A Pioneering Department Evolution from Rural Engineering to Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, 1907-2007 By Ronald B. Furry Edited by John Marcham The Internet-First University Press Ithaca, NY Liberty Hyde Bailey, director of the College of Agriculture, breaks ground in 1905 for new buildings for the college east of Cornell University’s original quadrangle. A Pioneering Department Evolution from Rural Engineering to Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, 1907-2007 By Ronald B. Furry Edited by John Marcham The Internet-First University Press Ithaca, NY 2007 A Pioneering Department by Ronald B. Furry Cover: Bas relief faces of Ceres and Pomona, the goddesses of grains and fruits, on the exterior of Riley-Robb Hall The Internet-First University Press, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/handle/1813/62 ©2007 Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering This book and other related historical materials are available online at: http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/handle/1813/323 To order printed copies of this book, please e-mail
[email protected] Printed in the United States of America ii A Pioneering Department by Ronald B. Furry Contents Acknowledgements............................................................iv Dedication ..........................................................................v Whence We Came ..............................................................1 The Start of Agricultural Engineering ..............................3