Erwin Marquit (Physics, Univ
EDITOR: Erwin Marquit (physics, Univ. of Minnesota) BOOK REVIEW EDITORS: Eric R. Jackson (history, Northern Kentucky Univ.) and Doris Grieser Marquit (literature, women’s studies) ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Gerald M. Erickson (classical studies, Univ. of Minnesota) Gerald Horne (African American studies, Univ. of Houston) Eric R. Jackson (history, Northern Kentucky Univ.) Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie (history, Howard Univ.) April Ane Knutson (French literature, Univ. of Minnesota) Doris Grieser Marquit (literature, women’s studies) David S. Pena (philosophy, Miami Dade College) Michael Parenti (political science) Epifanio San Juan Jr. (cultural studies, Philippines Cultural Studies Center, Storrs, CT) José A. Soler (labor education, Univ. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth) Ethel Tobach (comparative psychology, City Univ. of New York) Prasad Venugopal (physics, Univ. of Detroit Mercy) VOL. 19, NO. 4 (OCTOBER 2006) Sent to press January 2, 2008 Copyright © Marxist Educational Press All rights reserved Cover design by Prockat VOLUME 19, NUMBER 4 October 2006 NST: NATURE, SOCIETY, AND THOUGHT (ISSN 0890-6130). Published quar- terly in January, April, July, and October by MEP Publications, University of Minnesota, Physics Building, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455- 0112. Periodicals postage paid at Minneapolis, Minnesota. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NST: Nature, Society, and Thought, University of Minnesota, Physics Building, 116 Church St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0112. Subscriptions. Individuals, one year: U.S.A. $20, Canada and Mexico $31, other countries $45; two years: U.S.A. $35, Canada and Mexico $57, other countries $80. Institutions, one year: U.S.A. $50, Canada and Mexico $61, other countries $80. Subscription and editorial address: NST, University of Minnesota, Physics Building, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0112 (tel.
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