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A Appledore, Home and Chute Family of, by F. W. Cock, 157-162. Ablotts, Ightham, 65. Apuldre, 233. Accounts 1936, 1-liv. Arbitration at Ightham manor Acre, The, Boro' Green, 66. Court, 42. Acre, Ightham, and the Staley Archery, decay of, at Ightham, 12. family, 88-91. Architecture—" Franciscan Archi- Acryse, 267. tecture in ," review, Acton, John, will, 127. 296-8. Adam, Alexander, 13. Armour: A Helm in Goudhurst Adames, Ightham, 65. Church, by F. H. Cripps-Day. 223- Adams family, Deal, 183. 228. Adams, Thos., 161. Armourers, English, 223-4. Addams, John, steward of the Armstrong, Ralph, tithing man of Manor of Ightham, 32, 36. Ightham, 10, 29. Adrian, John, will, 127, Arsio, Barony of, and Dover Castle, Aelfsige the Chamberlain, 233. 103. Aelfstan, 231. Ash Church, brasses in, 224. Aelfwold, 229. Ashbourne, bridging of, 236, 238. Aosoburnan (River Ashbourne), 238. Ashenden, , 241. Aethelereth, 231. Ashenton, Riohard, 147. Aethelflaed, 229. Ashewell, Ightham, origin of name, Aethelwig, 231. 66. Aetheraed, 231. Ashford, 160, 253 ; and Constables Aldraed, 231. of Dover Castle, 102. Aldulfs, Ightham, 66. Ashurst, 253. Alexander, Adam, 15. Assize, swearing into, 8-9. Aleyn, Thos., 27. Atrege, William, 145. Alfege, St., 289. at Wodde, Richard, 150, 155. Alford, Nicholes, 143. Aucher, Anthony, of Dover, 161, 183. Allen family, owners of Ightham Aucher, Edward, 183. Mote, 39-40. Audit House, Canterbury, 220. Allen, Henry, 13, 31 ; Thomas, 140. Austin, Riohard, 6. Allington Castle, 250. Averenches, Barony of, and Dover Alwey, John, 130, 148, 156. Castle, 102. Amount, Riohard, 145. Averill, Robert, 6, 7. Amyson, Edmond, will, 127. Axe, Viking Age, found at Maidstone, Andrewes, William, 202. 285-6. Annual General Meeting 1937, Aylesford, 250, 269. xxxviii, etc Annual Report and Accounts, xxxvii, etc. B Ansell, George, of Deal, 186. Appleby, John, vicar of Wrotham, 87. Badell, Agnes, will, 128 ; John, will, Appledore, 269; Brotherhood of, 128. 235-6 j mention in A-S. Chron., Badill, WiUiam, 140. 236 ; Home family lands, 160. Bailes, Dr., 219. 308 GENERAL INDEX.

Baker, family of Deal, 183 ; Henry, Bergrove, John, 139. 175; Hercules, arms of, 174; Berine, Thomas, 44. James, arms of, 174 ; Joan, 133, Berne, James, will, 132 ; William, 152 ; John, Captain of Deal Castle, 132. 174, 175; Narborough Filmer, Berrye, Alice, 132. 175; Richard, 155; Thomas, 42, Berwicke, Humphrey, 40. 143, 170, 174, 175; Thomas Beseley family, arms in St. Leonards, bequest to St. Leonards, Deal, Deal, 173. 182 ; WiUiam, 175, 133. Best, Jonathan, tenement in Balcombe, WiUiam, 32. Precincts, Canterbury, 203, 215. Balden, Weston, 7. (Betrisden) 253. Baldwin, John, 7; Robert, 6, 31, Bett, WiUiam, 130. 33. Beverley, Widow, 11. Baldwins, Ightham, 66. Bewgle, John, 23. Baldwyn, Robert, 4, 5, 6. Bewley, Ightham, origin of names, Bale, John, 201, 218. 66, 67. BaLul, John, overseer of Hythe, 139. Bigbury, 280. Bank, The, Ightham, 66. BiUingborowe, John, wiU, 132. Banring, Thomas, 139. BUsington, 268 ; Church, bequest of Barde, John, 148. a beiffer, 145 ; BUsington Cross, Bargrave, Dean, 200 ; Isaac, 204. 146. Bargrove, Richard of Saltwood, 133; Bing, Robert, Lord of the Manor Roger, will, 132. of Wrotham, 84, etc. Bamako family, arms, 181. Bing v. Hooper Tithe Case, 83-88. Barne Crofte, Ightham, 46, 66. Birchams, now Warren Farm, Bamneld, Ightham, 83, etc. Ightham, 67. Barker, Roger, wiU, 129. Birchewood, Robert, wiU, 133. Barret, Nicholas, 4, 7; Stephen, 132. Birds HiU, now Warren Farm, 67. Barr Field, Ightham, 66. Birhtfreth, 233. Barrowe, John, wiU, 129. Birhtraed, 231. Barrow Field, Ightham, 66. Birhtsie, 231. Barton, Richard, 37. Birling helm, 226. Basted Mill, 27, 66. Blacheman, 244. Batill, John, wiU, 128-9. Black Prince's helm, Canterbury, BatiU, WilUam, 128. 224, 225. Batton, Agnes, wiU, 129. Blackheath, Battle of, 289. Bauldwyn, John, borsholder of Blackmanstone and Constable of Ightham, 34. Dover Castle, 102. Bay Shaw, Ightham, 66. Blalaninton, John, 133. Bayle, John, tithingman of Ightham, Blasland, Mr., 184. 33. Blatcher, Thos., 5. Baynham, WiUiam, 160. Blechenden, Dr., 216, 217. Beacon (Raspit) HiU, 66. Bokland, Thos., wiU, 141. Bearfield, Ightham, various speUings, Boldwin, Henry, 136. 66. Boleyn, Anne, cousin of Lady Bedingfield, Mrs., 213. Catherine Howard, 193. Belgrave, WiU, 196, 217, 219. Bonington, 268. " Bell Jesus " Canterbury, 197. and Constable of Dover BeUows Lane, Ightham, 67. Castle, 102. Benet, John, 2, 37. Boots Holme, aUas Burcham, Ight- Benett, Richard, wiU, 130-1 ; ham, 40. William, will, 103-1 ; WiUiam, 154. Bore Place, Chiddiugstone, 190. Beneyts, Henry, Ightham, 67. Borne, John, 142, 148. Benge, WiUiam, 143. Borne, Thomas, wiU, 133. Bennett, John, 87 ; William, 4, 7, 35. Borne Croft, Ightham, various Berd, WiUiam, of Dover, 131. speUings, 67, 85. Berde, Alice, wiU, 131 ; John, wiU, Borough Green, various spellings 131. and origin of place name, 64. Berds, Ightham, 67. Boroughes, John, 4. GENERAL INDEX. 309

Boroughmarch Church, 139 ; Lands Broke, Harry, 131. in, 136. Brombarde, Stephen, wiU, 137 ; Borough, John, 13. Thomas, will, 138. Borow, John, 5 ; Thomas, 5. Bromeles, WUUam, will, 138. Borsholder, method of choosing, 33. Bromteye, Ightham, 44, 68. Bosses, Upper and Lower, Ivy Brongger, John, 35. Hatch, 67. Bronze Age celt found at Dover, Botley, Robert, 137. 287 ; at Dunton Green, 285. Boughton, 161, 268. Brooms, Ightham, origin of name, 68. Boughton Malherbe, 269. Brothers, Thomas, 188. Boughton Monchelsea, 269. Brown, Margaret, 138 ; Robert, Boulogne, Eustace of, constable of 143 ; Thomas, will, 138, 139 ; Dover Castle, 100. William, 138, 139. Boulogne, Pharamus de, Constable Brownaore, Borough Green, 68. of Dover Castle, 100. Browne, Joan, will, 140 ; John, will, Bound, John, 5 ; Robert, 4. 140, 196, 217 ; Edward, 140, wiU, Boundes Long Crofte, Ightham, 68. 139 ; Katherine, 153 ; Leonard, Boundes Square Crofte, Ightham, 68. 213; Robert, 131. Bounds Tenement, Ightham, 68. Brownes, Ightham Mote, 40, 68. Bourne Croftes, 86. Browning, Robert, wiU, 140. Bourne, John, will, 133. Bruer, WiUiam, 32. Bowes, John, wiU, 134. BrumseU, John, of Dover, 174. Bowles family of Deal, 176 ; Tobias, Bryggs, Stephen, 27. granted faculty for gaUery at Deal Buckley, George, 200. church, 184; Tobias, Mayor of Bud, Christopher, 16. Deal, 176. Budde, John, 141. Bowman, William, 131. Buds Plaine, Ightham, 68. Bownde, George, 7 ; Robert, 4. Bukland, Henry, will, 140 ; John, Bowser, Rev. E. D., Rector of Deal, will, 140-1. 188. Bull, The, Ightham, 69. Boys, Thomas, Memorial brass in Bulleign, Tenterden, 244. Deal Church, 169. Bulstrode, Edward, memorial to, in and Constable of Dover Deal Church, 180. Castle, 102. Bunce, Ciprian, of Canterbury, 157. Brad, Gregory, 153. Burdon, John, 23, 94 ; William, 25, Brakins, Ightham, 68. 94. BrambUe Field, Ightham, 68. Burfurthe, Clement, 146. Bread and Ale, Assize of, Ightham, Burgh, Hubert de, Constable of 9-14. Dover Castle, 101, 104 ; John, 13. Breakers of the Peace, Ightham Burghley, Lord, 252. Court RoUs, 3-8. Burials found at Deal, 288. Brecher, Elenor, will, 135 ; WiUiam, Burmarsh, 136, 137, 268 ; Church, 135. 135. Bregeland, Thomas, will, 135. Burstow, John, 139. Bregman, John, 146. Burstowe, John, wiU, 141. Breton, Richard and Robert, 162. Burton, Thomas, 21. Brian, Dom, Curate of Hythe, 141. Burvil, Mr., 215 ; James, details of Bridgman, John, 155. house in Precincts, Canterbury, Bright, Robert, Stanstead, 2 ; 201. WiUiam, wiU, 136. Busbye, EUen, 15. Brightrede, John, 37. Bustom, Thomas, wiU, 141. Brissenden, Robert 4 ; Thomas, 4. Bustome, WiUiam, 132. Brixiestun, 244. Bustonis, Thomas, 137. Broade Seare, Ightham, 40, 68. Busty or Shode, Ightham, 69 ; as Broadnex, Major, 219. water supply, 11. BrockhiU, Richard, 145. Butcher, Miss M. B., 158 ; Mr., of Brocks, Ightham, origin of name, 68. the Precincts, Canterbury, 219 ; Brode, John, 28, 29 ; Robert, 22, 23. Francis, lease of lands, 222. Brodenex, Robt., wiU, 136. Butcher, Francis, lease of lands, 222. 24 310 GENERAL INDEX. Butfield, Ightham, 69. Church Green, Ightham, 70. Butler, James, 7. Churchman, Gregory, will, 144. Butter, Herry, wiU, 142. Chute, Estate Map found, 159; Byng, Robert, see Bing. FamUy coat of arms, 159 ; Family Buttye, Biehard, 162. coat of arms at Speldhurst and Bethersden, 160; PhiUip, burial of, 157, 159 ; PhUlip, Captain of C Camber Castle, 158. Cinque P o r t s , Naval force of, 104-105 ; Calowe, Robert, 142 ; Thomas, 142. Warden of, annexed to office of Calowis, John, dyer of Hythe, 142. Constable of Dover Castle, 98. Canterbury, 253. Clemantt, Jno., 184. Canterbury Cathedral, The Parlia- Clement, John, 129. mentary Survey of the Precincts, Clerk, Clement, 155 ; John, builder in the time of the Commonwealth, of Wyke Pier at Dover, 109. by The Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, Clerke, John, 28, 144 ; Robert, will, 195-222. 144. Capel helm, 227. Cliterowe, WUliam, will, 145. Carden, John, 141. Cobbs, Thomas, 152. Cardin, John, 138. Cobham helm, 225, 227. Carlowe, WiUiam, wiU, 143. Cock, F. WiUiam, Additional notes on Carver's Field, Ightham, 69. the Home and Chute Families of Casaubon, Dr. Meric, Canon of Appledore, 157-162. Canterbury, 197. Cocke, John, 134. Castleden, Thomas, 5. Cocklebridge Field, Origin of name, Castleguard Service of Dover Castle, 70. by F. W. Hardman, 96-107. Cohilds, Ightham, 70. Castleton, Thomas, 6, 7, 14. Cole, John, 128 ; Thomas, 142. Castleward Rents of Dover, 105, etc. Cole Farm, Tenterden, 244. Chaltons, Ightham, 37. Coliar, Isabella, 152. Chapman, Robert, 37, 43. Colman, Ralph, will, 146 ; Robert , 254, 269. of Canterbury, 152. Charlton, Henry, 86. Colt, Richard, 184. Charltons, Ightham, 69, 94 ; Farm, Colvyn, Richard, 15. Ightham, 39. Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas, Charte, Seal Chart, 69. owner of Ightham Mote, 40. Chaundeler, Thomas, wiU, 143. Colyn, Thomas, will, 145. Chayrie, John, 17. Conan, John, 143. Cheney, John, 146. Consant, Rev. Thos. of Deal, 170. Cheperegge, a Saxon centre, 245-246. Constable of England, history of, 100. Chequers Inn, Ightham, 70. Constables of Dover Castle, 97, etc. Cheriton Church, bequest to, 164. Conyerd, Ightham, 70. Cheseman, Thomas, will, 143. Cook, Norman, A Pit Dwelling of the Cheteham, Thomas, 150. Early Iron Age at Rainham, Kent, , Thomas, 153. 280-3. ChUUnden, Robert, 129, 131. Cooks, Ightham, 70. ChiUington House (Maidstone Culpeper, family, early origins of, Museum), 189. 191 ; Sir Alexander, wooden effigy Chipstede, Sarah, 21 ; Thomas, 1, 2 ; of, 226 ; Thomas, 192 ; execution WUliam, 2, 21. of, 194 ; Sheriff of Kent, 226. Chown, John, 42, 44. Culpepers, Hollingbourne Manor and Chowning, WUliam, 14, 15. the, by Aymer Vallance, 189-194. Chowninge, Richard, 11, 13; Cumberland, Robert, 210. Wilham, 11, 13. Cunney Field, Ightham, 71. Chowte, PhiUip, custodian of Camber Cupper Rafe, 35. Castle, 165. Curator's Report, 284-286. Christchurch, Brotherhood at, 231. Curde, John, 16. Church, Thomas, 148. Curthoppe, Joan, will, 147. . Church Furze Field, Ightham, 70. I Cutter, John, 131, 135, will, 147. GENERAL INDEX. 311

D Domneva, founder of Manor of Minster, 241. Dagger, bronze, found at Folke- Double Dance, Ightham, 71. stone, 284-5. Dove, John, will, 149 ; Thomas, Dalington, Thomas, 134. 144, wiU, 150 ; WiUiam, wiU, 149. DalmLugton, Thomas, will, 148. Dover, bronze age celt found, 287 ; DanieU, John, 145 ; Thomas, will, first mention of port, 109; Medieval 148. finds at, 287 ; Report, 1937, 287 ; Danvers famUy, 177. Roman burials found, 287. Dartford, Overy Liberty, 291. Dover Castle, 274 ; Castleguard rents Davington, WUliam, 146. to the Crown, 105 ; false story of Davy, John, 130 ; Robert, 143. the de Fiennes, 96 ; garrison, 102- Daye, Richard, 34. 103 ; income of Constable, 101 ; Deal, burials found at, 288 ; dis- Knights fees for, 102 ; merging coveries in 1937, 288-289 ; PUots, of offices of Constable and Warden, • gaUery buUt for, in Deal Church, 105 ; manned by King's soldiers, 184, 186, 187 ; St. Leonards 104. Church, 167-188. Dover : Castleguard Service of, by de Fiennes, John, Constable of F. W. Hardman, 96-107. Dover Castle, 96. Dover Harbour, criticism of buUding, de Montforts, Hereditary Constables 111 ; early pictures of, 111, etc. ; of England, 98-99. petition for repair to Thos. Crom- Deane, Upper, Middle and Lower, well, 110; previous sites, 109; Ightham, 40. state in 1595, 123-124; tonnage Deans, Ightham, 71. payable on passing ships, 115. Deedes, Thomas, of Hythe, 251. Dover Harbour : Sixteenth Century Delce, Little, 272. Plans of, by Alee Macdonald, 108- Denegeburne, Hamo de, 245. 126. Denes, John, will, 149. Dowles, Ivy Hatch, 71. Denies, John, 138. Downe, Agnes, wiU, 151 ; Joan, will, Denis, John, 155. 151-152; John, 142; wiU, 152; Denne, Dorothy, 209 ; Thomas, 213 ; Mathew, 151 ; Richard, wiU, 151 ; family of Deal, 183. Robert, will, 150 ; WiUiam, 152. Dental Croft, Hythe, 151. Drake, Duncomb, buried in St. Derham, Francis, execution of, 194 ; Leonards, Deal, 182; Family Francis, and Lady Catherine arms, 182 ; Sir Francis Samuel, Howard, 192. memorial in Deal Church, 179. Dering, Sir Edward, 233. Drayton, Horton, auditor and Deringe, Thomas, of Petham, 146. Chapter Clerk, Canterbury Diar, Robert, wUl, 153. Cathedral, 199. Dicarson, Robert, 136. Dumbourne, 244. Digge, John, 133 ; Thomas, maker of Dungate, Walter, wiU, 162. Dover Harbour, 116, etc.; Report Dungeness, 256. on Dover Harbour, 117-118. Dunsdale, Ightham, ahas New Digge, Report on Dover Harbour, House, 77. 117-118. Dunstan, Archbishop, 231. Dingley famUy arms, 181. DixweU, Capt., 216. Durbame, Robert, 136. Dobet, Thomas, curate of Hythe, Durrant, John, occupier of house in. 140. Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, Doddyn, Benet, rector of Deal, 168. 216-217. Dodge, John, 88. Durrants Crofte, Ightham, 72. Dodge, Richard, 42. Dutson, Marie, wiU, 152-153. Dodrngton, PhUip, wUl, 149. Dynes, Ightham, 40, 72. Doe, Robert, 209. E Does, Robert, 212, 221, 222. DolefeUde, Ivy Hatch, 71. Eadelm, 231, 233. Dolet, Thomas curate of Hythe, 144. Easwold, 230, 231. Dolett, Thomas, 132, 146. Ealdelm, 233. 312 GENERAL INDEX. Kalhfreth, 233. Figge, John, will, 155. Early Kent Maps (16th Century), by Fign Hill, Ightham, 72. Canon Grevile M. Livett, 247-277. Finche, Wodow, 16. Easole, Manor of (Nonington), 106. Fishe Streate, Ightham, 72, 93. Hast. Sutton, 269. Fitz WUUam, Barony of Ada, at Eastbridge, 136. Dover Castle, 103. Eastbury House, Barking, similar Flower, William, 251. to Hollingbourne Manor, 190. Fludd, Thomas, of Appledore, 160. Eastday, Robert, wiU, 153. FoUiestone, bronze blade found at, Kastwell, property in, 161 ; bequest 284-285. of house at, 161 ; and Constable Folkestone, Land in, 148. of Dover Castle, 102. Forde, John, 22 ; will, 155; Eastwood's Brickfield, Rainham, 280. Thomasin, wiU, 156 ; WUUam, 20. Edda, 231. Fordwich, 267. Ede, Mr., detaUs of house in Forsham, , 245. Precincts, Canterbury, 213. Fotherby, Sir John, 215, 219, 221 ; Edeson, Thomas, 155. Priscilla, 162. Edesforth, WiUiam, occupier of Fox, Thomas, wUl, 156. house in Precincts, Canterbury, " Franciscan Architecture in Eng- 210-211. land," review, 296-298. Eden, River, 253. Frankfield, Seal, 72. Edenbridge, 253. Freezingham, Rolvenden, 245. Edgar, King, 232. French, Samson T. Wynne, 170. Edwey, John, wiU, 163 ; Richard, Frensshe, John, 22 ; Richard, 22. will, 154 ; Thomas, wiU, 154. Fulbert, Barony of, and Dover Egeworth, John, curate of Hythe, Castle, 103. 131. FuUer, James, 183 ; Thomas, 22 ; Egle, or Eyle, River, 250. Walter, 10, 20 ; WiUiam, 5, 19, 20, Eley, WiUiam, 196, 217, 219. 22, 23, 25, 29, 35. 37, 44. Elizabethan sanitation, 10-12. FuUers, Ightham, 72. Ellingworth, GUes, 146. FuUers Crofte, Ightham, 72. Elliott, John, goldsmith of Canter- Furmonger, John, tithingman of bury, 210. Ightham, 33. Elsey, Robert, wUl, 154. Furze Field Wood, Ightham, 72. Elston, John, wiU, 155. Emerson, John, 7. Engeham, Edward, 207. G Essex, WiUiam, aUas WiUiam Browning (Ightham), 1. Gage, Thomas, parson of Deal, 182. Essehetisford (Ashford), 160. GaUows Field, Ightham, 72. Estas, John. 153. Gardener, Isabel, 10; Robert, 35, Estiee, John. 139. 47. Excursions, 1936, xlii., etc Gardiner, Canon T. G., house in Precincts of Canterbury, 221 ; Robert, 14, 16 ; Walter, 3, 31. F Gardner famUy of Deal, 178, arms of, 181 ; Thomas, 178 ; Walter, 5 ; Fekin, John, 133. WiUiam, Congregational Minister FeldesweU, WiUiam. 133. at Deal, 17S. FeldisweU, Margaret, will, 155. Gardyner, John, 19, 41 ; Robert, Felowyslond, Ightham, origin of 45*; Thomas, 23. name, 72. Garland, John, 6. Fen Field, Ightham, 72. Garners, Ightham, 73. Fenn. John, 37. gavelkind, law of, obtaining at Fenne, John, and Alice, 41. Ightham, 38. FernhiU, Isththani, 72. Geffrey, Henry, 87. ftotherbie/Sir John. 219, 221. George, John, 139. Fiennes farailv, connection with George and Dragon, Ightham, 73; D.ner Castle'. 0(5. 97. 100. building of, 92. GENERAL INDEX. 313

Georgies, Ivy Hatch, 73. Hales, John, 129, 131, 134, 147, 251. Gerard, Henry, roctor of Deal, 178 ; Hamme, John, 19. memorial in St. Leonards, Deal, Hardell, John, 27, 28. 177, 184; Thomas, 178; family Hardman, F. W. Castleguard Service arms, 177-178. of Dover Castle, 96-107. Gervis, Agnes, 140. Hardin, Cocilio, 143., William, 141. Hardres, Sir Richard, 216. Gibbons, John, 140 ; Juliane, 140. Harrios, John, 141. Gibson, Margaret, 48 ; William, 48. Harriotsham, 250. Gilbert, Robert, 128. Harrison, Sir Edward, Court Rolls Giles, Robert, ale taster, 10 ; Thomas, and other Records of the Manor 148. of Ightham, 1-95. Glover, Elizabeth, 251 ; Joan, 251 ; Harry, John, 129; Stephen, 129. Robert, biographical details, 251 ; 150. Thomas, of Ashford, 251 ; William, Harvey, Sir Edward Richard, admiral, 7. hatchment in Deal Church, 171 ; Gloverus, Robertus, Somerset Sir Henry, 171, 172, 173 ; John, Herald, 247. biographical details, 172 ; Sir Gloves, smuggled, found at Deal, 289. ' John, biographical details, 172 ; Godcroft, Ightham, 73. Richard, 171 ; Sir Thomas, bio- Goddyn, WUliam, 21. graphical details, 174; family, Godewyn, John, 25 ; WUUam, 37. distinguished naval record, 171- Godfrey, curate of Ightham, 86; 173 ; hatchment in Deal Church, Thomas, 162. 171-173. Goffe, John, 3, 14, 31. Hasden, Reginald, 8 ; Soloman, 13. Goldston, Prior, 205. Haselwood, Edward, 188. Goodewyn, William, 46. Hasilherst, Henry, 36 ; Rose, 1(1. Gore, The, Ightham, 73. HasUmans, Ightham, 73. Gostwick helm, 227. Hastelyn, Nicholas, 8S. Goudhurst Church : A Helm in, Hasylherst, Henry, 22, 25 ; John, by F. H. Cripps-Day, 223-228. 41. Grain, Isle of, 267. Hasylmans, Ightham, 43 ; owned Grands, The, Ightham, 73. , by Richard WeUer, 94. Grant, Joan, 133. Hatches, Ightham, or Hatchers, 73. Grayes, Lady, 88. , Hatters, Ightham, 73. Great Home, residence of Philip Hawke, Christopher, 139 ; George, Chute, 161. 4 ; John, 47 ; Reginald, 35 ; Greentree, Francis, 5. Richard, 28; Thomas, Ightham, Greenway Court, Hollingbourne, 1,23. and the Culpepers, 191. Hawkes, George, 5, 31 ; Jane, 47 ; Greenwich and Lewisham Anti- Margaret, 47 ; Reginald, 47. quarian Society, 289. Hawt, Delareus, 46 ; (Haute) family, Grigge, WiUiam, 146. owners of Ightham Mote, 38-39. Grime, John, 141. Hayne family arms, 181. Grimston, Thomas, 146. Hays, Margaret, 154. Grove, The, Ightham, 73. Hayte, Thomas, Deal, 2. Guerhard, Reginald, 25. Hayward, Richard, 49. Guldeforde, Richard, 162. Heathe, Nicholas, alias Brooker, 44. Gunnyuges, Thomas, 32. Hebbinge, Agnes, 152. Gwmlysham, Tenterden, 245. Helm in Goudhurst Church, by Gyles, John, 8. F. H. Cripps-Day, 223-228. Helms in Kent, 225. Hemelesham, Henry de, 245. H Hemings Dean, Ightham, 74. Henywater, Hythe, 139. Haberdijohn, Ightham, 4. Heronden Charter, 229-240; in Hadlo, Geoffrey, 37. Eastry, 240. Hadlow, TheophHus, 33. Herring Field, Ightham, origin of Hadlowe, Henry, 84. name, 74. 314 GENERAL INDEX.

Herry, John, 129, 141; Stephen, Huntick, John, 6; Robert, 3. 135. Hurst, 268. Hersing, John, 143. Husneah (Huson) Farm, Tenterden, Hewet, John, 132. 246. High Cross, Ivy Hatch, 74. Hussey, Arthur, Hythe Wills, 127-156. Highfield, Ightham, 1, 74. Hythe, 264; Church, annexed to High Grove, Ightham, 74. Saltwood, 127. Higham, 269. Hythe Wills, by Arthur Hussey, HiUs, Morgan, 86 ; Thomas, 87. 127-166. BQothewig, 231, 235. Hobson, WiUiam, curate of Hythe, 141. HobyU, Edith, 26-27 ; Wilham, 25. Hode, Alice, 166 ; John, 156. Ightham ale taster, 9, etc.; origin of Hogham, Thomas, 134. name, 63 ; personal names appear- Hogin, Thomas, 130. ing in Court RoUs, 49-63 ; place Hoker, Robert, 156. names occurring in the records, Hokere, Robert, 152 63-83 ; strangers recorded in the Hollingbourne, 260, 254. Court Rolls, 14, etc.; various Hollingbourne Manor and the Cul- spellings of, 64 ; Cross, 74 ; Manor pepers,by Aymer Vallance, 189-194. business, 35-43; slackness in Holmefeild, Ightham, 40. manorial matters, 33 ; Mote, 38- Hohneland, Ightham, 40, 74. 40; Park, 74. Home Close, Ightham, 74. Ingram, Thomas, 148, 150. Home Croft, Ightham, 74. Iron axe found at Maidstone, 285- Home Field, Ightham, 74. 286. Homewood, Andrew Seal, 32. Iron Age, Pit Dwelling of the Early, Honywode, John, 133. at Rainham, by Norman Cook, Honywood, Mary, of Charing, 162 ; 280-283. John, 148; Robert, of Charing, 162. Isles, Ightham, 75. Hoo, 255. Ives, Ightham, 76. Hooper, John, rector of Ightham, Ivot, John, 40, 42, 43, 96. 84, etc. Ivy Hatch ale taster, 9 ; origin of Hope, 269. name and speUings, 65. Hope, AU Saints, lands in, 136, 137. Home and Chute Families of Apple- dore, Additional Notes on, by F. W. Cock, 157-162. Home, Benedicta, widow of Richard Jackson, Mrs., 206-207; Thomas, Guylford, 160 ; Chapel, Appledore rector of , 216. Church, 168; Family pedigree, James, John, 19; Henry, 136; 161-162 ; Henry, 147, 162 ; John, Lawrence, 2, 21, 24, 29, 30, 42; 130, 136, 183. WiUiam, 25, 43, 44. Home's Place, Appledore, 161. Jamys, Laurence, 20 ; WiUiam, 37. , 253. Jaxon, George, 147. Hothfield, Hythe, 161. Jeffery, Henry, wife of, 10. Howard, Lady Catherine, ancestry, Jefford famUy of deal, 183. 191 ; appointed L. in W. to Anne Jekin, Thomas, 152. of Cloves, 192; informed on by Jekins, Thomas, 144. Archbp. Cranmer, 193 ; marriage Jekyn, Richard, of Sele, 19. to Henry VIHth, 193. Jenkin, John, 184; WiUiam, 137, Howseney, Manor of, 246. 151, 162, 153. Huggin, Thomas, 129. Jenkinson, EUen, 210. Hugonson, Thomas, 147. Jewett, Thomas, 141. HuU, John, 129 ; Robert, 183. Jode, Edward, 131. Human remains found at Deal, 288. Johnson, John, 6; Richard, 5; Humphrey, Godfrey Wood, 168. Thomas, 135, 146, 147, 184, 202. Hunt, Agnes, 10 ; Denis, 22 ; Joan, Jones, Capt., 219 ; WiU., 196, 217, 133 ; Thomas, 134. 219. GENERAL INDEX. 315 Jorden, William, Canon of Canter- Laneham, Isabel, 10; John, 8 ; bury, 199-200. Thomas, 10, 23, 25, 26. Justice, Robert, and re-building of Lanem, Isabel, 9. Dovor Harbour, 110 Langdon, Manor of, 272. Langley, 276 ; William, curate of Hythe, 138. K Lannem, Thomas, 20. Launder, John, 8 ; Robert, 4, 8, "Kairkent," name for Kent, 263. 10. Keil, Richard, 138. Lee, William, 136, 145, 156. Kelche in , 160. Leechford, Richard, 8. Manor, succession to, Leeds Castle, 250. 162, etc.; and Constable of Dover Left Hand Meadow, Ightham, 75. Castle, 102. Legh, William, 156. Kenarton, lands in possession of Lenham, 250, 253. Home Family, 160. Levenard, Agnes, 132 ; James, Kensham, Rolvenden, 244. " Kentish Place Names ", review, curate of Hythe, 131, 132. 292-294. Levesoth, Thomas, Goudhurst, 20. " Kent Obit and Lamp Rents," Levington, Alexander, 152. review, 294-295. Lewsley, Land within Precincts of Kidbrooke Parish Church and its Canterbury Cathedral, 218. vicars, 289. Ley, John, 6. Kilnfield, Ightham, 75. Ligh, Nicholas, 152 ; William, 151. Kinckett, Thomas, 144. Liffington, Alexander, curate of King's School, Rochester, Register, Hythe, 149. Lifing, 231. review, 301-302. Liofric, 231. King's School, Canterbury, survey, Liofstan, 231. 211-213 ; use of The Plumbery for , 253. school-room, 222. Little Croft, Ightham, 75. Kings, Ightham, see Hatters. Little Field, Ightham, 75. Kingsley, Mrs., widow of Archdeacon Little Home, Kenardington, 161. Kingsley, 207-208; WiUiam, Little Mead, Ightham, 75. Archdeacon, 218. Livett, Grevile M., Early Kent Maps Kingston Down, excavations at, (16th century), 247-277. 290-291; Church, Kent, armour Longcroft, Ightham, 75. in, 227. Longdyenes, Ightham, 75. Kingsnorthe, 160. Long Street, Ightham, 75. Kipps, Robert, 8. Loose, the River, 276. Knife, or Knyff, famUy arms, 181. Lords Croft, Ightham, 75. Knowler, George, Churchwarden of Loudon, John, 156. Deal, 184. Lovayn, Adrian, of Hougham, 138. Kyng, John, 23, 28. Lovegrove, John, 44, 45. Lovell, family arms, 181. L Lovett, Margaret, 162 ; Robert, 141, 153. Lad, John, 132. Lowet, Robert, 130. Ladd, John, Alderman of Canter- Lowett, Robert, 145. bury, 201. Lowis, John, 143; Thomas, 146, Lambard, Edward, 7 ; Mary, 6. 147, 148. Lambarde, WUUam, " Card of this Lowns, WiUiam, 138. Shyre," 246, 265. Luckas, John, plan for Dover Lambe, James, 135, 154, 206; Harbour, 126. detaUs of house, 198-199 ; WiUiam, Ludd, Thomas, 221. 42. Lullingstone helm, 225-226. Lambert, Edward, 4, 7,14 ; WiUiam, Luns, WiUiam, 147. (? WiUiam Lambarde), 160. Lymage, John, 37. • Lamp rents : " Kent Obit and Lamp Lymne Church, 139 ; bequest for Rents," review, 294-295. repair, 156. 316 GENERAL INDEX. Lyne, Anne, details of house in , 253. Precincts of Canterbury, 200, 204; Merymans, Ightham, 76. Edward, 201 ; Thomas, 204. Messenger, John, 140. Mett, Nicholas, 147, 148, 155; WiUiam, 148, 153. M Mette, Nicholas, 135, 155. MicheU, Thomas, 142 ; William, 40. Macdonald, Alec, Plans of Dover Middle Bome Croft, Ightham, 83, etc. Harbour in the 16th Century, 108- Middlefield, Ightham, 76. 126. Mildryth, Abbess, 242. Maddox's Tenement, alias Round- MiUer, Richard, 25 ; Robert, 44 ; about Field, Ightham, 75. Thomas, 30; WiUiam, 44, 87. Maidstone, 251 ; iron axe found at, MiUes, Stephen, ale taster of 285-286. Ightham, 35. Malman, John, bailiff of Hythe, 136. MUl Lane, Ightham, 76. Mamignot, Barony of, and Dover Mills, John, 142. Castle, 103. MUward, Edward, 129, 138, 139, 141. Man, John, 129. Minet, William, and Dover Harbour, Mapes, family arms, 181. 108, etc. Maps, Early Kent (16th century), Minnett, Robert, 150. by Grevile M. Livett, 247-277. Minster church, old map in, 271 ; Maps, squaring of, 252. Manor of, given to Abbey of St. Marchale, Tomsine, 128. Augustine, 242. MarchaU, Joan, 143 ; WUliam, 143 ; MisceUaneous Notes, 1937, 290-291. Thomas, 143. Mollande, Manor of, payment of Marcye, William, 140. Castlewarde, 106. Mare, Samuel, 6. Monins, Thomas, of Dover, appointed Marleput, Ightham, 44, 75. Treasurer of Canterbury Cathedral, Marlton, Joan, Churchwarden of 195 ; house in Precincts of Can- Deal, 183. terbury Cathedral, 218 ; Mr., 216. Marten, John, 127. Monks Horton, and Constable of Martindale, Mr. C., 185. Dover Castle, 102. Martins, Ightham, see Hatters. Mont, Richard, 152. Martyn, James, 7 ; Prudence, 7. Moore, George, 166. Maryner, Thomas, 21. Moors, The, Ightham, see Moresoles. Mase, Henry, 132. Moote, John, 37. Mason, Laurence, 143. More, The Ightham, 76; (Moor) Master, Anne, 221; Mrs. Mary, Oldbury, 46. details of property in Precincts Moresoles, Ightham, 76. of Canterbury Cathedral, 222; Moresole and Russe Lands, Ightham, Thomas, Canon of Canterbury 37. Cathedral, 221. MoreweU, Ightham, 76. Masters, Peter, 183. "Morgen giefu," a Saxon custom, Mathew, Richard, 7, 11. 246. Matilda, Empress, and Dover Castle, Morghew Farm (Morgengiefu), 246. 100. Morley, Clemens, 146. May, Edward, and rebuilding of Mote Field, Ightham, 76. Dover Harbour, 110 Mouncke, Phifip, 200. Maytham, Rolvenden, 245 Mount, JuUane, 136 ; Nicholas, 145 ; May w e l l , George, 164 parish clerk of Hythe, 139. Measures at Ightham, 12. Mowg, Edward, 9 ; Walter, 9. Mede, Robert, 128, 139. Moyce, Davy, 135. Medieval Discoveries at Stonar, by Moyle FamUy and Kenardington, Bertram W. Pearce, 278-279. 162-166. Medieval finds at Dover, 287. Moyle, WiUiam, 160. Medway, River, 250, 251, 253, 266. Muddles, Ightham, 77. MeUis, Peter, 8 ; Stephen, 8. Mumbray, WUUam, 188. Mercer, Alice, 19. Munk, Jeffrey, 158. Mere, Samuel, 4. MyUer, Nicholas, 36. GENERAL INDEX. 317

N Ovington, Nicholas, 141. Ovyches, Ightham, 77. Nackington, Manor of, 160. Oxenden, Col., 216. Nashenden, 272. Neale, John, 139; Mrs., widow, 200. P Nede, Thomas, 131. Nele, John, 28. Page, John, blacksmith of Ightham, Nethersole, Margaret, 209. 31. Nevill, Lord Edward, 228. Paine, John, 86. Nevis, John, 142. Palmer, Robert, 7. Newchurch, 146. Paradise, Dover Harbour, 112, etc. Newenton Church, 139. Pargate, Cecily, 135. Newgate, Ightham, 77. " Parish Churches of Norfolk and Newhaven, 270. Norwich," review, 303-304. Newise, WiUiam, 145. Parker, WiUiam, 2, 10, 29 ; Jane, Newmill, Channel, Tenterden, 238. brewer, 9. NichoUs, Joseph, 176 ; family, 176. Parkers, Ightham, 78. Noke, Richard, details of house in Parliamentary Survey of the Precincts Canterbury Cathedral precincts, of Canterbury Cathedral in the Time 203. of the Commonwealth, by C. Eve- None, Emmotte, 20; Robert, 20, leigh Woodruff, 195-222. 28, 46. Parsonage Lane, Ightham, 78. Norfold, Robert, priest, 153. Parsons, Ightham, 78. Northfield, Little, Ightham, 77. Parsons Broome, Ightham, 40. Norton, Valentine, lease of houses in Parsons Land, Ightham Mote, 40. Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, Partrich, John, Seal, 2, 23 ; Laurence 211. 37, 44 ; Thomas, 27, 28 ; parish Nulesty HUl, Hythe, 161. priest of Hythe, 139. Parvyn, Thomas, 8. Paske, Dr. Thomas, Canon of O Canterbury, 197. Patch Grove, Ightham, 78. Oakes, Canterbury, 219. Patches, Ightham, 45, 47, 48, 49, 78. Oak Field, Ightham, 77. Patt, John, 154, 155. Odo, Earl of Kent, 96, 98. Patte, John, 134. Oldbury, Ightham, various speUings, Payfrere, John, 137. 64 ; Hill, 77 ; poaching at, 1 ; Paune, John, 137. Street, Ightham, 77 ; Wood, Peake, Humphrey, Canon of Canter- Ightham, 77. bury Cathedral, 198 ; Dr., 204. Old Fenns Lane, Ightham, 77. Pearce, Bertram W., Medieval Dis- Oldsberd, John, 149. coveries at Stonar, 278-279. Oliver, John, 10. Pearceson, Thomas, 13. Olyver, Robert, borsholder of Ight- Pechy, Sir John, tomb in Lulling- ham, 34. stone Church, 228. Onslow, Francis, 212; George, 179. Peckham, Henry, 4. Ordegh, 231. Peckham's Broome, Ightham, 78. Ordelm, 231. Pedling, Bequest of land at, 151. , 268 ; and Constable of Pekes, Dr., house at Canterbury, 198. Dover Castle, 102. Pekham, James, 37, 43 ; Reginald, Osborne, Margaret, 149. 40. Oswold, Joan, 160 ; Roger, 150. Pelsatt (Pelsowth), landowner at Otford, River Dart at, 254. Ightham, 24; Reginald, 86; Otham, 267. Reynolds, 87 ; WiUiam, 84 . Oulton, Christopher, 10. Pelsoth, William, wife of, 10. Outen, Christopher, 35. Pelsott, Richard, 14; William, 30, Overcrowding in Elizabethan days, 31, 35. 10-12. Pelsouth, John, carrier of fish, 93 ; Overy Liberty, Dartford, 291. • Thomas, 37 ; WUliam, 41. 318 GENERAL INDEX. Pelsowth, Thomas, 20, 23, 25; PownoU, John, detaUs of house in Walter, 23; WUUam, 8, 26, 27, Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, 28, 29, 43. 213 Pembury, 267. Preston, John, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45. Pendrith, Joan, 153. Prestons Orchard, Ightham, 78. Penne, WiUiam, 156. Pye, John, Deal, 188. Penshurst helm, 226 ; Place, 190. Pyers, John, 9, 25, 26, 37, 42. PerchUd, Clement, 127, 129, 130. Pysing, WUUam, 200. Peres, Thomas, 5. Pers, John, 28. Personeslonds, Ightham, 78; see Q also Brownes. Petham, Ightham, 78. Quihant, WiUiam, Curate of Hythe, Petley, WiUiam, 3, 4. 135. Pettley, WiUiam, 4. Quithen, WiUiam, Curate of Hythe, Peverel, Barony of, and Dover Castle 141, 153. 103. Pevington, 244. Phesant Field, Ightham, 78. R Piers, John, 40, 43. PUots' GaUery, St. Leonard's, Deal, Ragman RoUs, 42-43. 186-187. Rainham : Pit Dwelling of the Early Pit Dwelling of the Early Iron Age at Iron Age, by Norman Cook, 280- Rainham, by Norman Cook, 280- 283. 283. Randd famUy, 183. Pittock famUy, 183. Rateliffe family arms, 181. "Place Names of Kent," review, Raudons Hooke, Ightham, 79. Ravensbourne, River, 269. 292-294. Reculver Church, note re lead on, Plans of Dover Harbour in the 16th 291. Century, by Alee Macdonald, 108- Recusant family of Horne-Gulde- 126. ford, 158. Plasio, The, Ightham, 78. Red Conies, Ightham, 79. Player, John, detaUs of house in Red Conye Brooke, Ightham, 40. Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, Redegrove, Ightham, 79. 202-203 ; Mr., 216. RedweU, Ightham, 45; origin of , 269. spelling, 64, 65. Plumory, Canterbury, 221-222. Reede, The, Ightham, 79. Poaching at Ightham, 1. Ronton, Mrs. Thomasin, memorial Poins, Ferdinald, engineer of Dover in St. Leonards, Deal, 176. Harbour, 116 Reve, John, 42 ; Reginald, 37, 45 ; Polkyns, Borough Green, 78. Robert, 42. PoUards, Ightham Mote, 40, 78. Reviews, 1937, 292-304. Polton, and Constable of Dover Reynolds Hooke, Ightham, 79. Castle, 102. Richardson, Joseph, memorial in Pomeroy, George, biographical de- St. Leonards, Deal, 179 ; Michael, taUs, 173; hatchment of Deal 211; Thomas, 8; ale taster of Church, 173 ; WiUiam, 173. Ightham, 35. Port, Barony of, and Dover Castle, Richborough, 269. 103. Richeford, Richard, parish chaplain Porters, John, 166. of Hythe, 147. Postling, 263; and Constable of Richford, John, 145. Dover Castle, 102. Risdale, WiUiam, 146. Potsherds from Orpington, 284. Roberts, famUy, 183. Pottery found at Rainham, 281. Rochester Bridge, 272. Poulteney family arms, 181 ; 177. Rockinge, 268. Poulton, Thomas, memorial in St. "Roffensian Register," review, Leonards, Deal, 177. 301-302. Powle, Thomas, 87. Rolfs Wode, Ightham, 46. GENERAL INDEX. 319

Roman harbour in Dour Valley, 109. Sawley, WiUiam, 42. Roman remains at Dover, 287. Sawyer, John, 37 ; Thomas, 46, 47 ; Romney, Christopher, 5. WiUiam, 44. , 254 ; St. Lawrence Sawyere, 19. Church, 155. Saxon Records of Tenterden, by Rootes, Edward, 12, 13. Gordon Ward, 229-246. Roper, Sir John, Lord of the Manor Saxton, Christopher, Map of S.E. of Ightham, 34. Counties, 248, 255, etc. Rosewood, Ightham, 39, 79. Scattis Lane, Ightham, 80. Roundabout Field, Ightham, origin Scriven family of Salop, 176. of name, 79. Scriven, Mrs. Mary, memorial to, Rouse, Edmund, 206. 176-177. , and Constable of Dover Sebram, John, 147. Castle, 102. Seckford, Thomas, Lord Steward of Rudstow, Robert, 160. the Household, arms, 257. Russe, Ightham, 44. Selby family, owners of Ightham Rust, 147. Mote, 39-40. Ryarsh Church, Norman piscina in, Selbye, William, 32. 168. SeUinge, 253 ; Church, 132. Rye, 269. SeUindge, and Constable of Dover Castle, 102. S Selyard, Henry, 32. Selyard Millers, Ightham, 80. Sabine, Anne, 209. Serocold family of Lancaster, 177 ; St. Alphage Church, Canterbury, George, buried at Deal, 177. Wise arms in, 178. Seven Wents, Ightham, 80. St. Andrew's, Canterbury, 221. Sevenoaks Museum, bronze celt in, St. Augustine, Brotherhood of, 231. 285 ; Report, 1937, 286. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Salt- Sewen, John, curate of Hythe, 148. wood, 148, 149, 151. Sextayn, Walter, 37, 39, 42, 43. St. Clere, Kemsing, 63, 64. Sexten, Richard, 153. St. Lawrence Church, Romney, 155. Sexteyn, John, 42. St. Leger, Dudley, 184. Sexty, Manor of, Chute granted St. Leonards Church, Deal, 167-188 ; hcence to alienate the Manor, 160. Tower rebuilt, 184; Hythe, see , 268. . Hythe Wills. Shelden, Ralph, 4. St. Mary's, Dover, 128, 141. Sheppey, Isle of, 255. St. Mildred, church dedicated to her, Sherborne, William, 150. 243. Sherington, Richard, curate of St. Mildred's Abbey, destroyed, 242 ; Hythe, 132. Tenterden, founding of, 241. ShildmeU, Robert, 42. St. Nicholas Church, Romney, 145 ; Shipway, Lathe of, 269. Parish, Romney, 155-156; Mr., Shirley, Dr., 216. 217. Shods, Ightham, 80. St. Peter's, Sandwich, 178. Shorter, Widow, 211. Saltwood windmiU, bequest of, 160. Shurington, Richard, 129. Sander, Thomas, 133. Siehn, 233. Sandfield, Ightham, 80. Siflett, David, 4. " Sands, clays and minerals," re- Sifrith, Abbott, 231. view, 304. Sigefrith (Sifrithus), Abbot, 235. Sandwich Church, brasses in, 224. Siggis, Wilham, 14. Sanitary conditions in EUzabethan Siggisse, WUUam, 3. times, 10-12. SiUowsbridge (in Newchurch) and SanweU, Thomas, 130. Constable of Dover Castle, 102. Sarre, 253, 254. Simons, Robert, 201, 203. SatsoUs, Ightham, 80. Simson, John, 132. Saunder, John, 141; Roger, 137. Sinckcleers (St. Clere), Kemsing, 63- " Saunter through Kent," Vol. 64. xxxi, review, 299-300. Sire, William, 152. 320 GENERAL INDEX.

Siwold, 231. Stoneacre, Ightham, 80. Skappe, William, 131. StonehiU, Ightham, 81. Skreks, Ightham, see Ablotts. Stonye Croft, Ightham, 40. Skynners House, Ightham, date of Stour, Great, 253, 266. buUding, 92. Strangers, receiving of, at Ightham,. Sladen, Joseph, 170. 14-18. Slipp, Wrotham, 80. Street, and Constable of Dover " Slydethrifte" or Shovegrote Castle, 102. (games), 12. Stretfild, Thomas, 5, 10, 11. , 244. Stuborne, Richard, 8. Smalwode, Richard, 152. Styants Bottom, Seal Chart, 69, 70. , 269. Sutton by Dover, " Guide to the Smith, Edward, churchwarden of Parish Church," review, 298-299. Deal, 184 ; Thomas, 127, 131. Swan Inn, Deal, demolished, 288. Smithis, John, 142. Swan, Stephen, 85, 86; Sylvester, Smythe, John, 19 ; Simon, 2. 13. Snargate, Home family lands in, Swetyng, John, 24, 43. 160. Swynle, William de, King's wig- Manor, 245. maker, 224. SneU, Robert, 137. Syfelett, David, 41 ; John, 41 ; Snelle, Robert, 145. Thomas, 9 ; Richard, 9. Snydale, William, Rector of Ight- Syffiett, John, of Ightham, 84. ham, 26-27. Syflete, WiUiam, 8. Sohs, Thomas, 153. Symans (or Symonson) plan of Dover Somner, John, 209. Harbour, 122. Sparke, Geoffrey, 146. Symonsdon, Philip, 257. Speake, Geffery, 132. Symons, Robert, porter of North Speldhurst Church, arms of Chute gate, Canterbury, 213-214. family in, 160. Symonson, PhUip, m a p of Kent, 248 ; Sprankling, Mr., 208. biographical details, 272. Spread Eagle, Ightham, 80. Sympson, John, 206 ; Nicholas, Sreffe, Richard, 152. house in Precincts of Canterbxiry Stace, Richard, 135, 156. Cathedral, 205. Stale, Beatrix, 86. Staley family, 88-91 ; George, 3, 4; Walter, 5 ; WUUam, 3, 87. T Stalie, George, Ightham, 5 ; Richard, 86. Taddie, WUliam, 140. Stanfield, Ightham, 80. TaiUor, Thomas, Ightham, 2. Stangate, Borough Green, 80. TaUor, Francis, house in Precincts Starr House, Canterbury, 219. of Canterbury Cathedral, 215-216 ; Stawle, William, Ightham, 2. WiUiam, 140. Stawley, WiUiam, Wrotham, 2, 28, Talbott, John of Ightham, 86. 29. Tanner, Thomas, 160, Stebbing, W. P. D., Sir Gerald Tasseld, Richard, 127. Wollaston, and C. E. Woodruff, TassUl, Richard, 131. St. Leonards, Deal, 166-188. Taylor, Geoffrey, 19 ; John, 127,130, Stephin, Alice, 142. 131, 135, 142, 150, 154, 155; Steven, Richard, 35. William, 24. Stevenson, John, 140. Taylour, Thomas, 143. Steward, John, and rebuilding of Tebbs, Ightham, 47, 48, 49, 81. Dover Harbour, 110. Tebbs Copyhold (Oaldands), Ight- Stocks at Ightham, 12. ham, 47. Stonar, Medieval Discoveries at, by Tebold, John, 20 ; William, wife of, Bertram W. Pearce, 278-279. 10, 21. Stone Crofts, Ightham, 40, 81. Terry, John, 17, 47 ; WUliam, 9, 47. Stone Feild, Ightham, 81. Tenterden, Saxon Records of, by Stone Steps, Ightham, 81. Gordon Ward, M.D., 229-246. Stone, Thomas, 165. Tenterden Steeple legend, 237. GENERAL INDEX. 321 Thompson, Alexander, 7 ; John, his j Ventress, Thomas, detaUs of house in plan for rebuilding Dover Har- j Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral, bour, 110. 201. Thong Lane, Ightham, 81. Ventris, Mr., 215. Throp, John, 25, 27, 29, 42, 43, 44, Videau's house, 215. 46. Vossius, John, house in Precincts of Throppe, 10. ! Canterbury, 207. Thrupp, Richard, 86, 88. Tirry, John, borsholder of Ightham, W 34. Toke, Margaret, 162 ; Bridget, 162. Wade, Robert, 4. Toll, The, Ightham, 81. Waghan, Thomas, 141. Tonbridge, High Street widening, Walders, Ightham, 82. 290. WaUehacch, Ightham, 82. TovU, 276. WaUenberg, " Place Names of Kent " Towerby, Richard, and rebuUding of I and "Kentish Place Names," Dover Harbour, 110. review, 292-294. Town House, Ightham, 81 ; date of WaUer, Thomas, 129. buUding, 92. WaUope, Thomas, 140. Trelawneys, Borough Green, 81. Walmer, 267. Trenanion, Sir Nicholas, 182. Waltham, 266. Tresse, Reignold, 35. Walton, Thomas, 127, 134, 136, 145, Trevedik, Robert, 132. 148. Trice Lane, Ightham, 81. Wantsum Rover, 253. Trice Well, Ightham, origin of name, Ward, Gordon, M.D., Saxon Records 82. of Tenterden, 229-246. Trienstone (in Burmarsh) and Con- Ward, Christopher, rector of Cheri- stable of Dover Castle, 102. ton, 152 ; Robert, 7. True, John, engineer of Dover Warde, Robert, 7. Harbour, 116-116. Ware, Thomas, 10, 15, 35, 48, 49 ; Trunchmudle, Ightham, 82. William, 20. Trunte, Hythe, 151. Waren, William, 128. Tryce, John, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29, 40, Warin, WiUiam, 145, 147. 41, 42, 43. Warren, David, 10; John, 35; Tulke, Alice, 141. Margaret, 15 ; WiUiam, 35. Tunbridge, Edward, 6. Wasshe in Kenarton, 160. Turke, Robert, 42. Waterfield, Ightham, 82. Turner, John, 41, 42 ; Dr. Thomas, Waterfield, Spring, Ightham, 82. Dean of Canterbury, 197. Waterflash, Ightham, 82. Twinewood, Thomas, of Folkestone, Water Place, Ightham, 82. 150. Waters, WiUiam, Borough Green, 5. Tyler, Mr. Frank, 157. Wattes, WiUiam, 145. Tyrrie, William, 85. Weapons of assault, forfeiture of, 93. Webb, Ightham, 40. Webb, WiUiam, supervisor general of U Canterbury Cathedral Survey, 1650, 196 ; 2 ; 9 ; 220 ; wife of, 3. Usmer, Jane, 15. Webbs, Ightham, 82. Webbs Meade, Ightham, 82. Webbs Shaw, Ightham, 83. V Weike, Ightham, 83. Vaghan, Roger, 141. WeUar, Richard, 42, 94. VaUance, Aymer, Hollingbourne Weller, Richard, 8, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. Manor, and the Culpepers, 189- WeUington Basin, Dover, 121. 194. WeU Field, Ightham, 83. Vanhere, John, 134. WeUs, John, 2. Vassour, Agnes, 139. Westbrome, Robert, 139. Vaughan, Rowland, 200; Thomas, West Crowche, Ightham, 83. 138. Westhawke, Ashford, 160. 322 GENERAL INDEX.

Westhythe, 137 ; church, 139 ; WoUmer famUy, arms, 181. lands in, 144. Woolton, John, 188. Weston, WiUiam, 14, 16, 85. Wood, John, 6; Edward, 4; Wetherchocke, Ightham Mote, 40, Richard, 147. 83. Woodchurch, and Constable of White, James, 183 ; Leonard, 140 ; Dover Castle, 102 ; Home family Richard, 135 : Thomas, 132. 139. lands in, 160. Whitgrave, Edward, lease of Woodden, James, Leigh, 5 ; Lancelot, premises, 213. Wibarn, Roger, 141. 11. Wibarne, Richard, 152. Woodgate, Ightham, 40, 45. Wibern, Simon, 151. Woodland, John, 6. Wiborne, John, 7. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, The Parlia- Wigors, John, 152. mentary Survey of the Precincts of WUdbore, Sibyl, 37. Canterbury Cathedral in the Time Wilkes, James, 198. of the Commonwealth, 195-222. WUlard, John, 5, 6, 7 ; Walter, 5 ; Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, Sir Gerald WUUam, 8. Woods Wollaston, and W. P. D. WUlesborough, 267. Stebbing, St. Leonards, Deal, 167- WiUiams, John, 7, 22 ; Lewys, 7 ; 188. Henry, 212. Woods, WiUiam, 140. WiUiamson, Thomas, 7. Worde, Henry, 183. WUlmott, WUliam, 6. Wotton, Thomas, 105, 249. Winner, John, 13. WiUoughby, Bridget, 41 ; Percival, Wouldham, 254. Lord of the Manor of Ightham, Wrotham, 254 ; Hundred Court of, 33 ; Thomas, 33, 84. and Ightham View of Frank WUlyamsland, Ightham, 83. Pledge, 30, etc. Wilmington, and Constable of Dover Wulferich, John, 2. Castle, 102. Wyatt famUy, arms, 181. Winchelsea, 269. Wybarn, Richard, 2 1 . Winchfield, John, 156. Wyburnes, Ightham, 83. " WmdmUls in Sussex," review, 302- Wye, 254. 303. Wylde, Sir John, lease, 209-210; Wise, family, 178; Henry, of Dudley, detaUs of house in Pre- Sandwich, 178; Thomas, rector cincts of Canterbury, 208. of St. Alphage, Canterbury, 178. Wisefield, Ightham, 83. WymbyU, Hamo, 23, 26, 28 ; John, Wiseman, Thomas, 139. 46 ; Richard, 19 ; WUliam, 27. Wisfield, 40. Wyngaerde, Anthony Van der, draw- Wodde, George, 147. ing of Dover Harbour, 114. Wodegate, Ightham, 83. Wythfeld, Ightham, 83. Wodeland, Thomas, 143. Wolford, WiUiam, 44. Wollaston, Sir Gerald Woods, C. Eve- . Y leigh Woodruff, and W. P. D. Stebbing, St. Leonards, Deal, 167- Yong, Saunder, 134. 188. Yonge, WiUiam, 10.