CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1729 HON
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September 27, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1729 It seems as if we are not free to exercise who have distinguished themselves through ness Improvement District, Maria has encour- differing opinions and entertain alternative their exceptional achievements on the base- aged and implemented the revitalization of our political affiliations in pursuit of the same ball diamond. Through their outstanding exhi- Jamaica Avenue shopping strip. As a result of goals. Recently, the mayor of Savannah (a black bition of athletic performance and sportsman- her efforts, she has attracted quality busi- Democrat) was quoted in your newspaper as ship, these individuals serve as reminders of nesses and improved security and lighting having said, ``Colin Powell is the most dan- what can be accomplished when people work along the commercial strip. gerous African-American in the nation.'' together for a mutual goal. As a testament to her dedication to the One hopes this was an error on the part of Baseball has long been the national pas- community, when Engine Company No. 294 the reporter, If not, it is yet another re- time. Although the sport has provided enjoy- closed due to New York City budget cuts, minder of how vicious the anti-diversity at- ment to those who had played it intramurally, Maria Thomson worked as first cochairman of titude is among some of us. the earliest organized game took place in what the committee to save Engine Company No. Would the names of icons like Frederick Douglass, Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, is now my district on June 19, 1846 on the 294. Eventually, this fire engine company was Zora Neale Hurston or even Sir Charles Bar- Elysian Fields in Hoboken. From the first pitch, reopened to restore safe living conditions for kley need to be stricken from the hearts and it was obvious that this new sport would have area residents. minds of admiring African-Americans be- a tremendously positive effect on all future Those in the Woodhaven community have cause they are (gasp!) Republicans? participants. This can be seen in the young come to recognize Maria Thomson's name as If so, then former NAACP Executive Direc- men who took part in the International Base- a household word because of her sincere in- tor Benjamin Hooks would have to be ball Tournament in Breda, Holland. terest and dedication to community better- striken from the record of his organization, The multi-national celebration of baseball ment. She is known to always be ready to because he too is a Republican. One can only wonder how far the anti-di- took place from August 18 to 26. The River lend an ear and a hand to anyone who asks versity klan will go in its unholy war Vale American Legion team was the only for her assistance. It is for all these reasons against those of use who choose not to ride American team to participate in the tour- which I take great pride in recognizing Mrs. the donkey in the future. What is so criminal nament. Other countries which competed in Maria Thomson as true community hero. I about now following liberal policies whose the week-long activity included Russia, Italy, urge my colleagues to recognize her and wish good intentions have been outstripped by an France, Germany and Holland, the host coun- her well in all of her future endeavors. unsocial program plantation that nutates try. While in Holland, the players lived with na- f motivation into increasingly depressing, tive families, toured various cities and at- even dangerous, directions? CONGRATULATIONS TO UNION- The inner city has been the testing ground tended a number of social functions. The group of 12 young men who success- TOWN, PA, AS IT MARKS ITS for schemes whose damage to health human 200TH BIRTHDAY potential rivals even the programs of the fully represented the United States included: Austrian paperhanger and Karl Marx's step- Steven Batista, Michael Della Donna, Seth children. Jason Testa, Craig De Vincenzo, Luke Frezza, HON. FRANK MASCARA Essentially, paying poor women to have Mathew Kent, Michael Wren, Scott Clark, Mi- OF PENNSYLVANIA more fatherless children and providing end- chael Russini, Russell Romano, Thomas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less excuses for community criminals whose Lamanowicz, and Thomas King. Each athlete lethal adventures in the ``hood amass body Thursday, September 26, 1996 earned the respect of his peers. Joseph counts that would be unacceptable in other Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, I would like to communities are far from being acceptable Pistone and Thomas De Vincenzo coached measures of one's ``blackness.'' them to their undefeated, 10±0, tournament- take a moment today to congratulate the resi- Still, the anti-diversity klan feels that winning record. dents of the historic city of Uniontown, PA, lo- those who do not embrace these hideous ini- I am certain that my colleagues will join me cated in my district, as they celebrate their bi- tiatives are somehow threats to the well- in recognizing the outstanding efforts of the centennial on October 5, 1996. being of all African-Americans. River Vale American Legion baseball team. Two hundred years ago, in 1796, this beau- Their treatment of Supreme Court Justice The cause of mutual cooperation and under- tiful town, nestled in the foothills of the Appa- Clarence Thomas is their monument to in- standing among people in the United States lachian Mountains, was officially incorporated tolerance. His being a virtual exile among as a borough. From its earliest days, it held a the leadership class of our community is and Europe was greatly enhanced by their nothing short of tragic. participation. These young men will long be major spot in the country's history. We are only four years away from a new remembered as international ambassadors of From its beginnings, Uniontown was consid- century and milleium and this type of our national pastime. ered an important market spot, drawing buyers ``thinking'' serves as an anchor on our aspi- f and sellers alike from southwestern Penn- rations. Black Republicans, independents sylvania and neighboring Maryland and West and every other kind of political creature are TRIBUTE TO HONOR MRS. MARIA Virginia. This economic activity helped facts of life that these controllers will have THOMSON OF WOODHAVEN, NY, Uniontown become a popular resting stop to accept. BY PLACING HER NAME IN THE along the Nation's first national highway which We have to have a ``big tent'' approach in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD our community if we our to achieve the ob- ran through the center of town. As such, jectives we claim are so important. Other- Uniontown played a crucial role in encourag- wise, the finger pointing and the shouting HON. CHARLES E. SCHUMER ing the growth and movement of our Nation will be drowned out by the increasing vol- OF NEW YORK westward. umes of triggers being pulled and hands that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Uniontown also holds the distinction of should be literate hopelessly scribbling on being one of the centers of the Whiskey Re- sheets of paper that threaten to become ar- Thursday, September 26, 1996 bellion, the Farmers Tax Revolt of 1791±94, rest reports if this trend is not ended. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to which was a major test of the new U.S. Con- Is being blindly loyal to any political party really worth losing everything that we found pay tribute to an unselfish and dedicated citi- stitution. It is also the birthplace of such so hard to attain? zen of Woodhaven, NY, Mrs. Maria Thomson. notables as Chief Justice of the Washington f As a president of the Woodhaven Residents' Territory, Charles Boyle; Industrialist J.V. Block Association, and a member of the Com- Thompson; former U.S. Senator Dr. Daniel IN HONOR OF THE RIVER VALE- munity Board No. 9, Mrs. Thomson's volunteer Sturgeon; Mason-Dixon Surveyor Alexander SPONSORED AMERICAN LEGION efforts have been commendable. In addition to McClean; Revolutionary War Gen. Ephraim BASEBALL TEAM: INTER- her prior achievements, Mrs. Thomson is the Douglas; and last, but not least, Five-star Gen. NATIONAL AMBASSADORS OF chairperson of the 102d Precinct Community George C. Marshall. OUR NATIONAL PASTIME Council, a founding member of the During the late 1880's, Uniontown's fortunes Woodhaven Residents' Security Patrol, and a brightened when it became a hub of the coal HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ graduate of the Civilian Academy of the New and coke boom. Site of some of the most im- OF NEW JERSEY York City Police Department. mense deposits of the finest bituminous soft IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For nearly 20 years, Mrs. Thomson has la- coal in the world, companies in and around bored tirelessly to improve the quality of life Uniontown dug the coal from the ground and Thursday, September 26, 1996 for the Woodhaven residents. As the executive reduced it to coke for steelmaking in thou- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today director of the Greater Woodhaven Develop- sands of beehive ovens. The city quickly be- to pay tribute to a special group of young men ment Corporation and the Woodhaven Busi- came the operational and financial center of E1730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 27, 1996 the coal industry and the mercantile and cul- land Journal News recounting the recent re- national organizations as soon as possible. As tural center for mining towns in the surround- union: an economic power and a symbol of democ- ing area. [From the Rockland Journal News, Aug. 25, racy, Taiwan deserves the world's respect and Perhaps the town's most important attribute, 1996] recognition.