2019 Część 4 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe

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2019 Część 4 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe #6 (46), 2019 część 4 #6 (46), 2019 part 4 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe East European Scientific Journal (Warszawa, Polska) (Warsaw, Poland) Czasopismo jest zarejestrowane i publikowane w The journal is registered and published in Poland. The Polsce. W czasopiśmie publikowane są artykuły ze journal is registered and published in Poland. wszystkich dziedzin naukowych. Czasopismo Articles in all spheres of sciences are published in the publikowane jest w języku polskim, angielskim, journal. Journal is published in English, German, Polish niemieckim i rosyjskim. and Russian. Artykuły przyjmowane są do dnia 30 każdego Articles are accepted till the 30th day of each month. miesiąca. Periodicity: 12 issues per year. Częstotliwość: 12 wydań rocznie. Format - A4, color printing Format - A4, kolorowy druk All articles are reviewed Wszystkie artykuły są recenzowane Each author receives one free printed copy of the Każdy autor otrzymuje jeden bezpłatny egzemplarz journal czasopisma. Free access to the electronic version of journal Bezpłatny dostęp do wersji elektronicznej czasopisma. Editorial Editor in chief - Adam Barczuk Zespół redakcyjny Mikołaj Wiśniewski Redaktor naczelny - Adam Barczuk Szymon Andrzejewski Mikołaj Wiśniewski Dominik Makowski Szymon Andrzejewski Paweł Lewandowski Dominik Makowski The scientific council Paweł Lewandowski Adam Nowicki (Uniwersytet Rada naukowa Warszawski) Adam Nowicki (Uniwersytet Michał Adamczyk (Instytut Stosunków Warszawski) Międzynarodowych) Michał Adamczyk (Instytut Stosunków Peter Cohan (Princeton University) Międzynarodowych) Mateusz Jabłoński (Politechnika Peter Cohan (Princeton University) Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Mateusz Jabłoński (Politechnika Piotr Michalak (Uniwersytet Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Warszawski) Piotr Michalak (Uniwersytet Jerzy Czarnecki (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Jagielloński) Jerzy Czarnecki (Uniwersytet Kolub Frennen (University of Jagielloński) Tübingen) Kolub Frennen (University of Bartosz Wysocki (Instytut Stosunków Tübingen) Międzynarodowych) Bartosz Wysocki (Instytut Stosunków Patrick O’Connell (Paris IV Sorbonne) Międzynarodowych) Maciej Kaczmarczyk (Uniwersytet Patrick O’Connell (Paris IV Sorbonne) Warszawski) Maciej Kaczmarczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Dawid Kowalik (Politechnika Dawid Kowalik (Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Peter Clarkwood(University College Peter Clarkwood(University College London) London) Igor Dziedzic (Polska Akademia Nauk) Igor Dziedzic (Polska Akademia Nauk) Alexander Klimek (Polska Akademia Alexander Klimek (Polska Akademia Nauk) Nauk) Alexander Rogowski (Uniwersytet Alexander Rogowski (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) Jagielloński) Kehan Schreiner(Hebrew University) Kehan Schreiner(Hebrew University) Bartosz Mazurkiewicz (Politechnika Bartosz Mazurkiewicz (Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) Anthony Maverick(Bar-Ilan University) Anthony Maverick(Bar-Ilan University) Mikołaj Żukowski (Uniwersytet Mikołaj Żukowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Warszawski) Mateusz Marszałek (Uniwersytet Mateusz Marszałek (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) Jagielloński) Szymon Matysiak (Polska Akademia Szymon Matysiak (Polska Akademia Nauk) Nauk) Michał Niewiadomski (Instytut Michał Niewiadomski (Instytut Stosunków Międzynarodowych) Stosunków Międzynarodowych) Redaktor naczelny - Adam Barczuk Editor in chief - Adam Barczuk 1000 kopii. 1000 copies. Wydrukowano w «Aleje Jerozolimskie Printed in the "Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02- 85/21, 02-001 Warszawa, Polska» 001 Warsaw, Poland» Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo East European Scientific Journal Naukowe Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Warsaw, Po- Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 land Warszawa, Polska E-mail: info@eesa-journal.com , E-mail: info@eesa-journal.com , http://eesa-journal.com/ http://eesa-journal.com/ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Baghirova A. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA IN THE FIELD OF MODERN RESEARCHES OF NEUTRAL MACROCYCLIC ANTIMYCOTIC FILIPIN. .................................................................................................................. 4 Березовская Н.А., Авдеева Е.В. МИКРОФЛОРА САЛАКИ (CLUPEA HARENGUS MEMBRAS) КАЛИНИНГРАДСКОГО ЗАЛИВА ............................. 8 Карнаухов Г.И. РЫБОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА МАЛЫХ РЕК СТАВРОПОЛЬСКОГО КРАЯ ..................................... 13 ИССКУСТВОВЕДЕНИЕ Harutyunyan M.G. MANOSCRITTI DI IGNATIUS METSHENTZZI E ABRAHAM SHACHETZZI DEL MONASTERO DI YERITS MANKANTS DI ARTSAKH (SECONDO I MANOSCRITTI N 3446, 1078 DI MATENADARAN DELLA REPUBBLICA DI ARMENIA) ...... 20 Підгорбунський М.А. РОЗКВІТ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ДУХОВНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ В XVІ – XVII СТ. ....................................................................... 24 ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Кубарев В.В. КОРОТКАЯ ХРОНОЛОГИЯ ДРЕВНЕГО ЕГИПТА .................................................................................................. 30 Мельник В.В. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНІ І НАУКОВІ ЗАСАДИ РОЗВИТКУ БРОЙЛЕРНОГО ПТАХІВНИЦТВА В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ РСР У ДРУГІЙ ПОЛОВИНІ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ .................................................................................................................................... 59 Черноножкин А.В. ПЁТР КРАСНОВ КАК ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬ ............................................................................................... 64 4 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #6 (46), 2019 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Baghirova Arifa. Institute of Botany, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA IN THE FIELD OF MODERN RESEARCHES OF NEUTRAL MACROCYCLIC ANTIMYCOTIC FILIPIN. Summary. Biological, physical and chemical properties of macrocyclic compounds based on the researches of membrane activity are studied. So all these substances have antifungal properties and apply in the practical medicine that needs their detail research. They have names of polyene antibiotics (PA) because their chemical formula has certain number (n) conjugated double bonds( 4-7 ones). Among them electrically neutral pentaen antimycotic (5 double bonds) PA-filipin takes special place. Previous experiments of filipin fix disrupt of cell membrane in the presence of this antibiotic. Nevertheless it is possible to find the certain concentration of filipin for increase of conductivity, definition of selectivity and single ionic filipin channels and hybrid ionic channels nystatin-filipin and amphotericin- filipin. So it is confirmed filipin-sterol interaction and formation of filipin-sterol complexes for new ionic channels. The spectral analysis of filipin and research of its action was in parallel carried out on cell cultures infected by Influenza virus. The results of experiments confirmed literature information about action of filipin on viruses that may be prerequisite for the subsequent use of preparation as pharmaceutical. Keywords: macrocyclic compounds, filipin, polyene antibiotics, ionic channels, hybrid ionic channels. Abbreviation: PA- polyene antibiotics; BLM- MATERIALS AND METHODS. Experiments bilayer lipid membranes; VSV- vesicular stomatitis vi- were carried out by Muller methods[Mueller et al, rus. 1963] Membranes were formed on the hole in teflon INTRODUCTION. Macrocyclic polyene antibi- cup with diameter 0,5 mm and wall thickness about 30 otics use in clinical therapy for some decades as medi- mkm. We used some membrane solutions for preparing cines against pathogenic infections particularly against : 1) solution of total phospholipids of bull brain in the fungal infections [Zotchev, 2003]. Application of these chloroform/ methanol with initial concentration 12 drugs in medical practice is based on the research of mg/ml; 2) solution of oxidated cholesterol in heptaene structure-functional dependence of these compounds with initial concentration 10/ml. Before experience the and study of molecular-biological mechanism of their initial membrane mixes were evaporated into heptaene activity in cell membranes.In parallel with cellular solution and formed bimolecular membranes. PA fili- membranes their alternative artificial models were pin was kindly presented by St-Petersburg Scient.-Res. used. In this case bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) were Institute of Antibiotics and Enzymes. Antibiotic dis- used. Their properties are identical to the properties if solved in dimethyl sulfoxide and added to water-salt so- native ones. Now there are known more than 200 rep- lution. We used KCl solution. resentatives of PA. From the medical point of view am- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. photericin B, nystatin, trichomycin and levorin are the Chemical structure of antibiotic is presented on the most demanded. It is shown that they have high anti- fig.1 There are 5 double bonds and some carboxyl and fungal activity. Antifungal activity is based on the in- methyl groups in the chemical structure of filipin. teraction of antibiotic with sterol compounds of plas- matic membranes. Mechanism of interaction is the for- mation of antibiotic-sterol complexes. This sterol is localized in the membrane. Then formation of ionic channels that are permeable for ions and organic sub- Fig.1. Chemical structure of filipin (С35Н58О11) stances with small molecular sizes takes place [Kasumov, 2009]. Among PA filipin has special status. Mechanism of action of filipin is based on De It was extracted by Whitefield and others from soil ac- Kruyff’s sterol hypothesis [De Kruyff, Demel, 1974]. tinomycets Streptomyces filipensis [Whitefield, 1955]. According to this hypothesis

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