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THE FLAT HAT Vol. XI COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN WILLIAMSBURG IN VIRGINIA, MARCH 31, 1922 No. 22 Women Have Many Track Schedule DEBATE TUESDAY BASEBALL HERE Sports This Year Heaviest In Years Dickinson and Duke Compose Indians Open Season Tomorrow, Team Which Debates Colby Playing Strong Fort Mon¬ Have Choice of Indulging in Ten¬ Two Dual Meets Scheduled With roe Team nis, Baseball, Hockey, Hik¬ V. M. I. and University College Next Week ing or Archery of Richmond The first of the intercollegiate de¬ Weather permitting, the Indians Tennis, baseball, swimming, hockey, Athletic Director James G. Driver bates arranged by the Debate Coun¬ will open the 1922 baseball season hiking, and archery will be included in has announced the track schedule for cil will be held with Colby College in tomorrow when they cross bats with women's athletics at the college this this year. A glance at the card chapel at 8 p. m. Tuesday, April 4. the representative Fort Monroe nine. spring, according to an announcement shows that this year's track squad The Colby Debating Team is com¬ The Artillerymen are said to have a made by the athletic authorities. has the heaviest and most compre¬ posed of George Bernard Wolsten- strong team this year, and have been hensive schedule ever attempted by home, Clyde Elwin Russell, Leonard getting in some good practice. Practice for the tennis tournament to be held the latter part of April an Indian track team. Withington Mayo, and Forrest Merle During the week Coach Driver has will begin as soon as the courts are in The candidates are at present work¬ Royal. been staging daily practice games be¬ condition. As classes are being ar¬ ing faithfully under the direction of Colby College, located in Waterville, tween the varsity and scrubs, in this ranged for beginners, any women in Coach Gooch. Weather permitting, Maine, is sending an intercollegiate way getting a good insight into the college may compete, provided they the field day will be held this after¬ debate team of four men across coun¬ ability of most of the candidates for practice at least three hours a week. noon, and the members of the team try to Indianola, Iowa, ostensibly to the team. Enough women for two baseball selected from among the winners of attend the annual convention of the The work of the week has been fea¬ teams have already been signed up. the various events. national honorary forensic society of tured by some heavy hitting on the Indoor baseball is now in progress, The schedule is as follows: Pi Kappa Delta, but enroute the team part of the first string tossers and but as soon as the weather permits April 8—Dual meet with V. M. I., is to meet in joint debate eight insti¬ the new men. The varsity infield is the regular outdoor game will be at Williamsburg. tutions, namely, Western Reserve again looking classy. Monk White played. April 22—(Open). University, Kalamazoo College, Uni¬ has been shifted from center field to May 6—American Legion meet, at versity of Notre Dame, Hedding Col¬ the midway station, and is holding For those who swim, demonstra¬ Washington, D. C. tions and meets will be held, the first lege, Simpson College, Berea College, down the position in fine style. To May 12-13—South Atlantic meet, College of William and Mary, and fill his place in the field, Coach Driver one having been staged last Friday at Charlottesville. night. Beginners will compete against Blue Ridge College. The proposition has been using Westbrook, a new May 20—Dual meet with Univer¬ to be debated is "Resolved, that the man, and Harwood and Clarke, of last each other, as well as the advanced sity of Richmond, at Westhampton. classes. principle of the closed shop is justi¬ year's team. Westbrook is the fast¬ fiable," Colby debating the negative. est man of the three, and the best A call has been issued for candi¬ Debating and public speaking has fielder. The call for the position will dates for the hockey team. If a LECTURE TOMORROW long been strongly emphasized at Col¬ center around the one wielding the number respond, it is probable that Dr. Henry Campbell Black, of by, and twelve years ago a depart¬ big stick to most advantage. the college will have an intercollegiate Washington, D. C, author of many ment of public speaking was estab¬ 1-.,, Stephens has been slowly rounding team. standard law books, and editor of the lished, this department carrying on into condition, and looks like he will The hiking group has been divided Constitutional Review, will deliver the each year a large program of collegi¬ repeat his 1920 record. " Curt" into bands of twenty, each group hav¬ tenth of the series of constitutional ate oratorical and debating work. Thompson looks like a sure thing for ing a captain who keeps a score of lectures being given at the College of This cross-country trip of its debate one of the mound staff. Lane is also the mileage. There are six teams to William and Mary under the auspices team is a part of the program for the exhibiting all the earmarks of a date, and new women are rapidly en¬ of the Marshall-Wythe School of Gov¬ present year. strong box man. Jordan looks good, rolling. The team having the high¬ ernment and Citizenship, in the col¬ An interesting fact in connection but lacks control. Harwood has been est mileage at the end of the con¬ lege chapel tomorrow morning at 11 with this cross-country debate trip is showing up well. test, May 10, will be entertained by o'clock. The subject of Dr. Black's that the Waterville Rotary Club, Chalkley is the most aggressive the other contesting teams, and the address will be "The Continental composed of about 75 of the leading receiver seen on Gary Field in some six individuals with the highest scores Congress and the Articles of Con¬ citizens of Waterville is contributing time. Jones, also out for a place be¬ will be awarded arm bands. federation," an interesting subject a very large part of the money neces¬ hind the bat, is a good catcher, and Archery is the most recent innova¬ with which the speaker is especially sary to finance it. As the team will has been hitting fairly well. tion. The picturesque old English familiar. be accompanied by Professor Herbert Among the new men, Todd, Denton, sport could not have a more fitting The textbook used in the course in C. Libby, Litt.D., head of the depart¬ Constitutional Law at the college was Westbrook, Lane, Jones, Chalkley, background than here at William and ment of public speaking, himself a and Levvy have been showing up the prepared by Dr. Black. He is also Mary. Practice will start about the Rotarian and former secretary of best. the author of a number of other the club, it is the plan for the team to (Continued on Page 3) first of April. standard texts on law subjects. (Continued on Page 8) UNION OF NATIONS WITHOUT COERCION ABOLISH RESTRICTIONS ON GENERAL IS A POSSIBILITY, DR. SCOTT SAYS HERE ASSEMBLY, IS HOPE OF DR. HUGHES Would Be Regulated by Same STUDENTS ASKED TO TRY SWIMMING EXHIBITION Marshall-Wythe Lecturer Says v ■-. Principles on Which the FOR ORATORICAL CONTEST GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT Legislature Has No Time American Constitution to Deliberate on Its Is Laid The time for the State Oratorical A demonstration to show the ad¬ Action Contest is rapidly drawing nearer. vance made by the women students That a union of nations for any Last year Washington and Lee car¬ in swimming was held in the Jeffer¬ T or all purposes is.possible, guided by ried the honors home. Will they do son pool last Friday night, with an Iopcs that the planned Constitu¬ the principle of restraining and it again? The contest will be held audience that taxed the capacity of tional Convention will abolish the punishing individuals for their acts, in the early part of May. The coun¬ the room. "present unreasonable restrictions" and not the states to which they be¬ cil is unable to announce where yet; The feature of the demonstration upon the freedom of action of the long, is exemplified by the strength but it is probable that it will be held was an exhibition by Miss Ruth van General Assembly, and that it will be of the Constitution of the United at Washington and Lee University, Waggensen, of Richmond, who demon¬ "given sufficient time to remain at States, Dr. James Brown Scott, of Lexington, Virginia. Let's get busy, strated a number of water stunts and least a deliberative body" were ex¬ Washington, D. C, one of the world's men. Begin work on your oration skillful dives. The beginners' classes pressed by Robert M. Hughes, Sr., a greatest authorities on international now—only about a month is left and under the direction of Misses Lois prominent lawyer of Nerfolk, Va., in law and relations, declared here in the preliminaries here may be ex¬ Robinson and Lucile Jackson showed delivering the seventh of the series the ninth of the series of the con¬ of constitutional lectures being given pected soon. Consult Dr. Morton for the advance they have made in their stitutional lectures being given at at the College of William and Mary the College of William and Mary un¬ advice before you start work. Wil¬ work, and the advanced classes also under the auspices of the Marshall- der the auspices of the Marshall- liam and Mary must be strongly rep¬ staged a number of interesting Wythe School of Government« and continued on page 7) resented this year.