Chancellor Test Protocol

Thank you to Peter Bell and as this description has been adopted from their document.

The aerobic system will provide a significant amount of the energy for actions on the field in a number of different field like , touch football and soccer. The aerobic system assists replenishment of the phosphocreatine stores during all low-intensity activities. In addition, it has been shown that players with a good level of aerobic conditioning are able to perform more high-intensity efforts during a game than those with lower levels because of the aerobic system’s influence on recovery!

A good way for touch players to develop the aerobic energy system is to develop ‘aerobic power’ which is a training method that will result in improving the anaerobic threshold. The anaerobic threshold is basically the maximal speed (or effort) that the player can maintain and still have no increase in lactate. At this speed or effort, lactate levels in the blood remain constant. Any increase in effort or speed above this level will cause lactate and its associated high acid levels to increase and if continued will mean the player slows right down and will be less effective. Further, GPS studies in the have shown that the constant acceleration and deceleration efforts, coupled with the forward then backward nature of activity and in particular, the eccentric muscle contractions involved, is the main fatiguing factor for touch footballers. In short, the higher the anaerobic threshold of a player the greater the work capacity of that individual will be

The Chancellor Test is a touch-specific test designed to provide feedback to elite players on their levels of aerobic power and is an alternative to other aerobic tests.

Protocol Set-up

0m 10m 20m 40m 60m




back back

Up Up and shuttles

1 Chancellor Test Protocol


The forwards running element is as follows (i.e. always running forwards):

• run up and back 0m-20m, • run up and back 0m-40m, • run up and back 0m-60m.

The up and back shuttles element consists of a set of 5 forwards and backwards running over 10m (i.e. facing forwards for the outward leg, and backwards running for the return leg).

Complete 5 reps of forwards running, with a set of up and back shuttles in between each rep of forwards running (i.e. four up and back shuttles). This is one set. The protocol is of 2 sets.

For clarity, one set is as follows:

1. 20/40/60m forwards running • + 5 x 10m up and back shuttles 2. 20/40/60m forwards running • + 5 x 10m up and back shuttles 3. 20/40/60m forwards running • + 5 x 10m up and back shuttles 4. 20/40/60m forwards running • + 5 x 10m up and back shuttles 5. 20/40/60m forwards running

Recovery time between each set is:

• 7 minutes for males; and • 7 minutes 30 seconds for females.

Time is recorded for both sets.