5493 Hon. Charles B. Rangel Hon. Hilda L. Solis

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5493 Hon. Charles B. Rangel Hon. Hilda L. Solis February 24, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 4 5493 Black Crossroads: The African Diaspora in and individuals associated with Latin Rhythms sacrificed throughout our childhood so my sib- Miami. The exhibit, which will be on display at and Salsa in the music world. The salsa band lings and I could live up to our potential to the Historical Museum of Southern Florida leader was famed for weaving a fluid and bilin- achieve whatever our talents would allow. Like from March 5, 2009 to January 24, 2010, de- gual mix of musical influences dubbed ‘‘The other families throughout the San Gabriel Val- picts the diverse groups of the African Dias- Boogaloo.’’ ley, my parents instilled in my siblings and me pora who have come to settle, work and strug- Born Gilberto Calderon in 1931 in New York the value of hard work, public service and gle for freedom in Miami since its incorpora- to a family from Puerto Rico, the band leader commitment to family. For most of my adult tion in 1896 to the present day. and conga player helped change the sound of life I have continued to live in the San Gabriel Celebrating the diversity and richness, Black salsa in the 1960s. Until then, most popular Valley, calling El Monte home. Crossroads: The African Diaspora in Miami salsa had been played by orchestras. But California’s 32nd Congressional District is a explores the enduring presence and impact of Cuba led a six-member band with three sing- culturally diverse district where residents live African-Americans, Africans, black Carib- ers who also played percussion and danced a and work together as a community to ensure beans, and black Hispanics in Miami. The routine. everyone has the opportunity to achieve suc- many significant political, economic and cul- He had a dynamic group with a signature vi- cess and dreams for their families. The com- tural contributions are shown through historic braphone-fronted sound that caused a craze munities in the 32nd Congressional District in- photographs, oral histories, memorabilia, film/ because it was different. Albums such as clude: the cities of Azusa, Baldwin Park, Co- video, and artifacts. These contributions will 1966’s Bang! Bang! Push, Push, Push incor- vina, Duarte, El Monte, Irwindale, Rosemead, be related to black pioneers, families, laborers, porated elements of salsa, Latin jazz and R&B South El Monte, West Covina, and portions of communities, and organizations spanning over and featured lyrics in both English and Span- Monterey Park and East Los Angeles. 100 years of history of black migrations to ish. During my time in Congress I was proud to Miami. Joe Cuba’s music career started with La have been the first Latina on the House Com- Black Crossroads: The African Diaspora in Alfarona X in 1950. In 1955 the Joe Cuba mittee on Energy and Commerce, where I Miami documents an important aspect of Mi- Sextet came into being and his vibra-harp served as Vice Chair of the Environment and ami’s cultural history, and bring this vital infor- sound caught on. In 1962, when the group re- Hazardous Materials Subcommittee and as mation together in one place and at one time corded ‘‘To Be with You’’ for Seeco Records, Ranking Member during my tenure, and was a for the people of South Florida. I applaud the the band began to soar to popularity because member of its Health and Telecommunications Historical Museum of Southern Florida for dis- of Nick Jimenez’s arrangements and the and the Internet Subcommittees. I also had playing this exhibit for all to see. vocals of Cheo Feliciano and Jimmy Sabater. the privilege to serve on the House Natural I also commend Dr. Joanne Hyppolite, the When the boogaloo era arrived, the majority Resources Committee, the House Select Chief Curator at the Historical Museum of of the popular New York bands were put out Committee on Energy Independence and Southern Florida, for her achievements and of work. The Cuba sound changed with its re- Global Warming, and the House Education successes with the Black Crossroads: The Af- cordings of ‘‘El Pito’’ and ‘‘Bang Bang.’’ He not and Labor Committee. In addition, I held sev- rican Diaspora in Miami thus far. Dr. Hyppolite only sold millions but enabled The Cuba Sex- eral leadership positions, including being the has strived to show a clear reflection of what tet to enjoy the No. 1 spot in the Latin music first Latina to chair the Congressional Caucus Miami has always been: a meeting point for world along with the Eddie Palmieri Orchestra for Women’s Issues. I also chaired the Con- intersections of many members of the African for years to come. gressional Hispanic Caucus Task Force on Diaspora since as far back as the 1800s. The The musician, a friend and contemporary of Health and the Environment where I spear- exhibit also shows Miami’s importance as a the late salsa giant Tito Puente, was an ex- headed annual summits across the country on popular southern migration site for blacks from traordinary man who lived a life of achieve- racial and ethnic health disparities. the Upper South, Northern Florida and the ment which advanced a music that was at the Throughout my career in public service I Caribbean. forefront of the Nuyorican movement. Through worked hard to improve the lives of families by I am pleased to join all those in attendance these melodies brought by America’s last citi- focusing on expanding access to affordable at the opening of the exhibition in wishing the zens, the children of Puerto Rican emigrants, health care, protecting the environment, and Historical Museum of Southern Florida and Dr. evolved new culture, arts, and politics. job creation. In Congress I have won legisla- Hyppolite continued success in preserving and Joe Cuba will be long remembered for his tive victories to provide workforce training for promoting an awareness of the diverse groups extraordinary commitment, energy, wisdom, green collar jobs; authorized a Federal study of the African Diaspora in Miami. Educating discipline, principle, and clear purpose which on ways to improve recreational and environ- the public with a broader perspective of the won the admiration of all who were privileged mental opportunities for the San Gabriel River traditions and struggles many have faced in to come to know and work with him during his Watershed; removed barriers to U.S. citizen- their efforts to be treated as equal citizens will distinguished career in and around music. I ship for non-U.S. citizens serving in the U.S. assure that generations to come will have ac- consider myself fortunate to have had the op- military and reserves; banned pesticide testing cess to objects and photographs that will en- portunity to observe and experience his exam- on pregnant women and children; helped en- able them to contextualize life in Miami. ple as a personal inspiration. sure health care access for Latinos suffering f Madam Speaker, rather than mourn his from HIV/AIDS; and promote domestic vio- passing, I hope that my colleagues will join me lence awareness, particularly in communities REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF in celebrating the life of Joe Cuba by remem- of color. GILBERTO ‘‘JOE CUBA’’ CALDERON bering that he exemplified greatness in every I want to thank the residents of California’s way. 32nd Congressional District for electing me to HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL f represent them in Congress. I have served OF NEW YORK during some of the most trying times in Cali- RECOGNITION OF CALIFORNIA’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fornia’s history, and have worked to help build 32ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT a better future for our State and country. It has Tuesday, February 24, 2009 been a privilege to serve and represent the Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise with HON. HILDA L. SOLIS San Gabriel Valley and East Los Angeles in great sadness as I pay tribute to my dear OF CALIFORNIA the U.S. House of Representatives for the friend Gilberto Calderon who recently passed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES past 8 years. away. As I speak with profound sorrow, I as- I want to take this opportunity to thank my cend to celebrate a life well lived and to re- Tuesday, February 24, 2009 family, especially my parents, Raul and Juana member with fondness the accomplishments Ms. SOLIS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Solis, my husband, and my sisters and broth- of a remarkable man who, over his many recognize California’s 32nd Congressional Dis- ers for all of their support over the years. They years in music, etched his name in history as trict, which I have had the privilege to have have always believed in me, and have been Joe Cuba, ‘‘Father of Latin Boogaloo.’’ represented for the last 8 years in Congress my source of strength and teachers of the The death of Joe Cuba on February 15, and which I am proud to call home. commitment to justice, equality and public 2009, brought immense sorrow and loss to his I am proud that my six siblings and I were service. To my extended family, those I have family and friends, and to the countless fans raised in La Puente. Like many, my parents worked alongside with both in California, thank VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:54 Aug 04, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E24FE9.001 E24FE9 erowe on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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