Volume 2 Section 26: Socio-Economics
Volume 2: Environmental and Sturgeon Upgrader Project Socio-economic Impact Assessment Section 26: SEIA 26 SOCIO-ECONOMICS The Project is expected to cost between $11 billion and $17 billion, based on industry trends of $40,000 to $60,000 capital investment per flowing barrel of synthetic crude oil. It will be built in multiple phases, with construction starting in 2008 and completion for all phases scheduled for 2015. Phase 1 is expected to be completed in 2011 and will have a bitumen-processing capacity of approximately 1100 m3/h (165,000 barrels per day [BPD]). In subsequent phases, bitumen-processing capacity will reach 2250 m3/h (340,000 BPD), which will result in an output of 1850 m3/h (280,000 BPD) of synthetic crude oil (SCO). The construction phase of the Project will create an estimated 84.2 million person-hours of employment for construction workers, supervisors and engineers. Post construction, the Project will create nearly 500 long-term operations jobs (i.e., company personnel and contractors). 26.1 Setting The Project is in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland (the Heartland), a 194 km2 area northeast of Edmonton, which includes portions of Sturgeon County, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, Strathcona County and Lamont County (Figure 26-1). The Heartland area, one of Canada’s largest processing centres for petroleum, petrochemicals and chemicals, provides an important processing link from the Athabasca Oil Sands in northeastern Alberta to market destinations in North America and overseas. The Project will be built in an area zoned for heavy industrial development, in the eastern half of Section 13, Township 22, Range 56, West of the Fourth Meridian (E 13-22-56-W4M).
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