Summer 2021 Shop local Help our high streets fight back after a tough year! Looking after our parks and green spaces Introducing your new Deputy Mayor Climate emergency: what have we done so far? Welcome Could you provide the love Message from the Mayor and stability a child needs? Over the last month or so, as COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, life has begun to feel a bit more normal. We’ve been able to see our loved ones, local businesses have Foster for Lewisham opened their doors and we’ve been able to step away from video calls and get back to doing some of things we enjoy. We are looking for people who have space in their However, we know that for some people the true impact home and the heart to foster a child or young person. of the pandemic is only just beginning to be felt. We will offer you a wide range of training and support. Locally, unemployment rates are up, with over 12,500 more residents now out of work. The pandemic laid bare the inequalities in health and wealth that still exist in our Visit borough; our public services are under increasing demand as the Government Damien continues to under fund them and the survival of the small, independent businesses Egan, that play such a key role in our local economy, is on a knife edge. Contact us on freephone 0800 015 0129 Mayor of or
[email protected] Lewisham As well as responding to the immediate challenges, it’s important that we seize this opportunity to do things differently and drive forward the changes we want to see in our borough – to shape Future Lewisham.