In 1472 Federico da M()Jl[d~'ltr" It'd ,J. Horcnrmc JTlJlY high lip into the hills of Tus(.lnv .tnd laid siege to till' town ofVolterra. Til", cuv was forced to yield, and the ~CIK'Lll entered florence' in S-lprJ()L1s ami festive procession, shov..-ered with ~iti:,1 Among other thjn~" l-edet-rco received <111 illuminated manuscript Wldl .1 portrait ofhonour, it ,!I"W, him wreathed in hllfc"ls and clasping" his genera!", 'raffas he rides muruphnulv through the TWCJ!l hills Ii with Volterra in the h,ck~r(lLlJ)J.'_ A SCUlllJ miniature dcprct- H ..orcuce "I with I," myriad rhurche-, hlJlIt wah the money of the Medio ln the year- f()lIowlJlg UpUri this victorv, tlu- coun of Federico da t Montefeltto (1-r:ZO-R2) Kljulred;l pivotal posino» within the network of state, in July \,ee fig. ')2). Urbinorn.untniued Cl):lUd, With the papal court and the court-, of Milan, Naples .md Buq;\I1l\h. those of Manttu .md nearby a\ well a' with the republic, of "lI;'IHlJ, Florence and vemce All • such tic-, oile-d thl;' ruurhmcrv of culcur.rl exchange. Fcdcricc's p.aronage played a decisive Tole in the ran-cr-, ot uuuterous painters, anlutcc-tv and scholars; indeed hi, style of patronage hccame- a model [,,IT orhcr-, and writings of the day reL'lrded m q-lcndour. The courtly culture th.u t--.'Tew lip in Urbmo, Route and Florence wa, I praised bv the Iuun.truxr Conoi ofVolterra. In Ill' treatise 011 the role of cardinals ;1, cournctv and administrator' he included a chapter on th,,' cardinal', p;llace, ltl which he dl'LU,,('d examples of patwIlJi't' The tWO men he named as exemplary p.llll)ll\ of art were Cosimo de' Medici and Federico da J\1<.-'i1teft'lrro'. Cortesi's treatise which appeared III I:) I(), was eclipsed by that of the diplomat Castig]lOllt·. wl1(1 held up the cour tlv culture continued by Federico's SOI1 Glllt!nb:t!d,) (1·-l-72-1:'iOS)


Federico da Montefeltro v included both a general ln one at [he courr of Mantu Pelrre, the other gamed vc J~ Justus ol"(;h(·,,\. F,',/eri,,' ,Id .\/,'nti)dn,' ,.,."d, I,' Ilu 'l'/r C;1T".'if(' r: I

TI L,I"u .11'1 C(1f1(~i!llllg glory of hi, gr~Jt p.ilacc". At th... dav-ning of the quanrocenro there W;l, no rr.ur "fcourtly culture in Urhmn. Thu,t' of Fedcrno's ancestor- who h.ul ~r<",,'d the p

TilF <;T!\TE EXI'l\NI)'J

Pcdcriro d.t Morxctclrro WJ, born illcuinmare 1ll \-12(1. Ill, c.trlv tLllrllrlg included both ,I gr'I1eLli hum.mist ('dIlC1Cl0J1 .md mibror v cxpcricnc e. til"

our ,J[ the court O!'IV1.llHlU, .tt the ,,'hof)1 run bv the "hot,or Vinorino dd Fcltre. till' other g-,llllL'd 'CT\'lilg under senior g-ClllTJ], tnellldlTlg the gr~\lt II, lOll Guidoba/do, Ni«(ul"1 PiccilllllO'!, rnkrlco succeeded hh half-brothe-r Odd;1T1ll11110, tlic ,phU(ogrilph Alman} legitimate heir, ,IS Count otUrbmo llpon lhe ht,n\ JS'><]'i'iilLltl')1j 111 1-1++.

The civic ,llllhplI(lC, t;J'-e hiIII tln-ir slIppun .utd ;1 COVC1LIllt \\.1> 'lgl1l:d between tlw }oullg pn11ce .mc1 tlu- citv, Jlrholl.dl he ,\;1' <1,'1\1,'<\ the 111c Co

customary right to design: area surrounding Urbmo Federico gaine-d a reputati. spoken ofas having laid th By fiHgmg alliances witl r Signore was able to broad solely from the use ofphy I, aud diplomat, ami he dep as coalitions formed and dr­ He received payment fro war-rime. The net\\TlJ'k () immediate area enabled F promote peJce Jnd ensur ,1dminstrar mmstrativc apparatus II When confhcr arose be

ofRmuni, ;IS rbe PJpJI Sc' Montefcltro ,dell wirh tl: (145K-h4), who var red hi his Colt/mcnlarii de-al mainl relations with neighbour Si~'lsmondo Malatesta of11 and duplicity. Notwithv.u Sigismondo's abilities J, a historical insight, a soun ql1ence" On one level chc conf [he foe's TI'!'ut.1tion W.LS J conrexr rhe pope rcterre s f sugge'ted that its obverse 1, Hi, wntinb"i nuke it clca as well :1' ecclesiastical a purposes :1S head of state, ,'"I.J'lSlm ()f'r;hrlll "'wl!., 1+7:'; (;.lIlcn:L NVl(lIl.1le delle' I\hnhc. which he contrasts the ( L'r\)jJJ() (l'h(\f(,gLal'll AIIII.,!'i.) would consign to the net

~+ ..1\1"."" ,,(C;],('III, <"'.\I!!) 1f:, J,r~ '~'I,,'[(lS',LI'II I ,)lIvre) We have been requested t Francevra IlOnJ.1Jl,l ,llnong Christ I...1what h,l' been ,: misdeeds are many JIlLI ilia. are admitted to heaven let 'I'llI' C,lIIf1' ,'.I ( '/'111", [~<'IJI<' dlld FI

customary rJ,L!:ht to deucnare his own ,UC(L"SOI'. Most of tilt' rlobk, 111 the area vunotuxhue Urbiuo joined the unum hd\H'c'Jl city and Signure. Federico g:lI11cd.1 reputation JS peacemaker 111 till' 'Lite ofUrbino and. IN;" spoken of.1< h.1Vlll)! lnd the foundations of JIl Jrh((ll ratn- civilization I" Uy lorg-Jll.Q: .1Ili:lIlCCS with other courts ,\l)(i r<'['llhll(\ on the peninsula till' Sl!':llore IN;!S able to bro.1lkll hiv pow!;'!" base. lr \1'.1' not .t p()\ver deriving ,;old y from til", use ofphv-ical fone. Federico was Jlm.1 dil11hinr: -tccplv during wartinu The network of relations he built up with p,l'.va, lwyund the 111l111eCh,ltL' ,lfCJ enabled ledenco to ("'xl',md Ill', rcrritorv cOl1S1dn.lbly, to prolllo!t' Pl.'kC and e-nsure secunrv wnlun HI, bounds. and to financl' ;111 11 admiosn.rnve .lpl',HJtm , Under his r-ule Urtuno hcr.unca tcrritona] ~t;ltl' When routiict .rrosc between the p,>pe .uni <';1~ismolld() Malatesta. Illrd of Rimiru. as the [JJp,ll Stare expanded t~)W;lrd, the north-cast, Federico tlJ Monrefelrro sided with till' p.I~'.iCY_ In the memotrv of this pope - Pills [[ (14:'iK-()..j), who smrr-d hI, CHeer asa rhetorician. s-rn-r.irv .md diplom.it.>­ his COnJlIlCllfdrii deulmaiulv wld1 this expansion and Ill' 11-1I.·n,1ly and hostile relanons with llei;.;hb~)lIr1l1~ powers (SCL' fig, :'iJI", Til", pop!.' accused SlgJ'i1JKIl1do Malatesta ofmurder. avarice. hcrcsv, adultcr '/, 'ixfllqje, cruelty , , and dIIpllclty Notwithstanding surh ;H1 :HL1Y of Ch,lIl';~''', Pi u, .r, k[lOW ledged SiI41'>JllOlldn\ abihricv a'> a gr ear 9"'IWT,11 .ind rvcpcctcd him ,1,;1 man with hivtorical 111~I~ht. J sound knowledge o( plulo-ophv and a gif tilr e'1,,­ qll~'11<':~' "" On one level tilt' conflict wa_ f"llf.'ht ;1, ;1 ~'ropagaTllb war: b('''llllTllllll~ the focs reputauon \\',1, ,I Wl"1POIl wielded to gTeat eMen by,' [Jill' I/. 111 tim context the pop'" referred to 'the ccrcmonv \,'" rerm C1l101lIZclU,1l1' .urd

suggested that ir-, obv<'t'i'" - r1tl1Jh7t,d comignl11l'llt (

His writlllg, I11Jh· It clcar that h", saw c-anoniz.inon ,JI lonveying political ,1'i well ;1, ecde'iLI\ti<':dl .rpproval. ;1 fl)TI11 of ;'l'C1l1c1nz.ltioll that vuitcd his Pll'1-'~"e'\ :1' head of stare. Hi- views emerge 'trdllg-Iy trom the H'''lark'> 111 ;lliollak delle Marcile", ,..ludl he COlltClS[S [he qualui- l,f C-llh-h,1att,'i fC)T heaven with tho'l' he would rousign to [he nethe-r rel.'l()n,; -.1pl1 lplIH,') ';f,/~ h,I'><.' been re'-]\le'red to 11l,!th-!t ( .uhume Dr Srenru, llosa L\T Vin-rbu ,(ml FrJ1Ke,Cl ROll!,ma Jllll.\ll!..'; til<' 11.1111,', (\t ','Irglll' .md widows who :,re ',1111(' of Clll"i\t l _-J \\h;lt 11,1' »,','11 ',/1,1 "fthe,e llldTJO'11; 111\1;[ be prUH'11 truc-: "1~hIIL"I".lo\ misdeeds .m- 111.111\ .md

arc admitted [0 !lO',I'.<;:1I ld hUll be rq;lslt,],e"d .1' ,j ,Jlli~1l "f hell. l J No Illortal 22-1 has vet de"LeIlJL'c1 to Iwll virh rill' ceremony of cauoruzauou Si~i'I1L()llJU will be TOWJHh I edenco dol f', rhc frrsr to h" 1(1\111d wonl1') uflwh ,IIIIIO]H)ur" iavourablv lI1dmni. .tlrhou with ,Oll\t' ;lmhivaleJ1ct", Couruunug ill rhi, \'Cl11 oC'-IIILc,lti,'1!- in 1-1-(,2 PillS v eur ~I' tJr l, to ';t.1ge to pJ,;s on the title of ,lpOS ,1 gr,lIl<1 spectacle which he dl"lIihL',!.l" follows: to lu- legitimate son. lt v-.'; l)"fO)r" rhe 'ICpo ofSt l'eta', ,I grc.u bon fire' ,,( dry ,,,,,,,,d WJS bmlr. and "II r('f' ,I the.' papacy that Federico t figure r~pn:SCl1lj[\;'; SiSI\nl\lndo Ivl:d;lH:srJ W~l< )'b,<,d rh.u IV,I, 50 accurate ,1\ Ii' lu-, vo much that Fedenco WJI clothing .md luv cv.l .un] ,Iccm'ed tc.nuro, th.n II rnclllbklJ cl rc.rl jXf\Oll niore that he had J sounder co: than <111 dfig:.,', Bill lect ,1.11\ PCI'SOll be kII ill ,Ill:, rhsubr , .111 inscnpriou W,I' added. public relation', ~kill, were l'i>uillg trom hi, J)ll>urh, \\!l'"h rend: '\1g-1S!ll()11do Malatecr.i, vou orl'audolph. kmg kuir umts and courtly lite of t1':Jitor" h.m-d bv C;ot! .md hy 1\1.111. ,Ul1clelJlIIed to rill' AJl1lv, bv or.Irr uf the be well-ver-vd III th"'e fOI 'C'II,\{~ holy TIm next IVJ, rend I" lllJIIY Thl'll,1I1 tln- pre'Sl'l1d' "j rhe l'coplt", the Alter rk)rencc had recei Wl">.1 \\'J' Igllit overturned, however, members ofthe papal eurc he had been able (0 broaden hi, sphere of mfiucnrv cOlbldl'r.lhly He, like In the ceremonv rh.u t.....-,Il Federico da Monrefehro. had dClrLillCd lu-, .mthority through ,1 r ombmarion bkS'iillg and decorated hi of the n:glol1,\1 pOWer of hi" fannlv ,111.1 11111 i(ary service,' olfl'rl'd on ~l wider the papal forces Cardinal (;()llZJ~J vcalc. The General used hi, nchc 1') blilld J 11l'W c.rsrlc, ~H1d s;\ve symbolic led him [Q [he cxpresoo» to hi.. status by,' hJvlns lll~ anus di'pLrY'l'd ill numerous places robev, Afrer Mass had beel Sl>clU~ throughout his tcrruorv SI~i'lllOlldo g;lvc Albern :t (\" muission encolllpas,­ 1\/ to receive die ! IlIg extensive renovation work ou S. FLUHT,('() 111 Runini. which WJS later the po>pe' and the Church «u.uned the TCl11plO J\l,l.t(<."~tiJlIO and filrnl~lwd;1> ~I bnn.rl church tor him of the duke's dauahrers ~, ,\l1L1 his beloved [,OIL, I", L'l.htillg votive ]lonr;l1h ,1Iltl fnncr.u'v monuments with Fabrizio Colomu \\'trt' removed and III 1-1-31 PieHl dl'lL! FnrlC("Cl painted ,1 l',")rrr,llf e.-,t the when Federico w ..s presc'1 lord Jt praver bef0re hi~ llame-'~lllH' Tw,\ dogs :U'C depiCfed 111 ';Llceful England Jud the Orde'l 01 line_ bellllH,i d'e wop,lupping figure_ ,n"l, rll,' f:umly ,urn, art ,hown b(,th abovc SI,\c:J,l1lo11,k, "lid III thc bordL'1 A lllL'lttllion on [he l);1c1. wall ,hoy\" bis endt>, \\hllh wa;, completed, dccording to the 1I1"nption, in 1-1-16, PALACl ])uring this penol! :'lp'llI"IIJO M:rl.lte_Ll h~Hl hlTrl ;lIrmng, throug-h hi, d~ ,1CflyltleS a, J pJ[J'()ll or' an. III ,Ichic\'c [he lin)' PJ'I',>',lk (\t the l'qmratioll FedenlO MOlltddtro c dur Pill> \Va, to ,;pre;ld by "'Old .I11J fo['[ifi,,' by lll;luhrc lL'l'l'lllOllY, III other it, Fonner size, He' ahq \\orcl-, ,vhcn SlglStllOndo .'v1Jl.ltC_U cornrni"jollt'd P1LTO dclla rr;llKe~c;1 to ~'1"adually what had bt>t>ll : p:nllt .1 \'()[IVe ponnit of h1l11 111 [he ,Iwrcl! Alherti had de,igned, It \\.1, Fe.-,rts, towers and (..,tIe's, ju,t a, dc1lbel,\(el\ Jlliled tu ellhalJt:(' hi' IIlI:lgc' ,r, Pms\ mock bllr111ng w,]\ his terntol'V was vulnerab ill[cnded r() clt,(lelV IL Jll and in Urbinc ,'(' ','II" (:'lIIrr' ,:(1 :'/'III,l, N",IIV ,m,1 H,'''"II« 115

uiz.uion. :"1~;:h hi, PPO'ltl' pf [h,,- fl'j'lltJtlllr\ redericu dJ t\l10111d~ltro exp,1l1ded rhe pnncipallty ufUrhlr10 fll rhn'\' time, 'ablt;' ceremony III OdH.T ir, fOrlner ,nt". He also hUlh up a network of di~,I

ill Gubllio and JI) UrblllP H'e-lf Th('s(' palac(',; h:](1 no 111111\;lr')-' functioll to

--J ver-ve .md \\~re Elf mort:' "pJ~I()U, ,l!lel uJlr,fon,lhk than the" castlc, uf FcdnlCO" nse 10 social ptc rT~krico'.; ancnto!',. 'iuh, which gJl.c lum hi, p The paluear Urbruo .irtracrcd sroWlllg number-, of rounrers. The dulc'\ keen 'ie111e ot ctraregv and UJ own rvl.uivcs constituted A 'ii'I,'ablc gr"l!f' rhi-, 1I1cllldnl several ul" )11, pher, the Ul1Lial qualities n danghrer-, and those' ofIus .ll';j"irutl'd h.ilf-brcrhcr. hi, OUe' lc~I(lllIJle son between stares ale circumsp Cuidobaldo and kinsmen of the h()1l'~'1 nfMalatl'II.l. Sforza. liclla lt.ovcrc ,eel solutions 1Jl consulrat and Ubaldini"'. A second ~rollp of rourtivr', comprised rho-c wnh ~'r c11111 theor.-tlca] knowledgc. He de'~Tibe, hi<; '

ifortablc than the castle. of Fedt'nco\ rrxc to ,,)Cidl prominence .llll(ln~ rulers tllrulighOlH the ~'el1ln­ sul.r, whic-h gave- niru his power, I' .nn-ibuu-d hy' Vt:~p,I'];\no to l-edenro-,

JhL],; otcourner- The duk<'\ keen ,t'l),e llf,tratq"y and unflllllhlllg sclf-rorutol AcnJrJin~ [0 the bl~)gT,l­ thi- Included '('\'erJI of his phcr, the crucial ljuJliue, needed bcvond shee-r torc-c to uegorute relations other, hil one It'gltJlllak 'ion bcrwccu ~t,lle, arc cin.uuwpection, rbcorcncal knowledge andrhe ability to rlatesta, Stint;!, della H,1)\"l'l'e seck solution, III cnusnlrarion. Fetlen<() po""e~,('d the' wisdom, he con­ compn-ed those with pro­ cluded, to prelt:I"\'e unity and to -erve the wider cao«: of 1M.\' irali", recc., ullil-,'Taplwr'i and uum, In dl~cl!S~illg Federico's le.mung, Vespavi.rno dwells Oil the V"S{llL'" of mcnons of -crretJlle" diplo­ the p,lLtCL' library :.l1d notes 1J1 r~"illg tlut lllo"t of the mauuvrriprs have list, were at once' the admin, hecn provided by lum-elf The 1l1,1J\'f texts in plulosopbv. the writings of d t11l'omtl whose \vritings the Church fJthcr\, rbeologians and humanists .m- all to be found there. -r and between "tate, Such he cl.urns Likl: other hUl11dlmts Vespasi.mo h:lnlly distinguished between {a, \VLTe painters, !II tht-ir arnnnt and Christian wrttcrv, treaung them a, onc l':'(elllpbry hody of ~e, srhol.rrxhip (rom which fedelico took hI_ hL';ITing\, ThL' texts covered Jll \\.-':1\ a jurist ,llld not.u-v of tmmcusc historicalrange, from I Ionter and MJeCl'lla'i (thc cvcruplarv patron Jl'e'il rihcd ,1 code "I' counly who livcd during the feign of Emperor Allg-tl'itH~) by \\.. ay of Dante all~1 c de" Medici '- llr;Jdy :111 of l\LTARPIECES !\ND COUR 11Y ACTHORJTY Ileiidl" extollJll~ individual patronage, HI> chief client Like the wealthy merchants of tilt> republican ,·itV-'t.l[CS bd()rl' hnu, the' ,nipt -ak-nnan prai-a-d l-oth Duke of Urhuio cnusolidarcd Ius positron bv g:llllillg influencc III the Church All Illlportallt part of lederico's pJ[rOlI,It-;l' was ukell up with \vith hlS VJl'[lJ()llSl1l'~;' ,Incl rehuliding Il\I1l1l'I'OU'> dlllrche' and lllOll,I'it,'riC-;' withlll 1m re"llll, Withm a, a Wlse, hOlle"t, lvaTl1Cn, the holy edifln', hr llnpmed a l1ew de,\l~l c11~til1ctivc ly h/_ (JWll, clllph"'JZlIlg 1iliJr 'virn ,aclt'e! [("st~ ,ll1d his pre,encc Itdl tunher ill lilt' Jrlm and I'ortl,lito di'pl.tyed alld h the ~mke thc proper h,lLmce choice of ':1ll][S to bL' depicted' Courtiers ,'l1lUI,ItL'd tllCir nuke III giving 'n ,wd hetwecn lrll'itlllg to similar ~'~)lIln lissions, J LJS! ,Ii the MediCI h,ld led til\' WJy for llLJiU~T()m ot11e r, ',1 [hat h:lve bren tried ane! 0/ their t;1("nlln, Akiu ld the Images III Fforent;nc rhllnllc', .lltal'piece~ ill ucuiol1 Jlld training, hoth LJrhillo and the ,urroulldll1.:': :lIt.":!. toO, !Jol'e portralt.\ ,lIthe Juke\ nrcl"" at nerah Jlld ,I" learnt (rOll I prayer"" JI ;lnd fahim ,'l.-ll>;imm, J\I~t\l\ ofGlwnt W,l' COlJlllllS,;lolled to l',ll1lt:l L1rg-t.: ,qll,lIl' ,l]urpKce, the r I prcdcll.r of which h.rd aln prcdcll.r. wluch was to f confrarcrrurv's hIgh altar, tlw rnirarulnuc hked1l1£ r Florenrine returned to hi, on the altarpiece. Short! travelling- e:--pemes by the come :llld inspect the 111l( but other ronmnsvrons mt Fcdl..TKO c1:l Montefcltr this altarpiece Jmtm\ paJ to bcC~)T1W the Eucharist; chalice for the wine JrL' 011 bearded figure turns J,icll nght JfC nor from rhe CO' a wet nurse with Fcdertc engaged III J dispute The rhe bearded 111311, rhus ave Piero della Francesco's in a different \\'JY (see fig the words 'CONVENE (he Old Testament propln Lord and his anointed" 1 New Testament IS related Herod, the 1001 jewish r are the key figures Il1 rhe 011 Cood Friday, the raw derives, as their refrain The cuneus figures IJ temporaries of the patron 55.J"'lm "rChClll, dct.nl 01111" LI31 SIII}I_"''- wlll1lT,knco ,h Monrctclno, I..7~-+ (;;011~n'l :-';'1/1' >ILLIe c1dk ~VLLn.!Jl-, UrblllU source of (be Flagellation (p!Jo[m,'T;)rh Ab,nn) the New Testament pass; plausible idenrificatiou ot man Oil the left IS probably king according to the pr' Herod Autipas. \'...]10 was was condemned to be cru in the tar left background soldier; with their scourg' '1I1l' C"IIO.' p(I 'shsno, ROlli' ,111'/ FlO'('1I(1' 22')

prcdcll.r or which h,\d ahcadv been l'flHJ\lccd by l',lolu Uccello-". On {hi~ pl'L'Lklb, \dli,h W~lS to fonu pJrt of;) n-r.tb!c for the Corpos Domini lOllfr;lkn1Jt:- \ lllgh altar. Ucr cllo Iv.! de-picted the (OIllIlWI](Jii Lm,cd by the: nrir.nulouv bk",dlll~ of .t lHlly \.lJfer vir-w-d by dnuhtiug jC\\<; ',,, The , ~h') Flofl'Jltll1c n-rurned to 11 IS city ill I without having done JIlY more wnrk 011 the Jlurpiece Shorrlv betore this Pn-ro della Frjl)Ci;"SCI w~., given trJvdlillp; ['Xl'l;'jbc" hI' the p.I111tI.T C;jov;illl1i Santi. the t:uher "f RJplLlcL to I,~ tllli.,hill~ ~, romc .md 1l1SPCd the uncompleted .ilr.irpiece with ,1 view I<) it. hut otlwr cummi,S1om mrcrvened The work "lV]S left f( .r Justus of (;hl'nt, Fed ...-riro da Monrcfclno app.rruurlv helped subsidize rlu- complcnon of this altarpiece. J\lStll'i'S panel ,hlm', jc-ns pl'lfilnlling the cefeIllollY that is ~~ to \,,',ol1le [he Enrhansr at the Last SUPPl'!" (see tl~, :)5), The brL,.d and ;\ ch;\llLc for the wine are ',)11 the tahk b('{ore the disciple" cud j richlv dn·,,(·d bearded tig"lfe' turns a,lde' Irol11 the ccrcmonv". The five ti:,:ufes urt th c nghr In' 110\ from the Gospel. however: tbe-, arr Federico &1 Muun-tclrro. a wvr nurse with f-t'cielico\ 11t'\\h\)l'll von Guidob.1ldo and two Lourtiers "ifl mg,l,l;l'r, in ,1 dispute. The duke make' a f-iesturc of disapproval directed ar .... tl1l' be.mlcd I11JII, rhus ,l\'O\\lllg hi, loyalty to [he Christian Church. Picro della rflllCcsca\ F/Oj.!CJi,lll

1Il ~I different way \\1;'1;' tig. 56). Invnbed 011 the frame oftlli;, picture wcrv ~.~.? . , . the WOI"&; 'CONVENERUNT IN UNUM'. a phrJ~" deriving from !!I the Old "lextameut prophccv of the c.n-thlv rulcrs who w111 [Urn ;If-iaimt the lord and hi" ,1I101I\te...1',". Tbe- Iulrilrucnr of rhi, pr,'plle'cy '; JeLordillS u, til,' f'rophvcy 1i1 [J.;.11111 2, ,lnd pictur...·d tlll til(' nght I, Ilerod AlItlp~IS, Wltl1 W,l> l"I:collLikd \\'ldl PilJ(e Ull rill' d.l\ Oll whlch Jl·,m W;b LOlll1t'IIIllL·d to be' U'llcifi,'d l'il.llc is dq1l,tcd [wic..., mOIl' III rhi, Fmel' In the {,lr left \',,".k;;roLllld OJ) hl,judge',

Image;; of the flagellanor works", They generally showing the lite and Pass, correspond with those of common around J47()'\". F della for J polyprych desig interior of which was res! felcro". (The choir of the plans as a possible burial p construct a memorial tomb outside Urbinol~, At the ~ monuruenr III the palace g Federico also ordered a Pranresca now known as clad in a suit of armour, k spacious church interior. I of the design and interior Urbino, did so in accordan There is a strong rcsernbl the way in which the figur panels, the one showing Moreover, the theme of tt links up with the Chris Incarnation, in the portr hypothesis that the two pa This hypothetical recor» is compatible with a dati :i(" l'tcro cit'lL! l-r.mccsca. 111(' l-I"~dldll(lll,, 1~7-t: Callen'l :".E10I1,llc Montefeltro's patronage re d~lI~ cl... \.\rclw, l;rl",,,, {l'h"l"sr:Ll'l, Alllu,.,) only after 1472 that his c buildings - came to radiate he had his tides inscribe CONFALONIERIS FEDERATIONlS, folk both ecclesiastical and secu martial prowess to the low or F.C. the initials he LIS FE DUX. Giveu Federico's birth a as a coruiotsiere in the ser 111e COllrlS 0((,:,1'111", R(llllr and F'/(lfCII.{(' lJl

IlllJgo:~ oftho: I1Jgdlatioll of Christ almost never appeared as independent wmb"; They generally constituted one clement in a series of image, showing the hft: aud PamOl1 of Christ. The dimensions of Piero's panel correspond with rhovc of till' larger type of predella panels that became common around 147(1"". Pil'fl)'S Flc'.~cllari(lll probably belonged to the pre­ della f~lr a polvptvcl- designed t~lr tho: high altar of Urbino Cathedral, the interior of which wa, restructured at the behest of Federico da Monte­

feltro". (The choir of the new cathedral apparently figured 1Tl Federico's plans JS cl possible hUrJJI place, but 111 fact it W:1.' decided after hIS death to construct J memorial tomb 111 the newly renovated S. Bernardino monastcrv outside Urbillo" At the -arnc time plar» were made for a frec-vtandinp numumcnr in the pal.n-c gardensf'. Federico ako ordered .l votive portrait for an altarpiece from Piero della Franrcsca now known a, the B,ad Madonna (SlT fig. 57)1", It ..hows him dad in a suu of armour, kneeling before the Virgin, same .md angels in ,1 spacious church uucnor. Francesco eli Ciorgio Martini. who took charge of the design aud interior arr.rugcmcnt of the cathedral (and the palace) of Urbiuo, dill so 111 accordance with the style recently introduced by Alber-ti. There i, a strong resemblance between the background architecture and [he \\\1)' in which the figure- furniture and clothing arc painted in the two pands, the one showing rill.' FI(/;;dlilliil/! and the other a vonvc portrait Morrovcr, til(' rlu-mc ortfll' pfl'(klla - Chn,r's Pnsviun and Rl'Sllrn.'nion­ 11Ilk~ up with til(' Christ rluld and til(' ostrich egg, sYlllholil'ing his Incarnation, m the portrait.". The,e obscrvation-, n-nd to support the hvpoebc-,i-, th.u the two P:11lc]., were designed J~ parts of OIlO: polvptych This hypothetical reconstruction ofthe memorial painting WIth a predclla is comp.ttiblc with c-onumssrons - from illuminated lTl:11lmcnpts to huildin b»; - carne to r.rdi.uc 1IIIlS/!!firl'llfia. On the w;111 ofthe palace courrv.n-d he had hi-, titles inscribed in classical capital kttenng: FCCLESIAF CONFAl.ONIERIS anti IMPFRATOR ITAUCAF CON­ r-:EDERATIONIS, followed by the emblem', ,igmf)'ing his virtue> 111 both cccle'LIsticJ! and secular fuuctious: from vigil.nice- to dig1l1ty :111d from mnr ti.il prmvc', [() the love ofpearl' Rather than FEDERICUS CO M ES or F.e the initials he used after recel\'11lg the dukedom \...'ere F.D., or FE nux CIV('11 Fcdcrn-o'c birth a'.1 hasLlrd ofGhibcllinc .mccstrv .unl his function as :1 Wlldill/ial' III till' service of [he popt:, I[ WJS of nurncn-,c political TiJeG

Importance that he dlOUI because his legal status, un why he chose to present h who repudiaredjudas, the Messiah. On the altarpiece the main panel as Miles C in stark conrrasr to the reXt who had turned against ]e the successful regional OVt

, MACr'­ I,

Federico's attainments JIs(

manuscript ofPctrarch's S( own insignia. After the po of four ceremonial canlJj alluding to the triumph () ispiece miniature of File]: Federico cia Montefeltro r king addresses [he Duke Federico appears in velvet miniature was pasted into active versus the con temp Many other types ofim. ordered town views of Fl Alexandria. There were too, thus placing ehe Si rulers". After Federico leqmrec on his manuscripts. They hnmanisrs' calligraphy, ch. beautifully bound. DeCOI

='7 F,no rlrlla r-rcnccsca. !'lie BIn., ,1Irrn,'lIlld, c 1-+7-+: Oallcn.i Bn-ra. volumes been no more t _~"llb" (photoS,,,]'h Alm,_,n} detailed figurative images on examples from anti qui including graphic design, ; had been before. With h '\lplHlJe! U,1~10 p~l;lrlll ,11~H\ ~l'l(l "~dU.1sn[1l'111 qq 1]11,.);\ ':>11~F''1 ll.:>.:>q ['rq onon sr- \\10!lnXnj ,11~1\\ ~pnpo1d P;llJSTll~1 .:>lp pIlr '[[;;l~;>P "llJdrll'i ;;lI[Pl1l,)111 "nodn P~lU~Fl1 w ..\\ ~P(),\\ ;>1[1.1° n;.d,r '\1;'.Y:1 ',\Jlnll1lIW [[[\'JJ '':>1.11110;':> [I~'

'\Fl~111 ,\U1p )(1(1.\\ l[:1m pip 0l[\\ SlS1111~ ;l[P pur '"li'\rl[[[ ':>'\Il1>.miiIJ p,ljn'l,lp 01111 p.l'\jOA':> :;.,'1l1!\\fJp )jUI pur uad Jjdum ll1'1p ,l,l(1ll1 (1[1 [I.l.ll] ~.l[llnlll,\ 1;11111:;'1 III 1:1\:1I lnp 1I1ii,WUI ;l[ll [II ~jI:)Olli ;l,\lll'ltn,l(! plllll'q '\llllJllTl1'.ll) :JJOUI P!" p:J~nlllllnIlP '\I;l:)I~.lOqrp .uotu :J1;l,\\ .\.1[11 ''iqdVl7lIJIFl .'1'1111'llll1q :J[ll .10 <1Ullll,\\pm:q .I1:[n71.1.1 ;lIp 1lI r;lldo.l ,l,D,\\ ..bq 1 "ldul,nllrlll '111 [In p;l,\\Ol,:Jl] sr,\\ n'» ,111::1 l.llr:J,I'i1 ,l)jnp JO :Jjl1l ,llpl',ll~ntnr \'ll.l,11';"11''''~lV

'".''-1':>1 1\1 [l'[];ldllll JO llO!~l[W11 :>[P ll! Oll!lpn .10 ;'.I011l'iIS ;>lp ;;lllwid >T1l1l '\)01 "j1~];l1l.:>7] .10 snr-nrod .:>lp 7][!IlI!P)[!O:l SUOlll'lPlll ':>1':>,)\ ':>1;:'[1-1 rupl1fX,llV P'!" lll.:>jCSlll':>( '':>;)[[1':>1\ '':>lIlO'):l 'eJ1.:>1Iul\ ':J.1lT.l.lOj:l)\' ,".11.\ lU\Ol p,ll,lp10 O:lU':>P':>:I -sidu.isnueur \':>:>jnp ':>l[lUl p,llr,lddr ',llinlllJI' ,.~d.ZJ l,llPO ·\lIl'W ',t(uu.:>P.:>:I OlllOll\:JIP':>P \: J1()'llplq ..\\ ';:Jll ;l,\llqdlll.lllIO.') ;lljl sm,I:J" ,1,\[1.11' ;'1lp lIU ;l;;Il\:;lJ1 t: 'YI"II;J/IIPII"lm:) Y;JII0Iil'iIIITYICl ,liP rmu p.u-ed 'it:,\\ ;l1111I'lTlTI[! ,1t:lnJ[l.InT ~[q.1 ':);;[unllnlj :J~[pn1:J m- ,1\W"lq \:>q('l PAP,\ [11 'i1r.:>ddr O.ll1.:>p.:>J -o.nu.ud l.llPOlll" ll1 ':JlIOllP ~lll lllOl.1 OlTJ(pn .I" .:J)jll(l ,:lIp ~':>'i,;HPfW 7]1lI)j -ll"J0qY, ;llp ~f[',j:JrlJ() 7]ll~}[ ''in1,\:) 'pJI"\\OI i1ulpu 011j.:>.p1lI0V\l fp O.)l1':>P':>:I ~]:11d;lP 1'Ip,JdO.l'{:) \lImldm!.:JX JO uonepue.n ',0.11':>[1:1 .10 ':>l111rlUTllT soardsr -11[(11J ;111.1 ',\.10[.1 pllr ;:l.PI ·,'illN'q., Pll\~ '\lW'l[J)O qdlUI11.11 ,1lp 01 ihnplllP': ,;:lmj'l~j l[1l.\\ 'suro.nun pm~ S;:l'iJOl!\l.l lL\\!'lP ,,1::'irl.llrJ jfIllOlll.l.l,lJ 1110) JO uur~'~'-'I)(]jd ero -'I;:1P\lI[ -'llp ';:lUIU.l 1I.~lrlPd J" nr111Ud ,liP l::J-YV THl~I,,!1 lIMO ~l \1 l[lli\\ P;:lllSIII-'l(IUI,l ~r,\\ 4il''-I~' PII[~ viouuo-, -ctno-, '. lj.')lf1P

.:>dOd ;:lIp -,0 -'lJl,\,I':>~ ':>l[llll pJ(l[l,l.\(' [rllOl,b1 [1'Y"::J.Dll> ;'lp .ro 1I0111')ll.:>s.:>Jd p':>JJn m;:'l-'lqt» I' ,),OJ!' SIll(.1 ',m,lrl'll[l'jr r::Jllllll pcq oq-'\\ 'l'lI-'1P.:>Hl -'lIp III UMUll' (q11l",) :>tp .10 ,Jilll~l ,11'11,11 ,-,1;1:)1 ;'l[l 011SCJllIOJ ~fl-e1S ur 'l110UlJr III jlllp.lll:>j '(1'lJIL)]O DlrjO" ,)1[1) 1!,!J!1:1 ·".)IIH' sr pued ututu ;:ll[l III p-'llt:,:>ddr ;UOll'i'ilS :>q1 'n,:>Jllr,I::I PJj.)r D1,11ri '{I1 .:>,1;l[cilrl[r ;It[1 llO 'lICISS;:lW ,')q) ~l"!VI )S1.ll-L) 1flp p:>lll,lp 01].\\ :>"Olp lIP pur ,"\,'1]' ;>111 '<;rpn( p;ll{'[pnd;:ll 0q.'\\ l'~lnl F 'I" ;:n:l~dJP11r n!~IIIOCl md!l):) ;>1111lI.lj;>qlllq 1IPS:lJ(l 01 ,1'0l[J:Jlj AlJ.'\\ 'UlPJdx.:> SlIU. ':lI11!'1:l111IlA :lllllh q'.\\ '~(ILtl :lIp [111m ',n11'1'> Ir..b1 ml ':>SllfJ':>I1 {ll"U:ld':l 'Ipmq:) ':>111 01 '\lp:/ioj '!!j ssardx> PPlOlI' oq ~Plp o-nu-ncdrm

((Z a


pr<:"fJlrc11l\ thL' pllr;J,e ill It", ,1rJJ;lIi,-I'i!JJ,l (,Idir,', Fvdvrico oarned n n-purarion I Above the wainscot, ir ,l~.l bibliophile wuhour pen", 'Famous Men'48. The lowe All l'xteml\'L rl'jKr!lllre (]f .Ir1'illlCCllic Iyllll)()]" w.t- iucorporan-d into Church Fathers and rheolc thc'c illu_tr:HlIlJ), In 1-47-4 ;1 II<:"W rrowu appc.rrcd .tbovc the f.unilv poets, The emphasis was 0 L"L'ul,:hrLlll \\1110 It- bllle .lllt! gol.l strijx's .uid the crowucd eagle. of the patron: Vittorino da A(':LlI1'P~111YjJlS 1l \\L:'Te tlle lIn'~l'J l,·y, that xymbohzcd the couun.md of (see figs. 53 and 54). tile papal forres. There wcr c Illany OdlLT additions to the-e lIlsig-ni.l: the A crucial element in th crane with a ,tOIlC ill its claws rcprl'_cllling \i::-il:\Ilcc.m ,,:xl'lodillg xhcllm with his son, Federico is s

token ofmilitary strength; the nhvc leafofpc ,J( c; the laure-l wn:.ltl1 of:;Iory; the order ofthe ermine an I the amine: and garrcr sigllit}'ing decoration, rL','L'IVul fi.nu the kln~' of his outatretched leg. He is Naplc-, and England: and finallv the firestone, h.rlu .nui thc ",(rldl \\1111 m his Bible IS in view on a 1< egg, Interspersed among such -Yl11bol, were nunu-rou- 111

, 1,\(1' The C"III/' ,'I C·,I'iil''. ~""Ii'

-dcrtco earned J reputation Above the wainscot, III 1--171, Jllstu~ of Ght'1H p,111HCd his p.mcls of ·F;UllOUS Mt'n"I~. The lower row \VJ" devoted to Old Tcsrnmcnr h\\~i\'l"f'>, sols was incorporated into Chnrch Fathers and rhcolouiau- the l\~'per row to Jtlrisrs. astronomc r-, .md speared above the fJlluly poet,;, TIlt' emphasis W,IS 011 Lurmu-, lt.tli.ms, including four r ontr-rnpor.irn­ and the crowned ngle, ofthe patron viuonno da Feltre. Cardinal ljcv.arion, Pius II and SI\:tlh IV rnbclized the connnand of (see fig" 5J JUd. 5-1-), nons 10 these insignia: the A CTULiJl element III the palace decoration' I" the porn.rit of rhe duke .mce: an exploding shell in with htx sou l-ederico is shown seared 111 hIS vtudv weanng armour, with ; the laurel wreath ofglory; the OrJ~1 of the cnuiue around his neck .,nd [he order (If the garter around eccived from the kings of his outstretched leg. H<." is reading ,1 large manus.-npt: the other volume of ale and the ostrich with its his Bible is JI1 \'IL'\V on a lectern. Also portr.ived l'i G\Ildobaldo, Fcdcriro's ncrous mottoes!". ,! legitimate son. hell .md ,UCLL""Or ro the ducal throne (vuidobaldo IS belllg olarship and his aristocratic brought llP with t'''''Ill]'It', of both thr active and the conteuipl.invc lif-c'­ .lendid copy ofthe treatises classical heroes and Chrisruu scholars - to l-.'uid<." him [see fig, :'i2), The beside the ro~~e \ portrait. young pnllce srand-, rithl-, arr.rved, sceptre III hand. he"ide Ius t':-.pe-r1t'lllTd .pntano» between scholars " father. h Fathers up to fourteenth- There IS a comparable portr.nt of Cuidobaldo - also p.unted 1r1 oil-, by , Ju,tu, of Ghent, and -inularlv dispbylllg the msignia and houor.uv ncle-, of the duke - that shows hun listening with lus tJther too lec-ture OL'lllf-l \--,'1v<.'11 by one otthe courtly scholarv. A vcrrc of panels by the same .unst I, dl.'v(1(l.'d I SCIIOLARS to t11<." liberal arts; Federico IS shown kllt't'liJl~ before the enthroned fcm.rh­ pcr-onificatious, first as a young pnl1ce and III the last panel ~IS all old 111:\11 rung Count Antonio's old 4 (sec fig. SH). Portraits ofrhe duke Plll'Jlk the palace:". Piero de-lh Fr,111Cl."Ll clace that WJS unparalleled twice porncvcd him with his Wilt)" The coupk- i" depicted on t\'I.'0 douhlc­ 'e machinery of patronage sided panclv, p">'>lhly oribillJlly fashioned ,1, cupboard doors'l. Federico I, 11, court. shown hell' 111 .J rrnunphal chariot. in exactly the same armour ,j, in [he u- throne hall, which WJ~ portraits in h" stldy and on the altarpiece. and Sl'.llL"l in a movable ,h,IIr, -ork Tbis lull gJve access or faldstool. wluch I' upholstered in red and re-,tillg PJl ,1 ;.!:old-(olollTetl rber, rhe duke's study and, platform (~<'c- jl~ 5

fame ofhis virtues celebrate

inscription reads 'She who l lips honoured by the praise The scenes shown here I subject-matter and inscript front of the panels and n , resenearions on the other si, iI The panels may have beer

" ducal insignia were kept, r. :1 The triumphal scenes ao " :1, [hat courtiers and other pr :! legitimate basis ofthe duke and his territorial claims h­ lady are the lands ofthe st.u had dominion. I On the inside of the r triumphs, Piero painted ill I and his wife led at colin ( devote himself to culture, ,I general and the riches this ( are again shown In the bac built by [be duke. The pai: expansIOn ofwhat was one dukedom extending as far


A comprehensive reperto around 1474 centring on I legitimate son were ranged chariot, general's staff, see' emblems and mottoes; ac rulers; Greek and Roman two chief aspects of soun 5K, .lllSnl' or (,!J"'lr..Ilwi,-, 1~77 (1,!lolOgral'j, Nanorul C;lller\'. arts, Muses and virtues; ar I III<' and !-'I,)r, 11« 237

tame of hi, vurues cdehl,lk"' ;1', "(lll;11 to the gre;l,te'-'it generals.' H IS Lite wIfe\" inscription leads 'She who "h\nvl'd ,df-re<;tr:1I1Jl m 'illCCC<<; the<; vII all men's lips hDllOurc,1 by the pLllS<.' ur' 1l<,T grc:u husband's cxploitv The scenes ,11ou,1tnl WIth Federico aud uanisra. The Je~i[lnlate basis ottbc Jlil('\ nurhorirv IS repr esenred bv crown all,I"c''Ptle, .mcl luv territorial (him'i hy th~' l.mdsrnpe: painted [oL'llll1dthe lord .md Ills lady art' the" 1,111'1, of[he narc 1,1 Urhlno over which Fedenco da M('11[L k.ltro had donmnou.

Oil the 1I1SlUL n!' till' p.mcl-, ,j<; a complement to h.'denLd" miliun-v l\'Ill1l1~1IL', PIL'l'O p.untvd 1I11,lg1.:S 'iuggestmg the more contemplattve life he .uid Ill' wife led at courr ('C(' fig. 60)_ III rllt' palace the duke was able to devon him,elj'to culture, dunk, tq the pacification he had achieved .I' .I general and '.he [ILhe' thi, prnt~s,i(lll had brought lum. The lands ofUrhlll1l arc agalll ,1}llwlI III the bKkground, 111 which Piero incorporated fi.lrtreS'i['s built L1Y tln- JuL:- The painter has also included ships at sea. lllu,tLlting the expauviou ofwhat \VJ'i unc c ,I modt'st liule rcuntv 111 the hill- inn, ,I IJ.Tllou, duk-dor» I.:xtending ;1' l.rr ,1' the Adriatic.


A comprehe-nsive I'qwrI

aroum] I,P--\- l'clHring nil thL' Linke, Around l-edc nco himself Ins WIfe ,111d It'gitjIJl;lt(' 'Ull wen' ram;l'd, 'iymbols ofhis r nlc such a, the throne, triuTllI,jMI chariot, g-elllTd\ ~t;[tf, vccptrc and rrocvu: dcc oratronc, urdcrs of chivalry. emblems and Illllttu,·,; .Hlllllni'itr,ltoE .tnd diplomat, .u Iu-, court: other rulcr-: C;rcek nn.l Rmu.m gel1n;ll, and C:hl'i'i();'ll ~d101Jr- excllll,llt~'lllg the two clucf ~l~~lcn, of vouud .rduunistrarion; personihcanor» 01" Ihl: liberal h N'ltJunal ("Jlltl\, .I1't<" 1\1u'L'~ .1I1d virruc-: and [he duke'> dom.un with Hs cluster uf e,l,tlc" ,~()q 'It' tile", clcmcutv h,ll1 been represented before. III C()lllllll"lOl1_ givell hy pope" l:ll1['cr()r\ .rnd km,L';' I It wa~ new. 11,,\\'<:vo.:r, ti.lr 'illih ~Ylllb,)ls to bl: J!,)'r\l['r1.1tl'd hy a k" <,,;,.Itcd ruIn, al1d new t;n thL' cmirc -

set of prmcclv symbol- tc Urbmo itselfpossessed no r took Ius example" from rul Another source of lllSP1L of public authority III tOWI of Sienna showed (he COil personifications ofvirtues a crown and sceptre, The Ill;

those III a courtly centre w rule]' himself at the centre to courtly representations were also aimed at different dud diplomats III a centre s of Citizenry in a republic. Courtly standards of CUI from the cultures of men display on the part of III without the rule of self:'] possessio» and moderation magnifi(flliia to proJULC feat sonnl ostentation and the ta: At the centre of courtly was recorded and exchan engaged in elaborating idea' ~:: 14 ..-w = & applying what were in th. _.ffll.liif-UUI.linf"ln.o"nt'ltrrmn,onnnlnUl1IIn I'IIIII'I'"IIII II " i - _. ---"_..._-~ ~----.---- _. - -­ -~-- - " secular of surroundings. T CLARVS INSI

~q, f'wro lie-II" l-r.uncsca. l'<'dl'n«' ,101 ,\[('III,'/c!rn' ,'" ''''11111/,1,,11 ,1I"rr,.!, each room ami each PlCtOI .­ 1-+7-+: {"llkrJ.I L1~f'.1i UlluL, l Iorcnce (f,h()l()~'TJph Ahu.m) achieved hy different types beautifully designed and II that the likelihood of rebel The tendency towards stranded process of civiliza The C',>IIrIS (~r (','him', 1<0111<' .usd norell", ..'.19

set of pJlIKt'ly syIllIJ'l[' [U be thm rdlned and systern.uucd" LkcJll,e Urbino It,<,lr}',''~e'~t'clll'' tr.nhrion ofim,lgC'i for him to dL1R l" "ourec: uf lU\f'll'.![]OIl could be found in pit-ton.il rcpresenranoas of public .nuhorrtv III [()\,l,;11 hallc. for inxtnncc, p,1ill[lI1!-,:' 111 the town hall of Sienna ~JJ()\\'Ld the ':

TIl(' COl

culture of the friars or the evcr-vtnctcr controls on be range, "',,


One of the painters who \:: Urbino, rcccivll1g- ,I numbt Santi"q Giovanm also W!'OI ofwhich i, devoted to Fcdc the end of the poem Santi of Urhino, Oil his way to II Federico admires the Irescc of the GOllz:1ga family all' SPO,! . IS_pou,cs ' Ilooun". r-.: (,II ['",n\ dc·lI" h'''I"·,,.-a. nUll'.'.' ~I;" .j .11,,1 /-',.,Ial", ,I" 1I,)"r ... I~'lrn>. the artier with much cnrln ,. I"'-t. {dl"n.l d~sli UH;7l. rl,)r~I''''~ :.I,h"'''~2''''l'h I\llll.lrl:' Manregna IS praised in imaginative po\ver'>, hi, ,CIl

and his vjS[;(", ;1_ well ;I' hi" hi- ;thdity to 'lIgg~",r ~fl;l(<;' painter, (If Horcncc and ot

della Francc-c.r. Jail VJIl E Gel1tik· and (;IOV,lI1n1 Bel centre of producnou'". \'(. Santi made .1 n:JI ronrrtbu An iruporranr tigurc 11 Fr.lllce~(;1 Piero strove ( hr'lLJck muntlc-; precioc ..

P:J1ll4Dl llO iUIA\tJp -sneurod pur ,;>n01S >l1OlJ;>ld ',,1[JUrlll ,IF'CJUHl 1'10;) \J.lun"UI 1t~j ':illllJld,op III jll'PP D';'JJ.;.d 0) ;>\(\11\ '1l;>1.1 1'1,,1.1110'1:1 "ll>P 01,)1,] '1:A\ uoUtlljl'll\\l>\,:lL'Jd l~l S!lIP] III ;>llli~j nn-nodnn [IV

·llOls'''.jOJd lL\\O ,nun .\t]dl'.I~(\lll)l"l\j ;lIp (1] UOllllqUlIlO) j!'.:>J t- .:>prm 1l1irS ,1':>llHl'd OlU.:>.lOlW'llh.J0 .\,'\111' ,\IIl<1U,'[ ~Il[ l[ll/X\ '~,uon.1I1p01dJO ':>111J,l.1

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S'}I:clJNIVd I uno ) (INY NOli V711VNOISSJJOfl

"l,lllllnIJo ,1TIQlll:,\Pl' .;>JOjlh,:> 01 1qilllo, ~,'UIHJJ '\[lJll<1] ,'![-L ·,rll,lJ,lr:j..'Ii 1L[,lJ~jlllTIl'11l r ;It) 01 ICI)!!;>">;>

<;t:,\\ 11 S~lIlO.1 .10 ~l(),)\l,\[r ')1[1 III 1,H\OJ plOlI pur PUI:UllUO, llll:'jJ.JO ll[ 'p,l'D,Ll1\! ;11'\~' [l'1I0'J;H.I u ,1'\10,\,1 01 .:>JIl>'':>ld \l'DOS ,l41 pur: '.\r\d'>lp JO ,ttlJ''.1 11le'<1,l[" P't'' ,1,.\I",1,ldIUl :)'OUI ,llp J':l J,l\1)O lpt,) I[lL\\ J1UL\,\ '111101 r .I" 'ltlloJ lno) se dn ,,1,\P'"I,ll[l P" PII10.\1 'l,'IIl'l:! 11\'l1rOIlI':.110 ':>1l'1, puc 1l,,~~r:ZlrL\l.' JO [,l,~,ll ,\\O[ ,\[,HQq;ll rXq p.l'11rlll '\I'llPI.\"lJ \,l..1J(,l,J) uourqndod v! -un-m ,llj1 III 'p;l[~e,~,'lJ ~1l,lllldO[,1.\"P -lll-L ,1,u"d:l.,1 nll:;-]ntJl';> PUI' ,l,'UI:;bp

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