ftye JSufee Cfjronicle Volume 64, Number 44 Duke University, Durham, N.C. Wednesday, November 13, 1968 Students prosecuted for media protest The students who interrupted informed. may appeal to the President. the Symposium panel discussion No date has been set yet for the Appeal will be based "solely on the Monday night will be prosecuted hearing, according to Griffith. The record of the proceedings before under the Pickets and Protest defendants will be "informed as the Hearing Committee." policy. soon as the material is put Procedures for the one Bill Griffith, assistant dean of together," he said. non-academic employee involved, Arts and Sciences and assistant to The formal charges will be sent Jeff Van Pelt, are outlined in the the provost for student affairs, said to the Hearing Committee and a Personal Handbook, according to yesterday he is bringing charges copy of the charges will be sent to the policy. against the eight students and one the defendants, he said. No new Personnel Policy University employee involved. The Hearing Committee, Handbook has been published since They will be the first students to provided for in the policy, the new policy went into effect. be prosecuted under the new consisted of two faculty members, There is presently no written policy policy, which was approved by the one dean and two students. It is for non-academic employees, Board of Trustees in August. appointed by the Execu tive specifically for Picket &. Protest Griffith said he could not release Committee of the Academic violations, according to Richard Photo by Jesse Venable the names of the students being Council. Bindewald, director of personnel. Richard Schickel speaking at Symposium last night prosecuted until they had been Members of the Hearing The grievance procedure would Committee are Kenneth Pye, dean be used, he said, if action were 9 of the Law School and chairman of taken against a non-academic the committee; Hans Hillerbrand of employee because of a violation of 'Kapow panel voices history; Edward Jones of the policy. However, he admitted psychology; Carol Dornseif, that he did not know who would chairman of the Woman's Judicial take the action. Board; and Charlie Williams, "It definitely would not be a concern over media chairman of the Men's Judicial supervisor, he said." Board. The interruption came during By Ed Harrison more colorful and "disruptive" medium itself and the medium's If the Hearing Committee finds the panel discussion in Monday Staff reporter happenings. "The medium is not influence on politics. "I believe that the student defendants guilty, they (Continued on Page 8) "It would be quite hard to the message, but it has a mighty the media are very bad, and I don't follow last night's performance," effect on what the message will know what we're going to do about said Symposium '68 chairman Peter be." it," he said. English in introducing Tuesday Michael Arlen emphasized that Clark foresaw a "new repressive Democrats sweep night's session of KAPOW The television is "intrinsically period" in American life in regard Electric Media. Unlike Monday equipment, a system, an to freedom of communication and night, however, there was no invention." He outlined the reasons individual freedom. He called upon disruption of the program, as for the extraordinarily rapid growth the mass media: "The media will Durham elections Richard Schickel, Michael Arlen, have a major role because their very and Blair Clark discussed their of TV: the increase in national existence may be threatened by By Tom Scrivner George Wallace in the Presidential views of "The Media and Society" marketing, the development of a what I am predicting."_ Durham reporter contest. Richard Nixon, who but in Page Auditorium. commercial method of making David Paletz of the political While the Republican ticket North Carolina's electoral votes "I don't think we can talk about receivers cheaply, and the fact that science department, the program's made unprecedented inroads into into the GOP column for the first the media," said Schickel, the first it started as a mass media with moderator, closed the session with the solid Democratic political time in 40 years, finished third with speaker, "because of the different private support. "a way of looking at media." He tradition of North Carolina, 12,708 votes. psychological sets used in "Commercial television is doing pointed out that "everyone knows Durham county remained a solid Democrat Bob Scott carried approaching the media." He us a great disservice," said Arlen. what's wrong with it,', but noone Democratic bastion as the 1968 Durham County with 22,396 votes concentrated upon television, "It imperfectly displays the life of suggested any solutions. He election results are counted. to 18,811 for Republican Jim "because in comparison to the the nation." He complained of the suggested that there are two sides The secretary of the North Gardner in a bitterly fought contest other media it is an H-bomb, the elevation fo journalists to the rank to mass media, particularly Carolina Democratic Party and for the North Carolina statehouse total weapon." of "semi-preists" of the mass television: "It soothes and resident of Durham, Mrs. E.K. in which Scott emerged the final Schickel discussed the effect of media. revolutionizes." Powe said "Durham's Democratic victor. TV on our thinking: "It is the new The New Yorker critic expressed victory in every race except one opiate of the masses." He said that his concern about the inverse seat on the County Commissioners These results, plus the neck and television affects our buying habits, growth of popular interest in Correction should put Durham in a good neck victory of Nick Galifianakis in because of its emphasis on politics and the lessening of the position of leadership in the state the new Fourth Congressional "consumerism", and also our logic, power of politics to alter the lives The group which and in a very good relationship with District by over 4,000 votes assured because of thousands of rapid of people, compared to that of TV. interrupted Monday night's the national Congress." the primacy of the Democratic images which we receive from it. Arlen concluded optimistically: Symposium panel discussion In a record turnout of over Party in the Durham area. A cusion This emphasis on images, and "Television will adjust it self, by its was not sponsored by the 45,000 voters, which led to long of over 3,800 votes in Durham also slogans, has influenced our own regulation." Southern Student Organizing lines up to three hours long, Hubert County carried Galifianakis to concept of "participatory Blair Clark also focused on Committee as the Chronicle Humphrey gathered 16,433 victory over Fred Steele, and democracy", Schickel said, in the television's effect on our thinking, reported yesterday. Durham County votes to 13,542 returned him to Congress for a way TV news presents only the discussing it from two sides, the for former Alabama governor second term. A heavy black vote elected Asa T. Spaulding, retired president of the North Carolina Mutual Life US may negotiate without Saigon Insurance Co., to the Durham County Board of Commissioners. (C) 1968 N.Y. Times News Servic. He is the first black ever to serve on W A S HIN GTON-Secretary of Saigon government and of seriousness" the shelling of the board and led all vote-getters Defense Clark M. Clifford warned representatives of enemy forces. about 30 South Vietnamese with 20,815 votes. The board will South Vietnamese leaders today At the same time, Clifford put province and district capitals since function for the next two years that unless they agreed soon to Hanoi on public notice to be the bombing cessation. with four Democrats and one participate in Paris peace talks, The careful that its military activities in But in neither set of Republican. may feel compelled the South did not jeopardize circumstances, he said, has a In last Tuesday's balloting. to proceed without them. movement toward meaningful talks "pattern" been established Durham County voters The Johnson Administration, he and a continuation of the American indicating that North Vietnam was overwhelmingly passed a $20 said, could properly discuss with bombing halt of North Vietnam. unprepared to live up to the million hospital bond issue, the first North Vietnam "military matters," He characterized recent artillery understanding that it would not passed by Durham voters in two including a de-escalation of the war and rocket firings from the take advantage of the bombing halt years. This was the first hospital and mutual troop withdrawals from demilitarized zone against by abusing the DMZ or shelling the bond to pass in 18 years. South Vietnam, even if the South American and South Vietnamese major cities of the South. At the same time, the Vietnamese government failed to units as a violation of the Paris Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, companion Raleigh-Durham participate. understandings that led to the commander of American forces in Airport bond issue was narrowly In that event, he said at a bombing halt and the scheduling of Vietnam, has informed the Richard NixorTs support of the defeated by 1671 votes in Durham Pentagon news conference, political broadened negotiations. administration that he believes such present administration is seen County, while resoundingly questions would be left for Similarly, Clifford said, the enemy activities to date have not strengthening Johnson's hairi in rejected in Wake County, by almost subsequent discussion between the administration viewed as "a matter (Continued on Page £ dealing with Saigon. 9,000 votes. Page Two __ yhe Duke Chronicle Wednesday, November 15, 1968

Voters want to abolish See the Corbin look in sport jackets and trousers. Corbin jackets are tailored in the same distinctive manner that has made Corbin trousers a electoral college system tradition in fine clothing. Distinctive quality. Distinctive fit. And. naturally, By Louis Harris RESOLVING ELECTION men are running for the White distinctive patterns, colourings and fabrics from (C) 1968 Los Angeles Tfmes IN HOUSE House, the man who finishes on top England and Scotland. By a 79 to 11% margin, the Total Public might receive a relatively small Come in soon and see our complete collection American people favor abolishing Favor 24 per cent portion of the vote. of Corbin sport jackets and trousers. the electoral college system and Oppose 60 per cent These results were obtained Discover how the Corbin look sets you distinctively apart. substituting for it election of a Not sure 16 per cent before last Tuesday's near miss in President by popular vote. By 60 to By a 5 to 1 margin, the sending the election of a President 24%, the public stands opposed to to the House of Representatives. the present constitutional provision American people went along with a suggestion made by Nixon but The chances are that the same of having the House of questions asked after this /-*U- Representatives name a President if rejected by Humphrey: that in case the electoral college cannot elect of an electoral deadlock the experience would show even higher candidate who received the most percentages in favor of changing the popular votes be named President way this country elects its Although the Constitution states President. Last Tuesday's election of a the procedures which should be Undeniably, the American President by less than a majority of followed in the case of a stalemate people want to change the system, the vote in a three-way contest in a presidential election, the voters and well before another President is raised the specter of the possibility would rather have agreement elected, particularly after the tense of the 1968 election ending up in among the nominees that the top wait-out of this past week. the House. As the long evening man would be supported by the wore on and the. division between others than to risk the men President-elect Richard Nixon and negotiating deals in the electoral Folk music club Vice President college after the election. teetered back and forth, the In the view of many voters, such The Duke University Folk prospects of a stalemated election negotiations after an election could Music Club will hold its first became a reality to many seriously compromise and even meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. Americans. corrupt the system of governing. in 208 Flowers. The purpose The prevailing view is that a prior of the group remains flexible, During the week before the commitment bythe men running but will hopefully include voting, as the election began to would avert behind the scenes some of the following: narrow with Humphrey's late surge, dealings which might handicap the instruction on various the Harris Survey asked a series of incoming Administration. instruments; formation of Town & Campus questions of a cross section of However, such agreement among string bands; occasional 149 E. Franklin 1,698 people: the candidates to support the man programs; sponsorship of a CHAPEL HILL with the most votes is considered a workshop or concert. "If the electoral college can't temporary ameliorative at best. A Enthusiastic musicians are elect a President, the House of much more basic step, according to cordially invited to attend. Representatives names the 79%, is to abolish the electoral President, with each state, no college and to elect Presidents in matter how big or small, having the future on the basis of popular one vote. In general, do you vote. favor or oppose this present One objection raised to election system of naming a President?" by popular vote is that if several

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Rosen, Mussir to play Review by Martin Schlesinger : at coffeehouse

Bob Rosen, a Duke student, will Orrin Mussir, also a Duke 'The Odd Couple'] perform at the Celestial Omnibus student, will be performing at the this Friday night from 9 until 10 CO. Saturday night. He will p.m. His repertoire consists mainly present two versions of "Alice's of folk music. Last year he played Restuarant," along with a variety of gags and suicide; several times at the coffeehouse and folk and blues numbers. Orrin has was always well received. He has an also played at the CO. in the past, THE ODD COUPLE. A comedy directed by Gene Saks; With Walter excellent voice, for which his able and his versions of "Alice's Matthau and Jack Lemmon. At the Carolina in Chapel Hill. performance on guitar is a suitable Restuarant" have proved to be accompanyment. extremely popular. Artist-violinist Giorgio Ciompi It might be said that a comedy that opt*ns with a suicide attempt, however bumbling, is presenting its audience with a bad omen. In this case, what follows is brilliant comedy, but to me it was not quite brilliant Symphony features Ciompi enough to overcome its beginnings. Comedy is a reaction to a situation which, looked at objectively, is never less than embarrassing and often qualifies as being tragic. A fat When the 85 piece Duke Concerto in D Major" with the and regionally as a distinguished woman is insulted by a penny scale; a man slips on a banana peel: examine Symphony Orchestra presents its symphony which will begin at 8:15 member of the Duke music faculty. your own favorite joke or comedy sketch. The element that makes us fall concert in Page Auditorium this p.m. Ciompi has served as assistant laugh is not definitely known; some point to the incongruity of the comic Friday, it will feature Giorgio concertmaster of the Casals Festival situation, and some, noting the use of laughter as a tension-releasing Ciompi, artist-violinist and member Ciompi, for whom the Ciompi in Puerto Rico for several years in device, see laughter as an expression of the of the Duke music faculty. Ciompi Quartet of Duke is named, was addition to his activities in the "there-but-for-the=grace-of-God-go-I" reaction. Perhaps both are true; the will perform Beethoven's "Violin appointed Artist-Violinist at Duke States. incongruity of the situation contributes to the idea that "it couldn't University in 1964. Solo happen to me" because it really couldn't happen to anyone, not in that appearances with the Duke Ciompi was born in Florence, way. Symphony and with the North Italy, and received the Prix du Carolina Symphony, engagements Conservatoire in Paris studying But that formula requires that the more serious the tragedy, the more CIIROXK.I.I by the Ciompi-Withers Duo, and under Boucherit. He later did incongruous it appear. For instance, in Elizabethan times the same witty more recently concerts by the advanced work under George dialogue that made a successful comedy out of such rustic tragedies as a Ciompi Quartet have already Enesco and Diran Alexanian. little good-natured adultery would be good only for slight comic relief in CLASS established his reputation locally Following this study he taught at one of Shakespeare's historical tragedies. In order to make a war even the Conservatorio Benedetto half-funny, one needs the kind of extravaganza-^f.incongruity to be found Marcello in Venice under its in, say, "Catch-22" or (to use a more light-hearted and completely Duke Chronicle unbelievable example) "Hogan's Heroes." Classified Advertising That band Director, Malipiero. Since 1948 he To clarify any rumours has made his home in this country Needed—Early riser with a car circulating to the contrary, having been asked in that year by to pick up Duke Chronicle in Arturo Toscanini to join the NBC As "The Odd Couple" opens, we see Jack Lemmon walking dejectedly the Celestial Omnibus merely down a street in Manhattan. He almost stumbles into a cheap hotel, has a Mebane Tuesday, thru offered its facilities to the Saturday, 6:30 AM and bit of fumbled dialogue with the desk clerk, and trudged up the stairs to distribute on campus. $8 an band which played on the From 1949 until coming to his ninth floor room. In his dingy cubicle, he removes his watch and wallet issue, $40/week. Call 5469 or Chapel steps last ^uesday Duke University, Ciompi was a and puts them in a touchingly addressed brown envelope for his family; 2663. after the campus police asked member of the famed Albeneri Trio the trouble he has getting his wedding ring off hardly causes a ripple in the them to leave. The CO. had and in that capacity toured mood. Then he walks slowly to the window, with the obvious intention of no part in organizing this ALL TROPICAL FISH extensively in this country and four jumping out. By this time the mood of death is so heavy that the first real 35 cent each affair or in paying any times . in Europe. During this bit of comedy—Lemmon's spraining his back in an attempt to open the Plants, Aquariam set-ups, AKC performers. The organizing association he made numerous window—is nothing but a rather inefficient tension reliever. and mixed breed pups, snakes, group apparently prefers to recordings under both the Mercury rats, hamsters, birds, mice, remain anonymous. and Music Guild labels. He was girbiis, kittens, monkies, As previously stated, and Head of the Violin Department at He then leaves the hotel and wanders the streets, entering a cheap club lizards, alligators. except on special announced the Cleveland Institute of Music by chance. Getting his drink, he stations himself near the stage where the PUPPY LOVE PET SHOPV occasions, the Celestial and first violinist in its String girlie show is going on and prepares to get good and drunk. The next and Omnibus is open only to Quartet from 1954-1964. In 1954 attempted joke, his throwing out his neck while drinking, is totally AQUARIAM ineffective; one has a picture of a middle-aged man, falling apart and 113 E. Main Street. 682-5955 members of the Duke he became a citizen of this country. University • community and During the summers of 1950 and caught in the midst of some still-unexplained tragedy. their guests. Proof of such 1951 he was a member of the status may be requested. faculty and performing artist at the Head and Use Terry Rattig Aspen Music Festival and summer From there we mercifully cut to Matthau the slob at a typical poker Coordinator, Celestial appointments of 1959-1963 found game, and Neil Simon's lively dialogue reminds us that we are, after ali, Classified Ads! Omnibus Coffeehouse him serving as Visiting Professor at watching a comedy. The rest of the picture is comedy, as Neil Simon has the Colorado College summer proven again and again that he can write and as Jack Lemmon and Walter session and first violinist in its Matthau can interpret so well. But every time the suicide theme comes up, String Quartet. one's mind {mine, at any rate) goes back to that dismal opening scene. let For several years he was also a member of the Saidenburg Little The main theme of "The Odd Couple" is the doomed attempt of a Symphony in New York City. compulsive cleaner to live in the same apartment with a compulsive Before coming to the United States messer. The parallel between the association of Lemmon and Matthau with say the word in 1948 for a concert tour and each other to a failing marriage is skillfully and not too crudely exploited. Carnegie Hall debut, Ciompi Matthau's performance, in particular, is excellent; he was excelleni; cast, for you concertized extensively in Europe. and he exploits the simple role of the stock slop to its hilt. Lemmon is In recent years he has returned to understandably confused by the problem of balance between tragedy and Give him Jade East, Italy each summer as head of the comedy, as Gene Saks also seems to be in that case, which sometimes classic results in his delivering his most serious lines as if they were punchlines, gift of elegance North Carolina School of Arts that says he's summer session in Siena to direct a but where he has pure comedy to work with he does a fine job. If only the dashing, exciting, seven week artistic and educational movie had dared to be as extravagant as the general run of black humor, or your kind of man. had simply found some other way to get Matthau and Lemmon together, Jade East Cologne program for 100 American from $3.00; students. it would have been a fine comedy. As it is, it's a tribute to the movie that After Shave from it can almost make the audience forget the first scene. '$2.50; Colognes After Shave Gift Set, $5.50. Poetry-Sing Coral and Jade East Film capsules Golden Lime. All are available in a complete collection of masculine , to be held grooming essentials. THE STRANGER, a motion picture taken from the novel by Nobel SWANK, Inc.— Sole Distributor Prize-winning French author Albert Camus, is now playing at the Rialto at Epworth Theatre. The story is based on a real trial—that of Camus' best friend. It tells of the revolt of a French-Algerian clerk, condemned to death, not for Epworth Dormitory will holr1 its his crime of killing an Arab, but for his refusal to accept the hypocrisy of second "Poetry-Sing" of the year the society which had accused him. this Thursday at 8 p.m. The event combines Epworth's monthly IF HE HOLLERS, LET HIM GO!, a drama starring Dana Wynter, poetry-reading with a musical jam Raymond St. Jacques, Kevin McCarthy, and introducing Barbara McNair, session in which participants play is now playing at the Carolina Theatre. The film presents the story of a and sing both original and popular man, falsely convicted of rape and murder, who tries to prove his songs. Participants as well as innocence, only to find himself trapped into an attempt to murder the listeners are encouraged to attend. beautiful wife of a man who could save his life. tEJe JBufee Chronicle 77>« Student Press of Duke Universitv T^^mmm}. ;.-^# Founded in 1905

Third Floor, Flowers News Phone: 684-2663

Wednesday, November 13, 1968 Page Four Community Tonight SFAC will vote on whether to hold open or closed meetings 'this year. In doing so, they will decide either to bring some reasonableness and honesty into what is now a closed university or to continue a system which inhibits development of a real community. The question of open meetings is a perennial problem here. SFAC has always chosen to meet in secret. The Academic Council believes the community as a whole has no right to know what goes on in its meetings. The Board of Trustees, which like most boards, operates more like an exclusive club, insists that its deliberations must be private. The usual excuse put forth supporting closed meetings is that they allow freer exchange among the committee's members. The real reason is the pinsky commission report • that these people are afraid the community will learn what asinine things ~~_&w they are saying. Even so, they sometimes leak out, much to their embarassment. These people continue to insist on their personal privilege despite the crises which continually confront the University. And by this attitude they Solidarity allow the ignorance and frustration of the rest of the people who make up the University to grow and to fester. With so little communication between those who make the final By Mark Pinsky— decision and those who must accept the decision, it is hardly surprising that we are controlled by the crises. It is hardly surprising that Little Jack Horner leading the fights against tyranny has been non-violence. This country decision-makers spend so much time asking everyone else to "trust them." sat in the corner, and injustice, domestic and foreign, first learned the meaning and the Where there is little communication there is little trust. eating his Christmas pie. much to the continuing depth of racism in the 20th If, then, we are ever to overcome the closed nature of this University He stuck in his thumb embarassment and chagrin of their and pulled out a plumb, Century American context largely and create a sense of belonging and community we must include the total and said "What a good boy am parents. as a result of non-violent student University in our 'important' discussions. We must stop fearing the I." Korean students threw out demonstrations. Berkeley, the first reactions of those outside the 'elite' and open our meetings so others can University students are more Syngman Rhee. Hungarian students Berkeley, was something of an share in an honest and reasonable discussion of our problems. than a little like Little Jack Horner. led the fight against Russian tanks abbrerration—or maybe It is only fair that SFAC, in particular, should allow others in its They sit off on their campuses, in the streets of Budapest. Cuban premonition. Then came the meeting. It is a University-wide body, redrawn this year to allow more isolated from the real world of students organized the fight against assassinations and the war the representation from the whole community. How can a representative body responsibilities and obligations, free Batista. Japanese students take to White House begat. debate in private? of financial insecurity, and come to the streets regularly to keep Still, in large demonstrations, American atomic weapons from SFAC must now decide whether to fulfill its mandate. believe that, reaching into the great most participants feel that it is Christmas pie of life, they are able further polluting their land. British to put their fingers on both the students have been the world-wide (Continued on Page 5) true, the good and the leaders of the movement to ban beautiful—and evil. Having reached atmospheric nuclear testing. January 20 Inauguration Day this plateau of accomplishment, In Spain, who leads the struggle they become unberarably against the facist Franco? Editors Note: The "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech...or self-congratulatory. For their sins In Germany, who fights the following news item appeared prohibiting the...right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition and excesses, they have no one to growing power of Axel Springer, in the November 1 issue of the Government for a redress of greviences. " answer to but themselves and their the "Diamondback," the equally obnoxious peers. the Henry Luce of West Germany? student newspaper of the 1st Amendment. Constitution of the United States. In France, who has come the University of Maryland. Freedoms-speech, assembly, petition—when not exercised, have a This mixture of fact and fantasy closest to dethroning King Charles After receiving Faculty tendency, like muscles, to atrophy. seems to have taken root, like a de Gaulle? Senate approval yesterday, cancer, in the solar plexus of the In Mexico, who are massacred University President Wilson Reactionaries of all ages and political persuassions, in response to the America's great middle-aged, first by the trigger-happy bandits use of civil disobedience in the battle for civil rights, often defended their H. Elkins has okayed middle class paunch. Our epiphany, disguised as the Mexican cancellation of classes on immoral obstructionism with the non sequiter "no man is bigger than the as is often the case, in good ideas as government? Inauguration Day, January law." History, if not their own consciences have since proved them wrong. well bad ones, comes rather late in In Czechoslovakia, who defies 20... Some men, eventually all men, are bigger than immoral laws such as those the game. Much of the world's the Russian imperialists in the The revised schedule which perpetuated racial segregation. But no man is bigger than the Bill of population has already come to streets of Prague? applies only to the College Rights. Not Richard Daley. Not Lyndon Johnson. And certainly not share this anti-student feeling. In the United States, who was it Park campus. Richard Nixon. Middle aged people dislike who ran Lyndon Johnson out of Inauguration Day falls Americans of conscience are going to peaceably assemble in Washington university students in much the the White House? during final exam week. To D.C, our capital, on January 20, Inauguration Day, for a redress of same way as one dislikes a The tactics university students implement the change, the grievances: an unresponsive political system; the police state of Chicago; conscience which just won't shut use, like methods of guerilla last day of classes and up or a little brother who plays first and, speaking freely, to petition the new president to address himself to warfare, are usually determined by pre-exam study day have base better than you do. been moved up to Janary 14 the problems that plague this nation: racism; war; and poverty. the society which fathers them. In the last fifteen years Until recently, the modus operandi and 15. Accordingly, then, we respectfully request that Dr. Johnson and the university students have been of the American student movement University Scheduling Committee schedule no final examinations on January 20. Something old, something new Unsigne'd editorials represent the views of a majority of the editorial board. Signed columns represent the opinions of the author. Editor, Alan Ray Business Manager, Bruce Vance On revolution and LBJ Managing Editor, Bob Ashley; Editorial Chairman, Dave Shaffer; Executive Editors, Jim McCullough, Mark Pinsky; Associate By Tom Jefferson these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to the Managing Editor, Tom Campbell; Staff Director, Carolyn Arnold; Governments are instituted among men, deriving candid world: Associate .Editors, Bob Creamer, Bunny Small; Editorial Page Editors, Pat Black, Alan Shusterman, Araminta Stone; Executive their powers from the just consent of the He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing News Editor, Jack Jackson; Assistant Managing Editors, Peter governed...whenever any form of government becomes armies without the consent of our legislature. Applebome, Lindsay Dearborn, Rob Haughton, David Pace, Clay destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to He has affected to render the military independent Steinman; News Editors, Carolyn Bacal, Gloria Guth, Connie Renz, alter or abolish it, and to institute new government... of and superior to the civil power. Mary Schuette, Gary.Wein; Feature Editor, Richard Smurthwaite; Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long He is at this time transporting large armies Entertainment Editor, Steve Evans; Sports Editor, Bob Switzer; established should not be changed for light and of...mercenaries to complete the works of death, Photography Editor, Carl Ballard; Asst. Feature Editor, Dave Badger; desolation and tyranny already begun with Asst. Entertainment Editor, Jeanette Sarbo; Asst. Sports Editors, transient cause; and accordingly, all experience has Gus Franklin, Joy Hoyle, Rusty McCrady. Beat Editors: Academics, shown that mankind are more dispossed to suffer, circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarecely Jean Cary ,> Barb Radovitch, Gerry Clendinin; ASDU, Bruce Wiley; while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally Development, Steve Fisher, Ralph Karpinos; Durham, Keith abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. unworthy the head of a civilized nation. Kennedy, Tom Scrivner, Betty Baxt, Phil Kr.eager; Graduate schools, But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, He has excited domestic insurrections among us... Betty Walrond, Linda Glover; Labor, Araminta Stone, Carolyn pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to In every stage of these oppressions we have Arnold; Medical School, Teddie Clark, Ethel Duggan; Policy, Bob reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, petitioned in the most humble terms. Our repeated Entman; West Deans and government, Jerome Katz. Asst. Business petitions have been answered only be repeated injury. Manager, Nancy King; Coed Business Manager, Sue Illston; it is their duty to throw off such government... Advertising Manager, Mike Corcoran; Typesetting Manager, Steve The history of the present King...is a history of A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act Gross. ' repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over free people. Wednesday, November 13, 1968 The Duke Chronicle Page Five

—In the nation- Many questions, few answers By Tom Wicker— (C) 1968 N.Y. Times News Service Alaska, which were undecided at almost a dead heat in the national of his victory, in a geographical NEW YORK-We will be After all, Nixon lost the big this writing). But he ran strongly in popular vote, and was a strong sense, Nixon lost New York, analyzing this election for years to prize in the South—Texas and its 25 New York and Michigan, and there challenger in such major Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan and come, no doubt, just as the equally electoral votes. He certainly carried is a real question whether a more non-eastem states as California and Massachusetts, and carried New close 1960 election still is being only Kentucky and Tennessee liberally oriented Nixon campaign Illinois, as well as in Ohio and , Ohio, Illinois and California studied. Within hours after Illinois among the border states, losing could overtaken the Vice President Jersey. only by narrow margins; thus, the apparently swung the Presidency to Maryland and possibly Missouri, in these states and in Pennsylvania. It is conceivable, therefore, that major population states are at best Richard Nixon, and while there still and although he won the Carolinas, It may be somewhat more likely had he insisted oh his own Vietnam lukewarm about his personality and remains some lingering question as and Florida he failed to crack the that Humphrey would have done plank at Chicago, or even accepted program and may present him with to whether computer breakdowns Wallace stronghold in the five Deep better had he more quickly and the so-called "dove" plank, a sizeable political problem. might not have distorted the vote in South states. positively dissociated himself from Humphrey might have turned the that state and in California, it is On the other hand, Nixon won a the Johnson Administration on the corner in New Jersey, California, —The Republicans have not won hardly possible to draw any victory, however narrow, of issue of Vietnam. His late surge in Ohio and even—Mayor Daley, take control of either house or Congress ironclad conclusions. significantly national character. He public opinion polls, which was note—Illinois. since 1954; thus through the A few questions nevertheless won Southern and Border states, borne out by the actual returns, can Aside from these questions, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson present themselves. Perhaps first swept the board in the mountain hardly be dissociated from the which never will be answered Administration, and now into the among them is whether, in states, carried all the Far West peace issue since this surge occurred satisfactorily, at least the following Nixon Administration, the country retrospect, the Nixon except Washington and Hawaii after his Salt Lake City Speech things can be said with some has remained fundamentally border-and-southern-state strategy (with Alaska still uncertain), suggesting that he would halt the certainty: Democratic—presenting Nixon with paid off, or whether it came within overwhelmed Vice President bombing of North Vietnam, if an equally sizeable legislative a few electoral votes of backfiring. Humphrey in the Middle West, and elected, gained speed during the —The Wallace candidacy, while problem. Rather than picking a border state in the industrial East carried New period of constructive movement in it had important effect in —In the old "Solid South" this governor for his running mate and Jersey and Ohio while losing the Paris Talks, and turned into a determining the election results, year, the Democrats carried nothing going to the mat with George Pennsylvania only by a narrow boom after Johnson's order to halt proved to be less powerful and but Texas, proving that the old Wallace for the law-and-order vote, margin. the bombing was announced last widespread than had been bourbon party is dead and raising should Nixon have chosen someone week. expected, and now appears to be the question of how long it will be like Sen. Percy of Illinois and tried By contrast, Humphrey won basically a rump movement rather before a southern Democratic Party to pick up dissatisfied and dissident only 48 electoral votes outside the Humphrey's electoral vote was than the wave of the future. based on the black vote can control support in the major industrial East (not counting Missouri and concentrated in the East, but he ran —For all the national character the region.

\— Observer- The old man of the hill •By Russell Baker—

(C) 1968 N.Y. Times News Service of them are chairman of Among other fascinating distinctions are unknown. There, enactment will be irrelevant to WASHINGTON-Washington committees. committees are the notorious anyone can be a Democrat simply national need. by calling himself a Democrat. will soon be inundated with happy 2. Committees—There are many Senate White Supremacy For this reason, passing a bill Republicans. Once the real-estate Committee (sometimes called the 4. Ethnic A nalysis—Almost takes a very long time. The average confusing committees in both anyone can become a member of agents have finished plucking them, Senate and House. One of the most Judiciary Committee) which is time is 20 years. Thus, if Nixon's they will be less happy. Then they carrying the ball for slavery; and "The Leadership" except for new men have any bills they would important is the House Wilbur D. women, Negroes, city dwellers, will begin learning about Congress, Mills Committee (known in the the beloved old House Boneyard like to see enacted in 1989, they and soon they will no longer be Committee (or House Rules members who face opposition when should get them before Congress textbooks as the Ways and Means they stand for re-election, and happy at all. Committee), which has the Comm ittee). The beloved old first thing next January. House Boneyard Committee's persons under 70. Occasional In 1964, Lyndon Johnson's last Those who come prepared to constitutional duty of preventing exceptions are made even to these deal with the Congress they have the introduction of either equity or function is to trap and bury any big year with congress, it passed a legislation escaped from another rules. The house for years has had a vast quantity of legislation that read about in the civics texts will sanity into the income-tax law. It is Negro committee chairman who not last long. To help ease their named for its chairman, Wilbur D. committee if it might have been came to grips with the national offensive to either Mark Hanna or serves with the approval of Mayor problems of the 1940's and ordeal, the following Adult's Guide Mills of Arkansas, who, as the third Richard J. Daley of Chicago. A few to Congress has been prepared for branch of congress, is responsible John C. Calhoun. prepared the country to meet its 3. Democratic or years ago it had another, but he needs and responsibilities for the easy insertion under the corner tab for originating all tax law. became uppity and had to leave the of every new Republican's desk Republican?—The 91st Congress will 1950's. The House Wilbur D. Mills country. _ Legislation that goes to Congress blotter. Committee has as its Senate be neither Democratic nor 1. Membership—The Congress of Republican. 5. Passing a Bill—The purpose of in January will undoubtedly be counterpart the little understood congress is not primarily, as the passed in time to prepare us to the United States consists of Senate Gravy Committee. (In the approximately 30 old men, most of civics texts suggest, to pass meet the problems of the '70's by textbooks, the Senate Finance Since "The Leadership" usually legislation. Nor is it, as many 1990. whom are alive most of the time. Committee.) Its function is to votes the interests of its They are referred to as "The broken Presidents have said, to 6. Why Do We Need protect oil tycoons from exposure constituents, it is obvious that the -prevent the passage of legislation. Congress?—Without Congress we Leadership," a term that derives to the normal tax rates, and to Senate will be controlled-by the f from their zealous efforts to lead Its central purpose is to make sure would have no way o put off until create new safeguards against Anti-Democrats, if we think of a that no legislation is passed until its 1989 what we could do tomorrow. the country into the golden age taxation for persons rich enough to Democrat as someone who supports they remember from their show their gratitude with campaign the Humphrey view of politics. In boyhoods, circa 1900-1910. Most contributions. Congress, of course, such fine —Together— (Continued from Page 4) demonstrations) can, by fiat and sufficient to bear witness, in pig power, be suspended. In the Letter- ESP at Symposium person, to whatever they feel is face of such obvious tyranny, it is wrong in American society. They no more surprising that there is Editor, the Chronicle: Establishing the doctrine night was not enough last year to confront with their bodies the student provocation and resistance Monday night's Symposium saw Monday night were six students and motivate him even to interview for people and institutions guilty, in in the streets of Chicago than there the establishment of a new political Jeff Van Pelt, all of whom usurped the Symposium. their eyes, of perpetrating these is when it happens in the streets of principle, which might be called the the platform occupied by Dr. White wrongs. On this campus, for Prague. Students the world over are "ESP Doctrine." Having now the and Mssrs. Arlen, Schieckel and The grievances of seven students example, such a bearing of witness united by their belief, perhaps weight of historical precedent, it Clark. They complained that the at Symposium may well have had and confrontation was called a erroneous, that the streets belong henceforth may be applied in any bases for justification. Their tactics Vigil. to the people. number of situations. participants were not answering the may also have been appropriate in In addition to its general success On January 20 we are going to The ESP Doctrine apparently kinds of questions they wanted to some situations. But their in getting the message across with a Washington to ask our government, rests on the assumption that it is ask. Only one of the seven, assumption that they had no minimum of casualties, this type of in the face of Chicago, whether the incumbent upon groups in a however, had even bothered to ask obligation even to question or try demonstration has another Bill or Rights is still in effect—and community to respond to the a question either night. One of to participate, short of a dramatic advantage. That is, students from if not, why not. We are going to wishes of individuals in that t h o^e whose views had been act, establishes a doctrine that is all over the country have an demonstrate to Richard Nixon that "ignored" was a member of the repugnant to the most basic opportunity to "be together," to as many university students who community, even if those Symposium Committee who hadn't individuals do not even express concepts of liberty and free foster a sense of national and come to the capital believe that he made a single comment in expression. Unless we are to begin their opinions. And if this Symposium meetings in a month. international community. must address himself to the issues extrasensory response does not to depend upon ESP for direction But recently, however, the rules of racism, poverty and the war—and Mr. Van Pelt complained in this society, Monday night's occur, it is these neglected participation in choosing the type have been changed. Mayor Daley soon. That's really what the term individuals' right to comandeer action was an unjustified, demonstrated, in his own brutish "redress of grievances" means. of speakers. The fact is that the paranoiac, tyrannical overreaction. public meetings, to take over the enthusiasm he manifested Monday fashion, that freedom, of assembly Whatever the response, we will be group's function. Charles Clotfelter (the constitutional basis for most together on Innauguration Day. Page Six The Duke Chronicle Wednesday, November 13, 1968 Duke cross country team takes second place in ACC

By Jimmy Sumner Brighter days ahead As with most major sports, cross-country closes with a myriad of championship meets. In the past ten days the Duke cross-country for Duke football team has performed impressively in Jt 4 ts%*. ?K two of these meets. On November 4th the Iron -Ly,•- \-\y By Bob Rolnick goal line series'. It's always easy to Dukes defeated all of the college Something has happened to the second guess the morning after, but aggregations from North Carolina Duke Football team during the this time the grandstand to capture the State Championship. * '", h •{ J V- course of this season. The team that quarterbacks are well within their Donald Jayroe of second place East will face Wake Forest this week rights in saying that we not only Carolina won the individual bears no resemblance to the one could have but should have won the championship with Duke's Ed i that played South Carolina that game. Stenberg coming in second. Kenny warm night in September. The ii • 1 \ i J names may be the same, the team is This leaves us with two Helms of UNC finished third with remaining games against Wake Ken Voss of ECU taking fourth. ^ki..-/ W .J . h. much, much different. The present Blue Devils have realized that it Forest and North Carolina, two However, at this point the Duke teams already beaten by N.C. State. depth took over. Rob Leutwiler doesn't matter what the sports '3 \ r^ i writers and so-called experts say Football, especially ACC style is took fifth, Mark Wellner sixth, and m -f-\ **•**.**' about you; you're only as good as indeed a funny game. By using the Mike Graves eighth. Four positions you think you are, and this team team A beats team B and team B in the top ten insured a narrow thinks its pretty good. And they're beats team C therefore team A victory for coach Al Buehler's The Duke Harriers-the State champs and runner-ups in the ACC. Front right. should beat team C theory Duke charges. row, left to right; Coach Al Buehler, Chris Little, Mike Graves, Ed could win both games or lose both Stenberg, and Mark Wellner. Back Row: Phil Sparling, Larry Forrester, depending on how you want to This past Monday the Blue Phil Wilson, Ches Goldston and Rob Leutwiler. Against North Carolina State, figure it. To show how logical that Devils competed in the ACC the Blue Devils showed their fans is consider: Duke beats Georgia championships held at College Park, what they had been waiting to see Tech, Georgia Tech Beat Auburn, Maryland. The Dukes were given a all year. The defense proved it Auburn beats Tennessee so strong chance to upset defending Intramural flag could hold a potent offense to a therefore Duke should beat champions Maryland. However as reasonable number of points and Tennessee. Well, that's a little far Coach Buehler said "we couldn't the offense showed it could move out, but if we continue, you will se pull it off. We presented a challenge the ball when it really counted. just what our trouble is. Tennessee to Maryland and they responded football standings What it did not show was an ability beats Alabama, Alabama beats like champions." The final margin to push across when the game is Vanderbuilt, Vanderbuilt beats of victory for Maryland was 34 hanging in the balance. Army, Army beats us, therefore we points to 66 for second place Duke. Fraternity 'A' Fraternity'B' can beat ourselves which is just A winning season was still in what happened against State. HOwever as the disappointed but won lost tiec Biochem 0 in n sight as the Blue Devils, like the still proud Coach Buehler pointed Phi Delts 9 0 0 Kappa Sigs 6 0 3 gracious hosts we usually are, But what all that does not show out, the second place finish Lambda Chi 7 1 U Delta Sigs 9 1 n refused to enter pay dirt from is that this football team has a lot contributes seven points to the Pi Kaps 8 2 0 SAE 6 1 2 inside the ten. This team is not of genuine talent on it. With most quest for the Carmicheal trophy Phi Kapps 6 3 u Economics S 1 a good enough yet to come up with of our starters returning and a fine awarded at the end of each year to Law A 7 4 u Theta Chi 4 2 i the clutch points against an crop of incoming freshmen, Duke the school with the best overall ATO 5 4 0 Sigma Nu 4 3 n excellent and determined N.C. football may well have some much athletic excellence. It also closed Beta 4 4 u DTD 4 S *n State defense. Perhaps Hart should brighter days ahead in the very near out one of Duke's better years in Divinity 3 5 0 Forestry 3 4 n have gone to air during those two future. one of its better sports. Our harriers Sigma Chi 3 b (J Sig Eps 2 4 1 finished with a final record of 6-1, PiKA 2 6 0 Phi Psi 2 i first place in the State- ZBT 0 10 0 TEP 1 fi8 0 "A brilliantly championships and second in the conceived cosmic conference meet. Fresh man Independent adventure." —Cue Sophomore Charlie Shrader of Gloucester 8 1 0 LawB 0 11 n DAILY SHOWINGS Maryland, running under the Hampton 8 1 0 Lancaster 9 0 n 1:00-4:00-8:30 shadow of the currently injured Lexington 7 2 0 Taylor 5 1 7. Monday-Friday Maryland ace John Baker most of House M 6 3 York 6 2 Matinees, $1:50 the year, edged out Duke's Kent 5 4 0u Mirecourt 6 2 ni defending champion Ed Stenberg Windsor 4 3 a Evenings, $1:75 2001 for the individual trophy by about Essex 4 4 1 Buchanan 3 5 i Saturday-Su nday ten yards. Dave Peddie of USC, House V 3 5 1 Manchester 3 6 0 Matinees, $1. 75 a space odyssey Russ Taintor of Maryland, Gareth Edens 0 7 0 BOG 2 5 2 Evenings, $2.00 Hayes of NC State, Kenny Helms of House P 0 7 0 Lee 2 7 0 RIALTO SUPER PANAVISIQN®- METR0COL0R UNC, Truett Goodwin of UNC, Churchill 0 7 0 Canterbury 0 9 0 Wayne Shrader of Maryland, Jim Rosen of Maryland and Duke's Mark Wellner rounded out the top ten. Maryland's other three runners ^ (a team is allowed seven entrants in r the conference meet) finished in the top fifteen, pointing out the depth of the scholarship-laden Terps. Phil Wilson (16th), Mike : Graves (17th), Rob Leutwiler I *^r'B.:9M (21st), Larry Forrester (22nd) and FESTIVAL Chris Little (24th) all ran -491 impressively for the Dukes. AT CpTaXFSTMEAM PAH Coat,1.! Buehler and his A Thousand Wonders and a Three Cay Collaae of Beautiful Music cross-country team now turn their attentions to indoor track, where SATURDAY, DEC. 28 • 1 pm 10 pm MONDAY, DEC. 30 •lpm-10 pm 15% DIS ;OUNT COUPON once again they are expected to MIAM POP FESTIVAL Jose Felieiano • Country Joe and the Fish • Jose Felieiano • Canned Heat • The P.O. BOX 3900 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 i Buffy Sainte Marie • Chuck Berry * The Infinite Turtles • Iron Butterfly • The Joe Tex Revue • challenge Maryland for the SAT.. DEC. 28 @ $6.00 Ea. 1 Ian and Sylvia • The Grassroots • Charles NO. TICKETS. . championship, trophy. However, McCoys • John Mayatl's Bluesbreakers * NO. TICKETS SUN., DEC. 29 @ $6.00 Ea. 1 after a highly successful season the Booker T. and The M.G.'S. • Oino Valente*** Lloyd Quartet • Sweet Inspirations • The NO. TICKETS _MON.. DEC. 30 @ $6.00 Ea. • Fleetwood Mac Grateful Dead $6.00 Includes all-da* admission (tickets at the door. 1 , cross-country team, easily the most it available: $7.00) successful varsity team of Duke's 1 have enclosed $_ PLUS EVERY DAY: order payable lo Miam Pop Festival." fall season, deserves a hearty pat on SUNDAY, DEC.29-lpm-10pm 1 understand that the m anaeement does nc the back. The 1968 Invitational Walking Catfish Derby; The Giant guarantee deliver ders postmarked 1 Steppenwolf • Jr. Walker and the All Stars • Ti-Leaf Slide; Hundreds ot Arts and Crafts Displays; The later than Dec. 9.1968 . Butterfield Blues Band • Flatt and Scruggs • Warm Tropical Sun and a Full Miami Moon; Meditation Team results: 1. Maryland 34, Marvin Gaye • Joni Mitchell * The Boxtops • Gtove; Wandering Musicians; Blue Meanies on Parade; Richie Havens • James Cotton Blues Band • Things to Buy and Eat; 20 Acres of Hidden Surprises in Duke 66, UNC 86, Clemson 119, Beautiful Gardens; World's First Electronic Skydivers; n ! 1 H. P. Lovecraft r i 1 NCS 120, Va. 159, USC 165, Wake Stratospheric Balloons; Kaleidoscopic Elephants Sta Forest 219. 7'P J Wednesday, November 13, 1968 The Duke Chronicle Page Seven The courts see that justice is served

The policeman started his officer—shouldn't be tried together. different June 17 than the police testimoney, telling where he was His attics continued; he objected officers. Drunks , parking when the station called. "I arrived three times by saying that Mueller's "Well then, he followed me into at the scene at 4:35 a.m., and there testimony had nothing to do with my office after giving me the on the street:—a flat but wide grin the trial; he tried again later the ticket—I hadn't invited him—and he burst into his cheeks—"was the objection that the two charges were grabbed my arm and, well, do you violators judged Drunkest Man I Ever Saw." That being tried at the same time, all in want me to tell you what he said?" brought the courtroom down. the same rasping, high-pitched "Yes." Editor's Note: This is the final article in a series of three providing The defendant was asked if he voice. Wearily the recorder's "He said he was going to move insights into the operation of the American democracy. had anything to say for himself. He eyebrows rose, and he sighed, my damn ass to jail." By Richard Smurthwaite meekly whined several times, "Overruled again," but the defense The audience was torn between "Rise." bobbled his head, and was attorney just wanted to ascertain gasps and giggles. Apparently the The people rise from the pews, about 12, and each one long and seating sentenced. that the objection was going on the defendent was impressed by the ten, all packed. People with pointed noses wearing Wallace buttons, people Several cases later record.) Une, for whenever he mentioned with bouffant hair (the tint wearing off into a mirky yellow brown and By the time several more cases Between his races to the desk Mueller the officer, he repeated the preserved with hairspray), a few little kids, and older men, in their fifties, had been called and judged, court and his objections, the defender alledged quote—with seeming who all sit together. had been in session for an grilled the policemen who testified regret, however, shrouding his The city recorder comes in; he has transparant eyes and grey hair, hour—already, an extraordinarily against his client. voice, attempting to portray how which mark him as being a wise man. And he's Jewish, like Solomon. long time—before the main case of "Did you know where Keller's reluctant he was to quote such He strikes the gavel, peers up (as though he had broken something other the night, the one for which the lot stopped, where he had the right vulgar statements. than the murmuring), calls the session to order. He reads a list of several people who didn't come to court to of way?" The defense witnesses came and names, the case of So and So verses West Corcoran. hear the tales of drunks had come. "No, sir." went; one tall black-haired man, his After a few failed to mane cut to a flat-top, his voice answer—presumably traffic weaving his thick Southern accent violators—one case, with witnesses into the words he mispronounced, and accused, respons to the calL An and said, while resting his head on old man and his wife, dumpy, and his shoulders and squirming. "After another woman, young yet officer Muella had done made his discheveled and dirty, black hair, first trip into the office..." white face, black eyes. There was the defendant's son, The nature of the complaint: bleeched blond blue eyes and "This here woman comes round by seemingly always short of breath; a our house all the time early in the few old cronies, and one policeman morning and raises hell, shouting all from a neighboring town who was kinds of words aloud, and breaking one of the shop owner's long time things in the backyard." friends and a past employee. Stories "Do you remember..." were repeated, and hints of "We have to know about a brutality implied. Somehow, said specific event on a specific day, sir, the friends, the cop entered the in order to try the case. Do you office when he had no right to, in remember the day on which you order to take Keller to jail. filed a complaint?" Somehow, said the son, his father The staw-hatted, ended up unconscious and bleeding suspenderless-jean old man on the floor of his jail cell. snapped, "Why, she does it all the The testimony was a stimulating, time!" and as time-respecting, as The officer, leaning in the convention seconding speeches; it doorway, that lead to the police was two and one half hours before station interrupted, "It was July 2 I the man with no chin and the gas arrested her, sir." station attendant and their four The judge addressed the fellow justicers could step down indignant aged, "What was she from the platform and into a side doing on July 2, sir?" room, before the audience could "Well about four o'clock she adjourn to outside the courthouse, comes by, bashed in one of our their arguments shielded from the windows and starts crying dirty, chamber where the jury could be fiflthy language; and she was drunk, The steps of the American courthouse, that dispensary of justice. heard arguing in loud but indistinct judge." was silent. words, while the men, presumably, The judge turned his shoulders All assortments of complications "Then you didn't know where drank their court-provided Pepsi's The verdict: guilty of using clouded this case: the defense the street really ended," and for the toward the defendant, who was obscene language in public, which were locked inside.the room contemplating the floor. "What do demanded a jury trial, and the six fourth or fifth time the officer with them. sentenced to so many days or so members were called—the man answered, "Yes sir, I did. The you have to say for yourself in many dollars. Few of the audience left; two defense?" appointed the foreman was tubby street's 20 feet wide by law, and The second case is called, and aging, the kind who when he there wasn't 20 feet between those and a half hours is long enough for "I'm sorry, judge, I was just outa b ringing a policeman and an a court session, let alone one case, my head those couple of days, just smiled lost his chin; a serious cars." accused and a witness. bespectacled gas station attendant, Examination continues and no one was going to head home out of my head, I guess." until they had the satisfaction of "Out of her head nothing," spat "Raise your hands—do you a few others in banlon shirts or in The examination continued, denim pants filled the other five "Did you say at any time that the hearing the verdict. the wife. "I saw her carrying a promise to tell the truth, the whole Decision reached bottle of vodka out arund in the truth, and nothing but the truth, so jury seats. The intimations of political case had become a 'personal The end was quick and merciful. street." help you God?" matter?"' The audience filed in, then the jury, The audience roared. There had, The hands are flipped up and I wheel-deaing clouded the case: the accused was an owner of a "No sir. Never said such a the recorder turned in his chair, and of course, been snickers before, but do, yes, are mumbled. thing." asked the jury if they had reached a now the old man who had always The complaint of the witness transmission shop who had run for magistrate and lost, and insinuated The attorney, with great effort decision; the foreman nodded yes shielded their guffaws with a turned and the charge were drunken and slowly cocked his eyebrows. to assure the judge they had, and head and a hand over their mouths driving ("driving under influence," that he was being persecuted by the police cronies of his opponent. "You know"—his voice was ripe handed him the two warrants, chuckled outright; even the as it appears in the recorder's with distain—"That police officers which the recorder perused. hair-sprayed women laughed. book). But his lawyer was the type that can be charged with perjury!" "Illegal parking—guilty." spoke in high tones, and rapidly, "No laughing matter" "About four in the morning I Mueller was rotund, and he ''Disobeying a police "This is no laughing matter." hear this screech and I run out to much like salesmen in weekly TV officer—guilty." serials, and had a couple of chins, rolled in his seat at the comment. The judge and the sound of his see what it is. There's this man "Yes, sir, but if anybody ever says I Some days and dollars that gavel were serious and powerful, lying in the street. We thought he all with five o'clock shadow. The first policeman, Mueller, said such a thing, they better be would have to paid in retribution unlike those of school teachers and was dead or something so we called ready for perjury themselves!" were announced, the defending parent of daughters. The audience the police^ related most of the prosecution's case, revealing how he had asked "Who's goona win?" whispered a attorney bounced up and asked for It's Fun!—As Well As Enjoyable! the shop owner to move the cars, little boy who was standing on one the substitution of bond pending an most of them customers', from of the benches to view the appeal, receiving it. WEDNESDAY NIGHT their illegal parking places in the proceedings. By that time the judge and IsStudent Night for Behind me a woman spat, "Liar defendant and the observers and (Ea*: Here or Carry Out) street, and of the defiance he received in return. cop, he's a bum," as she and her the jury had left for home, and the companions, women with attorney and 1 alone remained in Throughout the testimony and the courtroom- TOE* t h ose to follow, the defense sprayed-on, bleeched-in blond hair, Continuous service from all talking, continued to say Justice, had one more been 5-9 p.m. Requlor order Wi attorney popped up from his seat served, her blindfolded virtue intact 1.09 and trotted, quite conspicuously, to throughout the night. Must have chicken), $1.35 been the daughters and wives of the and indifferent to prejudice. 90c Junior Order Dark MM his dictaphone lying on the judge's bench, and changed the cylinders of defendant. The spirit of John Marshall and Something New—Hickory Smoked Oliver Wendell Holmes had, I i.-'iW.^J-'^ui Beef Barbecue—Cosmopolitan Room translucent blue tape that The defense called on its surrounded the machine, like a belt. witnesses, mainly the defendant, assumed, been preserved, if not short and face well controlled. "Mr. strenghtened. The American The IVY ROOM He had begun the trial with an Defendant," asked his defense, "tell judiciary, unassailable in its & DELICATESSEN objection that the two me the events of the day, July 17." integrity and purity, had reached a charges—parking violation and Apparently the defendant had decision. disobeying a police lived through a completely (Guilty of illegal parking.) Page Eight The Duke Chronicle Wednesday, November 13 Clark discusses role of media in Chicago By Michael Patrick Clark also said that McCarthy's programs of quality sponsored by "The mass media was fair in Lawyer's committee, which was set companies who want to have their reporting the Chicago convention up by Clark, to investigate the names associated with this type of and did a remarkable job despite Chicago violence will seek to bring quality program have trouble the technical difficulties," Blaire individual policemen to trial getting on the air. Clark, Senator McCarthy's because of their actions against the "The future of television in campaign manager and former demonstrators. America is multiplicity." He vice-president and general manager The committee has been believes that in the future a great of CBS news said yesterday identifying individual policemen multiplicity in types of television afternoon at a seminar during from films made available to them such as cable TV, pay TV, and Symposium '68. by the media. The committee also more stations will result in more "Supporters of the Chicago hopes for grand jury action to programs of quality offered to the police action say that the investigate police actions during the public. provocation of the police by the convention. Clark also predicted the demonstrators was not shown by Clark cited examples of development of a home Pnoto by Bob Hewgley television, but my sources indicate difficulties the television media connunication center which Blaire Clark spoke on the role of the media in reporting the events of that the provocation shown was not faced in Chicago. Because of the provides television, video-telephone very serious." communications strike, no live Chicago. communication, a facsimile of a coverage could be given the newspaper covering both world and demonstration. local news, and a means of He noted that the transferring money to pay bills. Health program reviewed communications strike was settled He mentioned possible direct the day after the convention closed. broadcasts from satellites into the C1 ark said that several times home. This would result in the television tape trucks were kept elimination of local television in annual alumni weekend away from the demonstrations by broadcasting stations. By Teddie Clark community teaching and the police. In answering a question on the the panel generally agreed with Earlier in the seminar he spoke Last weekend marked the demonstration system or a "health Estes' contention that the main existence of black-listing in the Fourth Annual Fall Medical Center care in the community" project. on the future of American television, Clark said, "I know of problems of the G.P. today are television. Clark expressed his Alumni Weekend. The weekend was The first program would instruct keeping up with the information no black-listing in the industry a mixture of departmental reports, students in the manner of delivering dissatisfaction with TV today. I fear, however, that a return explosion in medicine and programming at present. A major panel discussions, addresses by health to the community. The alleviating the overburdening of these techniques will happen in Dean Anlyan and Dr. Harvey Estes, "health care in the community" cause of this, he said, is the concern the future. caused by too many patients per of programmers with putting and reunion parties. project involves establishing centers doctor. There were several On Friday at 11:00, Dr. Estes, whereby health care can be together shows which appeal to the "I feel that a new era of suggested solutions to these mass audience. Chairman of the Community undertaken directly in the problems. suppression is coming, in which Joe Health Sciences Program, presented community area. The prices on commercial time McCarthy-like tactics will reappear. a brief report of his department's are partly determined by the The communications industry creation and recent activities. Estes himself noted that the viewing audience of a network. The should organize to protect the The discussion which followed "physician's assistant program" ''The Department of networks want programs to increase rights of members of the Estes' report centered on the here at Duke trained people to take this audience. Today, even profession." Community Health Sciences arose problem of the general practitioner some of the "busywork" from from a need to consolidate the in an age of increasing physicians. Automated forms and a delivery of health care to the specialization. He began the "screening clinic" will also help community," Dr. Estes said. discussion with a hypothetical case, doctors to pinpoint problems -Vietnam negotiations- Currently 2 years old, the "the 15 year syndrome," detailing before examining their patients. department is composed of roughly the troubles inherent in the (Continued from Page 1) President-elect Richard M. Nixon 3 sections. overextension of the G.P. Dr. Roach, a physician "brought his men under substantial would take a tougher stance in One section consists of several The physicians who composed practicing in Kentucky, described additional jeopardy," Clifford said. dealing with Hanoi and the Nation academic disciplines, formerly a"clerkship" program used in The U.S. will continue to watch Liberation Front, or Vietcong. under other departments, such as Kentucky. bio-math. Another part of the very carefully what happens in the department is Student Health and News briefs combat theater, he said, Clifford declined to speculate on the connected division of Faculty "depending to a great extent on Thieu's motives today but there Health and Employee Health. "The Several past participants in the General Abram's assessment." was little doubt that Nixon's maintenance of employee health Duke-sponsored Project Latin But Clifford made clear that he statement yesterday, saying that would probably represent the America will be in the Phi Delta Blackout did not favor either resuming the over the next two months, greatest challenge to this section of Theta chapter room tonight at 8 There was a power failure on bombing or closing the door to President Johnson could be this department," Dr. Estes said. p.m. to discuss the project and East Campus for much of the day substantive negotiations. speaking for the next show slides to ail interested yesterday. Clifford's guarded warning to administration as well as the The final section of the present one, had strengthened department consists of what Estes students and faculty. North Vietnam was the first such public statement since the bombing Johnson's hand in putting pressure called a "tier of projects", such as a Applications are now being According to W.K. Howard, on Saigon. taken for participation in groups chief plant engineer for the halt. It is reliably understood that going to Nicaragua and Bolivia next University, the failure was caused private warnings were made to -Prosecution- summer. Anyone unable to attend by a defective insulator between North Vietnamese officials Asked whether the defense (Continued from Page 1) but desiring further information East and West early in the morning sometime between the shellings secretary was speaking for President night's Symposium program. The should contact Robert F. Smith, from the DMZ Saturday and Johnson in his remancs, White today's news conference. three panel participants, Blair ex. 5059. He said "the snow and rain we House press secretary George Clark, Richard Schickel had Monday caused a short circuit. But Clifford saved his toughest Christian said Clifford was Michael Arlen, left the stage The National Moot Court team When the line shorted out, it set words for Saigon. Normally soft "expressing his views as he sees Griffith, who threatened to of the Law School will hold its final fire to a pole. With the help of the spoken and unruffled in his public things." But it is understood that invoke the Pickets and Protest practice tonight in the courtroom Duke Power Company, we were appearances, the defense secretary the substance of the Pentagon policy when the students took over of the Law School at 7:30 p.m. able to repair the line temporarily made no effort to conceal his anger chiefs remarks was cleared in about the llth-hour objections Monday night, said later that night The subject of the practice so that the Dorms on East could advance by the White House. that he had brought no charges. have some head and so that lunch raised by South Vietnamese involves the constitutionality of the President Nguyen Van Thieu to the However, he said yesterday that Vietnam war. could be prepared." Clifford made clear that the he had decided since that time to bombing cessation and the administration has not fixed a The meeting is open to all broadened peace negotiations. bring charges. undergraduates. Power was shut off again in the specific deadline beyond which it When the new Pickets and afternoon "so that a more There has been some speculation would not wait for Saigon to begin Protest policy was passed this substantial repair could be made," that the Thieu Regime was dragging participating in talks in Paris. There summer, several student leaders on Howard said. "We don't want to its heels on the Paris talks in hopes is "no specific time element," he campus complained that no Calendar take a chance that the power might that the administration of said. students had been involved in 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Pre-registration go off again tonight during a formulating the policy and that it 9:30-11:00 a.m. WSGA Lounge storm." HAPPY TIME was ambiguous. Open. Lobby, East Campus £2? Indications yesterday were that Union. Howard said that power would those complaints would be revived IS 10:00 a.m. Divinity School Chapel. be fully restored by last night. ***• before the first hearings took place. York Chapel. Speaker: Dr. as -||L, PIZZA PALACE The Symposium Committee Gene Tucker. Reader: Mr. Bob reportedly passed a resolution last Cofield. H 2002 Hillsborough Road night urging that the group not be Roman Catholic Mass will jjj "< 10:00 a.m. Campus Club Meeting. *X 12TIZZA AND Lg. MUG of DRAFT H prosecuted. Richard Schikel, the Lounge, New Section, West be held on campus, Mon.-Fri., >> tsm Symposium participant most upset Campus Library. starting Wed. Nov. 13, in 208 $ a. SPECIAL PRICES by the action last night, also said 7:30 p.m. Folk Music Club Flowers Building at 12:45 '$_ ON DINNERS TOO a that he did not think they should p.m. $1.30 Meeting. Room 208 Flowers BB 5 'TIL 7 Mon.-Tue. and Wed. be prosecuted. Building.