HALE's SELF SERVE of Metz in Forefii of Mr

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HALE's SELF SERVE of Metz in Forefii of Mr '• V'*'" *■.% 04-4t-^-y • > ,.• , , r - . % - *4- *<■■''-*• \S. - t •i J \ ■ . f t > ■ J. ) it *>' -A-. ■ ' ' 'V ) yfrttwrBsittCT, srarTEumSEFTR, TfWp, 4 The Weather ^ 7- • Manchester Evening Herald .. Average .Dailr Chrealation Forecast of C. S.‘ WealMer Bureau j^C® r O X JE T E E S For tha Month of Attgoat, 1944 > ' ■ 1. serva this month as Interim or­ J - I' 1.^ Tba marriage ‘«f Mlaa Bernice Fair and elenr tonight and Fri­ Pfc. Norman Cohan has been ganist And director of music. 8,775 Arthur'^. Palmer of 12# Oak­ Scoltky, of S6 Winter atreet, to Church Back day. awarded tne Good Conduct R lb^n S^rffeant Leonard Welch of Hart, Coaching Confereoca Another Shipment! Member ot the Audit m t m land Street 18 viaitlng relativp* In bv hlH Co»nmandlM Offloar at the Mpmana. " ford, win take place l tomorrow Sunday evening the Board* of Buisan ot Clfeslatfoaa About Town Army All* Forcaa TacUcal Center, morning at 9 o’clock In St. James a Education has planned a coaching Orlando, Florida, where he waa re­ On Schedule ^ ^ Manchester—^A City of FiUage Charm The Moihera' Circle of S t Aime church. ^ j ____^ conference for all church achool ................. ------------------------------------- - cently cited for efficiency and teachera and officers. It will begin will meet tonight Sxewplary behavior. Also he was Imperial Hobnidl' (TWELVE PAGES) t^lCE THREE CtSI r Vfdinwinc the mid-week tejprtce Mia. John Prior, oi 8 HackmaUcK at 5 p. m.. with a meeting of the (Ulagalfled AdvertlUag Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1944 it tte cWn.nt-Con»regS{mi^ awarded an Expert Badge after Maln^Vtreet, haa received a letter VOL; LXin.kNO. 288 ■treeU' South Methodist to G^l, Board of Education and will be tonight i t firing a neaf perfect score In a SO from his brother. Marino, with the followed at 6:00 with a supper ftfr Cal. Carbine, competition. His , Back to Regular Scr\’- Attorney and Mr#. Fred Man­ U. S. Army In Italy. He la with all. Beginning at 7 there will be a Candlewick ning of Maple street will leave to- home la at 90 Seaman Circle and la Gen. Mark Clark’a Fifth Army ices on Sunday. two-hour study period In which moww for Dea Molnea. Iowa, the son o.' Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and-look part In the action at the teachers with the superintend­ High Spots on Fluid, Fast Moving Western Front where they will attend the 78th Cohen. Casablanca, Tunisia, Salerno and, . , . ents of each department will go Bedspreafis durj«g th€^ hours. Aniio Beach. He has been trans-1 The regular schedule of services over the .lessons and plans for Soviets Reported Yanks Pound Toward Encampment of the t^^and Army of the Republic; also Walter F. Lalley. of 24 Harvard ferred to a Replacefnent battalion. | resumed at the South coming months. The evening wl.l irolney Mproy. ot ^ * * 5 " “^ D.UaV.C.W# convention of NU^icn road, who la In the Navy on duty He write# that he receives The. church Sunday morn- close wilh a consecration service wlU lerve *■ tn the Pacific, has been advanced Herald regularly and enjoyi It. l for teachers and offlceta which 4 5 ^ 9 5 senior vice president. to Ooxsv/aln, a third class petty ing with Rev. W. Ralph W«rd. J r . '^ 7ed by Mr. Ward and held Fighting 90 Miles officer rating. His brother. Tliomas Seaman George Fro.st and his preaching the sermon at the ^.40j.^. in the sanctuary.sanctuary, Siegfr^ied Lin^ Fight| Ijilley’. of Noru'ood. Maas., also in wife, the former Barbara Babich, worship on the theme, ‘ Ko new case# of diaeaaea wer The Joint insUllatlon •"‘*,*Aort- •A Good paying the service of morning esre-buming ceremony of un- the Navy, is s third cla.sa petty of­ left by American Airlines for Cali- Begin.” The Church- vvorship a nursery for children ^fpocted from Manchester this ficer. He. too, is on Pacific duty. fomla last night. Seaman I* rost is ; I a M tim k according to the SUte worth-ComeU Post and Unit, pre­ school will open at 9:30 with class­ will be conducted by Miss Ethyle Outside Belgrade department bulletin. ceded by a supper, will t>e •’e'd at returning to duty and his wife will Lyttle. Parents are Invited to at­ the Legion Home, Leonard st^et, Announcement has been made make her home In California for a es for children, young people and 1 adults. At the morning worship tend worship and to leaVS th eir, s#nL 9 at 6:80. Will the members by officials of the Army Air while. small children In the nursery and into Fores X' FnSik J. Mansfield unit l«-orce.s Materiel Command st i I the music will be by the South, Believed Already to ! church _choir undgr the direction take the older (Aies to the worship i Marine Corps League Auxiliary Wright Field, Dayton. Ohio, of the| service. New German FLOOR LAYING who plan to attend get promotion of Joseph F. Krajewskl, io f Mrs. D. M- Bennett who will Have - Ferried Danube With Mr#. James E. Chace. 29 Main Lieut. (Chapman Patton's Army Rcaclig and samhng 125 Birch street. Manchester from ■ Juat what you’ve been waiting for! Be here early for Ih e ^ .And Reach Yugoslav Street, ao that she can inform tl^m the rank of private first class to Tank Beaten Reds' Paper nrflnlililng and Vtaxing. Gorgeous allover hobnail candlewick with Yank Patrols Nancy and Drive Esttanatea OiaiMy Given. „ to how many-'of our meml^™ the rMiI* °7 rorporsl. He has been Wins Proiiiolion Soil South of Iron are planning to attend . Call M . colors In, blue, peach, duiity rose, green, and all white. Full bed t e d SOl.VtM D stationed at Wright Field since Wedge into Outsl Chace at 6018. March 13, 1943. ^ size and a few single bed size. Gate Gorge Might Be By Russians Enter Prato; R aps P leas t e l e p h o n e 8264 Lieut. Norman A. Chapman, HALE'S SELF SERVE Of Metz in Forefii of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman, of i| .\ Using Parachutists. John Holden of The Ladles Missionary HoClety The OriRinal In New England! 39” TWO TONE Of West Wall; FI atreet who Is employed at the will meet tomorrow afternoon at 83 Scarborough road, has, been * Royal Tiger* Model Gains Slight F o r M ercy Manchester postoffice. Is recover- 2:30 at Emanuel Lutheran church. promoted from the rank of Second j I ______ ■* mg 5wm an operation for ap^n, Moscow, Sept. 7.—(/P)— Army Builds Up f o r t o p v a l u e Mrs. Theodore Palmer, president Lieutenant to First Lieutenant, It j Vanquished in Vistula wm Checked Taffeta Swift Russian troops were IN A NEW HOME dlcltla. -The operation ^ r of the Women’a'^ Missionary Soci­ haa been announced at an Eighth THURSDAY SPECIALS Win New Positions to id 75-Mile Ass formed last Saturday at St. Fran ety Of the New England Confer­ reported fighting within 90 Bridgehead Below Isvestia Criticizes Ap' A.A.F. Bomber Station In Eng- | FOKDT.OUSES — DRESSES — Line from Meui S ee the Ones Being Built By cU hospital. Hartford, ence, win give her report of the land. He Is a pilot on a B-17 Fly­ miles of Belgrade today and Warsaw During Fight. North of Highway to peals Said Made by Synodical convention held In the ing Fortress and a veteran of many Ideal Ball Glass Top Jars .TRIMMINGS were believed already to have early summer. It la hoped for a daylight bombing assaults over j 1 $ Lucca; British Push Pope^ Two Americans ' greenbrooke Beautiful, heavy quality in small checked 1.29 ferried the Danube and reach­ London, Sept. 7.- large attendance to hear this re­ Munich, Lelpslc and Berlin. Before , pattern In wine and blue, red and blue, and Moscow, Sept, 7 — — Ger­ HAVE _ port. The hoateaaea will be Mrm. entering tho Army Air Forces in Pints, 79c doz. Quarts, 89c doz. Yard ed Yugoslav soil south of the Meets Stiff Resistance. And Turkish Paper. Lieut. Gen. George S. Pfi h o m e s . INC deep blue and light blue. many’s newest tank—a 6S-ton VOrR HOT AIR f u r n a c e Harold McIntosh. Mrs. Edward |.jg4 2 Liegt. Chapman was employ- Iron Gate gorge where the reconditioned monster called a “Royal Tiger” — ton’s Third Army pour Miffitt, Mrs. Selma Olson, M rs.' |,y thp pratt and Whitney dlvU Bull Dog or Grown Rome, Sept. T.—(A')—Pfitrols of On Walker Street , FOR WINTER! CALL S966. mighty river cuts through has been battled and vanquished In Moscow, SepL 7 —(>P»—Izveatla, forward on a broad front John A. Olson, Mrs. O. Albert „f United Aircraft aa a mar the Transylvanian Alps. The Red the American Fifth Army entered Pearson and Mrs. Hugo Pearson, gjjine operator. official government newapaper;- ^ay toward the- showdc ■Tor fartaer aUonnatkw call wt 'Army mlffht be using parachute the Vistula bridgehead below War­ the road center of Prato in north­ ^ynaader Jarvl# Co. c«ce oa NORMAN BENTZ Jar Rubbers Hale’s Blanket Cluh saw, veterans of the Soviet ar­ criticized today pleaa for mercy battle of the Siegfried W troops In an effort to establish a ern Italy and won new - poaitiona Oanter street or at ts Alesaader The Ldcal Tliianilth A daughter waa born early yes­ junction with Marshal Tito a par- m or^ forces said today.
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    Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-18-1959 The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 18, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3680. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3680 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact msu.digitalcommons@murraystate.edu. !Li tkiettea As A Beet All Round Kentucky Community Newspapet The Full Largest Picture Circulation In The City of Kentucky Largest • Politics Circulation In - The County ( a'• United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon,218, 1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 195 QUAKE WREAKS HAVOC AT YELLOWSTONE • • Mrs. Zitell Goheen Two Killed, I Murray Flo.spital Five Big Power Failure In New York Receives Twenty-Five Terror Told Hurt In Bus Crash Dam In Danger Of Being • Award Monday's Year Service complete record fol- MT' PLk.ASANT Pi LH A OWE Paralyzes Area For Hours By Witness Greyhound bus crashed Into the wrecked- Residents Moved Out Cerisus 40 rear of a tractor-trailer on the A number of local home econ- %Adult Beth 65 ennsy1 vania Tu:nplke early to- dams as • By JOHN CAVANAUGH in two haurs. Other dealers were WEST YELLOWSTONE, Mont. Hebgen. These included omics teachers attended the home Emergency Beds 25 clay, killing two persons and in- Mont.
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