
Alcohol and Health 'Spread' Community toolkit Campaign assets and resources for you to use in your community and workplace. October 2020

The resources and materials within this toolkit are designed for the purpose of supporting local and other drug prevention and health promotion activities in Western Australia. These materials should not be used in such a way or associated with a brand, service or organisation that may reduce the effectiveness and/or integrity of the materials; may damage the reputation of the Alcohol.Think Again brand, or supports, promotes or utilises sponsorship by companies that produce or promote alcohol beverage products or brands. Contact your Community Support and Development Program team member for assistance interpreting the appropriate use of these materials. Contents






This toolkit provides information, campaign materials and ideas The Alcohol.Think Again public education program aims Key messages of strategies for professional and community groups to assist in to reduce alcohol-related harm in the Western Australian • Alcohol causes cancer. decreasing risky drinking in Western Australia. community by using a mass reach social marketing strategy to • Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk. provide information about health risks from drinking alcohol, These resources have been developed to assist you to extend consistent with the National Health and Medical Research Council. the reach of the campaign in your community using materials Target audience consistent with the statewide Alcohol.Think Again, Alcohol and The 'Spread' campaign aims to reduce risky alcohol use Western Australian drinkers aged between 25 and 54 years. Health campaign titled 'Spread’ which launched in October 2020. by increasing awareness of alcohol-caused cancer. As a local stakeholder, you may wish to use one or all of the The campaign is consistent with evidence that suggests alcohol Campaign objectives supplied materials and strategies in this toolkit. You are in the causes cancer in at least seven sites of the body, including breast, • Increase awareness and belief among the target audience best position to determine which activities will work best in your liver, bowel, throat and mouth, and the risk of developing alcohol- that alcohol causes cancer and other diseases. community. caused cancer increases in line with the amount of alcohol • Increase the proportion of the target audience who consider consumed. The Mental Health Commission (MHC) is happy to offer assistance it worthwhile to reduce their drinking to reduce the risk of and support to implement the materials as requested. Please The 'Spread' campaign was initially developed in 2010 by the alcohol-caused cancer and other diseases. contact the Community Support and Development Programs former Drug and Alcohol Office. Following its launch in 2010, • Increase the proportion of the target audience who are Team at [email protected]. the ‘Spread’ advertisement received international recognition for aware of ways to reduce their drinking. its ability to achieve behaviour change. An independent study • Increase the proportion of high-risk* drinkers who take some in 2018 compared 83 alcohol education ads from around the action to reduce their drinking. world and found that ‘Spread’ was the ad most likely to motivate drinkers to reduce their alcohol use. * High risk drinkers are defined as those who drink above the current National Health and Medical Research Council (2009) Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Alcohol, The re-run of the 'Spread' campaign across 2020 and 2021 is part for single occasion and lifetime harm. of a collaborative initiative between the MHC and Cancer Council WA.


This content can be used for public relations opportunities such as media statements, interviews or newspaper articles. 01 02 03 Alcohol causes cancer in seven sites of One person dies every third day from Reducing your drinking will reduce your risk of the body. alcohol-caused cancer in Western Australia. alcohol-caused cancer. Alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, which means there Alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen and is linked to There is strong evidence that alcohol is a cause of cancer in is no doubt it causes cancer, just like tobacco and asbestos. more than 200 diseases, including at least seven types of cancer. seven sites of the body. Once swallowed, alcohol is broken down into acetaldehyde, Almost one in five (17.2%) Western Australians aged 14 years The less alcohol you drink, the lower your risk of developing an and both alcohol and acetaldehyde can damage the cells in the and older drank more than two standard drinks per day on alcohol-caused cancer. Making small changes to your alcohol body, forming cancer. average in 2019. This equates to approximately 400,000 Western use can help reduce your risk. Australian's drinking at levels likely to cause long-term health There is strong evidence that drinking any type of alcohol To reduce how much and how often you drink, try: harms, including cancer. increases the risk of cancer in at least seven sites of the body, • Having a few alcohol-free days each week. including mouth, throat, breast, liver and bowel. In Western Australia, one person was hospitalised every 26 minutes for an alcohol-attributable condition in 2018. In • Keeping track of your drinking by counting your drinks. Research has found there is no safe level of alcohol use, and the 2017, 154 Western Australian's died from alcohol-caused cancer, risk of developing an alcohol-caused cancer increases with the • Swapping to low or no alcohol alternatives. equating to one life lost every third day. amount and frequency of alcohol use. • Limiting how much alcohol you keep in the house. Over the next 25 years, if Australian's limited their drinking to no Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk of alcohol-caused more than two standard drinks per day, almost 30,000 cases of • Changing up your routine to include more activities that cancer. cancer could be prevented. don’t involve alcohol. For more information and tips, head to For more information and tips to reduce your drinking, head to For more practical ways to reduce your drinking, head to alcoholthinkagain.com.au alcoholthinkagain.com.au alcoholthinkagain.com.au

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 5 Statewide campaign schedule











30 and 15 seconds

30 and 15 seconds


ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 7 Resources to use locally


Alcohol causes cancer Seven sites of the body Risk Alcohol-free days tip Count your drinks tip

TIP! Post these short, 6-second videos on your social media,

or share them from the CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Alcohol.Think Again social pages. THE VIDEOS

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 8 Resources to use locally


Try having a few alcohol free days each Alcohol causes cancer in 7 sites of the Keep track of your drinking by counting week. Reduce your drinking to reduce body- mouth, throat, oesophagus, your drinks. Every drink you don't have your risk of alcohol-caused cancer. liver, bowel, rectum and female breast. reduces your risk of alcohol-caused Reduce your drinking to reduce your cancer. risk of alcohol-caused cancer.

Alcohol causes Keep track of your drinking Have a few by counting your drinks. alcohol free days Every drink you don’t have each week. reduces your risk. TIP! Post these short, 6-second Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk. videos on your social media,

or share them from the CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Alcohol.Think Again social pages. THE IMAGES

LINK TO: LINK TO: LINK TO: alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-health/ alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-health/ alcoholthinkagain.com.au/alcohol-your-health/ tips-to-reduce-your-drinking/ alcohol-and-your-long-term-health/alcohol- tips-to-reduce-your-drinking/ and-cancer/

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 9 Resources to use locally


Alcohol causes cancer Alcohol causes Reduce your drinking cancer in 7 sites to reduce your risk. of the body. Making small changes to your drinking in 7 sites of the body. can help reduce your risk of developing alcohol-caused cancers. There is strong evidence that alcohol causes How does alcohol cancer in at least seven sites of the body. Have a few alcohol-free days each week. In Western Australia, one person dies Having alcohol-free days each week will help you stay cause cancer? Mouth, throat and oesophagus healthy and break bad habits. If you’re already having alcohol-free days each week, try to add another. Head every third day from alcohol-caused cancer. Alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, Alcohol damages the cells lining the online to alcoholthinkagain.com.au to see the benefits which means there is no doubt it causes cancer, mouth, throat (pharynx and larynx) and of reducing how many times a week you drink by just like tobacco and asbestos. oesophagus as it enters the mouth and using the ‘drinking levels and your risk’ tool. is swallowed, causing cancer in these The risk of developing an alcohol-caused Keep track of your drinking by counting cancer increases with the amount and parts of the body. your drinks. frequency of alcohol use. Mouth, throat Female breast Actively counting how many drinks you have each There are many ways alcohol can cause cancer. drinking occasion can contribute to reduced alcohol and oesophagus There are a number of potential ways 1. Alcohol is broken down in the body and forms use overall. If you haven’t tried counting your drinks Alcohol damages the cells lining the acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a cell poison that alcohol causes breast cancer in before, give it a go. If you’ve adopted this strategy mouth, throat (pharynx and larynx) and carcinogen (cancer-causing agent), and females, including by increasing the occasionally before, try to do so more frequently. Alcohol causes damages cells by disrupting our DNA. levels of hormones in the blood. and oesophagus as it enters the Swap to low or no alcohol alternatives. 2. Alcohol can cause direct tissue damage in the mouth and is swallowed, causing Liver Low and no alcohol products can be a good cancer in these parts of the body. mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, colon and liver. alternative for people who want to reduce their Female breast 3. Alcohol also increases the ability of other The liver is responsible for breaking down drinking – they have the same or similar taste but Cancers of the mouth, throat and carcinogens (such as tobacco) to cause damage alcohol in the body, which results in the contain less alcohol. There are a number of potential oesophagus combined accounted to cells in the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde. Limit how much alcohol you keep in the house. ways that alcohol causes breast for almost 45% of all alcohol-caused colon and liver. Alcohol damages the liver by causing If it’s not there, you can’t drink it! If you’re not ready to cancer in females, including cancer hospitalisations in 2018. 4. Alcohol can influence hormone levels, a build-up of fat, inflammation and Alcohol scarring, which can lead to liver cancer. make your house a drink-free zone, avoid stocking up by increasing the levels of increasing cancer risk, particularly in the breast. In 2019, almost 1 in 5 Western Australians on alcohol at the next trip to the bottle shop. reported drinking at levels likely to cause them The more alcohol we buy, the more likely we are increases your hormones in the blood. 5. Alcohol can reduce folate absorption, which can long-term health harms. result in changes in the cell, potentially making Colon and rectum to drink it sooner than we had intended. The more Despite alcohol being attributed it more likely to become cancerous. Alcohol can cause cancer in the colon alcohol you buy, the more likely you are to drink it risk of cancer to more than 230 breast cancer sooner than intended. 6. Alcohol and many of the mixers (e.g. soft and rectum by multiple pathways hospitalisations in 2018, only including by acetaldehyde, damaging For more information and ways Reduce your drinking drink) we add are high in calories, which can In 2017, 642 people died Find ways to change your routine. DNA and stopping cells from 28% of Western Australians contribute to weight gain and obesity. Being from an alcohol condition to reduce your risk,If your head routine to includes relaxing with a drink, change to reduce your risk above a healthy weight increases the risk of repairing this damage. know about the alcohol and in Western Australia. alcoholthinkagain.com.auit up by going outside to get some fresh air and 13 different cancers. 642 breast cancer link. exercise. If pouring a glass of wine or having a beer Colon and rectum The less alcohol you drink, the lower your risk of in the evenings is your go-to, wait until dinner is Alcohol can cause cancer in the developing an alcohol-caused cancer. ready to have that first drink. Alcohol-caused cancer was responsible for almost colon and rectum by multiple pathways, including by acetaldehyde one in four damaging DNA and stopping cells of those deaths.

from repairing this damage. This equates to one alcohol-caused cancer In 2018, alcohol-caused colorectal death every third day. cancer accounted for 1 in 4 Liver cancer-related hospitalisations in WA. The liver is responsible for In 2018, Western Australians were the conversion of alcohol hospitalised a total of

to acetaldehyde, which is a This equates to cell poison. Alcohol also damages the liver by causing a build-up of 20,248 55 times for conditions hospitalisations fat, inflammation and scarring, caused by alcohol. every day. which can lead to liver cancer. Alcohol is responsible for 40% of all liver cancer cases in Australia. In 2018, more than 1,000 hospitalisations were due to an alcohol-caused cancer, equating 154 to three hospitalisations every day. Western Australians died from alcohol-caused cancer in 2017.

This resulted in At a cost of an estimated approximately 5,286 bed-days. $14 million.

3 Visit alcoholthinkagain.com.au for tips Western Australians Alcohol is converted to were hospitalised due to alcohol-caused cancer acetaldehyde in the body. each day in 2018. on how to reduce your drinking. Alcohol and acetaldehyde are Group 1 carcinogens, which means they are cancer Alcohol-caused cancer cost causing to humans. WA hospitals $14 m in 2018.

Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PDF FILES OF ALL PRINT RESOURCES

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 10 Resources to use locally


How alcohol increases your risk of cancer

Alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, which means there is Alcohol use in no doubt it causes cancer, just like tobacco and asbestos. Western Australia

Five ways alcohol can cause cancer. How can you reduce your risk of alcohol-caused cancer? Long-term harms from alcohol. 1. Alcohol is broken down in the body and forms acetaldehyde. Making small changes to your drinking can help reduce your risk. Acetaldehyde is a cell poison and human carcinogen (cancer- Try reducing how often and how much you drink by: causing agent), and damages cells by disrupting our DNA. Having a few alcohol-free days each week. 2. Alcohol can cause direct tissue damage and increases the Having alcohol-free days each week will help you stay healthy and ability of other carcinogens (such as tobacco) to cause damage TIP! break bad habits. If you’re already having alcohol-free days each to cells, in the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, colon and liver. week, try to add another. Head online to alcoholthinkagain.com.au 3. Alcohol can influence hormone levels, increasing cancer risk, to see the benefits of reducing how often you drink. Order hard copies from particularly in the breast. Alcohol is classified as aGroup 1 A significant proportion of Keeping track of your drinking by counting your drinks. 4. Alcohol can reduce folate absorption, which can result in carcinogen and is linked to more than West Australians drink alcohol the resource order form, or Actively counting how many drinks you have each drinking changes in the cell, potentially making it more likely to become 200 diseases, including 7 types of cancer. at high risk of long-term harm occasion can contribute to reduced alcohol use overall. cancerous. download print ready PDFs Swap to low or no alcohol alternatives. The more alcohol is drunk by Australians, 5. Alcohol and many of the mixers (e.g. soft drink) we add are the more harm individuals, families and our high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain and Low and no alcohol products are a good alternative for people who to distribute within your obesity . Being above a healthy weight increases the risk of want to reduce their drinking – they have the same or similar taste broader community experience. 13 different cancers. but contain less alcohol. Almost 1 in 5 (17.2%) Western Australians aged community. Did you know that alcohol causes cancer in 7 sites of the body? Limit how much alcohol you keep in the house. 14 years and older drank more than two standard Alcohol causes drinks per day on average in 2019.4 This means that If it’s not there, you can’t drink it! If you’re not ready to make your There is strong evidence that drinking any type of alcohol (wine, beer around 400,000 Western Australians drank at levels and spirits) is a cause of cancer in seven sites of the body, including house a drink-free zone, avoid stocking up on alcohol at the next 7 types of cancer considered to be harmful for their long-term health.4 mouth, throat, breast, liver and bowel. trip to the bottle shop. The more alcohol we buy, the more likely we are to drink it sooner than we had intended. Mouth and pharynx Mouth, throat and oesphagus Larynx Alcohol contributes significantly to a Finding ways to change your routine. Alcohol damages the cells lining the mouth, throat (pharynx and Oesophagus wide range of chronic diseases in WA larynx) and oesophagus as it enters the mouth and is swallowed, If your routine includes relaxing with a drink, change it up by going causing cancer in these parts of the body outside to get some fresh air and exercise. » Alcohol use contributes to the loss of healthy Female breast years of life, and the majority are a result of long- Breast term health harms such as cancer, cardiovascular There are a number of potential ways that alcohol causes breast disease and mental health conditions.5 cancer in females, including by increasing the levels of hormones in Are you the blood. at-risk of Liver » Nationally, alcohol causes around 3% of all cancers (equivalent to 3,500 cases each year).6 Liver alcohol- Almost 1 in 5 Western Australian’s The liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol in the body, » In 2018, Western Australians were hospitalised caused reported drinking more than two which results in the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde. The liver 8,045 times for long-term, alcohol-attributable standard drinks on any day in 2019, 7 breakdowns alcohol in three different ways, and all three ways lead cancer? conditions, equating to 22 per day. placing them at-risk of long-term Bowel to the conversion of alcohol into acetaldehyde. health harms. Each month in 2018, Western Australians were Alcohol damages the liver by causing a build-up of fat, The risk of developing an alcohol- hospitalised:7 inflammation and scarring, which can lead to liver cancer. caused cancer increases with the amount and frequency of alcohol use. Colon and rectum 41 times due to alcohol-caused liver disease Alcohol can cause cancer in the colon and rectum by multiple pathways, including by acetaldehyde damaging DNA and stopping For more information and ways to reduce your risk, head to cells from repairing this damage. times due to alcohol-caused cancers alcoholthinkagain.com.au 84 The more people drink over a lifetime, times due to alcohol-caused digestive the higher the risk of dying from alcohol- 109 related disease or injury.2,3 The less alcohol conditions Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk. a person drinks, the lower their risk of experiencing alcohol-caused disease.2,3 times due to alcohol-caused mental and 338 neurological disorders.

Alcohol and cancer Alcohol and long-term health harms Reduce your drinking to reduce your risk. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PDF FILES OF ALL PRINT RESOURCES

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 11 Resources to use locally


For more information about the link between , and tips to reduce drinking, visit the Alcohol.Think Again website.

Pages Alcohol and cancer Provides evidence-based information the mechanisms for how alcohol cancer is formed, and statistics of alcohol-caused cancer in Western Australia. Tips to reduce your drinking Provides a range of tips to help reduce the amount and frequency of use. 'Spread' campaign page Outlines campaign objectives and provides a central point to access campaign materials, including this Community Kit. Strong Spirit Strong Mind The Strong Spirirt Strong Mind website provides culturally secure information about TIP! alcohol and ways to reduce harm. Email signatures are an easy way Online tools to share the messages. Not sure how to use email CLICK TO What is a tool signatures? Instructions are DOWNLOAD provided in the downloads. Learn what a standard drink is in beer, wine and spirits, and how many standard drinks are in the drinks you typically pour. TIP! Drinking levels and your risk tool Click on the to be Use this two minute online tool to see the benefit of how reducing your drinking taken to the relevant can reduce your risk. web page.

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 12 Extending the campaign in your local community

The MHC encourages community groups and organisations to utilise the campaign materials and resources within this Community Kit to extend the campaign within local communities. The Alcohol.Think Again Style Guide provides guidance on YOU CAN ORDER HARD COPY RESOURCES FREE-OF-CHARGE BY DOWNLOADING THE how the brand and campaign assets should be used at a RESOURCE ORDER FORM. local level. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

The MHC is also supportive of community groups and organisations taking advantage of local media opportunities to further extend the reach of the campaign. Where bespoke assets (e.g. posters, radio advertising) are required, the MHC is happy to assist in their development where feasible. Any new communication assets that use the Alcohol.Think Again logo or messaging will need to be approved by the MHC. Please contact your Community Support & Development Programs team representative with the following information to support timely approval. 1. The purpose of the publication. 2. The target audience. 3. The key message you are intending to communicate. 4. Where/how the asset will be used. 5. How long will it be used for. 6. When you need approval by. CLICK TO EMAIL THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS TEAM.


01 02 03 Alcohol.Think Again Prevention Services Alcohol & Drug Support Line Visit the Alcohol.Think Again website for more Mental Health Commission For anyone concerned about their own or another information on campaigns and other alcohol-related Get in contact with a Community Support and person’s alcohol use or drug use. content. Development Programs member if you need help to A 24-hour, state-wide, confidential telephone service. alcoholthinkagain.com.au implement any of the campaign materials. Metro callers: (08) 9442 5000 (08) 6553 0600 Country callers only (toll-free): 1800 198 024 [email protected]

04 05 06 Cancer Council WA Alcohol Programs Team at Cancer Council Wungening Aboriginal Corporation WA Wungening Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Support Calling the 13 11 20 information and support line Services are a multidisciplinary team who have a strong connects you to the Cancer Council WA Cancer Nurses. The Cancer Council WA Alcohol Programs Team works focus on cultural security in service delivery for the They can provide anyone affected by cancer with to inform community discussion about alcohol issues community. confidential, accurate information and support on any with the aim of reducing the impact of alcohol on the cancer related concerns. They can also inform you of WA community, including as a cause of cancer. Together the team provide programs to Aboriginal services and programs. youth, families, men, women (and their children), schools Contact the team if you would like to discuss our work or and community groups and to Calls are confidential and available statewide Monday action on alcohol in WA. clients within prisons. to Friday 9am to 5pm. [email protected] wungening.com.au cancerwa.asn.au

ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN | COMMUNITY KIT 14 alcoholthinkagain.com.au