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Red a M Register "f I RED AM REGISTER ( VOLUME LXVD^NCX 6.- RED BA&& N. ^THURSDAY, AUGUST 1,1946. SECTION ONE-PAGES' *\k.±. <)O Rumson Show Place Funds To Protect Trailer Permit Boro Bus Company St. Mary's Honors? ** . • • • - Shore Highways To Roads, Streets Is Granted To Get* Four New Buses Congressman James C. Auchin- Two 39>passsnger Fords and two Of Nine Acres Sold cwis of Rumson today expressed 33-pawenger Reos, have recently Monsignor his great satisfaction that H. R. InMiddletown Belford Woman completed . the deliveries of new \& SOX has passed the Senate, with buses expected this year by the certain amendments, which have Ordinance Naming Middletown Committee Boro Bus company <>t Globe court Ray VanHorn Sells "Invermay" To been accepted by the House, which With the addition of these four, Bishop Griffin, Father Gillis would permit a contribution' by the Thoroughfares Passes Clarifies Plumbing after a year's delay, the concern's Federal governments toward the re- total; fleet has swelled to 48 ve- Mr. And Mrs. Wilbur A. Killeen pair of a sea wall to protect any First Reading Practice* hicles, 3$ of which are new. Seven- Deliver Principal Addresses publio highway from erosion by teen of the late models are Fords, waves and currents, and also for ' Two former curates -who "Invermiy," one of Rumson's The' Hlddletown township com- A license to place and occupy her 'the reft ire Reos, and all of them nationally known In the Cal most beautiful country estates, has the protection thereof by the build- are equipped with the most modern ing of an artificial beach. mittee Thursday passed on first $2,800 trailer on the property of Hazlet Firemen hierarchy lauded Monsignor been bought by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Large Ocean Co. reading an ordinance appropriating William C. Helmuth, Belford, w safety and ventilation devices. A 11am, J. McConnell Friday nip bur A. Killen of Little Silver, from These amendments will have di- |S8,000 for road repairs within the granted to Mrs. Anna Holt of Cali- special Improvement'In the design parishioners of St Mary's cl Mrs. Violet Gtemby of New York Farm To Go To rect bearing on the condition along next year. Various roads and fornia Thursday by. the Mlddletown of the buses Is that their bodies are Realize $13,000 New Monmouth, presented and Rumson, through the office of the Jersey shore and should be of streets were designated in the ordi- township committee. At the same aluminum, rather tban steel. The pastor with a colorful and impri Say Van Horn Agency, realtors of great help to the state and com- nance to be graveled and treated time the committee recommended company has announced that with slve double testimonial on the oei River Road, Fair Haven. Highest Bidder munities affected. wltl) tar or asphaltlc oil and later that differences between the' trailer the bringing of its fleet to full On Annual Fair ston of his golden jubilee in Mr. Killen Is treasurer of the The bill now goes before the covered With stone or pea gravel. owners and John Leivonen, also of strength, It is prepared for special priesthood and bis investiture John Morgan Corporation of New President for his signature, and it Belford, be Ironed out at their con- charter work anywhere in the the purple robes of his newly York, the oldest manufacturers of Is hoped that it will become law The roads, streets and other thor- country. Charles Kelly Of B. G. Coats To Sell oughfares are Chapel Hill road venience; Mr. Leivonen had opposed quired ofB.ce. '• "SB »ginger ale and club soda in the without any further delay. the issuance of the license on the Most Rev. William A,' , United States. from ©"Flaherty's store to Chapel Nutswamp Road Wins 76-Acre Farm Near Hill; cut-off road from Chapel BUI grounds that the trailer obstructed bishop ot Trenton, and Rev, Jame Located on the west side of Jackson's Mills to Hosford avenue; Highland ave- the view from his residence. Junior Chamber Plymouth Sedan H Gillis, noted radio lecturer, '-Buena Vista avenue near Rumson Radio Singers nue, Leonardo, from Thompson Mr. Leivonen asked The Register tor of The Catholic World , Road, extending through to Con- avenue to Appleton avenue; Glen- last week to clarify a statement member of the Paulist Fathers over Lane, this beautiful nine-acre Another o large auction sal* _ To Hold Dinner The most successful fair in the der, were the principal Bpeake property is adjacent to the country mary avenue, Leonardo, from Cen- made In a previous news account history of the Hazlet fire company Ocean county Is scheduled for To Be Heard At ter avenue to Highland avenue; that he had Injected personalities Bishop Griffin served as summe! estates of the late Robert H. Mc- Saturday, August 17, when the 7ft- ended Saturday night on the fair assistant for nine of the 27 _Carter, Dr. Victor Llndlahr, H. Lakeside avenue, Naveslnk; Ocean into the trailer argument before Next Wednesday grounds, route 35, near Keyport, the monsignor was pastor of acre farm of John Smatusek, form- View avenue, Belford, from East the township committee. He asked "DInsmore Banks and Thornton erly the Frank Applegate farm, Methodist Church with the awarding of a new Ply- Rose's church, Belmar. Father ( Farms, owned by the estate of J. road to Tenth street, and East End that It be' made clear that it was mouth sedan to Charles "Cap" Kel- Us also assisted the monsignor,. will be sold under the direction of avenue, Belford, from East road to his lawyer who did it and not he. To Receive Charter Horace Harding. B. Q. Coats, auctioneer, of Long ly of Nutswamp road,, Mlddletown that parish for several years du During the past" years "Inver- To Appear August 20 Eighth street He also asked that it be brought township, formerly of Everett. The ing the summer months. Branch. out that when Mrs. Holt mentioned Induct New Officers lucky share number was 58,686. may" has been the home of well- The farm Is located on Black Also Broadway, Port Monmoutb, In starting the ceremonies, 1 , known owners Including Ira Bar- In Interest Of Vets' t:> from Main street, Belford, to Main about neighbors offering the use of The gross receipts of the fair were Crow road, one-half mile south and their property for her trailer, he At First Function approximately $13,000. bishop celebrated a rows, Thomas N. McCarter, and one mile east of Jackson's Milk. Hospital Programs street, Port Monmouth; Chestnut diction of the Blessed ~ Warren Ackerman. These owners street Fort Monmouth, from Wil- stepped up to offer a location on Consolation prizes Saturday were assisted by Father Gillis and 1 Five acres of the farm is in th*ber his property. It was at this point, The Red Bank Community Jun- have all contributed to the develop- pasture, 82 acres is under cultiva- son avenue to Main street; Shore awarded to C Mack, West Keans- Francis J. McCalllon *of Pii— ment of the magnificent grounds Richard Maxwell, one of the most Acre avenue. East Keanstrarg, from he said, when he entered the dis- ior Chamber of Commerce met burg; Moe Rathy, Keyport; Anne ville. Rev. Russell E. Lou; tion, 29 acres of woodland covered beloved characters of radio, and cussion. Monday night at the senior cham- Richmond, Belford, and Mrs. John : which include a sunken European with oaks and pines. There is Bray avenue east one block; Nave- of Spring Lake was master of ( . garden flanked by statuary with a Pat B. Withrow, Jr., national direc- slnk avenue, Bast Keansfeurg, from It was made dear In the pres- ber's offices In the Carlton building Pittinger of the Bronx, N. T. A monies and Rev. James F. Ml fresh water brook flowing through tor of the Veterans Hospital Pro- and announced plans for their surprise basket went to AI Gant, graceful marble fountain. There the farm that supplies water for Port Monmouth road to Atlantic ence of Carl Bachstadt, Bast of Atlantic Highlands was thurifi are wide lawns, specimen shade grams, an organization formed to avenue; Atlantic avenue,' East Keanaburg tavern owner, that charter night dinner, which will be Bradley Beach. Monsignor Emmett A. Monahan' the livestock. During the past few take clean entertainment in the vet- held next Wednesday at the Wll William P. Titus was chairman of trees of enormous size and variety, years Mr. 8matusek has developed Keansburg, from Port Monmouth hereafter when .township property Trenton was master of ceremi" boxwood and rose arbors. On erans"-hospitals as well as to give road to Sea Breeze way; Atlantic owners had plumbing work to do lowbrook Inn, Fair Haven. the fair committee. He was assist- to the bishop. The benedict; Buena Vista avenue a tall wrought the property into a high-grade radios to the wounded men, will be Harold R. Hounlhan, chairman ed by Edmund Carhart, treasurer; marked the first publio ap-. chicken farm and at the. present heard Tuesday night August 20, at avenue, Mlddletown, from county that they would either do It them- iron picket fence with large Iron road No. 7 to Penterman's corner selves or hire a licensed plumber ot the dinner committee, stated J. Carlton Cherry, Lester W. Bah- of Monsignor McConnell is entrance gates encloses the proper- time Is equipped for bousing 2,500 First Methodist church, Red Bank. that an Invitation to attend the af- renburg and Henry Warnock, pub- months, he having been taken c: chickens. to old county road; Conover lane; with a township permit This ap- ty.
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