Activity Report December 2017 the CARL SAGAN CENTER for RESEARCH Dr
Activity Report December 2017 THE CARL SAGAN CENTER FOR RESEARCH Dr. Nathalie A. Cabrol, Director 2 Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. Barge, L. M., F. C. Krause, J.-P. Jones, K. Billings, and P. Sobron, Geo-Electrodes and Fuel Cells for Simulating Hydrothermal Vent Environments, Astrobiology (submitted). 2. Cabrol, N.A. The coevolution of life & environment on Mars: An ecosystem perspective on the robotic exploration of biosignatures, Astrobiology, 18 (1), January 2018 (in press). The article will be on Open Access soon. 3. Cabrol, N.A. Introduction to From Habitability to Life on Mars, In: From Habitability to Life on Mars, Cabrol, N.A., and E. A. Grin, eds., Elsevier, in press. 4. Cabrol, N.A., E. A. Grin, P. Zippi, N. Noffke, and D. Winter, Evolution of Altiplanic Lake Habitats and Biosignatures at the Pleistocene/Holocene Transition, In: From Habitability to Life on Mars, Cabrol, N.A., and E. A. Grin, eds., Elsevier, in press. 5. Etcheverria, A., et al., (including Cabrol, N.A.). Discrepancies in microbial and limnological response to climate change of close-related Andean oligotrophic lakes triggered by watershed characteristics. Geobiology, 2017 (in press). 6. Hendler NP, Pinilla P, Pascucci I, Pohl A, Mulders G, et al., including Hollenbach D (2017) A likely planet-induced gap in the disk around T Cha. Accepted to MNRAS letters. 7. Iuvan, I. G., Lendl, M., Cubillos, P. E., Tregloan-Reed, J., Lammer, H., Guenther, E. W., and Hanslmeier, A. Pytranspot – A tool for multiband light curve modeling of planetary transits and stellar spots. A&A, in press: 8.
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