Anatomy of a Sub-Cambrian Paleosol in Wisconsin

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Anatomy of a Sub-Cambrian Paleosol in Wisconsin Anatomy of a Sub-Cambrian Paleosol in Wisconsin: Mass Fluxes of Chemical Weathering and Climatic Conditions in North America during Formation of the Cambrian Great Unconformity L. Gordon Medaris Jr.,1,* Steven G. Driese,2 Gary E. Stinchcomb,3 John H. Fournelle,1 Seungyeol Lee,1,4 Huifang Xu,1,4 Lyndsay DiPietro,2 Phillip Gopon,5 and Esther K. Stewart6 1. Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA; 2. Department of Geosciences, Terrestrial Paleoclimatology Research Group, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798, USA; 3. Department of Geosciences and Watershed Studies Institute, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky 42071, USA; 4. NASA Astrobiology Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA; 5. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, United Kingdom; 6. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Madison, Wisconsin 53705, USA ABSTRACT A paleosol beneath the Upper Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone in Wisconsin provides an opportunity to evaluate the characteristics of Cambrian weathering in a subtropical climate, having been located at 207S paleolatitude 500 My ago. The 285-cm-thick paleosol resulted from advanced chemical weathering of a gabbroic protolith, recording a total mass loss of 50%. Weathering of hornblende and plagioclase produced a pedogenic assemblage of quartz, chlorite, kaolinite, goethite, and, in the lowest part of the profile, siderite. Despite the paucity of quartz in the protolith and 40% removal of SiO2 from the profile, quartz constitutes 11%–23% of the pedogenic mineral assemblage. Like many other Precambrian and Cambrian paleosols in the Lake Superior region, the paleosol experienced potassium metasomatism, now con- taining 10%–25% mixed-layer illite-vermiculite and 5%–44% potassium feldspar. Estimates of mean annual precipi- tation and mean annual temperature are 1777 mm y21 and 20.17C, respectively, which are consistent with a paleo- latitude of 207S. For an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 4000–6000 ppm at 550–500 Ma, the duration of weathering is constrained to have been between 20,000 and 100,000 y. When the effects of erosion and influence of protolith com- position are considered, the degree, or maturity, of weathering for the Wisconsin paleosol and four other sub-Cambrian paleosols is comparable to that for two modern soils in subtropical and temperate climates, despite the lack of land plants in Cambrian time. Such correspondent degrees of weathering likely result from the effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 and microbial activity on weathering in Cambrian time. Online enhancements: appendix. Introduction The first Phanerozoic continental-scale marine trans- transgressive shoreface system (Peters and Gaines gression is marked by the Cambrian Great Uncon- 2012). formity, the formation of which was preceded by ex- Sub-Cambrian paleosols provide significant insights tensive chemical weathering of continental crust, into the characteristics of chemical weathering and followed by widespread physical reworking of soil, the contribution of labile elements to the hydro- regolith, and basement rock during the advance of a sphere and, ultimately, to seawater at 550–500 Ma, but many such paleosols were stripped away by the erosive effect of the transgressive Cambrian ocean. Manuscript received April 19, 2017; accepted January 13, 2018; electronically published March 20, 2018. During exploration by Flambeau Mining in 1996 * Author for correspondence; email: [email protected] for volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Trempea- .edu. leau County, Wisconsin, a weathered profile beneath [The Journal of Geology, 2018, volume 126, p. 261–283] q 2018 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2018/12603-0001$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/697037 261 This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 13:50:27 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions ( 262 L . G . M E D A R I S E T A L . Locality and Overview of Drill Core TR119 Core TR119 was taken from a drill hole located in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin (44.44387N, 91.31627W), which in Cambrian time at 500 Ma was located ∼207 south of the equator, as were three other North American sub-Cambrian paleosols (fig. 1). All would have been situated in a wind belt of tropical easterlies (trade winds). Drilling through the Upper Cambrian siliciclastic Mount Simon Formation reached a nonconformity with gabbro basement at a depth of 93 m, passed through the paleosol for 2.85 m, and continued an- other 10.4 m in unweathered gabbro. The basal Mount Simon is bimodal in grain size and compo- sition, consisting of subangular to subrounded quartz pebbles and granules in an arkosic sandy matrix. The paleosol progresses downward through Bt (∼52 cm), Bts (∼95 cm), and Bk/Cr (∼112 cm) horizons, below which incipient weathering continues for another ∼26 cm, where amphibole is partly replaced by sid- erite but plagioclase remains unweathered. The degree (maturity) of weathering and possible effects of K-metasomatism in paleosols may be à Figure 1. Locality map and paleolatitudes at 500 Ma for evaluated by application of the familiar A‐C N‐K p à sub-Cambrian paleosols in North America. BH Butler plot (fig. 2; Nesbitt and Young 1984), in which A, C , p Hill outcrop, Missouri; SC Squaw Creek outcrop, Texas; N, and K are whole-rock molar quantities of Al O , SQ p drill core SQ8, Minnesota; TR p drill core TR119, 2 3 CaO (in silicate), Na O, and K O, respectively. The Wisconsin. Map used with permission from Key Time 2 2 Slices of North America q 2013 Colorado Plateau Geo- TR119 gabbro protolith, being devoid of K-feldspar, ‐ à systems. plots along the A C N join, as does the incipiently weathered sample at a depth of 271 cm, in which the Mount Simon Formation (Upper Cambrian) was recovered in drill core TR119, thus providing an exceptional opportunity to investigate the proper- ties of a sub-Cambrian paleosol. We have examined this paleosol in detail, establishing its depth varia- tion in pedogenic features, mineralogy, and whole- rock chemical compositions; calculating mass fluxes of weathering and K-metasomatism; determining past climate using several paleoclimate functions; and evaluating the degree of weathering. We have applied a similar analysis to three other sub-Cambrian paleo- sols in North America (Driese et al. 2007) and one in Israel (Sandler et al. 2012) to provide a continental- scale comparison of sub-Cambrian weathering during this important episode of Earth history. Finally, mass fluxes of weathering have been calculated for modern subtropical weathering of a granite (Liu et al. à 2016) and for modern temperate weathering of dia- Figure 2. A‐C N‐K plot for gabbro protolith and com- base and granite (Bazilevskaya et al. 2012) to provide a bined saprolite and regolith in drill core TR119. Italicized comparison of weathering characteristics before and numbers are depths in centimeters below the Upper Cam- after the advent of land plants. brian nonconformity. reg p regolith; sap p saprolite. This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 13:50:27 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions ( Journal of Geology SUB-CAMBRIAN PALEOSOL IN WISCONSIN 263 plagioclase remains unweathered. In the remaining weathered profile, plagioclase was completely re- moved by hydrolysis, and the weathering trend ef- fectively reached the A-apex, with weathered sam- ples consisting of kaolinite 1 quartz 1 chlorite 1 goethite 5 siderite. However, the bulk compositions of all weathered samples, except that at a depth of 271 cm, are dis- placed significantly from the predicted weathering trend toward the K-apex (fig. 2), signifying appre- ciable postweathering addition of potassium, which is a common phenomenon in sub-Cambrian paleo- sols and Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic sediments in the midcontinent region (Bethke and Marshak 1990; Driese et al. 2007). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (see below) reveals that mixed-layer illite and vermiculite is abundant in samples at depths of 3 and 9 cm and that illite-vermiculite and K-feldspar are abundant in deeper samples in the weathered pro- file, accounting for the relative enrichment in K2O. Gabbro Protolith Texture and Mineralogy. The TR119 protolith is a medium-grained subhedral granular gabbro, con- sisting largely of subequal amounts of plagioclase and amphibole with a subordinate amount of diop- side that is partly replaced by amphibole (fig. 3A). Sample 315.7 is slightly silica saturated, containing a small amount of interstitial quartz (fig. 3B), and sample 314.8 is slightly undersaturated, being de- void of quartz. Although igneous texture is gener- ally preserved, the gabbro has locally been recrys- tallized under low-grade metamorphic conditions; some grains of igneous amphibole have been replaced by a fine-grained assemblage of actinolite and chlo- rite (fig. 3A), and plagioclase has been partly replaced by saussurite (a fine-grained mixture of clinozoisite and albite; fig. 3A,3C). Such low-grade metamor- phism is widespread in Paleoproterozoic rhyolite, gran- ite, and diorite in southern Wisconsin, where these rocks contain lower greenschist facies mineral as- semblages, but igneous textures are preserved (Me- daris et al. 2003). Selected protolith minerals were analyzed by elec- tron microprobe techniques (table A1; analytical meth- – odsaregivenintheappendix[appendixandtablesA1 Figure 3. Images of gabbro protolith. A, Photomicrograph A5 are available online]). Igneous plagioclase is (plane polarized light). a1c p metamorphic actinolite and slightly zoned labradorite, ranging in composition chlorite; d p igneous diopside; m p igneous magnesio- from 66 mol% An in cores to 58% An in rims of hornblende; p p igneous plagioclase; s p metamorphic grains, with a mean value of 60 mol% An. In contrast, saussurite. B, Photomicrograph (crossed polarizers).
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