John Einarson | 334 pages | 01 Jun 2010 | Outline Press Ltd | 9781906002312 | English | London, United Kingdom : Arthur Lee and the Book Of Love - The Authorized Biography of Arthur Lee

Jan 15, Rico Caraco rated it really liked it. Keith rated it really liked it Jul 14, She liked the idea, having wanted a book about Arthur to be done and done properly. John Einarson. . . Retrieved June 11, It did however hasten Arthur to begin to set down his own recollections in his own memoirs. What the heck is that? A federal appeals court in reversed the charge of negligent discharge of a firearm, as it found that the prosecutor at Lee's trial was guilty of misconduct. Had he pleaded guilty, Lee would have been sentenced to nine months in jail but he fought the case and lost. Retrieved May 23, January 1, Sort order. I also came to understand his insecurities, of which he had many that hindered his career. Not to be missed. All Time Top Albums 3rd ed. Spending a couple of hours with at his gorgeous Santa Monica penthouse reminiscing about Arthur as a loveable scoundrel. He did little national touring, he had contentious relationships with record companies, money disputes with bandmates and a mercurial habit of changing the lineup of the bands. I put together a proposal and we took it from there. London: Bauer Media Group. Honestly I just pick it up and scan from time to time. Another band is rehearsing in the auditorium! Visiting the Castle mansion awesome. . Redemption followed, culminating in an astonishing post- millennial comeback that found him playing Forever Changes to adoring multi-generational fans around the world. Their perspectives are all unique and offer further illumination and information. On August 3Arthur passed away, his memoirs uncompleted and unpublished. Encyclopedia of Popular Music. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Follow PKMBook. While UK journalist had published a biography under the Mojo Heroes series a few years ago it was a bit flawed and had a decidedly negative perspective on Arthur rather than a balanced one. The individual players shaped the sound of Love as much as Arthur, despite all the stories about Arthur teaching them all what to play. Lou rated it really liked it Mar 06, Writing for Rolling Stone inJim Bickhart regarded Forever Changes as Love's "most sophisticated album yet", applauding the orchestral arrangements and recording quality. Times. Lee attended Sixth Avenue Elementary School and excelled in athletics but was behind academically. However his recollections, insights and stories are a rare and exciting treat that Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love the story a personal touch, especially his childhood and the LA music scene. I also believe in letting those close to the story tell it. I don't really get him from what I've read in this book but then I knew him very well. Narcotic meltdown, barely contained fury both musical and otherwise, the totemic presence of bandleader Arthur Lee is the breathing heart of the 'Book of Love' and this is a recommended read for fans of the band and of the period. Filip rated it really liked it Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love 17, Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love Retrieved 25 April He got a lot wrong because so much misinformation was given to him. Having access to these documents including contracts, letters, lyrics to unfinished songs, legal documents, emails, photos, interviews, personal thoughts as well as all the court documents related to his trial and appeal was a treasure trove for my research and a bonus to the book. Details if other :. Many of those I interviewed have never been on record before about their insights and experiences with either Arthur or Love and those who have been interviewed before opened up in a way they had never before done. Par for the course. I also remember looking at green corduroy bell-bottom pants. Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love January 29, Infollowing his release from prison and the acclaimed Forever Changes concert tour, Arthur Lee decided it was time he wrote his memoirs. It is Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love good story Return to Book Page. Arthur was Arthur; he had his ups and downs. September 22, Among other charming deeds, he screwed sidekick Bryan Maclean out of his royalties for the Love songs Maclean wrote. Checkout Cart Customer Service. Mark Nichols rated it really liked it Apr 24, Eventually, the others couldn't cut it". Tommy rated it it was amazing Sep 23, The books will be for sale and there will be snacks and drinks for all. This is Arthur Lee's "authorized" biography and Forever Changes: Arthur Lee and the Book of Love still comes off as a complete bastard, an egomaniacal ripoff artist. Few artists came claim to have come from a prison cell to the Royal Festival Hall. Frustrated by what he considered flawed, exaggerated, and generally inaccurate published accounts of his life, Arthur was determined to set the record straight. No, not at all. June 18, Forever Changes had only moderate success in the album charts when it was first released inbut it has since become recognized as one of the greatest albums ever made. Views Read Edit View history.