No. 11 November 2019 Downriver The Arc Downriver invites YOU to attend… “A Holiday Concert” performance “The Downriver Community Band” Date: Friday, December 6, 2019 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Christ The King Lutheran Church This is a free concert for Arc Downriver members and guests. Please come and enjoy this wonderful performance by “The Downriver Community Band.” See page 9 for more information. The Arc Downriver BAZAAR at The Arc Downriver office. Sat., November 9th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm We invite you to come and purchase items made by students with disabilities. Members can also attend our Craft Class that will be going on from 12:00 - 2:00 pm led by one of our wonderful Members. Please RSVP for the Arts and Craft Class. Proceeds support The Arc Downriver Advocacy program! 1028 Oak Street, Wyandotte, MI THE PYRAMID is the official newsletter of The Arc Downriver. Mission Statement To advocate for individuals who are developmentally challenged, have cognitive impairments and their families by promoting choices, creating opportunities, and providing support needed to fully participate in the community. The Arc Downriver Proudly serving children and adults with 1028 Oak Street developmental disabilities Wyandotte, MI 48192 since 1954. Office: Beth Klocek Affiliated with The Arc of the U.S. and The Arc of Michigan. Phone: 734-283-0710 Fax: 734-283-9018 A member agency of Email:
[email protected] If your name is missing from the Website: birthday list, it may be because you may not have given us the information.