Dato 9. februar 2016 Sagsbehandler Stine Kirkeskov Mail [email protected] Telefon Dokument 15/10041-54 Side 1/55 To the Bidders RETTELSESBLAD / SUPPLERENDE MEDDELELSER NR. 5 CORRECTION SHEET/ SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICE NO. 5 Fjordforbindelsen Frederikssund, Dual carriageway Marbækvej - Skibbyvej, inclusive of a High Bridge Udbud 14210.001 Vej- og broarbejder This correction sheet sets out the corrections and additions to all the tender material as defined in the Document List (Contractual documents, Tender documents and Information Room documents). Queries from bidders with the associated answers are attached as an appendix. Corrections are shown in bold italics and highlighted in grey. Corrections and additions: Bidders are hereby notified of the following corrections and additions to the tender documents for the above-mentioned contract: Vejdirektoratet Telefon +45 7244 3333 Guldalderen 12 [email protected] SE 60729018 2640 Hedehusene vejdirektoratet.dk EAN 5798000893450 Bestemmelser om udbud og tilbud (BUT): Rettelse til BUT 5.3.2 (Dialogrunder) afsnit 8: ”Tilbudsgiverne bør ikke deltage med mere end 5 deltagere per dialogmøde, idet Vejdirektoratet ønsker en fokuseret proces. De enkelte mødedeltagere kan dog udskiftes efter behov, således at Tilbudsgiver altid løbende kan tilpasse kredsen af mødedeltagere i forhold til de temaer, der konkret skal drøftes.” er ændret til: ”Tilbudsgiverne bør ikke deltage med mere end 5 deltagere per dialogmøde, idet Vejdirektoratet ønsker en fokuseret proces. De enkelte mødedeltagere kan dog udskiftes efter behov, således at Tilbudsgiver altid løbende kan tilpasse kredsen af mødedeltagere i forhold til de temaer, der konkret skal drøftes. Denne udskiftning må kun foretages under pauserne. Det forventes, at Tilbudsgiverne vil holde eventuelle udskiftninger til et minimum, for at undgå for- styrrelser. Til den generelle præsentation af Tilbudsgivers projekt, må begrænsningen på højest 5 delta- gere gerne overskrides, hvis det er nødvendigt, men kan ikke øges til mere end 10 deltagere ” Rettelse til BUT 5.3.5 (Tilbudsgivernes skriftlige dialogoplæg) afsnit 1: ”Forud for hver dialogrunde skal Tilbudsgiver udfærdige et skriftligt dialogoplæg, der kan danne grund- lag for dialogen på møderne. Det skriftlige dialogoplæg bedes disponeret således, at oplægget kan fungere som disposition for dialogmødet, jf. pkt. 5.4.3 og pkt. 5.4.6.” er ændret til: ”Forud for hver dialogrunde skal Tilbudsgiver udfærdige et skriftligt dialogoplæg, der kan danne grund- lag for dialogen på møderne. Det skriftlige dialogoplæg bedes disponeret således, at oplægget kan fungere som disposition for dialogmødet, jf. pkt. 5.4.3 og pkt. 5.4.6. Tilbudsgiverne skal ydermere fremsende information om deres forslåede deltagere til dialog- møderne, indeholdende navn, stilling og rolle i organisationen ikke senere end 4 arbejdsdage inden dialogmødet. ” Rettelse til BUT 5.4.1 (Generelt): ”Vejdirektoratet vil inden møder fremsende meddelelse om, hvor dialogmøderne vil blive afholdt.” er ændret til: ”En meddelelse angående dialogmøderne med yderlige information omkring de praktiske for- hold vil blive offentliggjort på Leverandørportalen senest fredag den 12. februar. ” 2 Tilføjelse til BUT 5.4.3 (Tilbudsgivernes skriftlige dialogoplæg til første dialogrunde): Sidst i afsnit 5.4.3 tilføjes: ”Supplerende emner: Hvis Tilbudsgiverne ønsker at drøfte supplerende emner ved første dialogrunde, skal Tilbuds- giverne fremsende en passende beskrivelse af disse emner. Maksimalt 2000 ord/6 sider.” Rettelse til BUT 5.4.4 (Foreløbig strukturering af første dialogrunde): “Dag 1: Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-10.15 Generel præsentation af Til- budsgivers projekt 10.15-10.30 Pause 10.30-12.30 Tema 1/2 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 1/2 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2 16.15-17.00 Opsamling Dag 2: Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-09.45 Opsamling på dag 1 09.45-10.00 Pause 10.00-12.30 Tema 3/4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 3/4 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 3/4 16.15-17.00 Opsamling “ er ændret til: 3 ”Dag 1: Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-10.15 Generel præsentation af Til- budsgivers projekt 10.15-10.30 Pause 10.30-12.30 Tema 4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 1/2 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2 16.30-17.00 Opsamling Dag 2: Tidspunkt Tema 09.00-09.15 Velkomst og introduktion 09.15-09.45 Opsamling på dag 1 09.45-10.00 Pause 10.00-12.30 Tema 3/4 12.30-13.15 Frokost 13.15-15.15 Tema 3/4 15.15-15.30 Pause 15.30-16.30 Tema 1/2/3/4 eller tilbudsgi- verens ønsker til suppleren- de emner 16.30-17.00 Opsamling “ Service translation (Ruling language of the BUT is Danish) Correction to BUT 5.3.2 (Dialogue rounds) paragraph 8: “The Tenderers should not bring more than 5 participants per dialogue meeting as the Danish Road Directorate prefers a focused process. However, the individual participants of the meetings may be replaced as required in order to allow the Tenderer to adjust the group of participants according to the topics to be discussed.” is corrected to: “The Tenderers should not bring more than 5 participants per dialogue meeting as the Danish Road Directorate prefers a focused process. However, the individual participants of the meetings may be replaced as required in order to allow the Tenderer to adjust the 4 group of participants according to the topics to be discussed. This replacement shall only be carried out at the breaks. It is expected that Tenderers will keep any substitutions to a minimum to avoid disturbance. For the General Presentation of the Tenderer’s project, this maximum of 5 participants may be exceeded if necessary, but may not be increased to more than 10 participants” Correction to BUT 5.3.5 (The written dialogue submissions from the Tenderers) paragraph 1: “Prior to each dialogue round, the Tenderer must prepare a written dialogue submission which is to form the basis of the dialogue at the meetings. The written dialogue submission is requested to be organized so it can serve as an agenda for the dialogue meeting, see clauses 5.4.3 and 5.4.6.” is corrected to: “Prior to each dialogue round, the Tenderer must prepare a written dialogue submission which is to form the basis of the dialogue at the meetings. The written dialogue submission is requested to be organized so it can serve as an agenda for the dialogue meeting, see clauses 5.4.3 and 5.4.6.” Tenderers shall also submit the details of their proposed attendees for the dialogue meetings, including name, position, and role in the organization, no later than 4 working days prior to the dialogue meeting.” Addition to BUT 5.4.1 (General): At the end of 5.4.1, the following is added: ”A Dialogue Meeting Notice with further details of the practical arrangements will be published on the Supplier Portal not later than Friday 12th February.” Addition to BUT 5.4.3 (The Tenderers' written dialogue submission for the first dialogue round): At the end of section 5.4.3, the following is added: ”Supplementary topics: If the Tenderers wish to discuss supplementary topics at the first dialogue round, the Tender- ers are to submit an appropriate description of the relevant aspects. Maximum 2000 words/6 pages.” 5 Correction to BUT 5.4.4 (Preliminary structure of the first dialogue round): “Day 1: Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-10.15 General presentation of the Tenderer's project 10.15-10.30 Break 10.30-12.30 Topic 1/2 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 1/2 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2 16.15-17.00 Summary Day 2: Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-09.45 Summary, day 1 09.45-10.00 Break 10.00-12.30 Topic 3/4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 3/4 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 3/4 16.15-17.00 Summary “ is corrected to: “Day 1: Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-10.15 General presentation of the Tenderer's project 10.15-10.30 Break 10.30-12.30 Topic 4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 1/2 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2 16.15-17.00 Summary 6 Day 2: Time Topic 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction 09.15-09.45 Summary, day 1 09.45-10.00 Break 10.00-12.30 Topic 3/4 12.30-13.15 Lunch 13.15-15.15 Topic 3/4 15.15-15.30 Break 15.30-16.30 Topic 1/2/3/4 or supplemen- tary topics that the bidders wish to discuss 16.15-17.00 Summary “ Særlige betingelser (SB): No additions or corrections. Særlig arbejdsbeskrivelse/Special Work Specification (SAB/SWS): Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section 2.3.3 (Cross sections): “ Expressway on the high Central reserve of 0.60 m SWS01-00-2.3-070 MR” bridge 2 inner hard strips of 0.50 m each 4 lanes of 3.50 m each 2 external hard strips of 0.50 m each (designated emergency zone) 2 shoulders of 1.00 m each (designat- ed emergency zone) Is replaced with: “ Expressway on the high Central reserve of 0.60 m SWS01-01-2.3-070 MR” bridge 2 inner hard strips of 0.50 m each 4 lanes of 3.50 m each 2 external hard strips of 0.50 m each (designated emergency zone) 2 shoulders of 1.00 m each (designat- ed emergency zone) 3) Correction to SWS 01 – Design, Section (Pavement design criteria): 7 “The design speed for pavement calculations for roundabouts and adjacent SWS01-00-2.3-610 MR” roads at the distance of 50 shall be 5-20 km/h.
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