Battles of the American Revolution

Maine (part of MA)

Fort Ticonderoga, 1775

Bennington, 1777 Lexington and NH Concord, 1775 Saratoga, 1777 Bunker Hill, 1775 NY MA

White Plains, 1776 CT RI Princeton,1777 , 1776 PA Germantown,1777 Monmouth Court Brandywine,1777 House, 1778 Trenton,1777 MD NJ

DE VA Yorktown, 1781 Atlantic Ocean Kings Mountain, Guilford Court 1780 House, 1781 NC Cowpens, 1781 Camden, 1780

Eutaw Springs, SC 1781

American Victory GA Charleston, 1780 N Savanah, 1778 W E

S British Victory

Super Teacher Worksheets - Name: Battles of the American Revolution

Use the map to answer the questions.

1. Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

2. In what year was the Battle of Charleston?

3. Where was the northernmost battle of shown on the map?

4. Where was the southernmost battle of shown on the map?

5. Which battle was fought further inland from the Atlantic Ocean: Trenton or Cowpens?

6. How many American victories took place in South Carolina?

7. Which happened first: the Battle of Saratoga or the Battle of White Plains?

8. Which five states did not have a battle during the American Revolutionary War?

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9. Which three states each had only one battle during the American Revolutionary War?

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10. The last battle of the American Revolution was fought in Virginia. Where was this battle?

Super Teacher Worksheets - ANSWER KEY Battles of the American Revolution

Use the map to answer the questions.

1. Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill? the British

2. In what year was the Battle of Charleston? 1780

3. Where was the northernmost battle of shown on the map? Fort Ticonderoga

4. Where was the southernmost battle of shown on the map? Savanah

5. Which battle was fought further inland from the Atlantic Ocean: Trenton or Cowpens? Cowpens

6. How many American victories took place in South Carolina? three

7. Which happened first: the Battle of Saratoga or the Battle of White Plains? White Plains

8. Which four states did not have a battle during the American Revolutionary War?

New Hampshire , Connecticut , Delaware ,

Rhode Island , and Maryland .

9. Which three states each had only one battle during the American Revolutionary War?

Virginia , North Carolina , and

Georgia .

10. The last battle of the American Revolution was fought in Virginia. Where was this battle? Yorktown

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