Economy and Culture: S4C in Wales Present and Potential Economic Impacts Prepared for S4C by Welsh Economy Research Unit, Cardiff University University of Glamorgan March 2001 1 Economy and Culture: S4C in Wales Present and Potential Economic Impacts 2 1 Introduction 1.1 S4C owes its existence to the overwhelming conviction of the cultural importance of the broadcast medium. This medium faces radical changes as it moves from analogue to digital delivery, and the traditional paradigms collapse. The one certainty is that the transmission language of the future is digital. 1.2 Beyond that, the method of payment for viewing is changing in imaginative ways, with television licence-funded public service broadcasting under increasing pressure. The consumer already has choices regarding the point at which he/she makes the contract with the broadcaster; by purchasing programme schedules through the licence fee, then through set-top de- encryption hardware, and/or subscriptions for cable and satellite services. The contract can be extended further, once the hardware has been purchased and the technology option has been decided, through pay per view. 1.3 Analogue1 switch-off will be determined by the point at which access to digital is no longer considered by government to be unacceptably socially exclusive. Two tests will be employed; that digital services are transmitted to virtually all and that the equipment required can be afforded by virtually all. Both tests are expected to have been passed by 2006-2010. The impacts of these technological and market alterations to the economics of broadcasting are immensely complex. Still at the point of delivery, the television set and the personal computer are converging, with far-reaching impacts on consumer expectations from broadcast services, and indeed on society. 1.4 Technological change also infiltrates the economics of content provision and can then alter the distribution and type of activity within the sectors that provide broadcast material. For example, cameras are increasingly cheaper, lighter and more user friendly. Digital production mediums are more flexible and less subject to loss of quality. Post-production procedures are no longer the sole preserve of facility houses, as producing firms grow or consolidate. These factors together alter the speed, quality, and cost of programme making. 1.5 Technology has then imposed far-reaching pressures, as well as options, on those who deliver, receive and regulate broadcast material, in a manner that often appears to be hard to fully understand, and moreover, effectively control. Under the weight of these pressures and opportunities, it is easy to lose sight of the cultural importance of the broadcast medium and the burden of social responsibility. Indeed, the broadcast environment provides such relentless temptations for public exploitation at so many points in its process from government to the consumer that it is an industry that is uniquely dependent on having a strong guiding core of integrity. 1.6 The social, economic and political dimensions related to quality issues are no 1|Sky has already announced that analogue “switch-off” for their satellite services will be summer 2001. 3 easier to assimilate, and impinge on many levels. Quality can be perceived as driven up or down by economic responses to technology change, and a complexity of competitive or budgetary pressures in opposing directions. The activities of broadcasters can have a profound effect, both in terms of their economic contribution through the creation of broadcast material and its social impact on delivery. The extent of local impact may be a direct function of how far the broadcaster remit is skewed to the locality, and in a free market, the returns for such an emphasis may be significantly lower than a wider horizon. The following analysis will consider, in some detail, the direct and indirect consequences of the spending behaviour of the broadcaster and its suppliers. This is not to attach unimportance to the other key impacts of broadcasting on consumer behaviour, either directly through the effects of advertising or indirectly through effects on consumer tastes and preferences. The analysis of such impacts is, however, beyond the scope of this report. 1.7 While those responsible for broadcast policy and services are understandably preoccupied by the implications of technology and an unfolding future which demands ‘sprint or fall’ strategies, current programme quality cannot yet be separated from the broadcast heritage, with the base set by the excellence of programmes provided within the analogue public service framework. The explicit quality responsibilities attached to public money and the prerequisite statutory control has resulted in the provision of significant benchmarks for the subsequent independents to follow and compete with, albeit via a separate controlling body. Public funding and the maturity of the controlling framework has historically provided a medium for the pursuance and capture of excellence, and, as a result, broadcasting within the United Kingdom enjoys a world-wide reputation that is rarely attributed to its public sector origins. Crucially, the role of the BBC in setting public service benchmarks and enhancing the value people receive from the licence fee depends on its own public purse and the freedom it is given to exploit commercial opportunities. In a digital environment, there must be some questions regarding the share of audience time required to retain such influence on quality, and consequently the resources to achieve that. Moreover, reach may become more important than share in this advancing age; the latter inevitably declining amongst the clutter of channels. 1.8 It is worth noting that measures of quality are built on shifting sands, metamorphosing over time, as technology, values, expectations, information and even humour ever change their perspective. What was regarded as poor yesterday can gain a stamp of excellence today, while today’s techniques and content may seem absurd tomorrow. Classic qualities need time, at the very least, to be recognised. The notion of quality, in a broadcasting context, has to be a ‘now’ judgement and can never aspire to objectivity. ‘Quality’ issues are also perplexed by the choice of creative material and production team, as well as the earnings commanded by performers who have achieved real and perceived ‘audience power’. Spectrum scarcity allowed broadcasters to exert significant monopoly purchasing power over talent and programme rights. With abundance of spectrum comes increasing competition for talent and rights, 4 driving prices up. 1.9 Nor are quality issues confined to the broadcast product. The production of broadcast services, embracing programmes, film and a range of new outputs, requiring a high level of initiative, creativity, and transferable technical skills for which the returns are relatively high, has quality implications for economic development at the regional and sub-regional level; a feature which will be substantiated in this study. 1.10 S4C is a unique broadcaster with a remit unusual in the medium, to serve a discrete, limited, and exclusive audience who speak a minority language. Lying outside the framework of the television licence fee, but the recipient of substantial public funding and accountable to the S4C Authority, itself appointed by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, S4C must meet its remit to provide a wide range of high quality programmes satisfying general and eclectic tastes, all in the Welsh language, whilst also responding to the challenges and opportunities evidenced in the sector. 2 Project Objectives and Report Structure. 2.1 The principal objective of this report is to assess the current and potential contribution of S4C to the Welsh economy. However, the introductory discussion has signalled the complex context in which the report has been written – as a result, the study has been divided into five principal sections. The next section provides a detailed background for the study and addresses four themes: S4C’s remit and performance, the changing political and technological framework in which S4C’s activities take place, a brief review of the published literature and finally, the contemporary Welsh economy and the potential role of creative industries in its development. 2.2 Section four describes the methodology used to assess the direct and indirect economic impacts of S4C activity and the academic pedigree of this approach. The methods used to evaluate the qualitative and less easily measured effects of S4C are also described. Section five presents the findings of the quantitative assessment methodology, discusses a range of qualitative economic impacts on the Welsh economy, including the relationship between S4C and the independent sector and the implications for economic development, market opportunities and challenges. Section Six examines the implications of these findings presented in terms of opportunities and challenges, while section seven makes a series of practical and strategic recommendations. Conclusions are drawn in the final section. 3 Project Background 3.1.1 S4C Remit and Performance. The Welsh Fourth Channel Authority was established under the 1981 Broadcasting Act to satisfy the demand in Wales for a separate channel to broadcast Welsh language programmes and to increase the number and range of those programmes having particular regard to peak-time. Initially the Home Secretary and subsequently the
THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA Author: Gary Russell Number of Pages: 192 pages Published Date: 09 Dec 2009 Publisher: Ebury Publishing Publication Country: London, United Kingdom Language: English ISBN: 9781846077647 DOWNLOAD: THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA The Torchwood Encyclopedia PDF Book Whether this is your first pup or you are a seasoned dog-owner, the hints and tips in this concise guide are valuable and well informed. Contributions range from essays by renowned educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, Montessori, and Neill to the philosophical observations of Plato, Rousseau, Dewey, and Russell. Nanotribologicalpropertiessuchasroughness,friction,andadhesion are presented, as well as investigations of conditioner distribution, thickness, and bindinginteractions. Caring for Ties 12. Now that the government has been in power for more than 100 days, Black Gold Black Scorpion couldn't be timelier. This uniquely interdisciplinary study, located at the intersection of development economics, international investment law, and international human rights is written in an accessible language, and should attract the attention of anyone who cares about the role of private investment in supporting the efforts of poor countries to climb up the development ladder. Authors: Deborah Timmons (MCT, MCSE) came to the Microsoft technical field after six years in the adaptive technology arena, providing technology and training for persons with disabilities. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems BiologyThis book provides simultaneously a design blueprint, user guide, research agenda, and communication platform for current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to systems biology. Causey examines the elegiac nature of some of Lanyon's early work and asks to what extent his experience of war, death and physical destruction map onto his presentation of the imagery of western Cornwall.
House of Commons Welsh Affairs Committee S4C Written evidence - web List of written evidence 1 URDD 3 2 Hugh Evans 5 3 Ron Jones 6 4 Dr Simon Brooks 14 5 The Writers Guild of Great Britain 18 6 Mabon ap Gwynfor 23 7 Welsh Language Board 28 8 Ofcom 34 9 Professor Thomas P O’Malley, Aberystwth University 60 10 Tinopolis 64 11 Institute of Welsh Affairs 69 12 NUJ Parliamentary Group 76 13 Plaim Cymru 77 14 Welsh Language Society 85 15 NUJ and Bectu 94 16 DCMS 98 17 PACT 103 18 TAC 113 19 BBC 126 20 Mercator Institute for Media, Languages and Culture 132 21 Mr S.G. Jones 138 22 Alun Ffred Jones AM, Welsh Assembly Government 139 23 Celebrating Our Language 144 24 Peter Edwards and Huw Walters 146 2 Written evidence submitted by Urdd Gobaith Cymru In the opinion of Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Wales’ largest children and young people’s organisation with 50,000 members under the age of 25: • The provision of good-quality Welsh language programmes is fundamental to establishing a linguistic context for those who speak Welsh and who wish to learn it. • It is vital that this is funded to the necessary level. • A good partnership already exists between S4C and the Urdd, but the Urdd would be happy to co-operate and work with S4C to identify further opportunities for collaboration to offer opportunities for children and young people, thus developing new audiences. • We believe that decisions about the development of S4C should be made in Wales.
LEED V Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation
LEED v Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation Vera Straka1, Lilia Sousedova 2 1Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 2Graduating Student, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Abstract LEED is entrenched in North America as one of the most prominent green building certification standard. LEED is not without flaws. It is developing to address some of its shortcomings, namely related to the building performance over building’s life span. New emerging green building rating systems such as Living Building Challenge (LBC) are much stricter and go beyond the building itself. LBC does not only consider actual building performance rather than the predicted one but it addresses its context. It encompasses humane scale, universal access, social justice, health and urban agriculture. It is much closer to the concept of net zero energy and it is thriving for net zero environmental impact. LEED Gold and Platinum buildings are reaching high environmental standards and number of certified b buildings is increasing exponentially. In this paper, four case studies of the top rated LEED office buildings in Southern Ontario are investigated. Common categories of LEED points scored by these building are described and their comparison matrix is presented. The summary of the case studies is used to define a typical LEED building. This building is then evaluated for compliance with LBC and imperatives not met are investigated in order to determine what strategies would need to be adopted to improve the LEED design. The projects which are candidates for LCB designation are studies to assist with identification of differences. Paper concludes with the findings of this comparison and discussion on their implication.
One ITV ITV plc Corporate responsibility report 04 ITV plc Corporate responsibility report 04 Corporate responsibility and ITV ITV’s role in society is defined ITV is a commercial public service by the programmes we make broadcaster. That means we and broadcast. The highest produce programmes appealing ethical standards are essential to to a mass audience alongside maintaining the trust and approval programmes that fulfil a public of our audience. Detailed rules service function. ITV has three core apply to the editorial decisions public service priorities: national we take every day in making and international news, regional programmes and news bulletins news and an investment in and in this report we outline the high-quality UK-originated rules and the procedures in place programming. for delivering them. In 2004, we strengthened our longstanding commitment to ITV News by a major investment in the presentation style. Known as a Theatre of News the new format has won many plaudits and helped us to increase our audience. Researched and presented by some of the finest journalists in the world, the role of ITV News in providing accurate, impartial news to a mass audience is an important social function and one of which I am proud. Our regional news programmes apply the same editorial standards to regional news stories, helping communities to engage with local issues and reinforcing their sense of identity. Contents 02 Corporate responsibility management 04 On air – responsible programming – independent reporting – reflecting society – supporting communities – responsible advertising 14 Behind the scenes – encouraging creativity – our people – protecting the environment 24 About ITV – contacts and feedback Cover Image: 2004 saw the colourful celebration of a Hindu Wedding on Coronation Street, as Dev and Sunita got married.
Researching Digital on Screen Graphics Executive Sum M Ary
Researching Digital On Screen Graphics Executive Sum m ary Background In Spring 2010, the BBC commissioned independent market research company, Ipsos MediaCT to conduct research into what the general public, across the UK thought of Digital On Screen Graphics (DOGs) – the channel logos that are often in the corner of the TV screen. The research was conducted between 5th and 11th March, with a representative sample of 1,031 adults aged 15+. The research was conducted by interviewers in-home, using the Ipsos MORI Omnibus. The key findings from the research can be found below. Key Findings Do viewers notice DOGs? As one of our first questions we split our sample into random halves and showed both halves a typical image that they would see on TV. One was a very busy image, with a DOG present in the top left corner, the other image had much less going on, again with the DOG in the top left corner. We asked respondents what the first thing they noticed was, and then we asked what they second thing they noticed was. It was clear from the results that the DOGs did not tend to stand out on screen, with only 12% of those presented with the ‘less busy’ screen picking out the DOG (and even fewer, 7%, amongst those who saw the busy screen). Even when we had pointed out DOGs and talked to respondents specifically about them, 59% agreed that they ‘tend not to notice the logos’, with females and viewers over 55, the least likely to notice them according to our survey.
Anticipated acquisition by ITV plc of SDN Limited The OFT’s decision on reference under section 22(1) given on 15 August 2005. Full text of decision published 24 August 2005. PARTIES 1. ITV plc (ITV) is a vertically integrated broadcaster active in the acquisition and production of broadcasting content, the packaging of that content into channels (ITV1, ITV2, ITV3, ITV News, and Men and Motors) and the distribution of those channels on analogue and the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) platform. It has 48.5 per cent share ownership on Digital 3and4 limited, which holds the licence for Multiplex 2.1 2. SDN Limited (SDN) holds the licence for and operates Multiplex A, part of the DTT transmission system. It was jointly controlled by S4C, United Business Media and NTL. In the year ending 31 December 2003 it had a turnover of £7.76 million in the UK. TRANSACTION 3. On 27 April ITV acquired the entire shareholding in SDN, following the shareholders’ triggering of a buy out option. 4. The statutory deadline is 26 August. The administrative deadline has expired. JURISDICTION 5. As a result of this transaction ITV and SDN have ceased to be distinct. The parties overlap in the ownership of DTT multiplex licences and in the supply of multiplex capacity for pay-TV and commercial TV. The share of supply test in section 23 of the Enterprise Act 2002 (the Act) is met as they have 33 per cent of multiplex licences and at least 25 per cent of capacity available for both pay-TV and commercial TV in the UK.
S4C's Response to the Future Pricing of Spectrum Used for Terrestrial Broadcasting Consultation Introduction S4C Is a Statutor
S4C’s Response to the Future pricing of spectrum used for terrestrial broadcasting Consultation Introduction S4C is a statutory corporation originally established under the Broadcasting Act 1981 and now regulated by the Communications Act 2003 and the Broadcasting Act s1990 and 1996. S4C (Sianel Pedwar Cymru – the Welsh Fourth Channel, was established to provide a broad range of high quality and diverse programming in which a substantial proportion of the programmes shown are in Welsh. S4C currently broadcasts S4C on analogue, S4C Digidol and S4C2 on the digital platforms and the best of its content on broadband. On S4C analogue S4C broadcasts the best of Channel 4. S4C has a crucial role to play in providing entertainment and news through the Welsh language throughout Wales and beyond via its services. S4C is uniquely funded through a mixture of grant in aid and advertising and commercial revenue. It has an annual turnover of just over £95 million, and receives some programming from the BBC. During 2005 £8m was spent on carriage costs. Like the other established public service broadcasters, S4C is having to manage the technological challenges of switchover and the rise of other new platforms and other technological development that will become the norm over the next 10 years. S4C Digidol (the Welsh language only service) and S4C2 are currently carried on capacity reserved for S4C on Mux A (50% of the capacity in Wales is reserved for use by S4C Companies). S4C has always operated in a manner that ensures that it utilises that which it requires and frees up the capacity to ensure most efficient use.
Broadcasters' Liaison Group (BLG) Meeting– 13 November 2018 Note
Broadcasters’ Liaison Group (BLG) Meeting– 13 November 2018 Note of conclusions and action points ___________________________________________________________________________ Present: Ric Bailey (BBC), Tabby Karamat (BBC), Alasdair MacLeod (BBC Scotland) ,Iestyn Morris (S4C), Chris Wissun (ITV), Heather Jackson (Channel 4), Simon O’Brien (Channel 5), Joan Darroch (STV), Steven Ladurantaye (STV), Chris Hagan (UTV), Jacqueline McIntyre (BBC NI), Alice Hickey (BBC), Martin Forward (BBC Wales) Nick Powell (ITV Wales), Tim Burke (BBC), Janet Maclay (Channel Five), Craig Westwood (the Electoral Commission- observer member). Apologies: Rosalind Innes (BBC Scotland), Bill Ridley(Talksport), Jimmy Buckland ( Wireless), Jo Verrill (This is Global) and Rhys Evans (BBC Wales). The Group was joined by Adam Baxter from Ofcom. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 NOTES OF THE LAST MEETING Members did not have any comments on the notes from the last BLG annual meeting of 28 November 2017 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. These meeting notes do not purport to be a full record merely a note of the conclusions in action points. 2 RETROSPECTIVE FOR 2018 Local Elections The BLG noted that there had not been any particular issues in respect of the PEBs for the Local England Elections that took place on 3 May 2018. The BLG reflected on the PEB allocations where each broadcaster had come to their own decision in respect of allocation. PPBs The members discussed that in Northern Ireland two of the main parties (DUP and Sinn Fein) did not take up their PPB slots. This was not replicated in England. There was a discussion in respect of a complaint received by STV, and subsequently dismissed by Ofcom, where a MSP complained about another party’s PPB and the alleged resemblance to a living individual in that broadcast.
NEWYDDION DINAS TYDDEWI ST DAVIDS CITY NEWS Gaeaf 2020 Winter Mayor’s Letter and Christmas Greetings As this is my first letter, I would like to thank the Councillors for electing me as the Mayor with my wife Sylvia as Mayoress of St Davids City Council, supported by Councillor Alan York as the Deputy Mayor. I will endeavour to serve the local community during this unprecedented time to the best of my ability. I also take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Cllr Mike Chant and Mayoress Sue Chant for all the valuable community work they did and contributed to over the last two years. For those who do not know me, my formal Sikh name is Balbir Singh Sehmi, but I am known as Bira Sehmi. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya (pioneering Sikh family in East Africa last century). I was educated in Nairobi and London. I have worked in various well-known international architects’ practices in London, Surrey, and Hampshire. My wife is a local born farmer’s daughter (the late Perkin and Enid Jones) and I have been coming to St Davids since mid 1960’s. We have been full time residents since 2010 and I was elected as a City Councillor in May 2017. I am a committee member of St Davids Community Forum, Memory Cafe, Friends of Oriel y Parc and St Davids Historical Society. My interests are cooking, cricket and spiritual healing. Well what a year it has turned out be. This pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. During this pandemic, the local community has shown its strength and agility in assisting those who needed the most help in whichever way they could with their generous donations.
Welsh Athletics Milestones Recalled by Clive Williams 1860 John Chambers holds a sports meeting at Hafod House, Aberystwyth - probably the first record of an athletics meeting being held in Wales 1865 Chambers organises “athletic sports” at Aberystwyth. 1865 William Richards, born in “Glamorgan” sets a world record for the mile with 4 mins. 17 ¼ seconds. 1871 St. David’s College Lampeter and Llandovery College hold athletics “sports” meetings. 1875 Newport Athletic Club formed and holds “athletic sports.” 1877 Cardiff-born William Gale achieves the phenomenal deed of walking 1,500 miles in 1,000 hours. He was the world’s leading pedestrian. 1879 Llanfair Caereinion Powys-born George Dunning sets a world 40 miles record at Stamford Bridge of 4:50.12. 1880 Newport AC represented by Richard Mullock at the formation of the AAA at The Randolph Hotel, Oxford - Chambers also there. 1881 Dunning effectively sets an inaugural world record for the half-marathon when he runs 1:13.46 on a track at Stamford Bridge. The distance is actually 13 miles 440 yards, i.e. further than the designated half marathon distance of 13 miles 192.5 yards. 1881 Dunning becomes the first Welsh born athlete to win the (English) National cross country title. 1882 Roath (Cardiff) Harriers formed. They amalgamated with Birchgrove (Cardiff) Harriers in 1968 to form Cardiff AAC.1890. 1890 Will Parry, born in Buttington, near Welshpool wins the (English) National cross country title for a third successive year. 1893 First Welsh amateur track championships held as part of an open sports meeting. Just 2 events held - 100 yards and mile won by Charles Thomas (Reading AC) and Hugh Fairlamb (Roath).
Classic FM Relocates Lawrie Hallett MIBS reports on Classic FM’s move last year to GCAP’s London Radio Centre. Classic FM’s production studio at Leicester Square n 9 May 2006 the UK’s two largest only when this rival group was unable to June/July 1999 edition of Line Up.) commercial radio companies – the raise the considerable pre-launch capital Classic FM enhanced its presence on O Capital Radio Group and the GWR needed for its proposed service that the FM (it now has 42 transmitters across the Group – completed their merger to form contract was awarded instead to Classic FM country) as well as raising its profile GCap Media plc. Soon after its formation, as the runner-up in the contest. through involvement in the ‘Digital 1’ and doubtless recognising the potential cost Once it had the green-light, Classic FM national DAB multiplex. It has also savings and operational synergies which wasted little time in getting on-air in 1993, broadcast via the Sky satellite TV system should arise, it was decided to consolidate and its transmitter network quickly since 1999 and the same service is available the London departments under a single expanded to cover 82% of the total on Virgin’s digital cable system, the Tiscali roof. The chosen location was what had population – just over the 80% required by (formerly Home Choice) network and, of been the Capital Group’s Leicester Square the INR1 licence. The old GWR Group had course, via the Internet. headquarters, so the former GWR broadcast provided technical expertise and support stations as well as a newly combined for the fledgling national broadcaster, and in Location, Location, Location national sales team have all taken up 1997 it bought out the entire company.
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