ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478


E. Yuzlikaeva

Tashkent State Pedagogical named after Nizami Yusuf Hos Hodzhib street, 100064, city, Uzbekistan [email protected]

The most difficult test of time may make and successfully overcome the nation and its leader, who devoted their lives to the acquisition of freedom, the right to live in a complex modern world be on equal terms, the ability to protect the bright future of the country and the interests of its people. In the sequential development of ideas, providing a great future for an independent country, laws «On Education» and «On the National Program for Training». These pieces of legislation to guarantee the possibility of continuous development, the full realization of abilities of the individual, creating conditions for safe, decent life. In harmony with this constantly evolving process has implemented a , which includes early childhood education, , vocational, , higher education, postgraduate education, training and skills development, non-formal education. Relevant question is whether this model of education is associated with the interests of man - his destiny and development of the country? We draw some comparisons, we compare the system of education and training, which operated in the recent past with the national model of education, more and more deeply now being put into our lives. As you know, over the Soviet era education system was organized in such a way that all students in large numbers received a secondary education, but the question remained open as this knowledge will be significant in the life of every individual will the graduate school to take its rightful place in society. After eleven years of schooling to students opened two ways. The first - to continue their studies at the university, as well as highly specialized school (so to have only 10 percent of all graduates). The second way - directly from working. The situation was quite problematic young person in the workplace, because they have not mastered any one specialty (in eleven secondary education development profession does not provide). By middle vocational schools (vocational school), to function at a time, people were treated to say the least, negative. School authorities are often scared of lazy students. Why? Because it was out of school, based on the authoritarian style, perform poorly, undisciplined students «referred» after the 8th grade in vocational school. Young people clearly did not imagine their future, living in a closed environment, and the resulting lack of credibility on the part of society to provide a half-hearted, indifferent, infantile dependency. Parents support their unemployed children. Young family often remained dependent on his father and mother. Analyzing the independent path of development of our country, it must be noted that with the strengthening of the state's economy, more and more increasing amount of funds allocated to education and training and the spiritual realm. In the interests of the individual, his talents and abilities, the state creates the necessary conditions and opportunities for the full development and full realization of the creative potential of every child, boys and girls. National education model ensures a consistent and continuous development of the individual age- appropriate. In early childhood education focuses on the recovery of the child, they first learn social skills, in preparation for the comprehensive schools. Already in the pre-school child, created a kind of competitive environment. Thus, the enrollment of children aged 6 years ahead of their peers in development, it awakens the inner responsibility, determination and commitment. Now children attending school at age 6, are 10-15 percent relative to the total number of children enrolled in grade 1. This fact shows that the structure and requirements of the national model of education had a positive impulse to the full realization of the parents are responsible for preparing the children to school, and in the end - to the harmonious development of the family and society.


General secondary education is directed to a meaningful display of the students own interests and capabilities, to create the necessary conditions for the correct choice of the path to the future. As a result, career guidance for the educational process of students formed the consciousness of the need to prepare for the next stage of education, the profession in the future, and increasing firm determination to go to the target. Specialized state educational institutions with intensive study of different disciplines, in areas of music, art, sports, organized according to the needs of young people with special talent. All this serves as a basis for developing the personality of their abilities, enhance intellectual capacity, which will allow young people and have to make a worthy contribution to the progressive development of their country. Specialized secondary and vocational education is recognized particularly valuable component of national education model. This type of education, the content and form is different from previous, successfully implemented in practice. It is extremely significant in terms of social and professional development of our youth. Why? First, all graduates who have received secondary education are covered by compulsory secondary special and professional education. Second, the students the opportunity to choose the next stage of education in accordance with their interests, talent and ability. Third, in the three years of study in vocational colleges, possessing extensive knowledge, skills and abilities to determine the selected professional direction and, more than that - having mastered several related disciplines, students receive certificates entitling them to fully work in a business or organization in accordance with a profession. If a young man wants to continue his education in a chosen direction, he has the opportunity to enroll in higher education institutions. Compare the features of young people who have received previous compulsory eleven-year education, and young professionals who have mastered at this time for 12 years a particular profession. Today, the younger generation are primarily interested in the issue of career development, improving their professional status through education. Youth tends to take its rightful place in society. Young men and women working in manufacturing plants, based on current technology, expertly manage complex technology, organize business activities, using the opportunities available to them, and in this respect are the example for his younger brothers and sisters. These facts convince us that started in Uzbekistan have made in terms of consciousness, thought, youth positive changes dramatically upgraded attitude that this process will continue and more and more improved. National education model created for each person equal conditions and opportunities for expansion of self-selection of its activities, its future development. In an academic high school student is in-depth knowledge and skills, which coincides with its purpose to continue in the near future of teaching in higher education institution in the chosen specialty. Today in Uzbekistan, to take a worthy place among the countries with the rapid development of the economy, with serious structural and qualitative changes: upgraded, technical and technological re-equipped operating companies, intensified the creation of new industries based on modern high technology and advanced equipment. Increasing demand for skilled workers. Subject to progress, ongoing labor market demand for qualified specialists organized a two-stage system of higher education, including a bachelor's and master's degrees that prepare highly qualified personnel. A specific feature of the master's of education is the focus of an independent scientific work. The following educational link, namely in postgraduate education, created opportunities for young people, who decided to deeply committed to acquire knowledge in the chosen direction, conduct scientific research on the issues, to put into practice the results. Due to rapid development in all spheres of society requires the systematic development specialists of modern knowledge, and skills. The system of training and retraining of personnel is designed to meet the relevant needs, provide ongoing high level of professional capacity of workers engaged in practical activities. Predetermined by nature so that human values a priority for every individual has to put their capabilities and abilities, in a word, the manifestation itself, that is, self-expression and self-realization. It is possible, if created at the appropriate level conditions and opportunities, a healthy environment. Then people will be able to direct their strength and potential for good things for society. National model of education is precisely directs the entire system of training to create the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the given and the preparation of highly knowledgeable and able professionals. Non-formal education provides additional opportunities for the further development of each individual according to its individual interests, talent and ability.

VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 5 95 ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478

In each family, in a peaceful, quiet country parents dream and do everything for their child to grow up healthy, studied and learned the science, has found its rightful place in the community, has reached perfection. It is no exaggeration to say that this reform and creative activities in the field of education and training are the basis for the orientation of our society for bright and noble purpose. Analyzing the ongoing reforms in education and their first results in comparison with the changes in other sectors of the economy, we are convinced that our youth, brought up in the spirit of patriotism that can adequately respond to the demands of today's rapid time is independent thinking, is a Life, like a mighty wave. Our progress as a result of fundamental reform of the system of education and training, as well as extensive work under the guidance of our President Islam Karimov to strengthen the independence, the country's development and improvement of society today is rightly recognized by the international community. National model of education, which is widely implemented in life, specific and original that is characterized by an integrated system, consistency and continuity, cover them critical components, such as the identity of the state and society, continuing education, science, production, quality training under modernization economy and society. Below are carried out in the years of independence measures for the development of education and training, implementation of the requirements of the national model of education, and on this basis the results of the beneficial effects of upgrades, great creative work on the formation of a new social consciousness of society, improving the social and political climate that contribute to the progressive development country. Above, we have been talking about the implementation of the requirements of the National Education Model in the last fifteen years, carried out in the system of training and extensive work preliminary results. It is worth noting that the unique value of their national education model covers not only be performed in the near-term challenges educators and training, but also important questions concerning the progress of the country. In the intensive modernization of the country's political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual spheres, of course, time itself poses new demands on education and training. In this sense, are considered urgent expansion and improvement of the content of research, systematic analysis and conclusions on what is happening in the education process to highlight the deep significance of the national model of education. For ongoing work in this direction in the future will further strengthen the value of the national model, and its role in finding a reasonable solution to the vital issues related to the fate of the country.

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This paper has been accepted for the International Conference on Innovative Learning Technologies in Singapore (November 11-17, 2015).