I-IONOURABLEATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION AND hIINISTER OF JUSTICE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE , >I,IRINA, LAGOS, NIGERIA P. M. B. No. 12517 HAGF/NCB/Vol.I Telcgmrns: Solicitor Rcf. No. Tclsphonc: 2634559 Tclc.~:22 I -: ~atc 16th February, 1996 The Registrar, International Court of Justice, Peace Palace 2517 KJ, The Hague, Netherlands. CAMEROONIAN GOVERNMENT FORCES NIGERIANS IN BAUSSI (DISPUTED TERRITORY) TO REGISTER AND VOTE IN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The controversy over ownership of the Bakassi Peninsular assumed a new dimension in 1994 when the Republic of Cameroon in total disregard of existing conflict resolution mechanisms for negotiated settlement invoked the jurisdiction of the Internation Court of Justice in May 1994. The Feaer~iXepublic of Nigeria as a law abiding and peace-loving nation had no option in the circumstances than to Join issues with Republic of Cameroon in the International Court of Justice. Consequently, in December 1995, Nigeria filed Preliminary Objections to the Nernorials submitted by the'~epub1icof Cameroon. The International Court of Justice at The Hague has since ordered Cameroon to file her Observations to the Preliminary Objections on or before the 15th Nay 1996. 2. It is highly regrettable that inspite of the above scenario, the Republic of Cameroon has continued to demonstrate reckless contempt for International Court of Justice by consistently embarking on actions that are not only provocative to the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a party to the dispute, but also undermines and diminishes the essence, authority and jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in a dispute that is subjudice. The municipal election of 21st January 1996 in Cameroon is the latest case in point.
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