QPIRG MCGILL WORKING GROUPS 2014-2015 Annual Reports Working Group Annual Reports 2014-2015 BARRIERE LAKE SOLIDARITY Annual Report 2014-2015 BLS is a volunteer collective that supports Barriere Lake, an Algonquin community 4 hours north of Montreal, which has been trying to regain control over their traditional territories, protect their forests from clear-cut logging, and fend off the canadian government’s interference in their traditional governance system. They do popular education, organize demonstrations and direct action, and are developing a community radio station on the reserve. Contact:
[email protected] In the past year, Barriere Lake Solidarity (BLS) has assisted the Algonquins of Barriere Lake on several fronts: raising awareness of the community’s struggle, media outreach, managing donations including emergency food relief, reintegration into the Algonquin Nation Secretariat, and participation in AFNQL Chief’s Assembly. EVENTS Honour Your Word, a documentary by Martha Stiegman that portrays life behind the barricades for the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, continued being used as an educational tool. The films were screened several times in the past year in Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax followed by discussions with community representatives, BLS members and the filmmaker. Last August, ABL community spokespeople took part in two events BLS organized at the first Peoples Social Forum held in Ottawa: a screening of Honour Your Word documentary, which we co-hosted with Cinema Politica; and a workshop on the Barriere Lake-Canada-Quebec’s Trilateral Agreement and Onakinakewin (ABL’s customary governance code). A week before Christmas, we learned that 28 families in the community have not received their social assistance for 3-6 months.