes – see correc- ment states that the ABB layer on the express- quirement ID SWS01-00-2.3-660 provided tion in RET 4 way, connector roads and roundabouts should be as part of this correction sheet. placed with the following quantity: 150km / m3 (50 mm). The unit "150 km / m3" is believed to be a mistake and it is therefore desired to be clarified?

33. Where is the approved 'klappeplads' in the Katte- Bidders are advised that the klapplads RET 4 No gat? (disposal site) is Hundested Klapplads (ap- proximate coordinates (WGS 84): 56°03,372' N, 11°53,964' E).

The klapningstilladelse (dumping permit) will be made available on the Supplier Por- tal when received from Naturstyrelsen.

34. Any form-bearing scaffolding: A. Bidders are referred to the updated ver- RET 5 Yes – see correc- sions of requirement IDs SWS21-00-1.0- tion in RET 5 A. If there is no traffic under the construction, must 030 and SWS21-00-1.0-080 in SWS21- the inspection handbook for formwork scaffolding Scaffolding and Formwork provided as then be followed? part of this correction sheet. Bidders are also referred to requirement ID SWS21- B. If the inspection handbook for formwork scaf- folding must be followed, can the contractor in that 00-0.0-010. Bidders should note that case select the assessor? And is the contractor these requirements constitute Prelimi- therefore also responsible for the approval of the nary Minimum Requirements (PMRs). scaffolding project by 3rd parties? B. Bidders are referred to section 1.7.1 of


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

SWS01-Design, in particular require- ment ID SWS01-00-1.7-070.

35. Who establishes and maintains the Project ? It is confirmed that the Projectweb will be RET 4 No The client or the contractor? established and maintained by the Employ- er.

36. Are there any requirements for the Project web? Bidders are referred to the previous re- RET 4 No sponse to TQ035.

37. Is the Danish Road Directorate going to provide Bidders are referred to the previous re- RET 4 No any further English service translation of tender sponses to TQ003 and TQ009. It is con- documents? And, if this is the case, of which doc- firmed that no further English service trans- uments, and when? lations will be made available.

38. Document 1.1.5 of Document List, namely "Con- The Contract Document (Totalentreprisek- RET 4 Yes – see correc- tract Document", is marked as "Available at later ontrakt) will be made available to bidders tion in RET 4 stage". Could you inform us about when this doc- on the Supplier Portal. ument will be made available?

39. Reference is made to.alg files which have been Bidders are advised that all Inroads files RET 4 No published on the Supplier Portal with Correction have been issued for information only and sheet/Supplementary notice Nr. 2. These files there is no conversion issue. All vertical contain vertical profiles with parabolic curves ra- curve detailed design shall be carried out in ther than circular curves, as it would be usual in accordance with Section 6.3 of ‘Handbook, Denmark. Is this a conversion issue, so the de- Layout in Open Country (Håndbog, Tra- signed values should be circular, or are the verti- céring i Åbent Land)’. cals intentionally designed with parabolic curves?


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

40. In case there are discrepancies between the com- It should be noted that the purpose of the RET 4 No pliance matrix and the different documents re- Compliance Matrix is to identify the Bidder's ferred to in the Compliance matrix. Which are we compliance with the requirements of the to consider correct? tender documents and that it only contains requirement IDs.

From an contractual point of view, we know that the Compliance matrix out rank i.e. the SWS’es, In case of any discrepancy, bidders are however we believe that in some cases, the in- referred to the document hierarchy in SB formation given in the tender documents may in ad § 2, stk. 2. fact be the correct one.

41. Full application and full permissions, including It is assumed that the bidder is referring to RET 4 Yes – see correc- enclosures are needed [for Application of Excep- document no. 1.4.2 of the document list tion in RET 4 tion to the Nature Protection Act concerning pro- (Dispensation fra Naturbeskyttelseslovens tected areas related to the new Fjord link located §3 til nedlæggelse og påvirkning af §3 na- by Frederikssund] tur).

The permit and all appendices to the permit are available on the Supplier Portal and the application is included in appendix 1 (Bilag 1) of the permit. Some of the appendices to the application are missing, and these will be made available on the Supplier Portal.

42. Referring to PMR reference SWS01-0-1.8-010. Bidders are referred to the updated version RET 4 Yes – see correc- Does the 0.5ha requirement applies to all pilecaps of requirement ID SWS01-00-1.8-010 pro- tion in RET 4 and footings along the High Bridge, or only to vided as part of this correction sheet. those exposed pilecaps (i.e. seabed level below - 3.2m DVR90) within Roskilde Fjord.

43. Referring to PMR reference SWS01-00-4.3-450 Bidders are referred to the previous re- RET 4 No Please provide more detailed definition of a visible sponse to Tender Query 026 and the up-


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

construction joint. What concrete surface finishing dated requirement ID SWS01-01-4.3-450 in requirement is required for an invisible construc- Section 4.3 of SWS 01 – Design, provided tion joint? Is it permitted to apply external clad- as part of Rettelsesblad Nr. 3. dings to cover up the visible construction joints?

44. Referring to PMR reference SWS01-00-4.3-510, Bidders are advised that there is no re- RET 4 No please clarify whether the use of combination of quirement that restricts a combination of bearings and monolithic pier which belongs to the articulated and integral piers within one pier same pier shape group is permitted. option. Bidders are also referred to the previous response to Tender Query 025 in relation to this query.

45. Ship Impact Load as defined in SWS01, Appendix Bidders are referred to requirement ID RET 4 No 1, Section Table 2, Please define in which SWS03-00-1.0-010 in SWS03 – Ar- areas seabed level <-1.10m and seabed level >- bejdsplads. 1.10m shall be assumed. Relevant models have been made availa- ble as part of the Information Room Docu- ments. Bidders are reminded that Infor- mation Room Documents are non- contractual documents that are issued as a service to bidders and provide background information on the Fjord Link Frederikssund Project.

46. Iceload as defined SWS01, Appendix 1, Section Bidders are referred to requirement IDs RET 4 No 2.3.3 PMR reference SWS01-00-4.3-510. Please SWS01-A1-00-2.3-180 to SWS01-A1-00- define at which level Ice loading shall be assumed 2.3-240 inclusive in Section 2.3.3 of SWS01 - Design – Appendix 1; as well as the response to Tender Query 021 provid- ed as part of this correction sheet.

47. Please advise whether there is any highest and Bidders are referred to the response to RET 4 No lowest design sea level for the design of High Tender Query 021 provided as part of this


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

Bridge. correction sheet.

48. Referring to PMR reference SWS01-00-4.6-070. In relation to size requirements for stainless RET 4 No Please clarify whether there is any minimum or steel reinforcement, bidders are referred to maximum rebar size requirement for stainless General Work Specification (GWS) – Con- steel rebar. Please clarify whether the skin rein- crete (Almindelig Arbejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) forcement refers to outermost layer of rebar at the – Beton) and to General Work Specification pier section, or the outermost layer of rebar at (GWS) – Reinforcement (Almindelig Ar- each directions. bejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) – Slap armering), particularly the references in Section 1.1 of both of these documents.

Bidders should note that these references set out further requirements for the design of skin reinforcement (also known as sur- face reinforcement).

49. Can Vejdirektoratet provide dwg and/or dgn ver- Dgn files for the Illustrative Design Draw- RET 4 Yes – see correc- sions of the Illustrative Design Drawings – Struc- ings – Structures will be made available on tion in RET 4 tures. This will save time in the tender phase. the Supplier Portal as soon as possible.

50. Clause SWS01-00-4.3-080 refers to pre-stressed For the purposes of this response, it is as- RET 5 No reinforcement. Please clarify whether in this sumed that the bidder is referring to re- Clause for pre-stressed reinforcement it is in- quirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080 rather tended post-tensioned strand tendons as well as than -4.3-080. post-tensioned bars (f.ex. bars) Bidders are referred to the scope of Gen- eral Work Specifications (GWS) – Post tensioned and prestressed reinforcement (Almindelig Arbejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) – Spændt armering).


Nr. Query Answer Answer Tender Correcti- in Ret ons no.

51. Clause SWS01-00-4.3-030 refers to prestressed For the purpose of this response, it is as- RET 5 No reinforcement and prestressing steel. Please con- sumed that the bidder is referring to re- firm that in this Clause for prestressed reinforce- quirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-030, rather ment it is intended pre-tensioned strand tendons, than -4.3-030. Bidders are advised that and with prestressing steel it is intended both the referenced SWS should be read in con- post-tensioned strand tendons and post-tensioned junction with the corresponding GWS. Bid- bars, as well as pre-tensioned strand tendons . ders are also referred to the response to Tender Query 050.

52. As it can be understood from the two queries For the purpose of this response, it is as- RET 5 Yes – see correc- above, it appears that the words prestressed rein- sumed that the bidder is referring to claus- tion in RET 5 forcement in Clause SWS01-00-4.3-030 and pre- es SWS01-00-4.6-030 and SWS01-00-4.6- stressed reinforcement in Clause SWS01-00-4.3- 080. Please refer to the updated version of 080 are not used consistently. Please clarify. requirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080 provid- ed as part of this correction sheet.

Bidders are also referred to the response to Tender Query 050.

53. Please confirm that in Clause SWS01-00-4.3-080 For the purpose of this response, it is as- RET 5 Yes – see correc- for "high voltage" it is intended "high stress". sumed that the bidder is referring to re- tion in RET 5 Please clarify what is the criteria to define a "volt- quirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080. Please age/stress" as being high or low. refer to the updated version of requirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080 provided as part of this correction sheet.

The Contractor will be required to assess high stress variations as part of his design.

54. With reference to Clause SWS01-00-4.3-080 For the purpose of this response, it is as- RET 5 Yes – see correc- please clarify whether for "….any given section" it sumed that the bidder is referring to re- tion in RET 5 is intended only the sections in areas with high quirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080. We con- stress variations. firm the requirement ID SWS01-00-4.6-080, with reference to the correction provided as


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part of this correction sheet. The require- ment applies for any section, independent of stress variation.

55. Please confirm that the intention of Clause Bidders are referred to the correction to RET 5 Yes – see correc- SWS23-00-3.9-010 is to: requirement ID SWS23-00-3.9-010 provid- tion in RET 5 ed as part of this correction sheet. 1) not allow the removal of the formwork "before that the concrete strength has reached the 28- days value", rather than "before the day no.28";

2) not allow the removal of the formwork until the 100% of compressive strength is achieved, de- spite the compressive strength is suffient to allow the prestressing transfer and to withstand the selfweight load effects.

56. SWS01-00-4.3-1270 Figure 11 outlines the span We confirm that Figure 11 in requirement RET 5 No to depth ratio. Kindly confirm that the intention of ID SWS01-00-4.3-1270 defines the span- the graph is to define a span-depth of 1:21 for depth ratio as 21:1 for spans up to 73.5m, spans up to 73.5m and for spans greater than this and a maximum girder depth of 3.5m for the maximum depth permitted is 3.5m. spans longer than 73.5m.

57. SWS01-00-4.2-1400 States that bearings are to Bidders are referred to the updated re- RET 5 Yes – see correc- be of the "same type". Kindly confirm that this quirement ID SWS01-00-4.2-1400 provided tion in RET 5 statement relates to being from the same manu- as part of this correction sheet. facturer rather than all bearings having the same type of allowable articulation i.e fixed, guided, free

58. In SWS01, Section 7.2.5 it is given that the Con- The requirement SWS01-00-7.2-150 only RET 5 No tractor in his design of the retaining walls at applies for the retaining structure at Tørslev Tørslev Hage is to design it for 20 kN/m2 placed Hage. Bidders are referred to SWS 01 – Design – Appendix 1 for general requirements for


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on the terrrain behind the walls. applied loads for the design. This does not relieve the Contractor from Do the Contractor in his design of other structures, his responsibility for complying with loads in e.g. for the approach ramps (embankments) for accordance with all other requirements of the high bridge, need to consider any surface the Contract. loads applied to the terrain outside the roads?

59. In accordance with SWS01, Section 4.3.2 all per- Bidders are referred to requirement ID RET 5 No manent structures (exept one) shall be designed SWS01-00-4.1-020 in SWS 01 – Design, in in consequence class CC3 (KFI = 1.1) and reliabil- particular, Section 6.17 of the document ity class RC3. ‘Vejledning Til Belastnings- Og Beregnins- grundlag For Broer’, with regard to assign- Firstly, does the given consequence class also apply for temporary structures and permanent ing consequence classes to temporary structures in temporary stages or is the Contractor structures. Bidders should note that this is free to design these in CC2? a Preliminary Minimum Requirement (PMR). Secondly, the reatining wall at Tørslev Hage is also to be designed in CC3. The Contractor do not Bidders should also refer to Requirement understand the reason for this as the retaining IDs SWS21-00-1.3-010 and SWS21-00- wall in general has a low wall height, the soils are 1.3-020 in relation to this. not complex and there are no great risk for loss of human life or economic consequences. Are the The consequence classes in Table 4-3 of Employer willing to change it to CC2 for the retain- SWS 01 – Design remain as specified. ing wall at Tørslev Hage?

60. Can the digital data in the Employer´s inves- The digital data will be made available on RET 5 Yes – see correc- tiogation for the geophysical logging be delivered? the Supplier Portal. tion in RET 5

61. Reference to document ABT 93 - General Condi- As stated in ABT 93 and SB Re 8(2) the RET 5 No tions for Turnkey Contracts, article 8 "Insurance", Employer is self-insured. This means that it which states that "at the request of the contractor, is not possible to provide a copy of this the contractor or any sub-contractor shall be in- insurance. cluded as insured under the insurance policy [of


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the employer]". In case of a loss applicable under clause 8, Reference also to Re 8(2) of document "SB - Ser- the Employer itself will provide cover if all vicetranslation - 14210.001" which states that the requisite conditions are met. "The employer is self-insured. The cover provided for in clause 8(1) of ABT 93 in respect of the con- tractor and subcontractors, if any, is comprised by the self-insurance". May we kindly ask that the Danish Road Direc- torate to provide the bidders with copies of the applicable insurance(s)?

62. Reference to the Dialogue Topics listed in clause Bidders are referred to the correction to the RET 5 Yes – see correc- 5.3.4 of Instructions to Tenderers, and to the Pre- BUT provided as part of this correction tion in RET 5 liminary Structure of Dialogue Rounds set forth in sheet. clauses 5.4.4 and 5.4.7 of the same document, this is to ask if it would be possible to add other topics which the Tenderers may wish to discuss, and in such case how these additional topics should be dealt with for both submission and dia- logue purpose (for instance, would they be subject to any word/page limitation in the submission, and should the tenderer propose a revised structure of dialogue round to fit the additional topic(s)?).

63. Question concerning the award model. Under the The Employer will take the question into RET 5 No header 'Evaluation of the sub-criterion A - Price’ consideration after the first dialogue round VD mentions that the calculation model will be when the Employer has a better overview published after completion of the dialogue stage. of the indicative prices. This is to ensure However it would be appreciated to have an im- the most correct evaluation model. pression of the weighing of the documents B, C, D and E that have to be submitted in July. Therefore we kindly ask VD to define the calculation prior to the dialogue phases?


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64. The contractor would like a clarification on wheth- Bidders are referred to the updated re- RET 5 Yes – see correc- er the minimum asphalt thickness of 150 mm (Re- quirement ID SWS01-00-2.3-690 provided tion in RET 5 quirement SWS01-00-2.3-690) is with or without as part of this correction sheet. the 10 mm adjustment of the MMOPP2013 calcu- lation from Table 2-10 (Requirement SWS01-00- 2.3-650), or said otherwise; is the actual minimum asphalt thickness 150 or 160, given the MMOPP2013 requirement?

65. Nature Protection Act (Naturbeskyttelsesloven)§ 3 The Employer will be responsible for estab- RET 5 No determines the need to establish compensation lishing the compensation areas. for the loss of nature areas. Is it the contractor or client who should establish these? See also: 'Di- spensation fra Naturbeskyttelsesloven § 3 til ned- læggelse og påvirkning af §3 natur ved etablering af Ny Fjordforbindelse over Roskilde Fjord,' date August 20, 2015, see pages 1 and 2.

66. In SWS-Design, table 2-12, is the minimum The requirements of table 2.12 in SWS- RET 5 Yes – see correc- pavement thickness for the bicycle paths required Design are confirmed. tion in RET 5 to be 500 mm minimal. In table 2-11, of the same Bidders are referred to the updated version document, is the minimal pavement thickness of requirement IDs SWS01-00-2.3-620 and required to be 600 mm in total (20mm PA + 80mm SWS01-00-2.3-700 provided as part of this GAB + 200mm SG + 300 mm BL). Which of these correction sheet. thicknesses are correct?

67. No description of the general pavement in the In relation to the requirements for shoulder RET 5 Yes – see correc- middle reserve can be found. Could the client and central reserve pavement, bidders are tion in RET 5 please clarify if the middle reserve will be laid with referred to the updated version of require- top soil, or an SG pavement, and what pavement ment ID SWS01-00-2.3-700 provided as type/build-up is preferred for the section at Tørslev Hage part of this correction sheet.

For pavement on the central reserve at


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Tørslev Hage, bidders are referred to re- quirement IDs SWS01-00-2.3-080 and SWS01-00-2.3-720.

68. Drawing 14210-9004 contains areas at Bidders are advised that there will be no RET 5 No Onsvedvej, marked as temporary expropriated (At requirement to carry out works in these Onsved) and permanently expropriated (At the areas under the Contract. intersection between Onsvedvej and Tørslevvej). What works are carried out at these locations, and Enabling works under contract 14210.200 are they a part of this tender? will include an upgrade of the junction Tørslevvej-Onsvedvej, to improve access for construction traffic.

69. Regarding general requirement for bridge materi- Bidders are referred to requirement ID RET 5 No al: As we see the requirements it still leaves it SWS01-00-4.3-1180 in SWS01-Design and open to design something else than a concrete should note that this is a Minimum Re- bridge. Is this correctly understood. Please clarify? quirement (MR). Bidders are also referred to the Contract Notice II.1.5.

Requirement ID SWS01-00-4.3-1180 should be read in conjunction with the other relevant requirements of the Contract.

70. SWS05-Earthworks, §5.4.1. Could you please Bidders are referred to the updated re- RET 5 Yes – see correc- define the term "filling coefficient"? If possible with quirement ID SWS05-00-5.4-020 provided tion in RET 5 a formula. as part of this correction sheet.

71. SWS05-Earthworks, §7.1. In paragraph 7.1 you The Employer is still in the process of ob- RET 5 No refer to "§19 (Other Documents - Authority Ap- taining the §19 permit. This permit will be provals (Andre documenter - Myndighedsgodken- made available once obtained by the Em- delser))". We could not find that document. Could ployer. you tell us the title and/or name of the document


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on the document list or your web site or, in case it is not there, provide us with that document on short notice?

72. SWS03-00-1.0-030: This requirement states that Bidders should assume that the site RET 5 No the contractor has to comply with all protocols and boundaries are in accordance with the Def- requirements resulting from the expropriation, in inition Design Drawings for the purpose of so far as they relate to the design, construction their tender. It may also be assumed that, and completion of the works, but without knowing in the event of any changes to the tender these protocols and requirements. Can you give requirements as a result of the expropria- us some reasonable assumptions we can use for tion, these will be considered under clause our offer? 14 of the ABT93 and SB.

73. In many requirements it is stated that we have to In relation to the maximum time for review RET 5 No submit documents to the "Employer's Supervisor" of the Employer’s Supervisor, bidders are prior to the realization. After submitting the Em- referred in particular to “Kvalitets- og ployer's Supervisor has to approve the document. miljøledelseskrav til Totalentrepriser”. This Can you indicate a standard procedure with the does not relieve the Contractor from his maximum number of days for the Employer's Su- responsibility for complying with time limits pervisor to answer? And if the maximum number in accordance with all other requirements of of days to respond depends on the requirement, the Contract. please indicate per requirement the maximum response time. Can you indicate which criteria the Employer's Supervisor will use for approval? "

74. Reg. SWS20-00-2.3-010: Could you explain to Bidders are referred to section 2.3 of Gen- RET 5 No what inspection document you refer? eral Work Specification (GWS) Concrete Bridge – Foundation (Almindelig Ar- bejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) Betonbro – Funder- ing).

75. Reg. SWS20-00-3.6-090 : Could you please de- Bidders are referred to requirement ID RET 5 No fine the term "hard pile driving"? SWS20-00-1.1-050 in Section 1.1 of SWS


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20 – Foundation.

76. Reg. SWS20-00-3.7-150 & SWS24-00-4.5-040: Bidders are referred to the new require- RET 5 Yes – see correc- The mentioned requirement in SWS20 seems to ment ID SWS24-00-4.5-045 provided as tion in RET 5 allow Tremie pipes under water and requirement part of this correction sheet. in SWS24 does not allow this. Can you explain this?

77. Reg. SWS20-00-4.5-040 : This requirement de- The bidder may assume the following: RET 5 No scribes that the core recovery has to be 100%. in the event that core recovery below the What if this is not the case, but we do comply with pile base is <100%, geophysical and OATV the 50cm concrete and 150 cm bed rock? testing will need to be carried out in open (uncased) holes below the pile base.

78. Reg. SWS21-00-2.2-020 & SWS01-00-4.2-430 & Bidders are advised that there is no con- RET 5 No 440: The requirement from SWS21 ""Board form tradiction between these requirements. shall be used on all visible surfaces"" seems to Read together, the overall requirement is contradict with the requirements from SWS01 for the concrete surface to be left with a ""Exposed vertical surfaces with a surface area greater than 10 m2 shall receive a pattern profiled pattern profiled finish by the boards, typi- finish."" and ""If a pattern profiled finish is to be cally arranged vertically or horizontally. provided, the Contractor shall submit the pro- With regard to blackened surfaces, bidders posed pattern profile finish to the Employer’s Su- are referred to section 2.2.2 of SWS21 – pervisor for acceptance before the work is carried Scaffolding and Formwork, which requires out, within a timeframe which shall be agreed with smooth form for the High Bridge. This the Employer’s Supervisor. The formwork lining would include piers in water most suscepti- shall leave no stain on the concrete and shall be so joined and fixed to its backing that it imparts no ble to discoloration. blemishes." A pattern could produce a blackened surface over the years. What is your vision on this item?"

79. Reg. SWS21-00-2.2-040: How should we interpret Bidders are referred to the updated version RET 5 Yes – see correc- "For the High Bridge, forming boards (an engi- of requirement ID SWS21-00-2.2-040 in


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neered formwork system) shall be used." SWS 21- Scaffolding and Formwork pro- tion in RET 5 vided as part of this correction sheet.

Bidders should note that this requirement applies to both superstructure and sub- structure. For the definition of an engineered form- work system, bidders are referred to the addition to SWS 01 – Design, Appendix 3 included as part of this correction sheet.

80. Reg. SWS22-00-3.7-020: "Welding of reinforcing Requirement SWS22-00-3.7-020 is con- RET 5 No steel on site or any casting yard shall not be per- firmed. No welding of reinforcing steel is mitted." Are there any specific conditions possible permitted. under which we can weld reinforcement steel? "

81. Reg. SWS22-00-4.0-020: "Testing shall be per- It is confirmed that Requirement SWS22- RET 5 No formed by a testing agency accepted by Employ- 4.0-020 in SWS22 – Reinforcement applies er’s Supervisor." Can you confirm that this re- for all reinforcement steel in the Contract. quirement refers to all tests to be performed on reinforcement steel within this contract? "

82. Reg. SWS24-00-2.1-100: "The addition of calcium Bidders are referred to the new require- RET 5 Yes – see correc- chloride, accelerators, retarders or set controlling ment ID SWS24-00-2.1-110 in SWS24 - tion in RET 5 admixtures and air reducing agents are not per- Concrete provided as part of this correction mitted." If we cannot use retarders, the use of sheet. concrete in the pile caps and piles may be influ- enced negatively

83. Reg. SWS24-00-3.1-010: "To ensure proper aera- There is no specific distance requirement RET 5 No tion and frost resistance of the concrete, the con- behind the cover zone for where the rod crete cover zone shall not be vibrated using rod vibrator can be inserted. vibrators for surfaces which are cast against


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formwork." Could you please explain at what dis- The Contractor will be required in his de- tance we CAN use rod vibrators to ensure the sign and execution to take into considera- quality surface cast against formwork?" tion the requirements of the minimum cov- er zone when using the rod vibrator and demonstrate that its use will not reduce the quality of the surfaces which are cast against the formwork.

Bidders should also note the requirements for trial casting (prøvestøbning) in section 4.3 of the General Work Specification (GWS) – Concrete (Almindelig Ar- bejdsbeskrivelse (AAB) – Beton).that its use will not reduce the quality of the sur- faces which are cast against the formwork.

84. Reg. SWS24-00-3.2-030 "Vertically, the pier shall Bidders are advised that the requirement RET 5 Yes – see correc- be inclined at 1 in 1000 mm from the top of the ID SWS24-00-3.2-030 in SWS24 - Con- tion in RET 5 foundation." However in the design drawings tell crete refers to tolerances. Please refer to us an inclination of 1:20, 1: 16 and 1: 80. How the updated version of this requirement as should we interprete this requirement? " part of this correction sheet.

85. Reg. SWS24-00-3.2-040: Refering to the founda- Bidders are referred to the revised re- RET 5 Yes – see correc- tion: ""In plan, the location of the pier shall be quirement ID SWS24-00-3.2-040 in tion in RET 5 within ±50 mm of the specified location in orthog- SWS24 – Concrete provided as part of onal directions."" and ""The levels shall be within this correction sheet. ±25 mm of the specified level."When we define pile as the bottom part of the foundation. On top of the piles is the pile cap and the piers are between the pile cap and girder, can we assume that the word ""pier"" must be replaced by ""pile""?"


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86. The scope of casings and irrigation pipes, de- Bidders are referred to the new require- RET 5 Yes – see correc- scribed in chapter 1 of SWS18-Miscellaneous ments IDs SWS01-00-3.3-1120, SWS01- tion in RET 5 works, is not clear. Would the client please clarify 00-3.3-1130, SWS01-00-3.3-1140 and the works of these pipes? SWS01-00-3.3-1150 in SWS 01 – Design which are provided as part of this correc- tion sheet.

Bidders may assume that the casings and hydrants are to be redesigned, relocated, dismantled and coordinated at the follow- ing locations:

 Field irrigation pipe at Ch. 2.65 comprises rerouting in casings.  Field irrigation pipe at the Nylanderslevvej roundabout Ch. 2.9 comprises rerouting in cas- ings, dismantling and relocation of two hydrants.  Field irrigation pipe at Ch. 4.1 comprises rerouting in casings.  Field irrigation pipe at Ch. 4.7 comprises rerouting in casings.

The final requirements for the scope and extent of all relocations will be provided after the detailed inspection has been car- ried out.

87. Does VD have any requirements to the material Bidders are referred to the response to RET 5 No used on the "wide" shoulder? Tender Query 067.

88. Reference to document “Requirements for marine This tender query will be addressed as works from the permit (Danish Coastal Authority, §


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16 a) for Bridge construction at Roskilde Fjord soon as possible. between Tørslev Hage and the area south of Mar- bæk Harbour, and for minor deepening of the navigation channel”, could you please confirm/ clarify the quantities as stated: The area of dredg- ing is about 50 m2 and excavation volume is esti- mated to be approximately 25 m3.

89. Compensation areas for grassland referring to the This tender query will be addressed as § 3 permit. It seems that not all compensation soon as possible. areas for grassland has been acquired yet. Will the DRD acquire the rest of the needed areas (71.940 m2)?

90. § 3 permit – The permit requires 11.460 m2 as This tender query will be addressed as compensation area for salt marshes. It seems that soon as possible. all together 13.505 m2 for salt marshes has been acquired. Could the DRD please help to clarify this?

91. SAB 03 – section 7.2 – Noise, e.g. SWS03-00- This tender query will be addressed as 7.2-190 PMR. Here both the activity and limit val- soon as possible. ue is regulated. If the limit value is complied with, why a requirement for a given activity also?

92. Can the Client please provide a in english to This tender query will be addressed as avoid diviations in the translations and the risk soon as possible. accosiated with that [related to the Contract doc- ument].

93. We would like to request the data set behind the This tender query will be addressed as report: soon as possible.

Støj og vibrationer i anlægsperio-


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den_Rapport_14210-NRS-RP-YA-ZZ-00003 (pre- pared by Niras and ARUP)

For modelling different noise profiles for different types of machinery

94. [Related to SWS02-00-6.2-070] What precisely This tender query will be addressed as must be certified? Organisation, work, Project? soon as possible.

95. Para 5.3.2 of BUT states "The Tenderers should Bidders are referred to the correction to the RET 5 Yes – see correc- not bring more than 5 participants per dialogue BUT provided as part of this correction tion in RET 5 meeting as the Danish Road Directorate prefers a sheet. focused process. However, the individual partici- pants of the meetings may be replaced as re- quired in order to allow the Tenderer to adjust the group of participants according to the topics to be discussed."

Considering that different disciplines are encom- passed in a single Topic, could you please confirm that the Tenderer will be allowed to adjust the group of participants also within the discussion of a single Topic?

96. In the SAB03 item 1.7 it is stated that we, the con- This tender query will be addressed as tractor, "shall take account of other contractors’ soon as possible. requirement/wishes for access to the Worksite for their activities. The contractor shall in his planning and coordination cover the Health & Safety (H&S) on the worksites." Shall all access, work site are- as, health and safety measures etc. for these con- tractors be part of this contract, or will we get paid for the necessary measurements?


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If these works form part of this contract please clarify in specific quantities what has to be deliv- ered, including but not limited to work areas, roads, side huts, usage of electricity and water, fencing etc.

97. In the SAB03 item 7.4.3 it is stated that we cannot This tender query will be addressed as use fjord og seawater to prevent dust from the soon as possible. site. We can only resue collected surface water.

If it is not possible to collect enough surface water needed to prevent dust from the site, can we then drill wells and take out the necessary water from these works or do we need to use water from Frederikssunds Forsyning thus having to pay all delivery and discharge fees?

When the contractor has to pay the fees for the necessary water it will be a substantial increase of the site installation cost.! The contractor requested the owner for clarifying this requirement.

98. [For SAB03 item 7.7.3.] Does the temporary am- This tender query will be addressed as phibian fence have the same extent as the fence soon as possible. between the work site area and the §3 areas?

99. SB Ad §2.2 Priority of documents, does not in- This tender query will be addressed as clude the “BUT” document, however it is refer- soon as possible. enced in §2.5, in this case shouldn’t the “BUT” document also be considered a Contract docu- ment and included in the Priority of documents.

100. SB Ad §2.2Priority of documents. SAB Manage- This tender query will be addressed as ment and cooperation: Quality and environmental


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management requirements for turnkey contracts soon as possible. of 4 December 2015 also referred to as SWS02 is mentioned under item G but SWS03 Worksite is not included. In this case shouldn’t the “SWS03” document also be considered a Contract docu- ment and included in the Priority of documents.

101. SB Ad §2.2 Priority of documents. The Specific This tender query will be addressed as Conditions are contained under item E, whereas soon as possible. the General Condition’s are only considered under item R. In this case therefore everything above item R would take priority if conflicting, please consider moving the General Conditions under Item E.

102. SAB03 9.1 states: Permits and approvals obtained This tender query will be addressed as by the Employer are set out in SB, section 2(2). It soon as possible. is not evident under SB, section 2(2) where this information is provided; please clarify whether this is the correct reference.

103. SB Ad §2.3.1 states 90 days but SAB02 states no This tender query will be addressed as later than 2 months after project start up, please soon as possible. clarify which is correct.

104. Ad §2.3.1 [of the SB] states the Contractor should This tender query will be addressed as calculate 20 days for client approval, SAB02 soon as possible. states The Employer has 10 working days to re- view the programme and issue comments. Please clarify which is correct.

105. Please clarify whether the Client intends to ap- This tender query will be addressed as prove or review submissions of the dialogue soon as possible.


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106. SB Ad § 16 stk. 1. The nature and scope, etc. This tender query will be addressed as known monuments listed in the SAB – Workplace, soon as possible. None listed, please advise, whether the reference is correct.

107. SB Ad § 24, stk. 1 states “If the volume is in- This tender query will be addressed as creased beyond the extent set out in the agree- soon as possible. ment basis”, Please advise what basis as Ad § 14, stk. 4 deleted.

108. Ad 24, stk. 1, nr. 6, [of the SB] Point deleted, so This tender query will be addressed as what time should be allowed as sufficient. soon as possible.

109. SB Ad § 25, stk. 2 Steering committee SAB02, This tender query will be addressed as Agreeing on the use of profits insurance. Please soon as possible. clarify that this is the correct reference.

110. [SWS20-00-4.5-050] Does the Client mean that a This tender query will be addressed as minimum of 1% of all woring piles used for by soon as possible. example noise barriers shall be subject to static load testing?

111. It is stated, in SWS20-00-5.2-010 (MR), that moni- This tender query will be addressed as toring results for a given structure shall be report- soon as possible. ed on min. weekly basis, but it do not explain if this is valid for both temporary and permanent monitoring of structures. urthermore the section only explain that more readings should be done when required but do not consider if reporting due to stabilized readings can be done on a fortnight or monthly basis. In addition to this and with re- spect to permanent monitoring a weekly monitor-


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ing report for the entire life time of the structures far exceeds the needs. For stabilized conditions it would be expected that any readings will be ad- justed due to expectation and revious progress in monitoring history for instance with respect to settlements. Thus it is suggested to distinguish between the need for monitoring during temporary work period and the actual service life of the per- manent structures which are subjected to monitor- ing.

112. [SWS20-00-5.3-050] The Client lists a lot of in- This tender query will be addressed as strumentation for monitoring. The Client is kindly soon as possible. asked to define which instrumentation he expects to be used for which separate structure?

113. It is stated in SWS20-00-5.4-010 (MR) that need This tender query will be addressed as for monitoring shall be considered for all struc- soon as possible. tures, thus it doesn’t specify which structure exact- ly have to be monitored. The requirement can be understood as “critical tructures” shall be moni- tored. Please specify.

114. The requirement defined in SWS20-00-5.4-020 This tender query will be addressed as (PMR) is considered to be very strict and unnec- soon as possible. essary. It is recommended that only the most criti- cal and most deep seated section located at Tørslev Hage should be monitored as required. Typical for these retaining walls, i.e. single sup- ported sheet pile wall using pre-stressed ground anchors, is that very small horizontal wall move- ment will be expected, thus also limited ground movements. If the Client maintains the require- ments, there should also be requirements con-


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cerning maximum deflections etc. Please specify.

115. [SWS20-00-5.4-040] The preliminary requirement This tender query will be addressed as from the Client seems too strict. An assessment of soon as possible. ground movements (based on calculations) can be considered in order to identify the damage category of potential structures or building sub- jected to expected movements/crack develops. Based on an assessment a monitoring plan can become relevant for critical structures. It is be- lieved that monitoring of five buildings/structures is not needed due to the very small wall height to building distance ratio. All buildings lie outside the failure mechanisms for the retaining walls. Please respond to this.

116. [SWS20-00-5.2-010] It is not described how the This tender query will be addressed as handling or handover of the temporary monitoring soon as possible. database shall be performed, neither the respon- sibility period for which the reading is considered as temporary and when a permanent reading is defined. Plese specify.

117. [SWS20-00-5.4-030] The use of load cells is con- This tender query will be addressed as sidered as a very abnormal requirement and only soon as possible. serves as verification of anchor performance al- ready tested. This should only be considered for if any very critical structures are within the vicinity of possible ground movements. Please reconsider and specifiy - in case of insisting on the require- ment - the interval for monitoring the permanent anchors.