Rivers for Life 3 Session Plan: Facilitators and Presenters

Slot (3 = Oct 3, 5 = Oct 5. Ex. 3.2 = 2nd session of the day Track Session Description on Oct 3) Session Organizer Session Facilitator Session Presenter(s)

Aviva Imhof (International Rivers, In this session, we will share information and USA), Aleksandr Kolotov (Plotina, experiences on how to develop an effective Russia), Glenda Pickersgill (Save strategy to achieve your goals. We will cover the Mary River Coordinating Group, a. How to Fight a : Strategies and Aviva Imhof, choosing targets, developing objectives and tactics, 3.2 Plaza Aviva Imhof Australia), Yu Xiaogang (Green Stories [email protected] building alliances, legal strategies, and developing Watershed, ), Ulrich a communications strategy. We will also share Eichelmann (ECA-Watch, Austria), stories of sucesses and lessons learned. Representative from CECOP (La Parota, Mexico).

From street theater to guerilla art, concerts to photo exhibits, campaigning can be an art, and art can be Katy Yan (International Rivers, used to fight injustice. In this skill share and training USA), Danny Ribeiro (Justica session, we will explore a range of strategies that Ambiental, Mozambique), Steve b. Creative Activism: Intersection of Art, Katy Yan, push us to "think outside the box" in terms of how to 3.1 Plaza Katy Yan Burgess and Glenda Pickersgill Advocacy and Culture [email protected] build capacity in communities, grow a movement, (Save the Mary River, Australia), and keep the media's attention. We will also Gustavo Castro (Otros Mundos, discuss what strategies are appropriate for specific Mexico), IMDEC staff regions and particular stages of a struggle.

Rodolfo Chavez Galindo (La Parota, Participants will determine the format for this Mexico); Robert Kugonza (Africa session on-site. Topics to be discussed will include Rivers Network, Uganda); Gustavo Marco von Borstel c. Movement-Building: The Importance experiences from around the world on building Marco von Borstel, Castro (Otros Mundos, Mexico); 3.3 Plaza (IMDEC) 1. Effective of Coalitions and Regional Networks coalitions and regional networks, including cross- [email protected] IMDEC staff; Juan Pablo Soler [email protected] Activism (Berklee) topic, cross-culture, women and youth. Stories on (Otros Mundos, Colombia/Mexico), successes and lessons learned will be highlighted. Joan Carling (Asian Indigenous Peoples' Pact, )

This panel presentation will be about facing the challenges of fighting and protecting rivers Ercan Ayboga d. Challenges of Activism in and communities in both absolutely authoritarian , Burma, Iran, Uganda, 5.1 Glory Hill ([email protected] Ercan Ayboga, [email protected] Repressive States and officially democratic repressive states. ) Presentations will cover Iran, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, Burma, Uganda, and India, among others.

Latha Anantha (River Research In this women-only sharing circle, women will share Centre, India), Liane Greeff (EcoDoc experiences of their connection to rivers and how Africa, South Africa), Betty Obbo and why they decided to become part of the Ikuko Matsumoto, e. Women, Rivers and Dams 5.3 Glory Hill Latha Anantha (NAPE, Uganda), Carmen Diaz movement to protect their rivers and communities [email protected] (IMDEC, Mexico), Lori Pottinger from big dams. We will discuss the impacts of dams (International Rivers, USA) on our families and communities. [[Catriona, Ikal]]

Karolo Aparicio and Aviva Imhof This panel will discuss methods and best practices (International Rivers, USA), Richard in fundraising. Topics covered will include Leslie Leslie (Fred Gellert Family Twum (Volta Basin Development grassroots fundraising and writing effective f. Effective Fundraising 5.3 School Karolo Aparicio Foundation), please contact Karolo, Foundation, Ghana), Theodorus proposals to institutional donors. Panelists will [email protected] Chronopoulos (Sigrid Rausing Trust, include speakers from foundations and northern UK), Gustavo Castro (Otros and southern NGOs. Mundos, Mexico)

This panel presentation will cover topics such as Jeff Opperman (The Nature urban water conservation, rainwater harvesting, Patrick McCully, Conservancy, USA),Glenda a. Community Water Solutions flood management strategies, small-scale rural 5.3 Field Patrick McCully [email protected] Pickersgill (Save the Mary River water supply projects, desalinization and recycling, Coordinating Group, Australia) and watershed restoration.

This session will feature a panel presentation on the impacts of climate change on dam performance Shripad Dharmadhikary (Manthan and safety, aquatic ecosystems, and water Nick Hildyard, Resource Centre, India), Brian b. Water in a Warming World resources management. We will also discuss the 5.1 Field Patrick McCully [email protected] Richter (The Nature Conservancy, implications of these impacts in terms of strugggles USA) against dams and for solutions (and related 2. Climate Change & messaging). Water Management (Paddy) This session will provide an informational overview c. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from of the science and politics of greenhouse gas Philip Fearnside (National Institute 3.3 Field Patrick McCully Patrick McCully Reservoirs emissions from reservoirs. A discussion on for Research in Amazonia, Brazil) communicating about this topic will be included.

In this training session, we will learn about the d. Dams and Carbon Trading: history of the CDM, its links to dams, how to Influencing the Clean Development Patrick McCully and Katy Yan influence the process, the current state of the 5.2 Field Patrick McCully Katy Yan Mechanism (CDM) and What Comes (International Rivers, USA) international carbon trading system, and proposals Next for the future of global carbon credits.

This session will provide information and training on developing a communications strategy, one of the most important elements of your campaign. We will discuss the essential elements of a a. Developing an Effective communications strategy such as developing goals, Aviva Imhof and Brent Millikan 3.1 School Aviva Imhof Aviva Imhof Communications Strategy determining audiences, and crafting good (International Rivers, USA/Brazil) messages. We will cover traditional and new media, including strategies for dealing with journalists, blogging, using photos and videos, and social networking sites. This training and brainstorm will provide information Berklee Lowrey-Evans and Lori and training on the best ways to talk about a Pottinger (International Rivers, struggle (re-framing), and how to use photos, video, Berklee Lowrey- b. Communicating Effectively: How to USA), Pianporn Deetes new media and narrative storytelling to get your 5.1 School Evans (with Lori & Aviva Imhof Inspire Action (International Rivers, Thailand) message across and have people respond the way Aviva) NEED TO CONFIRM, Mexican you want them to. We will work on re-framing issue- journalists 3. specific and project-specific messages. Communications This informational session will provide an overview (Berklee) of how video can be an effective campaign tool, Molly Clinehens (International Molly Clinehens (IAP c. Video Advocacy Part 1: How to Use including how to plan and produce an advocacy Ian Elwood, Accountability Project, USA), Sarah 3.2 School molly@accountabilit Advocacy Videos video, constructing powerful visual stories that will [email protected] Kelly (Adapting to Scarcity, yproject.org) motivate target audiences and decision-makers to USA/Mexico) act, and plan for timely and strategic distribution. 3. Communications (Berklee)

It is highly recommended that participants should also attend Video Advocacy Part 1. This hands-on Molly Clinehens (International training will cover basic shooting skills, including Accountability Project, USA), Sarah Molly Clinehens (IAP lighting, sound, composition and editing. Kelly & Arthur Richards (Adapting to molly@accountabilit Participants will also learn interviewing techniques Scarcity, USA/Mexico), Liane Greeff d. Video Advocacy Part 2: Basic Video yproject.org) & specific to producing videos for human rights 3.3 School Ian Elwood (EcoDoc Africa, South Africa), Ian Training Sarah Kelly campaigns, including how to guarantee safety and Elwood (International Rivers, USA), (Adapting to security of interviewees and themselves. Small Pablo Prieto Gutiérrez, Pato Scarcity) breakout groups will put these theories into action. Esquivel, and Bernardo Lizardi All training will be done on Flip cameras. Limited to (IMDEC, Mexico) 25 participants.

This informational session will discuss the important role financiers play in dam projects. Activists need Peter Bosshard (International to "follow the money" and target financiers to stop Rivers, USA), Pianporn Deetes a. Follow the Money: An Overview of destructive projects and change the rules of global Grace Mang, (International Rivers, Thailand), Ikal Dam Financiers and Strategies to 5.2 Glory Hill Peter Bosshard dam building. This session gives an overview of the [email protected] Angelei (Friends of Lake Turkana, Confront Them most important dam financiers from around the Kenya), Nick Hildyard world, their changing roles, and strategies to (Cornerhouse, UK) confront them.

It is recommended that participants also attend "Follow the Money." This session will provide a brief overview of new dam builders and financiers from China, India, Brazil, Thailand and , who are Brief presentations by Pai and Peter Peter Bosshard, b. The New Global Dam Builders increasingly dominating the global hydropower 5.3 Plaza Katy Yan Bosshard, with case studies from [email protected] sector. We will discuss who these actors are and various countries how movements can respond brainstorm strategies regarding the new dam builders, the World Bank and other actors in breakout groups.

b1. Strategies to deal with Chinese Small group discussion with Chinese activists and Grace Mang (International Rivers, Grace Mang Grace Mang dam builders and financiers experts, China's Global Role USA) b2. Strategies to deal with Indian dam Small group discussion with Indian activists and Samir Mehta, Samir Mehta (International Rivers, Samir Mehta builders and financiers experts [email protected] India) b3. Strategies to deal with Thai dam Small group discussion with Thai activists and Pai Deetes, Pianporn Deetes (International Pai Deetes builders and financiers experts [email protected] Rivers, Thailand) b4. Strategies to deal with Brazilian Small group discussion with Brazilian activists and Brent Millikan, Brent Millikan (International Rivers, Brent Millikan dam builders and financiers experts [email protected] Brazil) 4. Dam Standards Aynabat Yaylymova (Bank and Financiers Aynabat Yaylymova Information Center, USA), Eri (Katy/Peter) (BIC), Eri Watanabe Watanabe (Friends of t he Earth b5. Strategies to deal with IFIs and Small group discussion with IFI activists and (FoE Japan) and Aynabat Yaylymova (BIC) and Nick Japan, Japan), Yuki Tanabe (Japan ECAs experts Yuki Tanabe Hildyard; email Nick Center for a Sustainable (JACSES), and Nick Environment and Society, Japan), Hildyard and Nick Hildyard (Cornerhouse, UK) Sena Alouka (Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement, Togo), Katy This panel and brainstorm will discuss the 10th Yan and Peter Bosshard anniversary of the WCD report and how WCD (International Rivers, USA), Wang principles have been implemented in practice. Yongchen Green Earth Volunteers, c. Protecting Rivers and Rights: Dam Learn how communities and NGOs are celebrating China), Richard Twum (Volta Basin 5.1 Plaza Katy Yan Peter Bosshard Standards 10 Years After the WCD the anniversary with activities in their own Development Foundation, Ghana), countries, and discuss ideas for future work on dam Betty Obbo (National Association of standards, including a new global dialogue on Professional Environmentalists , dams. Uganda), Liane Greeff (EcoDoc Africa, South Africa), Gopal Siwakoti "Chintan" (HYPHEN)

This session will be a lively debate and critique of The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum, a process led by the dam industry, which will launch Peter Bosshard (International d. The Great HSAF Debate: a new protocol for hydropower projects by the end Rivers, USA), Michael Simon Will the Dam Industry Undermine the 3.1 Glory Hill Peter Bosshard Astrid Puentes of the year. Will the new approach complement or (Oxfam Australia), Brian Richter WCD? undermine the WCD framework as the global (The Nature Conservancy, USA) standard for dams? We will also brainstorm on how best to respond to the new challenge.

Ercan Ayboga ( Initiative to Keep During this brainstorming session, share your Hasankeyf Alive, Turkey); Serhat R. thoughts on how the dams movement can or should Shripad a. Water as a Human Right 3.3 Parking Lot Katy Yan Cacan (River Movements, Turkey), link up with the water privatization movement to Dharmadhikary Shripad Dharmadhikary (Manthan create a new water justice coalition. Resource Centre, India)

This informational and training session will offer practical tools on how to use international human rights mechanisms and international law to address environmental and social impacts caused by large dams, including issues of access to information, public participation procedures, indigenous and Andrés Pirazzoli and Astrid Puentes tribal peoples’ rights, displacement, loss of (Interamerican Association for b. International Human Rights Law and livelihoods and access to justice. Through a Astrid Puentes Andrés Pirazzoli, Environmental Defense, Mechanisms: Opportunities for Legal dynamic role-play participants will act out the 3.2 Field (AIDA) [email protected] USA/Mexico), Fergus Mackay (not Advocacy in Large Dam Cases different sides of a fictitious large dam case by confirmed) playing the roles of affected community members, government agents, multinational corporations, NGO activists, and international human rights bodies. Discussion will include the United Nations universal system, the Inter-American system and other regional human rights mechanisms as well as using international law domestically.

In this session, we will share experiences and explore the meaning and process of reparations. Juan de Dios Garcia (Asociación del 5. Rights and We will identify key lesson, and suggest helpful Desarrollo Intregral de las Victimas, c. Seeking Justice, Healing Affected Remedies tools in the struggle to build rights-protective space, Barbara Rose Guatemala), Monti Aguirre Communities: Reparations and 5.2 Plaza Karolo Aparicio ((Katy/Monti) make a case for reparations, establish and Johnston (International Rivers, USA), Barbara Recovery participate in a negotiations process, and secure Rose Johnston (Center for Political meaningful remedies for communities displaced by Ecology, USA) large dams. 5. Rights and Remedies ((Katy/Monti)

Nick Hildyard (Cornerhouse, UK), Kerim Yildiz (Kurdish Human Rights This panel will discuss lawsuits in Europe and Latin Project, UK), Ipek Tasly (Initiative to America against dam builders and governments, Keep Hasankeyf Alive, Turkey), based on both criminal and civil law. Some of the Fernanda Venzon d. Legal Strategies to Confront Dams 3.1 Parking Lot Grace Mang Fernanda Venzon (Environmental cases that will be covered include Merowe Dam in (EDLC) Defense Law Center, USA/Mexico), Sudan, Jirau and Belo Monte dams in Brazil, and Shripad Dharmadhikary (Manthan La Parota Dam in Mexico. Resource Centre, India), Claudia Gomez (Colectivo COA. Mexico)

Fernanda Venzon (Environmental Defense Law Center, USA/Mexico), This session will be a place to share global case Manana Kochladze (CEE studies and learn of other tools for pressuring dam Bankwatch Network, Georgia), e. Local Votes, Grievance Mechanisms builders, such as compliance mechanisms, judicial Fernanda Venzon Molly Clinehens, Rodolfo Chávez (Comunidades 5.2 Parking Lot and Other Tools to Confront Dams review, and local votes on proposed dams. Topics (EDLC) [email protected] Opositores a La Presa La Parota, will include Cerro de Oro in Mexico, Merowe Dam Mexico), Marcos Ramírez in Sudan, and many others. (Fundación Guillermo Toriello, Guatemala), Claudia Gomez (Colectivo COA. Mexico)

This panel will ask the questions: What are some of Terri Hathaway (International Rivers, the factors that lead to big dams and other Cameroon), Liane Greeff (EcoDoc megaprojects getting prioritized? What did the Africa, South Africa), Shripad a. Energy Planning: A Primer for World Commission on Dams (WCD) recommend for 3.1 Field Terri Hathaway Danny Ribeiro, [email protected] Dharmadhikary (Manthan Resource Citizen Activists assessing options? Also discussed will be Cuba's Centre, India), Laurie Guevara- green energy revolution, and what it took to get Stone (Solar Energy International, there. USA). Sustainable energy expert and educator Laurie Stone from Solar Energy International will discuss Lori Pottinger, Laurie Guevara-Stone (Solar 6. Energy Solutions b. Community Energy Solutions 3.3 Glory Hill Lori Pottinger (Lori) community energy planning, and what it takes to [email protected] Energy International, USA) get these systems built. This informational and brainstorming session will Patrick McCully (International cover the basics of new energy technologies and Rivers, USA); Betty Obbo (National c. Renewable Energy: Can Clean constraints on their adoption using case studies. 3.2 Glory Hill Lori Pottinger Terri, [email protected] Association of Professional Replace Mean (big dams)? There will also be small group breakout sessions to Environmentalists , Uganda); Danny brainstorm on strategies to push for renewable Ribeiro, (Justica Ambiental, This informational session will feature video 5.2 Document interviews with experts on energy efficiency, Video interviews with 3-4 efficiency d. Efficiency: The Greenest Energy Center or Computer Lori Pottinger Lori Pottinger followed by a brainstorm on how to advocate for experts. Lab efficiency measures.

The informational portion of this session will present the downstream impacts of dams, emphasizing the intertwined environmental and social impacts. Short Brian Richter and Jeff Opperman case studies will also illustrate these concepts with EB (The Nature Conservancy, USA), a. Downstream Impacts of Dams & first-hand accounts. We will also present some (ebrink@internationa 5.2 School Kerim Yildiz, [email protected] Neeraj Vagholikar (Kalpavriksh, Their Mitigation tools and approaches to mitigate downstream lrivers.org)(consult India), Aimal Khan (Sungi impacts, including environmental flows. A significant with Paddy/Aviva) Development Foundation, ) amount of time will be devoted to discussion and audience participation to gain the insights and experiences of participants.

This panel session will examine how river basin management models can be used to promote the Grace Mang (Iinternational Rivers, management of water resources for all and as an USA), Daniel Ribeiro (Justica effective strategy to stop destructive dams. Ambiental, Mozambique), Dr. Yu Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Xiaogang (Green Watershed, is a generally accepted international best practice China), Latha Anantha (River 7. Protecting and b. Integrated River Basin Management 5.1 Parking Lot Grace Mang Danny Ribeiro, [email protected] for managing river basins. Destructive dams go Research Centre, India), Ulrich Restoring Rivers in against IWRM's key principles of participatory Eichelman (ECA Watch, Austria), Policy and Practice planning and managing water resources for all Stephen Burgess (Mary River (EB) users. We will focus on lessons learned in dam Catchment Coordinating Committee, campaigns in China, India, Turkey and Australia. No Australia) prior knowledge of IWRM is required.

Danny Ribeiro (Justica Ambiental, This session will start with a panel and then have a Mozambique), Ercan Ayboga c. Taking Back the River: Dam brainstorm on experiences and strategies around Elizabeth Brink, (Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive, Removal, Reoperation, and River 5.3 Parking Lot Elizabeth Brink dam decommissioning and other river restoration [email protected] Turkey), Stephen Burgess (Mary Restoration opportunities. River Catchment Coordinating Committee, Australia) Pai Deetes (International Rivers, This session will consist of a panel discussion and Thailand), Niwat Roykawe (Chaing skill share about working to protect rivers and Pai Deetes Khong Conservation Group, e. Protecting International and communities that cross national borders. Areas 3.2 Parking Lot (pai@internationalriv Grace Mang Thailand), Ipek Tasli (Initiative to Transboundary Rivers discussed will include the Mekong region, the Tigris ers.org) Keep Hasankeyf Alive, Turkey); Dr and Euphrates rivers, and South Asia, among Yu Xiagong (Green Watershed, others. China)