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Guide to Middle-earth Melbourne House Software

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Reading, Massachusetts Menlo Park, California New York Don Mills, Ontario Wokingharn, England Amsterdam Bonn Sydney Singapore Tokyo Madrid San Juan The plot of The Fellowship of the Ring, the character of Paintings by J. R. R. Tolkien: the , and other characters from J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hill: Hobbiton-acIOss-the-Water" © George Allen &. novel are copyright © George Allen &. Unwin Ltd., r95 I, Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1937, 1966, '973, '975, '977, '975, '979, and I98r. '979. "The Mountain Path" © George Allen &. Unwin IPublishers) Ltd., '937, '975, 1977, 1979. ("The Misty The Fellowship of the Ring program copyright © 1985 by Mountains looking West from the Eyrie towards Goblin Beam Software. Gate" © George Allen &. Unwin IPublishers) Ltd., 1937, '975, 1977, 1979·) "Doors of Durin and Gate" © The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adventure and George Allen &. Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1956, 1972, User's Guide are copyright © 1987, 1986 by Addison­ 1973, 1976, 1977, 1979· "Patterns (II)" © George Allen &. Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1978, 1979. "Floral Designs" © George Allen &. Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1978, '979. "He­ All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be raldic Devices" © George Allen &. Unwin (Publishers) reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in Ltd., 1973, '977, 1979· any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo­ copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior.·writ­ The Fellowship of the Ring program was a major effort by ten permission of the Publisher. the programming team at Beam Software. The project took over fifteen months to complete. Inglish is a trademark of Melbourne House Software, Inc. Group Leader and Chief Programmer Philip Mitchell The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adventure is pub­ Story Line Development Michael O'Rourke lished jointly in the United States by Addison-Wesley Paul Kidd Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, and LynC Melbourne House Software, Inc., Australia. Programming Danny Davis Package design by Copenhaver Cumpston. Documenta­ LynC tion design by Douglass Scott. Reference card illuswi­ Stephen Taylor tion by Ruth Linstromberg. Doug Palmer Louis Madon C~ver illustration by Douglas Beekman, copyright Graphics Greg Holland © 1979 by Random House, Inc. Reprinted by permission Russell Comte of Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Script Development Geoff Halprin Calligraphy by Walter Matherly Danny Davis Paul Kidd ISBN 0-201-I2356-8IApple version) Richard Woolcock 12275 -8 (IBM PC version) Graham Stretton 12335-5 (Commodorc 64 version) Paul Mitchell 12285-5 (Documentation)

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Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the -lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of where the Shadows lie. to rule them ali, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring on the activities of , the main Introduction character in , and will set the stage for the adventures of and his small band of brave . If you are elcome to Middle-earth. You unfamiliar with hobbits, you may find it are about to begin a journey helpful - though not essential - to read The into the land of hobbits, wiz­ aJ Hobbit or play the Hobbit Software Adven­ ards, and dwarves, of the Grey, Sau­ ture before you play the Fellowship of the ron the Great, and the . This Ring Software Adventure. is the magical world of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring. The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adven­ ture is presented on the disk in two parts, Addison-Wesley and Melbourne House are each of which can be played as a full-size ad­ proud to present the first software adventure venture. For information on how to load the game based on one of the most beloved trilo­ game into your computer, refer to the refer­ gies in the history of fantasy fiction, The ence card in the package. Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adventure is the first of a The fate of Middle-earth is in your hands, three-part adventure. Background for this ad­ Frodo, but don't let that worry you. Good venture can be found in The Hobbit, also luck, and may you return home to tell the available as a software adventure from Addi­ son-Wesley. Subsequent games in the series tale! will deal with the stories covered in the re­ maining volumes in the trilogy, The Two Bringing Tolkien to the Towers and Return of the King. Computer

This is the story of Frodo Baggins, Bilbo's In playing this adventure game, you will as­ heir and now the possesser of the One Ring. sume the role of the characters from J. R. R. In the Fellowship Software Adventure, you Tolkien's fantasy world. You must specify play the part of the hobbit Frodo or any of the actions and movements you want to per­ his hobbit companions, Merry, Pippin, or form, and the computer will then react Sam. Your mission is to keep this Master­ accordingly. ring from the Black Riders, servants of the Dark Lord , as you search out the In producing the Fellowship of the Ring Soft­ woods of Loth Lorien, the goal of the first ware Adventure, it has been necessary to ex­ adventure in the series. But your journey is a pand beyond the scope of the original book. perilous one, fraught with danger and adven­ It was not possible to follow the book pre­ ture. Each time you play the game, your path cisely and still allow players to make their may lie in a different direction, bringing new own decisions or to tread paths the charac­ mysteries at each turn. ters never walked in Professor Tolkien's nov­ els. To limit the game that way would leave In this package you will find an order form little reason to play; you could simply read for J. R. R. Tolkien's book Th e Fellowship of the book and save yourself a great deal of the Ring. Though some of the adventures you trouble. will encounter in the Fellowship Software Adventure may be unfamiliar to devoted fans As it is, you, the player, will be faced with of Tolkien's fantasy world, the book remains situations that are entirely unfamiliar - even an important reference guide to playing the if you are deeply versed in The Lord of the game. Rings - but that are totally in keeping with the fantasy world created by Tolkien. Even This user's guide includes a brief history of familiar situations can prove to be dangerous the Ring Wars and will bring you up to date and challenging. Fans of the books may be

5 in for a nasty surprise if they plunge confi­ took place, with the prize being the fate of dently into the depths of dire (but expected) Middle-earth. At last Sauron was over­ encounters, secure in the knowledge that fa­ thrown, and the ring was cut from his finger miliarity with the books is enough to ensure by the human King . easy victory. Isildur was in tum slain by in an am­ To those unfamiliar with Professor Tolkien's bush many years later, the ring slipping from works, the game is readily playable. At no his finger as he tried to swim across a river point of the game is a knowledge of the to safety. books assumed, although it is recommended that the book be read, if for no other purpose Several millennia later, the ring was plucked than to become more familiar with the world from the river by a hobbitlike creature of Middle-earth and its inhabitants. named Deagol. Deagol was tricked into giv­ ing up the ring by Smeagol, a skulking char­ So play well, have fun, and if the wargs get acter, who saw the ring and coveted it. you, just remember: you knew the job was Smeagol was soon corrupted by the ring and dangerous when you took it! eventually fled with his prize to the heart of the Misty Mountains. There he hid himself in the darkness, and came to be known as Gollum. The ring sustained his life force for A Brief History of the many dark centuries before it sensed its mas­ Ring Wars ter stirring once again. Many years ago, Bilbo Baggins found the ring ~ n the middle years of the Second Age of in a goblin's den, where it lay after falling Middle-earth, Sauron the Great, master from Gollum's finger. After many adven­ 1 of the evil realm of Mordor, beguiled the tures, Bilbo returned at last to his home in great Elven-srnith Celebrimbor of Eregion to . (Much of this background material teach him the craft of making Rings of is covered in the book The Hobbit.) Power. were made to grant the lords their powers of wisdom and magic. The ring has now passed on to Frodo Bag­ Then Sauron and Celebrimbor labored to­ gins, Bilbo Baggins's heir, Bilbo having long gether to create the Seven and the Nine, since retired and moved to . In re­ which were given to the great lords of Mid­ cent times, Gandalf the Wizard (an old and dle-earth. Unknown to Celebrimbor, Sauron trusted friend) has told you of the ring's dark had betrayed him. Deep within the bowels of history. The servants of the Enemy even now , Sauron constructed the Ruling are seeking the One Ring, and the hobbit Ring, a ring that could enslave the wearers of Baggins who possesses it. the other rings to him forever. So powerful was the spell that Sauron bound much of his Gandalf tells you to take the ring to Riven­ power into it, forever linking his fate with dell, far to the east, and there to seek , that of the ring. who will advise you what to do with the now dangerous treasure. As the Enemy is When Celebrimbor realized that Sauron had watching the roads, he advises you to travel betrayed him, he hid the Three Elven-rings by circuitous routes, and to adopt a pseudo­ from him. Over the ages, the Dwarven-rings nym for the time being. were nearly destroyed by , but their wearers were even so brought into all-con­ To aid you in your quest are your three hob­ suming greed and folly before they fell. The bit companions: Merry, Sam, and Pippin. The Nine Mortal Lords "faded" from use of the game starts with Sam and Pippin joining you rings and became the Nine Ringwraiths, for­ at Bag End, your comfortable home in Hobbi­ ever enslaved to Sauron's will. A bitter war ton-on-the-Hill. Merry awaits the group at

6 the house in Crickhollow, to the east of puter does not understand your command, it Hobbiton, by the western bank of the Bran­ will ask for clarification. dywine river. The Screen Display A quality inherent in the ring is that it makes the wearer invisible to all but the The Fellowship Software Adventure screen is most powerful of creatures. Gandalf has divided into two windows: the description warned you not to make use of the ring window and the communications window. yourself, lest y·ou also "fade" and become a The adventure descriptions - the text that Ringwraith. Gandalf will aid you as much as describes your surroundings and the activi­ he can, but he has many tasks to perform to ties around you - appear in the description make the passage to Rivendell as safe as pos­ window at the top of the screen. Whenever sible for you. For all intents and purposes, you enter a new location, the computer will you are on your own. give you a full description of the area, the objects that are in plain sight, and a list of the exits that are visible.

Communicating with The second time you enter a location, the computer will give you only a brief descrip­ the Program tion of the location. If you wish to obtain a more complete description, simply enter the he Fellowship of the Ring Software command LOOK, and the computer will re­ Adventure includes a very sophisti­ peat the lengthy text. cated communications program called -t The description window is also the area Inglish. Inglish will allow you to enter your commands and converse with other charac­ where the location graphics appear. The pic­ ters in familiar sentences. Those of you who ture will appear the first time you enter a have played the Hobbit Software Adventure location, and each time you use the LOOK will find that the Inglish language has been command. The graphics provide you with e:o.hanced in this program. pictures of the immediate location, though no characters will be pictured. These are left More details are given later in this guide to your imagination. about the power of Inglish, but the important thing is that you can enter your commands Below the adventure script, an arrow indi­ in simple, everyday language, instead of cates the communications window, or the computer terminology. space in which you will type in the actions you wish to perform. These action com­ The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adven­ mands will appear on the screen in capital ture has a very large vocabulary, so you letters. should have little difficulty expressing your ideas and commands. Commands will usu­ Once you have typed in and entered your ally take the form of actions, and this guide commands, the computer will perform or contains an abbreviated list of some of the otherwise acknowledge your action, or in­ actions you can use. The list, however, in­ form you that it does not understand the cludes only some of the most common com­ command. Once the computer has acknowl­ mands and words; the program actually edged an entry, it will print any new text knows over eight hundred words, and that results from your actions, and then in­ hundreds of these are available to you in dicate that it is ready to receive a new com­ playing the game. The best thing to do is to mand. try a word. The computer will tell you if it does not know it. In some cases, if the com-

7 in situations where you have not instructed Roles You Can Play them to do anything for a while, or when the entire party moves somewhere else. This ne of the most fascinating features means that you will need to instruct each of the Fellowship of the Ring Soft­ character much more carefully than if you O ware Adventure is that it offers you had chosen only one character for the same the opportunity to play anyone of several session. roles within the game, and even switch roles while playing. This not only allows you to When you are ready to change characters, "be" hobbit characters throughout the game, simply enter the command: but it also allows up to four people to play BECOME (namel the game simultaneously. and you will be playing as that character. Single-Player Game You may also change characters by entering: I AM (namel or omit either command and simply enter When you first load the Fellowship Software the name of the character you wish to be­ Adventure into your computer, one of the come, as in: questions you will be asked is: PIPPIN WHICH HOBBIT CHARACTERS DO YOU WISH TO PLAY? Once you have changed characters, it is a good idea to enter the LOOK command, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, or Sam? since you may very well find yourself in a At this point you will choose all of the char­ different place and situation. acters you might like to be during that ses­ sion of play. If you are playing the adventure Multiple-Player Games for the first time, it is a good idea to choose only the role of Frodo. If you select none, the The easiest way to play with more than one computer will assume that you want to play character is with a friend or three, each of the role of Frodo. The first character you en­ you controlling one of the hobbits. In this ter is the first character you will "be" in the way, you can help each other throughout the game. adventure, and the human interaction on top of the computer interaction will make the Whenever you choose to play just one char­ game that much more fun. acter, the computer will take control of the other three characters and ensure that their The initial selection of characters and the actions are in keeping with their personali­ commands to change characters are the same ties. It also means that whenever you wish for a multiple-player game as for a single­ these characters to perform specific actions player game. You select all the characters for you, you will need to instruct them by you want to play at the very beginning of talking to them directly, using the SAY TO the game. To change characters, you use the command (see the section on the Inglish BECOME or I AM commands, or simply en­ language I. ter the name. By using these commands, you and your friends can "take turns" playing the When you play more than one character, the different characters you have selected. computer will look after the characters you are not controlling at the moment, but only

8 The Inglish Language Rules of Inglish Inglish is a very sophisticated language­ The Inglish Vocabulary recognition program developed especially for microcomputers. It allows you to communi­ Included here is a list of actions you can use cate with the program in a language and when playing the Fellowship of the Ring stfl,lcture familiar to you. Software Adventure. Please note that this does not include the "magic words," or spe­ The rules of Inglish are simple. The main cial verbs for actions that can be used only thing to keep in mind is that each instruc­ in certain areas and at certain times. Finding tion must be in the form of "verb-plus­ out what these words are and how to use noun," where the noun (or pronoun) is ex­ them is all part of the fun of the game. Re­ plicit or implied. Each sentence must have a member that this is only an abbreviated vo­ verb. cabulary list. You can always try a new word to see if the program will understand it. You can use punctuation to separate sen­ tences. Use commas and periods as you nor­ Movements mally would. The only limitation on com­ mands is that they should not be more than NORTH (N) NORTHEAST (NE) 128 characters long. SOUTH (S) NORTHWEST (NW) EAST (E) SOUTHEAST (SE) Following are some examples of the way In­ WEST (W) SOUTHWEST (SW) glish sentences can be constructed. Note, UP (UP) DOWN (D) however, that the specific examples shown may not be valid in this adventure. Action Verbs When an action does not directly relate to an ATTACK GIVE TO SHATTER object, only a verb is necessary. BLOW GO THROUGH SLASH WAIT BREAK HELLO SLICE CARRY KILL SMASH RUN CLIMB KNOCK ON SMOKE CLOSE LIFT STRANGLE This is also the case if you simply wish to CROSS LIGHT STRIKE travel in a particular direction. DRINK OPEN SWIM SOUTH or S DROP PICK UP TAKE EAT PUT ON THANK EAST or E EMPTY PUTOUT THROW EXAMINE READ TURN If the action relates to an object or a charac­ FILL RUN WAIT ter, it must be identified by a noun. English FOLLOW SAY TO WEAR grammar applies, and the order of different GET parts of a sentence is usually not critical, as in: Special Commands WEAR THE RING BECOME LOAD PRINT GO THROUGH THE DOOR HELP LOOK QUIT DROP THE ROPE ONTO THE TABLE INVENTORY NO PRINT SAVE

9 Adjectives must preceed the nouns they de­ other things, that you can enter more than scribe. If it sounds right in English, it's prob­ one sentence or perform more than one ac­ ably good Inglish. tion at a time. THROW THE HEAVY AXE AT THE TAKE THE LAMP AND THE MATCH HORRIBLE FROM THE CUPBOARD LIGHT THE WOOD PIPE WITH THE DROP THE SHORT AND THE LONG MATCH SWORDS TAKE THE GOLD AND RUN Commands you give the computer must be specific and unambiguous. If there are two doors in a room, one red and one green, and Abbreviation of Commands you were to say You can abbreviate commands. For instance, GO THROUGH THE DOOR to attack a Green Knight, you could say the computer is placed in a quandary as to KILL GREEN WITH SWORD which door to put you through. In such situ­ ations, the program will put you through the The computer will see that "Green" corre­ first door it finds, which may not be the door sponds with "Green Knight." Note also that you intended. the definite article "the" can be omitted. In most cases, the computer will understand In this case, it would be better to specify ex­ exactly what you mean. actly which door you mean Unfortunately, if the Green Knight is stand­ GO THROUGH THE GREEN DOOR ing before a green door, then the word "green" is no longer enough to identify the The meaning of many verbs can be altered Knight only, in which case you should say by the use of prepositions, such as ON, OFF, ONTO; and so on. Examples of Inglish sen­ KILL KNIGHT WITH SWORD tences with prepositions are: Multiple commands can be entered by plac­ ATTACK WITH THE SWORD ing a comma between instructions. PICK UP THE RING OPEN BOX, TAKE AXE, GIVE AXE TO SAM In Inglish, prepositions usually go before the noun, but in some cases it sounds more nat­ Each of the commands will be carried out by ural to put them after the noun, such as the computer in the order in which they are listed. TURN THE LIGHT ON PICK THE GOLD UP Special Commands Prepositions can also be used to specify the In addition to the extensive Inglish vocabu­ position of an object, or where you wish an lary, there are a few commands specific to action to be performed, such as: the Fellowship of the Ring Software Adven­ PUT THE GOLD INTO THE BAG ture. The following is a list of these special commands: TAKE THE PIPE FROM THE BOX LOOK (which can be abbreviated to LJlets Use of AND you see where you are, all that can be seen

You can use the word "and" with all its nor­ mal meanings in Inglish. This means, among

10 at a particular location, and all possible exits. This command should also be used after you Interacting with Others take over the role of another character at an­ other location (that is, after you use the BE­ Conversing COME command). The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adven­ INVENTORY (which can be abbreviated to ture allows you to converse with the charac­ I) gives a full description of all inventory you ters you meet on your journey. When you are currently holding or carrying. encounter a character you wish to speak to, the general form of the command is EXAMINE is a standard Inglish word, but special mention of it is made here because it SAY TO (name) "(sentence)" is also very useful when trying to obtain as in: more information about your surroundings in Middle-earth. Examining objects often re­ SAY TO GANDALF "HELLO" veals information about those objects that is Saying hello is usually enough to draw most not readily apparent from a brief look. characters into conversation.

SAVE allows you to save the game for play You can ask the characters within earshot to at a later time. Consult your reference card perform specific commands that are of use to for the specific method of saving on your you, such as: computer. SAY TO GANDALF " KILL THE ORC LOAD loads a previously saved game. Con­ WITH THE SWORD" sult your reference card for the specific SAY TO PIPPIN "TAKE THE GOLD method of loading on your computer. After FROM THE ORC" loading, play continues from the point where the game was. saved. It is not necessary to use the full form of SAY TO (name). You can just use the name PAUSE suspends the game until you press of the character you wish to speak to, fol­ another key. lowed by the message, such as:

PRINT allows you to send text of the adven­ PIPPIN " GIVE THE GOLD TO ME" ture to your printer (if connected) and to the screen. Note: PRINT and NOPRINT may Of course, because all the other characters not be available in all versions. Check your act independently, there is no guarantee that reference card to see if these commands are they will do as you ask. Their decision will available on your computer. be based 00 a number of factors, including their allegiance to you, what they are cur­ QUIT stops the game and returns you to the rently doing, and so on. beginning. Because of memory limitations, the information about Middle-earth which A few of the characters you encounter will appears at the beginning of the game is not have messages they will deliver only when stored in memOIY and must be loaded in. you identify yourself or ask them certain Follow the commands that appear on the questions. screen. To solve some of the problems you will face in the Fellowship of the Ring Software Ad­ venture, you will need to cooperate with other members of your party. Thus you will need to become familiar with the SAY TO

11 command. Remember, too, that each charac­ There is no cosmic law that stops you from ter has his own limitations, such as degree of ruthlessly attacking a member of your own strength, and so on. party. Do not be too surprised, however, if the other members of the party are a little Cooperating cooler toward you afterward.

In the Fellowship of the Ring Software Ad­ You can talk to yourself, but the result is not venture you must lead a group of hobbits going to be very impressive. Suicide is quite through perilous situations. It will be neces­ possible, as long as you name your character, sary to tell other characters, including mem­ as in any other attack. You could say (while bers of your own group, what you would like playing the part of Frodo) them to do in a given situation. KILL FRODO WITH AXE Be warned that, in order to succeed, certain In all probability, the result will be some­ actions must be performed by certain charac­ thing like: "You attack you with the axe. ters. Thus you will need to become familiar With one well-placed blow, you split your with the varied talents of each member of skull. II If you find this an attractive alterna­ your party. tive, then by all means, be our guest.

Since you will often be in a group, it is com­ The Fellowship of the Ring Software Adven­ forting to know that it is not necessary to ture allows you another method of instruct­ instruct each and every character on what he ing the hobbits in your party. Using the BE­ should be doing every moment. Most will COME co=and, you can take over another follow your lead without any prompting. It is character for a short time. (It is recom­ also possible to instruct characters to per­ mended that you become familiar with the form actions that will exclude the rest of the adventure from a single-player point of view party, as in: before tackling the multicharacter game.) You can say SAY TO SAM "CLIMB TREE" BECOME PIPPIN This instruction will not result in a mass ex­ odus to the treetops by all members of your This technique can be used whenever a party within earshot. Only Sam will climb player wishes to put a character through a the tree. If you leave without instructing series of complex actions, or react to ongoing him and he can still see you, Sam will follow situations that will confront the character. you, and perhaps eventually catch up with This is a useful means of conducting opera­ you. tions without endangering the ring, or for controlling the party if you want the hobbits You can speak directly to any character and to split up and go separate ways. ask him to perform an action involving an­ other character, as in: Remember that you can only become one of the four hobbit characters you selected at the SAY TO PIPPIN "GIVE ROPE TO beginning of the game. For example, if you FRODO" enter FRO DO, you can only become FRODO. If you enter FRODO, SAM, Friends and members of your party are more MERR Y, you cannot become PIPPIN. likely to respond favorably than strangers, unfriendly creatures, or followers of Sauron. But even friends may say no from time to time.

Besides following your lead, most members of your party will come to your defense if you are attacked by enemies.

12 General Concepts Passing Through Portals If you want to go through a portal, such as a ll map of II A Part of the Shire can be door or window, it is quite possible to say so found at the beginning of The Fel­ directly, as in: lowship of the Ring and may prove a GO THROUGH GREEN DOOR to be of some help. When you first enter a location and are given A map of the western section of Middle­ the full text description, all visible doors will earth is printed in each book of the Lord of be mentioned. However, on a second visit to the Rings, and can also be found on the back the location, the brief description may not of the reference card in the The Fellowship include all doorways, but only mention ob­ of the Ring Software Adventure. jects that can be seen in the immediate area. This doesn't mean that the doors or portals During the adventure, you will encounter have disappeared. You can always get the full . many objects. Some are usable as weapons, description by typing LOOK (or L). others are intended as food or drink, still others are used as containers in which to carry things. In Middle-earth liquids behave Following as they do in our world: they cannot be car­ ried without a container. Also, a character If a character you have an interest in leaves cannot lift too heavy an object or carry too an area, you may wish to follow him or her. great a load. For instance, if Strider suddenly said that he was going to leave, you might decide to Most containers must be opened in order to FOLLOW STRIDER reach their contents. Once a container is open, you may look into it or take out the objects in it. Once the objects inside a con­ Light and Dark tainer have been exposed, they may be used. Some containers may be transparent, allow­ In some areas, there will be no natural light. ing you to see the contents without opening Unless you have the means to create light - the container itself. such as matches and a candle - you will re­ ceive no description of the area in darkness. Some doors are locked. This means that you Once a light has been struck, you will be need either a key or magic to unlock them, able to see. or that someone on the other side of the door must open the door for you. If you choose to travel in darkness, you may avoid meeting some unwanted characters. Finding Your Way Around Remember, however, that orcs can see per­ fectly well in the dark. There are ten possible directions of travel: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, Mapping the Adventure NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST, NORTH­ WEST, SOUTHWEST, UP, and DOWN. You should keep a map of your travels to as­ You can also abbreviate directions for each sist you in finding your way. However, even word, as in: your own carefully constructed maps cannot be entirely relied upon. Some locations can S (for South) be revisited in a straightforward manner. NE (for Northeast) With others, the direction you traveled to get

13 from Point A to Point B may not be the op­ To check on equipment you are already posite of the direction you must travel to get carrying, take inventory of your character by from Point B to Point A. For this reason, you typing INVENTORY or I. If you do not would be wise to construct a grid listing lo­ want the item you have picked up, you are cations you have already entered and the di­ carrying too much at once, or you already rections you used to get to them from other have a rope, you can say: locations. DROP ROPE

Combat As an alternative, you may give the item to another member of the party, as in: Hobbits are poor fighters, albeit brave, but GIVE ROPE TO SAM can often surprise even themselves by their 'J abilities in one-on-one combat (don't let this Some objects not only add weight to your give you any false confidence, however). To 1 burden, they increase your effective size. attack an opponent, you must tell the com­ This can be troublesome if you intend to go puter that you wish to KILL it with a spe­ through a small door or tunnel, so beware of cific weapon, such as: adopting the pack rat syndrome. KILL WOLF WITH SWORD

If you do not specify a weapon, the program Fatigue, Wounds, and Eating will assume that you wish to ATTACK with All characters are rated for strength and your bare hands. This is never a good idea. stamina. During the game these characteris­ tics may suffer due to combat fatigue, It is not possible to attack inanimate objects. wounds, or simple weariness. They must be BROKEN. As a character is wounded, its strength ebbs, No matter how well you arm them, be wary and its hold on life grows more tenuous. of throwing hobbits into the midst of a gory And, as time passes, a character becomes battle. Being rather slight little creatures, more and more tired as energy is used up. they have a tendency to die with spectacular Highly strenuous activities, such as combat, suddenness. may exhaust it even more. Persistence in combat is rewarded, but be The best remedy for depleted strength or careful: Most opponents hit back, and an al­ stamina is a good meal and some rest. In ready-wounded character is much more sus­ your travels, you may encounter skilled heal· ceptible to being killed than a healthy one. ers and magical herbs that cure fatigue and damage. Needless to say, these items are Some weapons (like axes) can be thrown at rare. an opponent. This removes the weapon from your character, and drops it into the area in which you stand. If you throw your only ar­ Real Time mament, you will, of course, become un­ armed, an unfortunate situation. In Middle-earth a wandering party might en­ counter a variety of characters. Some are l Carrying Items friends, and some are foes, but many simply ARE. Such characters live lives of their own, During the course of play, you will have to traveling about the lands attending to their pick up and carry inanimate objects. Once own affairs. If a character you meet does not you have found an item, simply TAKE the fall all over himself to help you, try being item in order to pick it up and carry it, as in: patient. Just say hello, or try waiting until he notices you. TAKE ROPE

14 Remember, while you and your band of hob­ bits are busy saving Middle-earth from the A Final Word terror of Sauron the Great, other creatures and characters are busy with their own lives he best hints for playing the Fellow­ and adventures. As time goes on and things ship of the Ring Software Adventure change for you, so they change for all of -t can be gained through reading the Middle-earth. Things may not be as they book. The first book in the trilogy, The Fel- were when you return to a particular loca­ lowship of the Ring, is supplied with the ad­ tion. venture. Otherwise, the only real hints that can be given here are these:

Be careful. If you race through the game, you The Two-Part will not only limit your enjoyment of it, but will fail to pick up valuable details that Adventure might come in handy later on in the game.

Be smart. Hobbits are neither wise, strong, s mentioned earli~r, the Fellowship nor magical. If you are going to get any­ of the Ring Software Adventure is where, you will have to use your wits. a divided into two parts. The story and action in J. R. R. Tolkien's novel The Don't be scared to try risky actions. If you Fellowship of the Ring was just too much to take no risks, you will find no rewards. In fit into a single adventure. other words, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." And keep a good pair of running Each adventure is totally independent, you shoes handy. do not need to have completed the first ad­ venture before attempting the second, al­ You're on your own! though there are definite advantages to doing so.

Once you have completed the first adven­ ture, the computer will prompt you to save the game at that stage for loading into the second adventure game. This will ensure that each member of the party who is with you at the end of the first part will be with you in the second adventure. Many of the objects you carry will be transported to the second adventure.

You may, of course, attempt the second ad­ venture without completing the first adven­ ture. This will make your task considerably harder, as you will not have your friends to help you, and some of the important objects from the first adventure will be missing. It is, however, not impossible, and advanced adventurers may wish to solve the game in this way.

15 WARGS and WOLVES: The wolves of the Creatures of Western wildlands are particularly large and ferocious, and are frequently misnamed "Wargs." Wargs Middle-earth proper are werewolf-phantasms which only assume thcrir real (and deadly) shapes after An Observer's Guide darkness has fallen. Sunlight nullifies their power. DWARVES: A long-lived race of valiant warrior/craftsmen. Dwarves and elves harbor : A mysterious race of magicians a deep and abiding dislike of one another, who first appeared in Middle-earth several due to an unfortunate history of mutual millennia ago. competition and mistrust.

ELVES : An ancient and noble race of im­ mortal folk. Elves are fair to the eye, and Legends and Common wise beyond human understanding. Knowledge HOBBITS: A race of cheerful, strong-willed folk who chiefly inhabit The Shire. Shorter 0r those new to Tolkien's Middle­ than dwarves, and lacking the latter's over­ earth, we provide the following infor­ developed musculature, hobbits are quite mation on items, people, and places nimble and dexterous. Most hobbits cannot that were either legendary, common swim (Merry is an exception). Of all the -I= knowledge, or were !mown only to antiquari- party, Pippin is the most agile, Sam the most ans such as Bilbo and Frodo. sturdy, and Frodo the smartest. Sam, being Frodo's devoted friend and retainer, will al­ ANGMAR: "Iron-home," a long-dead evil ways attempt to stay by his side. , realm which fell to the armies of the last al­ liance of men and elves many millennia ago. MEN: Many different nations of men in­ The king of the realm was a victim of the habit Middle-earth. The inhabitants of some, One Ring, and later became the chief of Sau­ such as and , are implacable ron's Ringwraiths. foes of the Dark Lord. Others, such as Um­ bar and Harad, aid Sauron with troops, war ARNOR: In ancient times, Amor was the elephants, and gold. northernmost realm of the men of Niimenor, which fell before the onslaught of Angmar in ORCS: Orcs (or goblins, as hobbits call the Second Age of Earth. The ruins that dot them) are the soldiers of the Dark Lord. They the trollshaws and old sites, such as Weath­ are powerful, stooped and twisted creatures, ertop, are' all relics of ancient Amor. with long arms, hairy knuckles, and muzzles crammed with far too many teeth. Orcs hate BAG END: The ancestral home of the well­ sunlight, except for the Uruk-hai, a new, to-do hobbit family of Baggins (not to be con­ more powerful breed recently spawned in the fused with their cousins, the Sackville-Bag­ pits of Mordor. ginses).

TROLLS: Trolls are huge, flinty creatures; : An evil spirit raised from Hell they have lumpen minds and brutal instincts during the great wars that rocked the First and serve the cause of evil. They tum to Age of Earth. At least one has survived to stone when struck by daylight. In recent the period of our adventure by hiding in the years, the Olog-hai - a wittier, more agile roots of the Misty Mountains, and was re­ version of the that can withstand sun­ sponsible for -the destruction of Moria several light - have appeared on the scene. Observ­ centuries ago. ers report that they are similar in appearance to enormous, black Orcs of unusual ugliness. 16 BARROW-DOWNS: A source of dread leg­ : Sarnman the White is the chief ends within the Shire. It is a place of ancient of the Order of Wizards, and the most ac­ burial mounds and hostile spirits. complished of Middle-earth's wizards. He presides over the White Council, the defense BLACK RIDERS: Ringwraiths or Nazgfil. committee of the forces of good. The Dark Lord's most loyal and trusted ser­ vants. The Nine Black Riders are forever en­ SAURON: The Dark Lord, Sauron is the slaved to the Ring of Power. embodiment of evil in Middle-earth. Once thought to have been destroyed during the : A small town at the edge of the wars against him in the Second Age, Sauron wilds. It has a mixed population of men and has risen again and seeks to recover his Ring hobbits. of Power, which will give him the ability to vanquish the 'weakened forces of good and ELROND: Elrond the Half-elven, Lord of enslave right-thinking people everywhere. Rivendell, is an ancient and learned figure who has dwelt in Middle-earth since time SHIRE: The Shire is the area between the immemorial. His wisdom is without ques­ Brandywine River and the Tower Hills which tion. the hobbits have made their own. It is a peaceful land of small rivers, gentle wood­ GANDALF: Gandalf the Grey is the second lands, and well-tended fields. most powerful Wizard in Middle-earth. He is an old friend of Bilbo and Frodo.

HOLLIN: An ancient, long-vanished king­ dom of the elves.

MORIA: A deep labyrinth beneath the Misty Mountains. Called, in the Dwarven tongue, "Khazar-dum," Moria was once the most fabled and powerful of the Dwarven kingdoms of Middle-earth. It was here that , or "Grey-flame," was mined, the basic material of magical swords, runes, and armor. The inhabitants were mostly slain by the Balrog many centuries ago, and now orcs infest its dark halls.

RADAGAST: Radagast the Brown is a Wiz­ ard learned in ancient lore. Radagast has many special skills and responsibilities con­ cerning beasts and birds.

RIVENDELL: The dwelling of Elrond the Half-elven, called the Last Homely House East of the Sea. Rivendell is not a fortress, or a city, but a place of learning, healing, and merriment. The Wisdom of the Ages can be found within its walls.


In case of emergency, tum this page ... 1£ you choose to become all four characters · .. Help Has Arrived during a game, you may be surprised to learn what the others are up to while you're not watching.

he hints for playing The Fellowship of Talking to Other Characters the Ring Software Adventure that you will find on the following pages were L Pages II-I2 tell you the correct way to talk designed to move you along through the in Inglish to the creatures of Middle-earth. game without completely eliminating the Quotation marks must be used whenever you challenge of play and discovery. They are pre­ wish to speak to another character, or when­ sented with general tips first, and then in ever you attempt to perform an action with a question-and-answer format for Parts One character other than the one you are cur­ and Two, so you can choose to "peek" at as rently playing. Never place a comma directly much information as you need. Some hints before quotation marks, as in SAM, "TAKE are complete solutions to the puzzles. Others STONE".1£ you wish Sam to pick up the will provide a clue, in the hope that it will stone, you must say: SAM "TAKE STONE" spark a brilliant idea in you. Make sure to because if you were instead to say: SAM save games frequently, and you will quickly TAKE STONE, the computer would inter­ bounce back from any disasters that may be­ pret SAM as the verb and be unable to per­ fall you. form the action. There are many random elements in the pro­ gram that no hints or clues can control. For Taking and Examining Things this reason, we cannot supply you with a ready-made map or maze solutions or guaran­ All items that are found during play must be tee that the hints will work for everyone in evaluated for their usefulness. 1£ they are not every possible situation. We have done our useful or if their power has been depleted, best. Now it is up to you. then get rid of them. Occasionally you will come across items that appear to be useful Tips for Using Inglish but for which you can find no use. Life is funny, isn't it? The first part of the user's guide provides full With the important exception of exits, ele­ details on the use of Inglish and should be ments in the description do not "exist" as ob­ read thoroughly before play. A few quirks to jects. Items that you can examine and that keep in mind: if you use THANK as a verb are useful in your adventure are listed on the (as in SAY TO SAM "THANK YOU "), you line after the description. may elicit a strange response; be careful how you use ALL. Remember to use your wits. HELP and HINT are good only in a pinch. A Few More Words about Combat

Exploring a magical world can give one a Changing Characters dangerous sense of invulnerability. Attacking seemingly useless characters is a tempting Remember that you must choose all the char­ way to avoid interaction, but going around acters you want to play at the beginning of bludgeoning people without provocation the game if you want to play more than one won't do much for your reputation around character during that session of the game (re­ Middle-earth. fer to pages 8 and 12).

20 Magic weapons are worthwhile additions to Although legend has made you understand­ the party's armory. Remember that it is not ably hesitant to wear the ring, it can be of as­ always necessary to possess a weapon in or­ sistance on occasion. If invisible, you can der to attack someone. sneak past some possibly dangerous charac­ ters, but don't assume that the ring gives you Giant immortal spiders and the like cannot a reliable immunity from attack. Remember be killed by normal means. Magic or carefully that Ringwraiths can see anyone who is thought-out actions are needed to deal with wearing the ring. Because the ring itself them. Engaging in hand-to-hand (or even wants to be found, it tends to fall off the sword-to-hand) combat with them will most wearer's finger at the worst possible likely result in your spectacular death. Black moments. Riders can be killed easily if you are not car­ rying the ring. However, once lying dead in Wearing the ring while in the same area as your path they may block your movements, your companions can cause confusion. Keep and elfstones will no longer have an effect on in mind that only the one wearing the ring is them. invisible and, if you speak, your voice can still be heard by other characters. The Party Solving Mazes In some areas, certain actions can be carried out only by certain characters, and so it is Mazes are designed to confuse you, pure and valuable to keep your party together. It is also simple. You must map them because this will valuable to assess their individual character­ help you find your way back out. istics, such as strength, cleverness, and wis­ dom. Not surprisingly, Gandalf's presence One way to get through a maze is to set your makes the party safer, but he's not always sights in one general direction, always taking around. Boromir, Girnli, and Aragorn are very the path that seems the most likely to lead in necessary "muscle." Legolas is a good scout. that direction. Keep in mind, however, that Gimli says something only if he really means mazes are designed to prevent you from being it. Legolas is old and wise and usually knows able to head in the direction that leads out of what he is talking about. Boromir is your best the maze. You can always try to second guess warrior. You can be sure that he firmly be­ this sneaky tendency on the part of the maze lieves anything that he tells you. Make sure designer (who may have only expected sim­ that you follow Strider. Being an independent ple-minded creatures to come upon it) and sort, he will not tag along after you as a rule. head off in the opposite direction. You never know. There is a point at which some characters are no longer necessary to achieve the ring quest. You can try placing one hand on a wall and However, never leave the Ringbearer alone. then follow that wall around until you en­ Big parties are easily spotted, but single ad­ counter an opening. Then enter the area and venturers can be overcome easily and can follow the wall around until you find another never rest because they have no companions exit, and so on. to watch over them at night. The text itself can give you clues in the mazes. If you have been in an area before, you The Ring will be given only the abbreviated descrip­ tion. So if you revisit an area, it will be appar­ You don't have to carry the ring around with in the description. you if you don't want to. It can.be safely left in a secure place if you have fears of its being taken from you while you travel.

21 A particularly nasty trap is the loop. If you How do I escape the moving trees in the Old suspect that you have come back to where Forest! you started from, drop something (such as a handkerchief) and then move on. If you later Move in one direction, WAIT, then try the find the item on the floor, then you will same. direction again, then WAIT. Be persis­ know you are in a loop. Try taking a new tent: you will eventually succeed. This is a direction. one-way maze; it is mappable. Take a LOOK, and then the opening will almost always Finally, you must learn to OUtwit shifting move clockwise. paths. Pick a direction that you want to go in, and WAlT and LOOK to see if an exit has ap­ peared that will allow you to go in that direc­ How do I get past Farmer Maggot's dogs! tion. If not, either wait again, or try the exit that comes closest to where you want to go. Say HELLO to them, WAIT, and soon Farmer Maggot should appear to quiet them. Or re­ member the special powers of the ring. Farmer Maggot will turn out to be a good General Strategies for friend if treated with the respect befitting one of his age and status in the community, but Part One and Part Two he also has a quick temper and is somewhat suspicious of strangers. Be nice to the dogs.

The goal of Part One is to reach the bridge How do I use the ferry! across the river Hoarwell at the end of the eastern highway, defeat the Black Riders, and From the east bank, GET ON FERRY (your get the special save that will allow you to friends will follow), TURN HANDLE (five load the game into Part Two. Make sure that times, but no one should tum more than you adventure extensively in the west before twice without eating), GET OFF FERRY. you attempt to enter Part Two. From the west bank, TURN HANDLE until the ferry is on your side, GET ON FERRY, The goal of Part Two is to survive the journey then TURN HANDLE until you reach the through Moria and arrive safely at Loth Lor­ east banle ien. Don't be concerned that the objects you had at the end of Part One are not with you when you begin Part Two. You must seek El­ How do I find Merry! rond in Rivendell to gain the food, characters, and information that are necessary to con­ Experiment to find the quickest route from tinue your quest. Bag End to the cottage. If you go there first, Merry should be waiting for you. If you can't Part One find Merry, BECOME MERRY, and then find Frodo. Is there an axe or a sword at Bag End that I need to take!

No, but you will find weapons and other magical objects when you need them.

22 Can I take the East- West Road to avoid long How do I get past the Barrow-wightl detours like the farm and the ferryl Throw something. Or wear the ring. The Bar­ The roads are a major source of danger be­ row and environs should be carefully cause it is there that you will most likely en­ searched. The Barrow-wight is dangerous, and counter Black Riders. Bypassing the roads is you cannot immobilize him until he speaks. worth the extra time, yet each alternative Use the time wisely. Throw an elfstone or the route contains challenges of its own. The clay pot at him, but don't attack. Midgewater Marshes can be especially handy in allowing you to avoid Black Riders ranging . the road between the last bridge and Bree. Is there anything important in the disco Trust Strider's instructions, and don't enter "Heaven"l the marshes without him. It's there purely for nuisance value (unless you are an are). Is there anything special about Michel Delvingl How do I escape the willowl Michel Delving marks the beginning of the Great Eastern Highway. The mayor is here, as If the willow has trapped your friends but not is the Mathom House (don't overlook the you, get , tell him to go bookcase). To "see" the mayor, enter his of­ SOUTHWEST, and ask him to HELP. There fice in the town hall. is no way out if you are alone and cannot change to another character. It is wise to take the candle from Michel Delving. Just as in real life, a candle lasts longer than a match and can be put out and What do I do at the lakel relit. Lake Evenduin is the northernmost location in Part One, and it is here that you will find How do I navigate the tunnel between the Watery Tart. This area is well worth a Crickhollow and the Old Forestl visit. Remember, only a Bucklander hobbit can swim. And make sure he climbs back Enter the tunnel only if you (and not your out. companions) have a box of matches, or matches and a candle. Make sure the candle is lit before you enter the tunnel. If equipped How do I get through the grassy path maze only with matches, you will need to light in the Tower Hillsl new matches as you go. You will have trouble telling a friend to light a candle by first strik­ The Tower Hills maze must be passed in or­ ing a match (guess what the verb STRIKE is der to travel into the Blue Mountains. For used for). hints on the possible techniques of finding your way, see Solving Mazes, page 21. The Tower Hills maze is bounded by four gates at each main point of the compass. From the Sandy Beach, go WEST, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTHEAST, EAST, WEST, NORTH­ EAST, SOUTHWEST to get to foothills of the Blue Mountains. In reverse, go NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST.

23 Is Harlin don really deserted! How do I get past the gatekeeper at Bree!

That depends on whether or not you consider Gandalf gave you an - now is the time ghosts to be inhabitants of IIsubstance.1I to use it! (To jog your memory a bit, where do hobbits liven Also, the gates are opened at regular intervals, if you are the patient type. How do I defeat the Green Knight!

Face the Green Knight with only one cham­ How do I get past the Black Riders in Bree! pion. Nicely ask your friends to step aside, or simply send them firmly in the opposite di­ Ignore them. If you don't bother them, they rection. Be persistent. You must attack the won't see you. Or try letting someone else knight. watch over the ring for a whilej after all, it's the Ringbearer they seek. Radagast will tell you how to fend off Black Riders. If you sus­ What must I give to the Red Lady! pect that green jewels have something to do with it, you're light, but you still absolutely Give her nothingj refuse her demands. Be as must see Radagast and prove your worthiness stubborn and stolid a hobbit as you know to be entrusted with their secret. When in how. As with the giant immortal spiders, need, distribute your elfstones among your powerful witches should not be attacked. friends with care, or you may be in for a nasty surprise.

What do I do with the medallion! How can I kill the Black Riders' horses in Remember, Radagast sent you on a quest: Bree! give and you shall receive. Don't even think of killing the Black Riders' horses in Bree. Where will I find food!

You will find food in the cupboard at Bag Should I visit the small room at Barliman's End, at Farmer Maggot's house, and at Inn! Merry's cottage. Tom Bombadil will offer you a nourishing meal. And don't forget the In the Prancing Pony Inn are Strider and Bar­ pumpkin, capsicum, celery, banana, marzi­ liman. If you have told Barliman your special pan, and peas at Bree. Yum. name and if you wait long enough, he will deliver Gandalf's letter to you. The small The hobbits' overoccupation with food is a room is just that. Nothing else. well-known characteristic, and one that their nonhobbit friends have gotten used to, if only begrudgingly. For that reason, anyone who of­ Should I always follow Strider! fers you food fully expects you and your com­ panions to eat your fill and then fill your It is not essential, but it makes good sense knapsacks. Eating alone can be a good move because Strider knows where to go in safety. if supplies are limited. A quick bite between combat rounds can give you a burst of energy, always helpful when someone is about to cleave your skull.

24 Strider told me that Radagast could help, Part Two and he led me to a bridge, but he ;ust stands there. What should I do next! Is there anything of interest in the Trollshaws! Well, don't you just stand there, too - unless you have already journeyed to the Blue The Trollshaws are located between two riv­ Mountains. The Blue Mountains are west of ers, the Hoarwell, and the Loudwater, form­ the Shire, south of the Tower Hills. You will ing the western boundary of the valley of find the great wizard Radagast in the observa­ Rivendell. The Trollshaws contain three tory atop the southern peaks. Once you have things of interest. Make sure that you find all carried out the task set for you, you should three. The ford must be crossed to reach Riv­ return to the area to meet with the wiza'rd. endell. Four legs are better than two. You Radagast is a busy , so be polite and ' must tell the horse where to go. patient. KNOCK ON the observatory DOOR and WAIT. Think twice about attacking gentle monks and benevolent wizards. Should I go over the mountains or through them!

What should I do at the cave of the wise old Caradhas is a quick way to get across the troll near Weathertop! mountains and find Lorien. It is also a quick way to greet your noble ancestors and find Weathertop is a fine place from which to eternal rest. Most assuredly, Moria is the pref­ view the surrounding·countryside and fill erable way to reach the eastern side of the your lungs with fresh air. Other than that, Misty Mountains. To negotiate Moria suc­ Weathertop is totally devoid of any interest cessfully, you will require Pippin, Gandalf, whatsoever. and company and at least one set of mithril mail. You must go to Rivendell first. The doors to Elrond's great hall will not open How can I avoid getting killed by the Black until he is ready to receive you. Please give Riders at Weathertop! Elrond the respect he deserves, even if he is rather vague. And do stop in to say hello to Unless you've learned the secret from Rada­ Bilbo, won't you? gast, elfstones will do you no good. You need the secret and the elfstones to survive. One elfstone works only once against one Black How do I enter the gates of Moria! Rider and then vanishes. Your companions will attempt to use elfstones if you do. Whatever you do, be quick about it. Go Attempting to use an elfstone when you are EAST, EXAMINE the DOOR, say a magic carrying two of them will bring on your un­ word, ATTACK the TENTACLES, and go timely demise. EAST again. If your four-footed friend is car­ rying items that you will need, take them be­ fore reaching the Moria gate. How many elfstones are there, and where can I find them!

There are at least six and sometimes two in one spot. Look in the observatory, the tree in the gloomy place, the clay pot, the willow, and the lake.

25 How do I get to Balin's tomb! Another Final Word After attacking the tentacles, go EAST, UP, EAST, EAST, EAST. Then go DOWN, UP, DOWN, SOUTH, DOWN. You have to do something tricky before you go EAST, EAST, Middle-earth is a magical place, brought to EAST, UP, EAST. You carry on from here. life in each person's imagination. There is no When you reach Balin's tomb, be sure to look right or wrong idea of how a thing really for messages on the objects around you. looks. Middle-earth was created by J. R. R. Tolkien for each of us to enjoy, and we hope that this program will add to your enjoyment What else should I know about Moria! of this magical land.

Even though Gandalf provides you with light, If you have any questions that we have not it is a good idea to carry some means of illu­ covered here, please feel free to contact the mination as you travel through Moria. You Hobbit Department, by mail, with your spe­ should have few problems in the western cific problems. See page 3 for a complete ad­ halls unless you try to leave the way you dress. Please be patient; we will respond as came in: there is no escape to the west. The soon as we can. bare rooms area will lead you into a fairly standard maze. The only surprise is the door If, during the course of your travels, you dis­ through which you must pass to continue cover misspellings, missing letters, or other your journey through Moria. Remember your typographical errors in the program text, we quest and push a stone. would appreciate hearing about them. Al­ though we have done our best to proofread all Listen to Gandalf's advice, and do not enter the text in development and testing, we the great halls without him. If Gandalf's know that a few things have slipped by. All of instructions are followed, you should not your co= are helpful to us for future reo have any trouble with the eastern maze. The visions of The Fellowship of the Ring Soft­ Balrog and his Orcish slaves are at the big ware Adventure. hall to cut you off from the bridge. Go di­ rectly east across the bridge. Pippin will look Good luck, Frodo and Company! out for himself.

How do I ascend the tree in Lorien!

The woods of Lorien lie on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains. After you have gone EAST a few turns, ask Haldir the elf for help. Go NORTHEAST and WAIT, making sure to curb Girnli's destructive urges: SAY TO GIMLI "NO" isn't enough. After asking the elf to do what he needs to do, go to each of the four points of the compass, and ask him to open the gates. Head EAST several times and then, finally, UP. It would be polite to , say HELLO to your hosts Celeborn and Gal­ adriel before you head for the shoreline.

26 a:rodo'S

'Use tliis space to ma~ notes ana araw maps of your travers tlirougli Micfcffe-eartli. 3-roOO's

'llse tliis space to maf.:t. notes and araw maps of your travers tlirougli Mitftfft-eartli. aroda's <"[ravel £'og

'Use tfiis space to maKi- notes and araw maps of your travers tfirougfi MUtf£e-eartfi. ere' is written in tne'feiinorian charadm acco~ to thcmo¢e'ofBderianb: €nnyn 'Durin ~n. oda.: pe~o meLlon 0. m inno.lm l2a.tvi ha.in ec nt: Ce1.ehrimbor-o Ere< :ion teitho.nti thiw hi

Doors of Durin and Moria Gate