Dagstuhl Seminar 99351 August 29 - September 3 1999 Multimedia Database Support for Digital Libraries E. Bertino (Milano)
[email protected] A. Heuer (Rostock)
[email protected] T. Ozsu (Alberta)
[email protected] G. Saake (Magdeburg)
[email protected] Contents 1 Motivation 5 2 Agenda 7 3 Abstracts 11 4 Discussion Group Summaries 24 5 Other Participants 29 4 1 Motivation Digital libraries are a key technology of the coming years allowing the effective use of the Internet for research and personal information. National initiatives for digi- tal libraries have been started in several countries, including the DLI initiative in USA http://www-sal.cs.uiuc.edu/ sharad/cs491/dli.html, Global Info http://www.global- info.org/index.html.en in Germany, and comparable activities in Japan and other Euro- pean countries. A digital library allows the access to huge amounts of documents, where documents themselves have a considerably large size. This requires the use of advanced database technology for building a digital library. Besides text documents, a digital library contains multimedia documents of several kinds, for example audio documents, video sequences, digital maps and animations. All these document classes may have specific retrieval me- thods, storage requirements and Quality of Service parameters for using them in a digital library. The topic of the seminar is the support of such multimedia digital libraries by databa- se technology. This support includes object database technology for managing document structure, imprecise query technologies for example based on fuzzy logic, integration of information retrieval in database management, object-relational databases with multime- dia extensions, meta data management, and distributed storage.