Full Guide for Adding Salesforce Chatter in Seesmic Desktop 2

How to install the Chatter Plugin

• Make sure you have Seesmic Desktop installed:

o http://seesmic.com/products/desktop

• You can download the plug in, by access the Seesmic MarketPlace.

• Then restart Seesmic Desktop 2 and go to the configuration panel to add Salesforce Chatter to the app.

How to add your Chatter account

• Open Options (on the left side, beneath the sidebar designed as a gear wheel) and access Accounts

o Select Salesforce Chatter, introduce the type of account which you have and the app will connect to chatter.com to retrieve acceptance of your credentials.

• There are three types of accounts which you can select:

o Productive – REGULAR USERS

o Test (Sandbox) – POWER USERS


o Additional Note: If you are using a Chatter Free with a CRM, you may not be able to log in Seesmic Desktop 2.

• Select the PRODUCTIVE type of account and the Salesforce pop-up will appear to allow credentials clearance.

o Introduce your username and password, click on sign in.

o A pop-up with Approve-Deny will appear. Select approve so Seesmic can have access to Chatter. Now, the account is added in the sidebar of accounts screen in settings.

o If you have forgotten your account credentials, click on Forgot Password. This will take you to another pop-up which will ask you for your username. After having introduced your username, an email will be delivered to your address with the necessary instructions to

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follow. Access the given URL, respond to the question which you have set for the account and activate the new password.

o Go to Seesmic Desktop 2 and retake the first steps: Options> Accounts> Salesforce Chatter> Type of account> Add Acc > Validate >Save.

o After you have added a new account, please restart Seesmic Desktop 2.

• If you wish to edit your account, select the Edit function from: Settings > Accounts > Salesforce Chatter. You can increase or decrease the refresh rate of the profile and groups. Press Save.

Below, are a series of screenshots which guide you through the installation steps:

• Adding account1:

• Introduce Credentials

1 Make sure that after you add a new account, you also restart Seesmic Desktop 2.

2 • Forgot Password

• Edit account

3 • Final look

4 Main Features of Chatter

For the general functions with Chatter, here are some of the things you can do with the Chatter plug in:

• View All Chatter

• Being able to write a chatter message within the column

• Being able to attach a file or link to a chatter message

• Being able to view comments and make comments

• View “To: me” any Chatter directed specifically to you

• View a list of People and Groups that you follow

• View Profile information on a user

• View Group information on a user

• View a list of other filters including All People and All groups.

All Chatter

o Displays all your messages in your Home Chatter Timeline

o Displays messages, files, comments, and links. Click on the message which you want to respond to and you can:

- Post a comment

- View the comments other users have given

- Copy the content of the message or translate (hover over the avatar)

o When you arrive at the end of the timeline, you press More and view the older entries.

o Two buttons at the top of each column:

- Refresh sign

- Closing button

o On top of the Home Column, you can update your status directly without having to go to the general posting bar.

5 o If you wish to move the column, you can grab the top side and drag and drop it in another position.

o Press the first bottom on the side of each column – Go to Top – to return to the most recent messages in the timeline. Scroll down through your timeline by selecting the column and pressing on the arrows on your keyboard.

To me

o Displays all your messages in your Home Chatter Timeline targeting you directly

o Displays messages, files, comments, links which are targeting you.

o You have the same abilities of using the column as in the previous description.

My People

o Displays all your contacts from Salesforce Chatter.

o On top of the column you can introduce the name of the Chatter user which you are looking for and view his profile.

o Press on the user’s name and you will have access to:

- Profile

- Most recent Updates

o When you select a precise user, you have at the top of the timeline a navigation screen which allows you to:

- View the entire name of the contact

- Go back to general view of Contacts

- Open in a New Column (it selects the profile of the user and also generates the All Contacts column)

- At the top of the column showing the user’s timeline, you can share information with the selected user

o When a contact is in a New Column, you have the possibility to:

- Refresh > To see if there are any other updates from the user

- Save in sidebar > you can view the profile constantly and the user’s online interactions.

6 o The All Contacts Column view contains the following information:

- Profile Picture > Press the Avatar and the Profile View of the user will be generated

- Timeline > All the updates sent from the user on Chatter.

o You have the same general abilities of using the column space as before.

My Groups

o Displays all the groups which you are part of on Salesforce Chatter.

o Press on an individual group and view the most recent activity from all the members.

o At the top of the timeline, you have a direct posting bar – sharing your thoughts with the selected community.

o Just as in any column, you can share your thoughts, comment on posts, or view the entire list of comments.

o In the General view of the Groups, you have:

- Member > Opens the profile view of the Group (public or private / un-follow or follow / description / members / recent updates)

- Timeline > The most recent updates from the members

o You have the same general abilities of using the column space as before.

Other Filters

o Displays the following categories:

- People

- Groups

- Files

- Accounts

- Cases

- Contacts

- Leads

7 - Opportunities

o At the top of the column you can share the information which you consider important and wish to share.

o Each section enumerated in the previous bullet, contains all the information from your profile, your attachments and identifying leads.

o You have the same general abilities of using the column space as before.

How to compose a Message

To compose a message, you have the STATUS POST BAR. You can individually select from the added accounts, the ones which you are interested in or simply Salesforce Chatter.

Abilities in the Posting Bar

o You have 140 character limit, signaled by the red letters which are shown in the right side of the posting panel.

o Posting to Chatter gives you the same abilities as in the other networks:

- Send an automated shortened message

- Choose the link-shortener: Bit.ly, IsGn, Migre.me

- Send images

- Translate the post and use “Shorten with Twitlonger”

o At the top of the timeline, you have a direct posting bar – sharing your thoughts with the selected community.

Posting directly from the Plug in

8 o In your Home Plug in Column you can have the ability to post your thoughts and share with your followers.

o You can add Files and Links.

- To add Files, simply press on the File button and browser through your device for the file at hand. You can also add a name and a description for the file as such in order to make it easier for your users to see.

- If you view your sent post and decide to include new information, you can select the Delete function which is noted in your posts, near the estimated hour.

o In the Contacts Column, on a selected user, you have the ability to share thoughts with the user and also make it public to the rest of your followers.

9 o In the Groups column, select a designated Group and you have the possibility to share with its members your ideas, and also make them public to the rest of your followers.

o In the Filters column, you have the possibility to consult all the information in your account and also share information.

10 How do I see and leave a comment?

o Select the post which you want to leave a comment on and press the Comment button at the end of each post.

o Write your comment and also view the ones which have been left by other users.

Settings in Seesmic Desktop 2 – Chatter Plug in

o Go to Options > Settings and select the Chatter Plug in.

o Select the Settings Panel in the Chatter Plug in and choose if you wish to see your comments in feeds.

11 o Go to Options>Accounts>Chatter>Edit and adjust the refresh interval of the app

Frequently Asked Questions

o How many Accounts can I add?

At the moment, you can only add one Chatter account. Seesmic Desktop 2 allows you to put together your entire online universe: multiple accounts, , LinkedIn, Ping.fm, , Foursquare and now Chatter.

o How can I provide Feedback on the Plug in?

For feedback, you are free to either write us directly on email (depending which Support Advocate you have been in contact with) or leave your thoughts on:

12 - Feedback Plugins:http://feedback.seesmic.com/forums/52485-plugins-seesmic- desktop-platform

- Feedback Seesmic Desktop 2: http://feedback.seesmic.com/forums/57952-seesmic- desktop-2

o In which other apps do you have Chatter included?

Chatter is the plug in which will be included on all our apps. At the moment, you can find it on: Seesmic for Android, Seesmic for and Seesmic Desktop 2.

o Where can developers go to implement new plug ins?

New plug ins can be developed by using the information found on: http://devwiki.seesmic.com/w/page/24441901/Getting-Started-with-the-Desktop-Plugin-SDK or reach out to us directly.