film outline

SCENE 1: Arrival in (10:30 min.)

A. Main titles, in four separate shots, here in English translation. 1. Triumph of the Will 2. The of the Reich’s Party Congress 1934 3. Produced by Orders of the Führer 4. Created by

B. Historical background, in four rolling titles, in four separate shots, here in English translation. 1. On September 5, 1934, 20 years after the outbreak of the world war 2. 16 years after the beginning of our suffering 3. 19 months after the beginning of the German resistance 4. flew to Nuremberg again to review the columns of his faithful followers

C. The Führer’s flight to Nuremberg

D. Motorcade from airport to city

E. Arrival at hotel

SCENE 2: Band Concert and Rally (2:54 min.)

Hitler reviews band concert and rally outside hotel


SCENE 3: Nuremberg at Sleep, Play, and Work (10:27 min.)

A. The sleeping city

B. The tent city of soldiers and workers

C. The folk parade

D. Troop review

SCENE 4: First Party Congress (9:30 min.)

A. Greeting of delegates by

B. Remarks by 12 leaders.

SCENE 5: Labor Service Rally (7:03 min.)

A. Konstantin Hierl introduces Hitler

B. Labor Service ceremony of loyalty

C. Hitler addresses workers

SCENE 6: Storm Troopers Rally (3:36 min.)

A. addresses storm troopers

B. Fireworks display


SCENE 7: Youth Rally (10:04 min.)

A. Entrance of Hitler and party officials

B. Address by Baldor von Schirach

C. Address by Hitler

D. Hitler's review of youth groups and departure

SCENE 8: Military and Cavalry Review (1:28 min.)

Hitler and military officials review display of military, artillery, and cavalry

SCENE 9: Twilight Rally (8:14 min.)

A. Twilight parade of flag bearers

B. Hitler's address to assembled troops

C. Parade of flags, banners, standards

SCENE 10: Tribute to War Dead (11:17 min.)

A. Hitler, Lutze, and Himmler pay tribute at war memorial

B. Hitler reviews parade of storm troopers

C. Lutze and Hitler address the storm troopers

D. Consecration of flags ceremony 4

SCENE 11: Military Parade (18:04 min.)

Hitler and military and party officials review lengthy parade of troops leaving Nuremberg

SCENE 12: Closing Party Congress (15:10 min.)

A. Entrance of party officials and standard bearers

B. Hitler's address to congress

C. Hess' closing remarks

D. Marching soldiers

E. Closing titles, here in English translation 1. Triumph of the Will 2. The End