Feb 26, 2018 Issue 5
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/ VOLUME 145, ISSUE 5 MONDAY,Campus FEBRUARY 26, 2018 Times SERVING THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SINCE 1873 / campustimes.org Plans for Club Sports Rocky's Leaders Discussed Concerned By AYA ABDELRAHMAN By DAVID SCHILDKRAUT CONTRIBUTING WRITER FEATURES EDITOR If Rocky’s wasn’t there, Confused and concerned — what would you like to see in that’s how many club sports its place? presidents reacted to SA Sen- An ice cream shop, a taco ate’s recent decision not to place, or a spot for snacks and grant the Equestrian Team a appetizers were among stu- funding exception for next dent attendees’ answers at a year. forum held by Dining Servic- “The entire process that es and Wilson Commons Stu- happened last week was dis- dent Activities last Thursday ingenuous, including the about the future of Rocky’s voting, the abrupt end to the Sub Shop and Lounge. meeting,” senior David Meis- “We’ve noticed that ter, the president of the Club Rocky’s has some sort of Sports Council, said at last identity crisis,” said Laura Monday’s Senate meeting. Ballou, director of the Cam- “I felt like I needed to show AKIRA RANJAN SAH/ CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER pus Center and assistant dean up today in order to have my of student life operations. voice heard, because I could “We really believe that we Engineers Get Cheesy With It not have it heard last week. should get students’ feedback I feel like the 20 of you, 17, so we could know what the For engineering week, students competed by seeing who could build the tallest towers out of cheese puffs and tooth picks. deputy speaker, speaker, and next steps should be.” chief justice, should be ex- The possibility of having tremely disappointed in your- a pub or bar on campus in selves for not allowing the Rocky’s space was also dis- Eye to Eye Celebrates Learning Differences chance for a club that has cussed. been on campus for 26 years “We have a permit to serve By EFUA AGYARE-KUMI college. rors of reading aloud in class. to attempt to create a budget COPY EDITOR alcohol in the building so we “I knew I was able to do One particularly embarrass- to succeed.” can put a bar in there,” Ballou things as well as other kids if ing experience for her was Over the last week, the said. In honor of “Strike out I just had more time,” first- when she repeatedly read Campus Times reached out Dining Services and Wilson Stig-Month,” members of year Sarina Regehr, the sec- “Palestine” as “Pakistan,” to all student organizations Commons Student Activities UR Eye to Eye celebrated ond speaker, said. because she truly could not under the club sports budget are considering changes to their learning differences tell the difference. — 41, excluding the Eques- Rocky’s and Late Night Dou- and rejected the terminol- Regehr, who is dyslexic, Senior AnnaSerena Baum trian Team — and received glass based on student needs. ogy of disabilities this past did not receive her diagnosis poked fun at herself as she responses from 14 of their The plan is to make some Wednesday at their “Share until her senior year of high recalled the effects her lan- presidents. changes in these spaces ac- Your Story” event. school due to her high IQ and guage processing disorder Many felt uninformed or cording to students’ needs. “We want to show people grades. Previous examiners had on her childhood. Her said SA hadn’t talked to them Yet, only six students at- that it’s okay to talk about did not consider those traits disorder left her unable to about the funding situation. tended the forum. these things,” said senior and reflective of someone with a process phonics, which lim- But many opposed a propos- “If we get rid of the sub group president Macey Elli- learning disability. ited her ability to read and al from SA officials to repur- shop, we know we’ll have son of the inspiration behind “I felt really alone,” Re- learn new vocabulary. pose the money that would to put a sub shop somewhere the story-sharing event. gehr said. “I didn’t know “Whenever I didn’t know have gone to Equestrian to else on campus,” Director of Senior Stephanie Mendez what was different.” what a word meant, I just as- buy uniforms and hire an ad- Marketing of the Dining Ser- spoke first, sharing her story Junior Max Weismann sumed it meant nice,” Baum viser for all teams. vices David Feist said. “As a for the first time. She has an studies engineering and has said, eliciting laughter from “We feel that uniforms for programming space, Rocky’s executive function disorder Tourette’s syndrome. In his the crowd. our team are not as important hasn’t changed since Star- and confessed that she used story, Weismann expressed Ellison, who suffers from as maintaining a diverse cam- bucks was opened, 10 years to cheat on her elementary a tendency to feel over- dyscalculia, dyslexia, and pus atmosphere,” senior Jes- ago.” school math exams because whelmed and unable to un- auditory language process- sica Sowa, the club softball Attendees gave some feed- “adding was pretty hard.” derstand his emotions. ing disorder shared her story team president, said. “Each back on the services provided As she explained her symp- His story also stressed the last, explaining that she did club that exists adds to the in both Late Night Douglass toms, which include trouble importance of allies in deal- not speak until she was two. campus climate and exists and Rocky’s. starting assignments, diffi- ing with learning difficulties. After getting a 17 on her to fill a niche in this school. Some concerns were raised culty finding the right words Weismann emphasized the ACT test, she revealed, she Even though we desperately about the ordering system in to explain a situation, and critical role his high school did not expect to make it to need official uniforms, we Late Night Douglass being poor short term memory, it honors mathematics teacher college. Now, she will gradu- would hate to see other club inconvenient. became clear that the obsta- played in helping him devel- ate in the fall, after four years sports dissolve in order for “It would be better to pos- cles students with learning op strategies for school when of being actively involved in our needs to be met. If club sibly separate between where differences face are not unfa- he considered dropping the leadership and community sports don't stand up for each you order and where you pick miliar to the average person. class. organizations on campus. other, then who will?” the order,” said senior Gabri- But they are magnified in a Growing up with learning “Having a learning differ- Women’s Ultimate Frisbee elle Dimoff, who is also an way that makes conventional differences resulted in many ence is challenging,” Waye president, junior Stephanie intern for Dining Services. education challenging. embarrassing situations for said. “But it’s part of who I Busch, echoed that sentiment Some attendees said that That hasn’t stopped Men- students. am and I wouldn’t change a in a lengthy email, which also the lights are too bright in dez and others from accom- Junior Catherine Waye thing.” detailed her club’s concerns Rocky’s, which makes it a plishing goals: She is the shared memories of growing Agyare-Kumi is a member of with a slew of club sports less welcoming space. first in her family to attend up with dyslexia and the hor- the Class of 2021. rules made by SA. SEE ROCKY PAGE 2 SEE SA PAGE 2 INSIDE LAMBERTON DON'T FORGET TYLER, THE WITTIG REFLECTS CONSERVATORY SYRIA CREATOR REVIEW ON SEASON THIS CT PAGE 4 COMMUNITY PAGE 6 OPINIONS PAGE 8 CULTURE PAGE 12 SPORTS PAGE 2 / campustimes.org CAMPUS / MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2018 After SA Senate Decision, Club Sports Express Confusion SA FROM PAGE 1 be that at Club Sports meet- ings, from the Student Orga- “We don’t agree with SA’s nization Insider, or by some decisions to implement poli- other means, and have the cies without our input [and] opportunity to provide feed- then try to get rid of a club back. I believe that steps when they can’t follow their like this would help it feel implemented policies,” said like our elected officials are Busch, who explained that working with us rather than her team’s frustration with at us or above us, as it some- the new rules helped them times feels like they are.” to understand Equestrian’s Despite the confusion, the predicament. “Instead of re- club sports presidents made stricting club sports to fit one thing clear: They don’t into certain guidelines, the believe the new SA funding school needs to find a better guidelines for club sports way to provide the support should be the end-all-be-all. it promised to us when they “A budget cap makes sense recognized all of our clubs.” if you’re comparing bas- More than half of respon- ketball, baseball, and soc- ELISSA MOY/ CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER dents expressed concerns that cer perhaps, but the Eques- STUDENTS COMBAT STIGMA AGAINST LEARNING DISABILITIES they were under informed or trian Team is something kept in the dark about the entirely different,” said one Students gathered this past Wednesday at the “Share Your Story” event to discuss their personal stories and how they Equestrian situation. club sports president, who embraced them in honor of “Strike out Stig-Month.” “I didn’t know anything asked to remain anonymous.