Adverse Possession, 63, 152 Ahmadis, 112–119, 130, 154–155, 194–195 Apostasy, 137 Appeals Capital Punishment, 103 Right O
INDEX Adverse possession, 63, 152 judicial split, 24 Ahmadis, 112119, 130, 154155, martial law, 16, 17, 24 194195 necessity doctrine, 28 Apostasy, 137 non-justiciable provisions, 8 Appeals presidential powers, 76 capital punishment, 103 revolution, 15 right of appeal, 125, 128, 151 sacred trust, 27 shariat courts, 125, 137, 151, 156, see also Supra-constitutional 165 provision Awami League, 14 Baxi, Upendra, 16 Ayub Khan, Muhammad Bhutto, Benazir constitutional reform, 7 corruption allegations, 85, 100 martial law, 53 dismissal, 75, 7778, 81, 85, 105 personal laws, 155 election, 65, 75, 104 replacement, 14 judiciary, 85, 104, 105 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali Bail, 55, 109 contracts, 2829 Bangladesh, 14, 82 death sentence, 133, 134 Bank loans deposed, 21 interest payments (riba), 52, 6061, detention, 24 71 election, 20, 21 mark-up, 71 Islamisation, 33 sacred trust, 102 land reform, 132, 147, 170172 Basic structure doctrine leadership, 14 affirmation, 23, 3233 martial law, 16, 2024 constitutional amendment, 22, 23, opportunism, 24 8284, 8687 repressive laws, 16, 20, 22, 32, 112 emergence, 8185 Blasphemy, 193195 Grundnormen, 19, 21 Bohras, 154 Hudood Ordinances, 91 Breach of contract, 42 human rights, 87 India, 19, 82 Capital punishment judicial powers, 18 apostasy, 137 appeals, 103 235 The Role of Islam in the Legal System of Pakistan commutation/waiver, 66, 68, 132 armed forces, 20, 22 135 Art.2-A/Objectives Resolution, 47 Islamic law, 66, 68 73 jurisdiction, 103 directive principles of policy, 78 martial law, 6566 eighth amendment, 49, 59, 67,
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