
The Newsletter of the British Association

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October-November 1990 2

BSFA membenhipc...... £.12 (UK A EEC). ll.5 About the Artist (non-EECEuropc),£18.,.'l2.5airA...lrali., Contents $2~ir....tio ....il.bIerr.....: llle_oclti,fromlaltlT1lo_,edirorofthc MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Joame RIoine F..letlVDyrm~l4doftlTlWOrl:-dY,is~ SSFA OO-ORDfNATOR: ~b_1l Pone, Oi--. O.vin Boylle' ...cI/on M-> _lIIbers Nne UI,rrly utll i"f-tUNr ra (wJridI 60 BolrtnelnMlh RCNld. i,"'rlctNrled}·lH.t_Glf.MOSIr.,""'~1U FoIu-CTI9.5AZ Fft wid HenOOc:k: 17 tlUbwtlill' _doe uttmS(UIt/,sUtct .. ...-t A.ftinlO" .ad Awdvwb: The N_nl ...... utII;lIt111JWt11. tlwsl'0u!oriu...tnrticnullttJ HWory of F (Nil: Farcy) MAllUX FDITOR: klllly 0J0¥U tI".ryfowpriority. 16Avi."PlKe. The Thirty Ni~ Zinca I.ce.k LSI2 2NP a....p of Adcfta of MFA membcn: BLADiY. a-io: 16 R..o..- s.... o.-k NEWS: PMd KinI;aid c.0--1 Buu..T(*1h PL6 6QN AlIENO. s.- 2j SMIdoon Jtood" Cloi"...... , W'ol'-' (Seelbom_) SNI.OBP ORtJN'WI'll.. PMI M. 19 Bcndoy 0..-. Woorlwood, COMP£l111ONS: Role, Robi_ Coma New. L«dtU6."'T (1M Abr.hua) 75 Ro.lyn Avenue. MAXWELL. N;"'I 201 Itrmoon AY•• ~ c.. Harold Wood, ~llclf".BT6)SI1l £Au. RMJ ORO McCAHY. '-r C• W'__ 1loed, AM. ~ The PeriodicT-bIr:: 21 Hanra. GUn 6SX DIIV~ B.""u Ny' "M., ik Cl..UBS: Tommy FerJu80ll NOORD. J.e. Y ...... 1llI. "'3 ICW Har-. n.. OrUlS"boom. ...brblicft" 9OCarnhill, ...... Worldcon Site Votilll Shanlllllow J. OGDEN. Clriooophor M. Holly S.....P Ho*I. r..·• L.... On the Worldcon Pro,rammc (June Londonderry ST... IBE B_J<.IlRGI1liDN L.verio;k) ~MEJl.OY.C"";]I.1 Eoorlel'loft, C..-.., Cordilfa:, ContourM'P!'ins' TREASlJRER: Brett Cockrell RAINE. "-- c. 19 Thomy;11e Rood, H.tlcpooL WrikBack 4OC)'pNaRoad, C1c....1ondTS16lEW n M...... London NWI 7BU SMrIll Andrew M. 15 Sonde.... St.. 0wI;"._ Co. (Jon Raymond Scholer, Tommy Fe'llIIOn, ...... Sreve Grover, Kev MeVeigh. John O. Rickert, ADVERTISING: to be ar....,god SMTIlt. Doyid R.•1 Morfarl_. UploalL B.....llum, W..... O.nicIBuck) Lothi&nEJCi1~ INPORMATION: Phil Nichol. STAFFORD. o.,..,k L. 11 W_idt Rd., W.~ • Dok. Compelition Comer .57 Oran~ Road, Ptea.... I...anc1PR.S-a'" (Roser Robimon) THOMAS. Mno. O. Heidce_1 I•• 17" M"",I...m­ West Bromwich, SOlIpbo.r.: ,.. lWnrne. Be1li..... Welt Midlandl 870 IPS Ne... York for Eulercon 199)1 =~Y~11~CoodIa-LSleiPll,""Whilby. (JimolnQGQ WAJCB, SIepIoen M. oW'" Shirley"'..... Shirley. 190CoKhRo-d, Soooll.mp-. Haru. SOl 5Nl ADVERTISING: Cover (b.ck. ibc:, ife) £40: full Slei,hu, nu, Whitby. WOODWARD-COURT. Joolin M. II Ponlond Sq~ p,* £)5: h.1f pale £20: quute. p'&<' £1.5. Rare. North YOlta. Y0l2.5EN o..henlwn,GIoo..GU12H'T for multiple i.-moot Reloti.ble. Disuibulionof 1_ flyen ...ith BSFA mlilinp i. ReSoci.ble. PAPERBACK EDITOR: Andy Sawyer All memben tbould .ip rbe GuUUlItt Form. Thil ~"il. from M.u_n Porter. I n.e Auy..d Tel: 0.51 336 335.5 me_ Ib.: tbouki !he BSFA eolia.. (...hich it Woodf.n1Ane, very unlikely). then uch membe,..,jll only be My opinioN expruted "" thoK of individu" LittkNeslon, diJible. for. low tel tmOUnr of",y_yowi",. • uth«t.'IldDe Pic:tion Aaoc-iation Ltd. CompMlY C.rnbriJ, LA17QF CIunlon. V.14 2AE No. 921500 DEADLINE RI:,iuerecl in ErrJ1and. Rl:p*~ Addrut - 60 17th November eo.~1bRo-l, Folkalone, Kelll CT19 .5J(L. ThU: i_

Matrix 90 3 Ii

There ia now I new Oubl Columni'l: Toonm)' Ferguso•. I hIVe known Determinants Tommy lincc 1987 whcullieol both Keith and I wiah him well. Wek:ome lboud. of writina an editorial. He continue.: ~ ..,.ponaibili1y is dIIulIling. What un '"uppoKdtolJ1JyT On !he lubjcd ofdubl, il ill easy for memben to undcr-eotimlliC the.beer gUll nccdcdtowllkintolpubandfacelgrDllpofunfll'llili... facca.l·vcllw.ya 'Thcre'l not mNlY Ihinp yourcditor finch d."nling, lpartfTOmheigllu.whi.cb found the LeedI Group friendly, hlVu., .lready 'mel' oome in writing before indllce • giddy de.~ 10 free f_U down .. far .. poAible' and edilori,la. Help aeeing them in p:non. So when my hu.band Steve and I had the opport:unity came initially from thc Ia.I editor, M.urem Porkr, who commenlCd in 10 viait oome Scottilh lCience rlCtion grouJM lItia .ummer, it "",,"mod m...... U­ Molm8J: "I'm alwly' 1fU~ to find thlt to many people ~ntly enjoy 011•• And ...... had "Irell time, but it will take I long lime to forgel thoK flnt the editori.1. partM;ularly when il i. the piece I f"md mo.t difflelllllO write. Or .hi".,ry momellll while we were w.iling for people 10 tum up, nOi knowing nlher, Ikick.oundforanhourOfIWO,...... ,.,rinawhelherl have anything who to upe<:t or whootthey would be like. AI Forth in &:Iinburgh, ...... arrived lo ..y. and then, just when dc....r.lion KU in.•o doe.t an id.. wOl1h tooe...lyandlpentanbourlooku.,lidew·Y·IIWnellltable.wondcringif uplonng, and Off_aD", they were the Forth group Ifter 111- they ...... re talking IbOlIl inlcmltional politi",. Anolher editor, AHruI' Porter, of the S"icncc Fictio.. Chro"iclr, milk" hi, editorial on 'whatever cornu 10 mind.. what bochcn him and plc-.. him ... in The nut diY, ...... vi.iled the SI]r,COIlI group. A 1IrII11I _ide relOrt-nriall' Dcxrt Ialand Boob - or ""The End of Life N We Know It­ illlCresting and thought-provoking of the tour. Thccon tionrangcdfrom Aglin?" which commenton new. ill..,. like AIDS and why aciencc fiction hll lCience flClion 10 comic. 1o football; and it WII an objed in how not 10 Ivoided wriling lbout il. Thil mili. an interutu., contrast to the Wcws be helitll'lilboul gom, to new e1uln. We overcame our helitat : and il w. editorilll which conccnlJlle more on tile delights .w.itins helpet:l who hive well worth it. Likewise, ...... fOllnd IWO mcetinp in Ol.gow: "Troul" in the colliled it in Cur"" N. Brown'. kitchen and living room and who then Kille Centrll Holcl, I mUted gn>IIp of .Uttcen con runne... role pllying gamen, down 10 • pllt)' with ll""11Ih, COllSCOUI, winc and ..lad. On the other hand, medii filii and computer progranuncn followed by I vi.it to the Friend:! of theM.....,h 1990;uueweiJhcdnc...lyh.1flpound,whichmake.eoll.tingthe Admirll Benbow. whole ven'" i. lhared by poets and folbinget:l and who BSPA mllllZineI ...... m delinble...... re found.helteringby theelcctric: fan next to the bar. in Ihi. refrelhing cool...... we were Ible to diKuas lCience rlCti... while hearing four ICparlie However, the lima of MUltU are very cleat: to .upply ne.....bout lICience Kts offolklOllgllimlllllnCou.ly. Many thank. to Forth, SaltcOltl, "TrDIll' and rlCtion (new boob, filma, fanzincl, cIulla), to provide. pl.tform for memben the Adminl'l fricndo (noI10 menti... the Edinburgh computer people). We'll (Soop Box, Wrir.BGC"k, revie..... anklel) and 10 ohow Whll membet:l are cIoing be bllCk. Soon. in their spare time (Cry "FuNIC"). The editori.1 fill into thlt lilier dol. very uneasily: your editor ia • member, pay" the 1OlI...1 feu like anyone elx, but has • regular .paoc to .omehow fill with world ohattcrins proK. Which haa to provoke Ieuen. DiffICult. Walking on Glass - The BSFA

SlIr1lglin: Two.oriel Icopt OUI of the neWI and grabbed your editor lhil Column week. The fint concerned I manlging di~OI" who had 10flC on an ill-timed Maureen Porter "".ineal !.rip 10 Kuwlit and WII now lluck lomeWhere ne... 1...... dreucd only in I filthy 1·.hirI, hil feet bare andlandy.·INrlnotICCulleounleredby theman.ge.ofour 10Cllcompuler.hopwhofinl fellonl I'm lorry to hove 10 report !hal Dlvid Wood, our Adverti.ing M....ger, h"" .hardofgll$linltouehrugbyplII(lplittingopcnhilfore&ml)thenwll been oblipd to llep down, for pc_I re...... A hurried Idvertitemenl WII woken two dlyaliler to dilcover hia ncwly-opencd ahop ""ml down. placed on the flier lIC<:om.....ying the laat mliling. Sadly, not one peraon felt .ble to respond. I'm pulling thia down to the fllCt thaI people do not tend to The leCond.tory»d1yreportod thedeelinc in children'l reading.tandardl. It readflien, and I'm hoping that Ihi.notice will prodll<:e I belter reaponte. i. easy 10 compare the life of our PNrlpcml children with the: hard(er) life of the past when there WII no Ihemative to roce learning and IClevi.ion WII I We delpern:ly need whit iI effeclively • Bu.ineu M....ger, IOmeone who vilulldelicllCyfOl"the few. It iI CIIicr to blame .n the problcmaofinatlenlive can arrange Idvertiling on behllf of the BSFA, through I wide rll'lge of children on televi.iOll, eapccially when the children are watching it for some fanni,handprofeasionli.ou~,II...... IlIlIOI>CitingldvertilingfOl"BSFA thrce houn every day, five on Sunday., and even the adulto gellwitchy if there publil:lliDnl. The occupier of thi. poll would th.. be he.vily involved in il nOlOOthing bland flickering in the blCkground. promotm, the BSFA and UIIuring • regul... flow of revenue. It it .110 envinged thll, II • lite. date, the BUlinclI Mlfllger will 1110 lake on the: Televilliondoel no! neglecl the genre oflCience rlCtion. ""leDmlptl il into I llandlinloftndelllca,bulthiowillbcopenlodiICuliion. fllCilc IOIp oper•. When clrtoon rocltets zap amonl the .1In. v;liting I new (Englilh-apcakinglworkleveryepilodc.the.ubcORllCiousme...comrncnta We need IOmeone dedicated, methodicil and energetic, preplfed to hlllle f« negltively on the reallpace programme. Space reponinl in the mod;" ill p111Ced lIdvertiaing andunwillinglOtalte·no"for .. 1Il...... r. Knowledge ofeilher the in the moa oblcure of columnl, given the ...... importance as 'Communily fannillhandprofelliOllalSFacene or both would be helpful but iln'l vitsl II penallicl mlY lead tocu.tody·1nd the BritidHleaig..... Hotol opacevehicle lIIiI_ will be provided by other Commiu.oe membe.., p.-tK:ul...ly the Co­ projc<:1 may be Soviet ftmded bccluoc the Depanmenl ofTrade and Indllllry ordinator.Otberl'Cqllircmcnll:accelSto'lclephoncduringwOl"kinghounii refu8ed 10 finance it. Ibiolutelyvilal,and the u,,",ofeitherldccenttypewriteror.word procetIOf is ne<:ellllty. Obvioully, thio io I Commillee poIt 10 .pp1K:1lI11 will be And now for. total change of.ub;ect. P...I K1DeUd hll religned. He hal jUiI ellpe<:liC

OctoberlNovember 1990 4

We ...,-.,10 10K 0."., ;"lIlil ....ay, bvche .... upouecd .. in_in DtJItri"I U..ANCZ) ~mainin& actr.oc ....ithin die BSFA 10 _ ~ it', QOt 100 1ool, befen br; HOT,,"" Elu.-·s W

1_.-0 pk-.d 10 reponthM. after..-:b ink...... e!)'Pin&. dle B.k IAuu BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION liM ;. now comp'ue• ....t capia hoove bcca ~ 10 "- people wtlo I .....J_.'- tJu UsiC,...., c....ired. A.nr- who _lcIlike ,cOf')' 01_ IPl. F'!e--=Qda.lf. RllMU1 .p WU'C' Tbe M¥elllUJa rtf B__ M-="-aJo. B...... FIo:'d rtf ldch..-lu""CIopco.IIMIlpedIo!bevu-of2Op.to M--.nPorter, 1IO..,ftom Dre-.Thr.Abyaa -ayenqlliriuforbae:k--...... lclbe~ BEST PROFESSIONAL EDITOR Spec'" offc:n ind..ok ax iuuea rorlbe price 01(""" rwelve __ for Ibe GanlMf'Dozoil price 01 ..... Specialm)'S\«}' ..,,"1ioN off~" ~ iDdiv...... titles, or' Rannen lip _re: EUm D.d_, David O. Harwo:II. Bedo Mo:ac"-. Edward I­ m~"'"' ql all fOOl., aft. I..aih,ble (Of £10. When Of'lkriallbe m)'SEry pdaF­ Fr:rman. SWlky Sdomick. O>ariu C. Ryu ple_ Jive Ibe re'" YOOIjoincd the BSFA Vld SJ'"ify )'Oflfcboico oftitb. BEST PROfESSIONAL ARTIST We lui"" aftady lWOived one handsome 6onat.... of flfie.o.D ye wor1b of Do.Mllltb: BSFAbKk iauea,lObecol*eed.hortly.lf..yonc huBSFA uincatbey Itwnno:n lip _re, n-n. Canty. Mkhael Whelan, Jim Bllm.. O...id 0tuTy. .i.h IOdi.po.c: of, I wouklbe delighled IOrcceivelbe:m.plrticlllarlye.ly TomKidd.JameaCJ.onEy i.uea which would help 10 fill in the .. in lbe BSFA Aldliva. Anange.­ men.. will be rn.ode to either collect the itom' or 10 refund p""U1ge. BEST SEMIPROZINE JA.,,,.-C.tIM:B...,,.(Ed) By the lime: Ihia report _ print. the BSPA SUN"y 'hould have been flllished Sdtttc.- Fierio" ChNmkl.. - AOOrew Poner (Ed) (u an: rno-l of the people who were involved with it), and we .nolild be able I"'t""",,· Da~id Pringlo: (Ed) 10 offer tome inlclalinl rKI:I and fi,ure, in. futll", editiQII of MtJrrix. not 10 TIlt:N_ YortRniI:WofSc:i"rte" Fk,;o" - Kflllvyn Cramer, Da~idO. Hartwell mention bein, able 10 continlle our _1111 ofpokntialldvutilinl_rcea. A Gordon Van Gelder (&Ia) ThrMsl • D. Dou.ba 1Tab. (Ed) The Commitlee. pattie,,'ar'y the editon of V«lOr, with 10 ~OIiac for tbc non-appo__of V«lOr in the _ teeml nuilina. l1Iis w. due. to ~bnial BEST FAN WR1TEJt probIerM beyond dleir ronlJOl H_vo:r, _'", pk-.d to...,. ibM mo:mbers o..... t-,rorcl will 1104 be millitl& 0111 m any wtic:1u IX" ",vinR. 'Tho: iulIIl: 01 V«Ior ItwMCrtllP _f'l:: Mike Olyer, Le.lie T_k. AIIh"r D. Hbvacy. Evelyn Leeper a«ompanyin. thiI mailill. wiD be; .Iillk I..,rm..'-"""IO mall'" IbM all _mba'lreeo:ivo:dlef.I1P'"l'l'f;OOIIlIIloi themiulnc V«1or. BEST FAN ARTIST Se-Swtf_ Itw~ lip we.re: Teddy Jlarotia, Tw&i W.yne. Merk hoai"ll, loe M.yllo:.... News Silo:", Fo. Compiled by Paul Kincaid BEST FANZINE TIwM_JP~.~n.,"'(Ed) (Wilb • lillie hdp from L«>.s, SF CIvoNd" and Olhu aoccu) Fjt.. no . Mike Olyet' (Ed) lJM's lAAt.-nt - Georse '1..M" Laak_.i (Ed) Winners Pi,.",.. }tNIy - PM Mueller (Ed) Foo:. no othu Europe-_ ,01 onIO !be ballot. Anyw.y, the full ",.ull. of theac: truly inlemlltion.1 _arda. compklo: with BEST ORJOINAL ARTWORK nmnenup inonlc:rwo:"" Cont" RitruwIt"",.,. Doa M.I~ Cover: H'IptriOlt • Oary Ruddell BEST NOVEL Cover:Poradi,,,. Miocbo.o:l Wht:l.,., HnwrltM • 0.11I SIm_ (HEADLINE) Cover: rllt: R"""Fu ofP"", • Miocbllel Whelan A Fir" ill /h" S"" - 0e0l'&e Alec Effinaer (No Briliah Publiaher) Cover. QItOZI - J.-ne. Gurney Pu"li~ A/yi" • <>non Scou Card (LOOEND) Cov"r. Tiu S'uss of Hu R"pll - J_ Q.,rney TIw 80(11 of.. Mi/liDII YetlU - Poul An&:non (ORBIT) Gr4US - Sheri S. Tepper (BANTAM) NoA...aot It ""7 be i"vidiou. 10 _Iyx doo:K ru"h. 100 doaely, ~. 'OfIlpk of doillp BEST NOVEI..U. arewortbpoin&inaoaLlfyou_aoillaaftu.fICtioftHu,o.thellilplOJ'lo - £'11ft' • Sold'"'. Lau.., E.ttr AMtlter- - Robert Sltnrbera:{lASfM/Ti­ Jd'JOtUatory'.noovekQt:or_U.p"b1iabtdill/Iil«A..siMov·,SFM",aillt­ GoI..) Iht. othu m1Jaa-luordIy 1'l'1. kook ... ADd iIlc_iIlJIy il.,.,.... 1bM)'non Scou Card (lASFM) Iffji""._OOIlfrcreeopieaofbodlboobloaomepeopk .. kaltOl'ldl••ick oflbeA~.Mldloandbebo&cl.bodleome up wido A...... BEST -B.obr" • Sour McKH C.r_ (lASFM) Iu 10 lbe Olhu c*,oria. theft .... 1OIDCthi.,. of • aurpriloe in Michael "l...oal Boy."· ~ Scoa Cn (F.tSf) Wbe'- kin. beeMen mto !bird plloOC. in the ProR-.ionIl Attiat ClIl:Jory, bul "Complllo:r Fril:ndIy" - Eileen Gum (lASFM) otherwiar. evuydoin& _III ...ith form. Practically every ono: 01 the room~ in "The Rewm 01 William Pro>;min:" _ Larry Nivo:n (Wlkfl Millu HtrV.. Bu" 1) dvo Editor. Mia!. Semiprcttino:. F.. Wriier. Fan Milt and F-.zinl: Clll:'orieI "The Edae of the World- - Miochael S....,.,...ioclr. (F"II Speclf>UII /1J h.. boen on the b.11ot ""JIllarlyfor the p" Mveral yeu:a. and lbey've u.u.lIy "Dori Banp" • Bruce SIo:r1in& (lASFM) ended up injl/.ll.bouldvo._poailion in the fmal vote, Aaforl.onol ...innin, the Semip<'OZillec'll::gory-il hMdonelO monoIOI>OIl.lye~eryye.. BEST NON-FlcnON .m lbee.IeSory ..... e",,&ted apeciflC.lly Inltop it ....unpm'lbe FUlZille rllt World 8 ..",,,11 flo" Hill. Meul & CO" P.n.sblll (No Briliah Publillhcr) c.IeSOf)' wilh lbe ume predi<:lIbility. Doel .nyone elM Ibare my f""li"IIMI G",,,.blufro'" lilt Gra"" - Robo:r1 Heinltin (No Briliah Publiabo:r) IheIe .warda.,., becomm,;ual.lilllebil!ediou.7

Matrix 90 5

New·Format for Amazing CIowIC;".anllllitnS~W_-.iaDoft ...nich_mptIlOn.ainthl1ho. ~njoymenlard love r.... chc: Ste. tlive.. The bimontbly One it pothIithed in witb.booIr.let~eaetiI8lU.llfromtheStM"W_Radio 'The _I «r- U-DOO: ofA.ow:WI, SlOriflllppelll'l to \Ie on ,.oin. h"'..... TIE uiDc 1M. beea urdu dire.. of~ for _ rnoadI5 ShowL Doctaill from Fiooawl delle bpi. 96. Vi. XX Scttcmln. 06100 Pa1o.... llIIy. now. Md indeed tbc o&n&Ik for ..mval with ~ extnI --.. bein. _aced hal had A:inca like n.. MlltellRl will contain ,il< hundred film profII tnd over one thoutand boob L«lU IlIld SF Chrollicl,). Each jaw: ....iII be 96 pIIp, and it will be ...hichhtvehctnmtdeinIOSFr.ndftntlllyfilma.lntddilion,the",willbeollC diab"ibulcdinIheUK __lI .. inAmericl. lhouoand ttilll from M,tropolu. tpprOJIim'kly one hundred thou.1lnrerdc>rI-Ict-B.... S..iQertand, 'llriD reopen MlIl yc.-_' m_wnucl...~1y «voted lO.ieacc rlCtiotl, IrkIpia tnd Cl<~ New Magazines to Look Out For nary voy&JCL II _ aukld in 1916 by ~ Vtnt., mnt:h writl:r. ~lIeydoptedilc andcoUa:tor, Mdcontaim ~oIboob.c.....ia., ¥ide.. !hfnSiIk ill followin,inlhe ,_"" ufF_andS....kIOflCuw. ullnched Md"bi>rary ..id1 over rwelltycbooosand.,olu_itI fotl)' two 1anJ...... II inlcnd. 10 be. Ii"';.. o;uktonl «~. r _wd fOf!hit _I, which has tlrtady _ die Archur C. ClIl"b A..wd. n.e ..,vie_r. P.I Braitr....ida S1f'1e StanWM .. Ale Ed•. AaaIc M_...... crs 'lip wuc FlNew,U HorizDllul by LW. Jlttr tnd Good News".,.. o.:.iper (who .M thtmI !he editor·• .-.- foe S-.I R DelMly) pM. o..krSpou by JoIMo It_L Ittldl JU.l:P1

Dto"IdP""'JleannounDlldtheel.unchof.nc... maauine,Millio",ioDc:ccmoo Writers of the Future 1990. """ £1.95••niltble wOIlah newuWMl dittribution or by .ubsc:ription from Popul.. Pictiont., 124 OtbourM Road. Briahton BNI 6LU. £12 for.il< 1be", i. no entry fee and noconveyll'lCC ofriaJIli in tbe "«y. Send ~ntriu 10 i.ua. It ... ill be M bi·monlhly ...ilh ac k.1 68 plIlC'" on popul rlCtion -\hi. L. Ron Hubbtrd'. Write,. of !he PIltute Conkll, PO Sol< 1630. Lot Anacla. includN ••nee rlClior\, boll "'.., f InClR .. iI it .imed ac aenertl CA 90018. USA. L. Ron H bbard. founded the __ to reward on the """it .udimc:<=. n.ere will be inkl'\lie_ ilb Md IlUclet about the worid·. _ ofpcnormanceonly.IO!he thor·...... dootnottppe-arontbemartlllCripll populartuthon ...ithboolr.",.,ie_uod.e:OlJpleoitbortacon.pcriu•. Novelitl uod bn:>lodI:_r E.J. Nt__ it Auoc"te BdilOl". acen by !he judp• ...nich indude RDbcrt Sil""ltIc.... L.-Ty Ni""n. Alp BIldrys tnd Ramtey C.mpbc:IL "I'1le# i•• pwtIlel e:_ - nlll.....ton of doe FIIIIlf'C - wt-e~ inc:hIde Mocbi.... Fnnk Fraze"" and Leo DiIlOl'l (dell'­ Look _ few ..., "'-no1Ult. Bnum·. ,,",weal f_y mapDno.. "vailtbk from PO Sol< 3190. Lot Afl&clc:a. c. 90011, USA). t!wotIp .._ripcionMd.Klecfed-...... tlic:h ...... lOillChock~ (K.dItriM I(ur ..... inkl'\liewed in iIMc I), book re"""" -'ea and ...tida",.ucicill.ne...... ;te,.·.Det.lli.from325e.-HiII~.1.oadon Awards SW20 9HQ. £2 ....&Ie copy. £11 for.il< itHct, c:beqta ptyable 10 AmwlInIb PvhIithint:Ltd. no. _UJ I..eotw Pel "",ulllha"" bcen_nc:ed.Iu ...... I'lIlitc the top five in each c"'p)'. pi... the p1tcinp of -t by Britith writen: The CONMJi4" SF Q-ttrly ainu 10 ~ !be flOlJritbinJ prn(eaiooW Md ftMith communiI)' on \he Cantdilll _ne tnd retde.. e:.... upcct in-depth BEST SCID>lCE ACTION NOVEL i...... ie_ e:ritic.1 euays. convention ~poru tnd littinp, mel iftform.ive 1. Hnwri- " D•• Stm_ (HEADL[NE) book tnd film revicw•• 11 will cover the ••nee ficlion. ftntaay tnd horror 2. Ru"ntNllrl - CJ. ~ (NEL) ,~nn:•. All that for ju.tS3(Ctn),I$4{USj per"lIe SIl(c.n)l$18(US) pcr)'Cll". 3. GrtJll' Sheri S. Tepper (BANTAM) detaill from IlS5 Emperor Ave:l\\IC. Octaw, Onw-io, c.ntdt. KIZ 804 (note 4. Tidu of U,1It - o..eaory Bel\ford (OOLlANCZ) lhit i. the IoJical pl'OJl'Ulion 10 Robert RunIC" Hew CllNJ4UltI FIJNIom tnd s. A. F;r~ i" u.~ Sit" - George Aiel< EffinJCr (No Briti.h publisher) Mich""ISkDcl·.MLR). 8. R_ 11 - Alehur C. Cbrk~ .t; Gentry Lee (OOLLANCZ) 19. ONt 0" Blw Six _lin McDonU1 (BANTAM) So~...., FictiD" "NJ F,,1II4Iy Pwulu i•• diffeftlll kind 01 fMZine, profita 01 21. TN Cltild GGnJe". Ocoff Rymtn (UNWIN) ...hich 10 10 De. Mo • annual Fa.SF co.",enlion. It contai.. two doRn or motebn.in-btotacnf Fa.SFre...... ith~.....,....ica,quizzaand BEST NOVEL ...... d.urdlC... DeWIc from OaniCon, Attn PllblicaUon&, PO BCIIl 1512, Det I. P,,_e..u... "Or-. Swn Car4 {U3OEND} Moines,low"S0122,Sl.SOuchpt...~"-'F-It""'SI.oo. 2. TN StT,u ofHer R~,.m - Tim Po-,. (No British Pllblilohu) 3. SoIJitr of loUIe - OcPC Wolfe (!'>oU)

October/November 1990 6

4. R_1hJ _ CJ. Olcrryh (MEI'HUENJMANDARn'fJ 24. TIw Orbit SF Yearboot 2 - o.vid S.

BEST SHORT STORY Robert Holdstodt ie putlin, tol..thcr , MW eol1oclion of shorl Noriooa, The ~l.olIt I. Bop"· 0..- Scott C.rd BOIl, For"t, which will incllKll: at leut one story which hal Mver bcc.n ion~ 2. "1bc Power and the P... _Pal Cadigan published before. 11loo book will be publi,hed by ORAFJ'ON and will m...... 3. "Privac:y".o.vidBrin Holdalock'. n:unioa with hi, formcr ....ilor 1l00ILANCl., Moolcolm 6dwuds. 4. "1bc Edge of the World" • M)chael Swanw)ck It will be followed by Tile Cathedral, the third of his MythagoWood nov..iI. S. "Boob."-SuzyMcKuOlarnu wh)ch will a1.. be publiahcd by ORAFJ'ON. IS. "1bc Enormoua SpKe" - J.O. Ballilld 8M Ruter hM signed contracts for three IWve. with Makolm Edwstde II BEST NON-FlCDON GRAfTON, the flflt. Raft, based on hil/llt~nOfl~story ofthc _ n will 1. Gnltreblnfrtnn til. G,.... " Robut A. Hektldn (No British Publisher) sppear in July 1991: the se<:ond,provi,ionally titledA."ti-lc. will be 1 in the: ~ 2. TM WOl'ld B')'OM die Hill: SP a10J awnl for TrtUt¥;eM.ftCe - ...... , aJlemale-VtcloOanumvel1e .. hilz"rtidlllatDrY, "A Joumey tothc King AI«ei &: Cory Pamhin (No Britiah Publi.her) Planet". 3. AslCluod;,l, Dtrys - Arthur C. awke (OOLLANCZ) 4. Dandll' at fll. U,e of 1M World - Unula K. Le Guin (OOLI..ANCZ) Stepht:n Donaldw.', new five novel SF sdventull!:, T1l~ GJp, wh)ch involves 5. Gi,u'sAliell- H.G.Oiger (No Britiah Publisher) pirate. and the ....,.1 powerful company in the ,alaxy, h. bocn bo\Ighl by COUJNS.lbc flfll novel in the: aequ..nce will be publillhed in hardback thi. BEST cou.ECTlON November. 1. I'lItUrIlS - P.t Cadlpa (No Britiah Publioher) 2. Cryl4J1 ExprtU - Bruc.. Slerting (LEGEND) Ceo" R7_, now &arlandcU & Cole, , Kim Ne"lDIIft, MIc"'el M.nb.1I Smtlb, ))add Ora,o", 2' - Ellen Dallow &: TetTi Windling (&la) (No British Sunoa, SaQUlnt'" L- and D.F. I.e".... The .i!V'inl is II Forbiddo:n PI.....I in Publilher) New Ollford Street. London, II IgOO W~y Ocl.r 31. WIlo, Mi,ht Htn'. BUll' Vol. 1: Allu1I(J1. Entpiru - Gregory B..nford &. Martin H. Orec:nberg (Eda) (No British PubJisher) COUJNS and S4Jrb..,Zf Mo,mi"• .,., hoIling a party at Cafe MuncllC'1\, SI. 5. Foulldatio,,'I Fri.1Ids - Martin H. o..:..nbcrg (Ed) (No Brilieh Publisher) Giles' High Strut. London II 1300 on SalUrday November 10. The 0ueaI of IS. ltlt.no".: Til. FouNh ,1,",110100 _John aUle, David Prinale &. Simon Honour is ClI..... Baril... lind the part)' will ocleb..~ the 1l!:1e.... of his MW Ounlley (Edt) (SlMON &. SOIUSfER) film Ni,htbrr.d and the: paperback publ)cation ofTh~ Gr.af OM S,c,,, SIJow. 20. Z."ith • David S. Garnett (Ed) (SPHERE)

Matrix 90 7

All ""' weloolM. though ~nry five lucky winnera of • competition in the Publishing September iuuc of Starbursl will have. chan«: 10 !mel Bark<:r bef~hand and ,110 lUeivc • colle.ction of goodie. known all • "Big 0' B.ker". PENTOS. the boobc:lling ,ompllly which already OWM DILLONS and AlHENA boobhopa. h. bought HATCHARDS and a.AUDE Gn..L. The.., KurlVollOtgIIt;" vwiting Ihili country in Oc:lOber for the lallnch of hi. ncw IWO boobc:llen were part of the HARPER COlLINS group and were bought novc:l. Hocus Ponu. He will be giving. u1k .bout the book at the LytiellOll for £10.5 millioa in cuh (the ••Ie price will be met by a righb illtue). The Thutre on lhe Soulb BUlk in London II 1800 "oic fantuy will encourage them to make another .lIempt to break the NBA. from Beowulf 10 Tolkien and beyond (detail. ftvm Mn. B. Fowlel 0782 616896. TIICd),' 1900-2100, H_ll &Illation Centre, Newcutlc-undcr­ Slill on the m'lIer of bookdealing, there hll been a management buy-out of Lyme. Sr.ff•.). PENGUIN BOOKSHOPS. Henceforth the new boobhopt will be.. the lille PHOENIX BOOKSHOPS. S...ltIl MIIn""" chOllC 10 atudySF FaNlom /UQSuJ>c,./n.,c all herprojc<:1 for OCSE Soci.l Scie-. mel rq>OIU thM future ._tioM.1 the Pre.lon Group All uplbte On my report Iall time .bcxlt the new plpCrb.ck book dubl. "The include Rk...rd O'Briea u>lI Dlalul WYIIIM JOlIN. More detaia. on Prut.on new bookdub from Time-Life, c.lled The Softb.ck Preview, WII I.unched in the Oubs Column. with advetlf in Sund'y papen on September 9••fler an agreement with the Publiahen' Auoc:i.tion that TSP'I unique "negative option" Itillll110wed it to Tom VatN, who ilo oaddcncd by public bigotry 'gNMt ..,ience fiction., qualify ... book club. The ~negative option" me..... that memben ..., not commcn~ in Tile IrldqnNknl thM"we htovccircuINlIlntilli evideDCe oflik [on obliged to buy Illy boob from TSP••lthough they will h.ve to !Urn down the Mus].... Weh.veonly.tati.tic:.levidenceoflifefurtheroutinthepluy.but recommended tiUe eKh month. il'. probsbly 110 far remole !hslwe wouldn't recoJRiK it". In the aame utic:1e, D.ve Clemen" ,u&&e'~ th.t • pcntalI humanoid: a ailicon-bNed beinl m.y be bouJder-.hlptd withoul Although SIMON .t; SOJUSlER hive publithcd _ papcrbKb of their prejudicetoinlel1igence. own lince they ullblithed themtelvet in thUo country a few ~an ago, they hive had no relular papcrb.ck de.l. In the long Icnn, there ..., nmloun Wt Obituaries SIMON .t; SCHUSTER might introduce their OWII Americlll paperbtock imprinL POCKET BOOKS, to thit country. AI... Clarite. lhe ICClaimed TV u>lI film director wh.- cf1ldill include PeNuh Fe1l, died on July 24, 1990, lied 56. HAY TIIREE is • new publithinl company devoted to f,,"t novels, They do not teem to be procIucinllllytpcc;iilC.lly SF or fantuy littthough their Ed EIIUlnnUer,SFartiatu>llClql'Crlrnental film mwt. died on July 27, 1990, ac<:ond title. due in November. ill a faMaIy comedy by Job.. Dull ulled Find~r PrillC~SS th~ aged 6'. PopIIlarly known u "EmJh~. Emshwiller CI/llC to prominence in the Hllgir lind die DrilfOA lind 1M wltc wolddn" ""'Ag Old of 19~ with hilo cover ut for GtJku:y and ACE. He w.. nominMedfor the HUlo Willdow. Awudeight timea forhilo utwork, and won five Wne., l'/lOSt reoently in 1964, the ~ar he quit SF to concentrate on experimental fi ...... He WII equally. OiAPMANS. another new publilhing company heinl llUnched .1 the .ucceuful in film ntlking. winning .wanb u>lI critical .cd.im for hia IIbon begilVlinl of September by refugee. form the Rupert Mutdoc:h take-over of fi ...... u>lI video tape.t. __ of which have been exhibited .t the Muaeum of COUJNS, hIS a mus-rtIII'b:t lill with no obvious ..,ienoc fICtion included. Modem An in New York. Nevertheleu it will be for hUo vivid IIllI oflencomic However, one of the Seplcmber titlea it Arid All die Ki",'s Me" by GordoD m'llIZine COYen tNl he will be remembered in the SF world. He ill 'lll'Vived Stt"'eDl, a tlviller whieh ttarta with the .upposition th.t Gennany 'UoC«Ufully by hil wife, the SF writer Carol EmJhwiller, mel by thru children, the invaded Brillin in 1940 and mlku IlIC of .ctllal pi..... for. Briti.h Re.istance younleat of whom. Peler, WII recently managinl editor of rwilig1Jt Zone movemenL m.gllZi..... JullaMacRae, the children'. book publisher woo.c liloth.. included book. by Edmuad Nortb. the Hollywood ..,reenwriter whoac credi~ include the SFepic Aaa Hala. (G"'1Detb JOINS) is leaving WAl...KER BOOKS .fler three ~ars. The Day Ille &rrJI SIOOd Still, died on September 3. 1990. ased 79. The fate of the JlIUA MACRAE imprint ilo unckar.

Ned Pi_. the publi.herofTllrillinl WoNkrS",ries, Starlli", Staries. Slrall,e A reuon for the recent hurried ..Ie of UNWIN HYMAN to COlLINS h.. SIOries and Ct>pIain FldU", has died inP..... Mthe age of 14. Pinet alrudy emerged in the I.tell fUlano::illl figurea from UNWIN. 1999 w.. pretty much. had a luoceuful.trinl of pulp magazinetto hi. n....., (11UnChed in ~ition disutrou. ~ar for the company with pretu: profill down to £201,000 from to S~t .t; Smith) when he boughl Wonder Staries from Hugo GelNblc:k in £6'9,000 the previOUl ~... That meant a pretu: profit margin of 1% (down 1936. Over the nellt two decade. hit m.gs.Dra publiJhcd wrilcn like Henry from 4.'%) .. oppoaed to the 10'l0 marlin lhl! WII the tarzct for 1991 when Kuttner. Edmond Hamilton, A1fmt BNter. Philip Joee Furner.d JlIdc Vance. AJ..J..FN .t; UNWIN merged with HYMAN. The... I"t three in puliculw beg... theireuun largely in the p.ges ofPina' mag.inel. Pinet ..... founded Populu Libr-.y, ... Americ:... papcrbKk hou... Mnnwhile the UNWIN SF and FlIltuy lilot looks ""cure now !h.t J_ which hat .lw,y" had • luge amount of Kience i>ction on ill lin. JoluwoD, the SF editor I! UNWIN, h. ICceplcd the offer m..:le by GRAfTON. Howevcr, til m.y not be pl.in ssiling liDee there..., t!ready M.lltuel Pula:. Argentini m.gic relllill .uthor whOK worlt ..... atrongly rumOun thl! III UNWIN pll'ty pllf\tled for the Worldcon hIS been cancelled influenced by the ,incm thown by hia mott famous novel, Ki.. of the on ocden from GRAFTON. SpitJ~n+'Of/'I4", died on July 22. 1990, tsed ~. Anthologies and Collections Ed"'la RkI6Id, the.ctor who WII one of the most flllliliar f-. on Britiloh televi.ionduring the late 19SOtand 196OlI. and WhOK rokt includod the father Erk 8 ...",a'l fint collection of.hott ltoriea. rile TiMe-lApsed MilA, comes in lhe TV adaptation ofAllll Gamer't TIle Owl S~",Ke plut gueat .ppearance. from PAN and cont.int: '"The Time.L.paed Man", '"The Karm.·Kid T...,.. in DOt:lor Wllo. died on Augull 2, 1990••ged68. Kends". "BigTroubIeUpatain", "SIar-CryltabandKurnel". "Kr.h-BIIlUJoe and the Pinell-Zen Equ.tion", "Pithecanthropus BI"".", 'The Girl Who Died GeorJe W_, anirnttor. who worked on Ditncy'. FaIl/DsitJ, died on July 17. for An and Lived", 'The Inhcriton ofEwth". 1990, tged g3. Zenith 2, the second and, .0 it seems. lilt of D.",td S. GarllC"'a origm.l anlhology ""rie.o: from ORBIT cOrttaint: "Winning"_IanMcDonllld. "The Time She Became" - Storm CO..tlllltiM. "A Journey to the King Planet" -

OctoberINovember 1996 8

S.M. a-mr. "X-cfllibft- - GenJ ~ "A PMaioa. far L..d JIXnat" • P.I ANDERSON 11k Bo.u o{.Milu- Y~or, (ORBIT pbk £3.99) \II, UK eel.~, -n.: Dr...tIofe--dn.QIocba;"· Brie B,.wa, -nePilI" odD of HollO and Nebll1a --.aed DO",I -J.... B..... I1le Fllmi_ 01 Uk', Ambilioco" • BriM S.....,onI, "Du.d RJdlanI AUSTIN n-uwk,. 0{H~U .. Hi,1Il 0{1M 1'IwH..u (pAN pbk 0.50 TdcYiaOaoro" - U. hrde, -m.i&hI" - J'" GribWIa. "DiffctaII ca.:." . cao:hjh.UKedDol\'OM.3A4inmi6wiaticad__aeriealt-tlr.erWorki 5-..0. D. lap. "'The CUtor. Pww' - MIcUeI M-.dr. wwm K.dda BARNARD &Wyo (SOUVBNIR PRESS hbk£.14.9.5) III odD vi navel MClIlwhile. 0...... S. Gtlr.n', odw:r _Iorial choft., Til. Orbil Srimu abouta-eticftllinecrirc F~tioIt ftelPOriea~duplill:alcdiDthetwoBc.uofIbeYe. W... GIBSON It Br.n STERLING Tltit Diff~r~~ E",i~ (OOlJ.. <:oIlcc!ioM. "Allbe R.iako~ - Connie WiD.. -0-1 of CopyriJhI'" - a-ka ANCZhbk £11.9.5) IIIUKodraoiloat-lwaitedeoilabonlivellCamplllk_1 Sbefroekl aDd "Dori B...•- B,..,., Statin" ~&b boIh ~1cctioN aM iavoMac I eompuler re\'Oh1ioa in ViIl:tDrian EnaJ- ;ndllde auriea by lAc_ ShcpaId. Robert Silvatoera mel Jobn Crowle,.. CIlrtItopMr HINZ AM Oct (MANDARIN pbk 0.99) lot UK edn vi aeqllCI 1Ol.ie....K.i1ler TN GItosI Huw SlGJtdi", (HI '''''fc>nrr 0_ odMd by Rk~n1 hytota, ReItia JARVIS 11k Filtlll R.n-i", (SIMON'" SOfUSTER pbk 0.99) III ,..b1iahc>d by Se TrilOSY FKlmelfic1ion~wbtdljtutabnlll ..ya:italL n.eflClion_iHaof, "I...... ,,. K.W. JETER For_ell H~ (ORAFrON pblt £3.50) I_ UK ..... vi illlO Fc." • A..okl RId.,.. 'ihe ot-r Train· • RId Ser.... "J:XJr ­ _I ofOlllClll life in "'The Cylindcr" R.d,.ard KIp..... 'ihe Haunted c.l'Yt." - EIkItt O'O-O-el, "Pacific 421"_ G.1 Ga...... KAYTi.- (PENOlJIN pbk£7.99llar UKeckl ofm...iYe new Aaptt Dft"1eUt. "Midni,hc Expreu"· Altrc4 No,... 'ihe WaitinJRonm". fantuy frUD!he Illthor of The Fimayar Tapcatry Robert AIdI_, 'ihe Kill" . Petu nnnlll((:, '"The Town Wbc..., No-One Rk:banl A. KNAAK Ie, Dra,fM (ORBIT pM: Ll•.'iO) lid UX .,dn 01"", 001 Off" • RIo)' Br.bury. '"The Wron. Station" • A.M, Bar"'r. "1.011 in !he Dra'OlV'CIImD POI" _J.D. Bendord. ~BrarlCb Line Ie Be_ton" • str A8drflll' CaklKOIt, Joe R. LANSDALE TIw Driy~·l" (NEl. pblr. £3.50) lat UK edn of I0Il",,110 '"The Nip' Tnin w Loac VIUey· • SkpMa G"No.. 1'ue !he Z Train" ­ hiacomicborror_llboIl,dri.-e·innlO\liel AI....V. Ibrdl_J, "Coaf__ Triclr.". J.a WpId.....'"The Sip-Man· Jo..tbao. UTTELL /JQd V"lt.al~ (ORBIT pbk £3.99) III UK edn of _Cllar"Dk:k_,"'The~irkFcllDia.aler"_L.T.C.Rok,~c:·· c:ybetpllnlr.adYe.nIlII"Cac.linthe.~.ofafutureP"" 1UduIni Hap-' ·Mownin, Train· - J.... N..... Cllaace. '"That Hell­ GK.IdI_ McCAUGHREANF"'u' Aa*"",aIuM,,/ (SBCKER hbk £ 12.9.5) lac Boornd TniD~ - Robert Bkldl, "A lottmey by Train· - Ht1WJ L. Lawrtact. edn of IIDftI &boal "'-.. of a dr.pn III Worm Head "1loc:Aatral1.ady·_E.... PItlI..ttII.·MiaaShombtIbble·meI~· n- MeGIRT h7-I C~ (pAN pbk £.3.99) III UK'" of accpcl to I_ _Aip'_ B~,·A Short Trip Home~· P.1bn F1Up-aId, "Loao-Iy e- Train A·Camin'· • W'" F. Nola&. laa McDONALD Ow ~ 81_ Sir (BANTAM JIb': £4.99) lat UK edn of _I abnlll wbullbinp 10 ...... in.pc:rfccI nlU~ TN UltiM4Je Eflt"? from OOLI..ANCZ ia a collcclioa of FrIIlI SaIMrllapa'a ValtrttMAR.TINltlorJR~i~(lXlUB~AYhbk£12.95) latedn ol_1 Ikf.crtu auriea dati. from 1967-1979. They are: "'Tbt. Smile·. ~",•• abnll, Dr. Jec:kyU'a ""-maid "'The Annihillotiorl ol Anakor Apeiron~. ·lnhulRlll £nor", ·$omc:eva>lallllhe Peter MORWooD ,~~ IwJJt (l...EOEND hbt £12.99, pblr. £6.99) Ial edn Tmplar Rad:i"l~. "S!IIWIlI•• ·SmMhet", "The Oame" and "Winp 0111 ol ofllll~oInewfllllllyacriea"'lilloldRuaaia Shadow·. • M.s. MURDOCK: A'-Ie""'" oJfYu", (PENOUlN pbk 0.99) III UK edn of Book 3 olThe Marti.. W.. TriloaY,' Buck Ropn advmlll.., Rf""~ 666 edited by Darid Prlaate ia anoIber <:oJlcclion from OW BOOKS, Ed NAHA Rabocop 2 (P£NOUJN pbk 0.99) lit UK odn of _Iialti... ol thiI time uncler !he "Dark F"uue~ laloei. "The oonlenla ..." "R0II1e 666" - Jack thefilmlbalwaacquclwonc:of!be:popularhilloflulyc:ar Yfll¥ll, "Kid Zero and Snake Byca· - Br." Crall- "ono., Town" • NcO XI. NEWMAN SDd D,.enms (SIMON A SOIUSTER hbir. £13.9.5) lit odn Jo_, "DIicl Control" _ M)'1a: Burabam. '"I'hitlr.cr than Water" - Br.a .fncwflOyel aeI in I nilhtmarc:I...ondon Cr••• ~Maveri.clr. Son· • N~O MdllloMh, "Fow·Minule Waminll~ . M)'I. KakNOVAK &: Jen'GRUBB TIt~ WY"~m·,Sp..,.(PENOUINpbk £3.99) 1111 8oIr...... "OnIY;1I tho. Twilip~ _Brla. Cra. and "U,*,_ Oirl~· WWIa. UK odn of 2nd p'" of The Finder'a SIOdn III C'OUection oIlMDria ~ at- CICl cdnllflllllJbio&raphy n.ilwlYS in fac' and ftcIinn

Matrix 90 9

C'-* PLAlT S- (0RAfT0N pbk 0..(0) hi UK edII of_vel KI iD 0-. R. KOONn PIJ4I1tOWU (HEADUNE hbk £13.9:5. pbk £.4..(0) Ikprillll Pirn Anlhony·. world of CbllMMl (W.H. Allen 19&3): SlJ4ttued (HEADLINE pbk fl.99) Rl:priDt (Afth.t Berta­ Tury PRATCHElT Eric (OOI.l.ANCZ bbk £12..95. pbk £1.99) hi edII of 1974. by K.R. Dwyoc.): V""". oflJu Ni,N (HEADllNE pbIt 0.99) Reprint. iII••1nted Di-:world _I (ill..Jo-A KAy) '--d ... Faut ....t feaClnw,l1he {Hale 1911 .. by Briene-,}. HEADLlNEconQ~iblcff..... toJ'Ct.11 of ft:bIm of R.iPuwind and uU-r K~'. honor IIOvdl into print '.1 PREUSS Bn,m", S,...." (pAN pbk £3.99) hi UK edn of ht pwt of K.tMriIM KURTZ Hi,,, DrrytIi (U3GEND pbk £3.99) Reprilll (Cenalfy Arthur C. Carb'. VetI•• Prime. K ..... 191') of3nl in Dl:ryniOvonileles DoI.1d PRINGLE Ed. Rf1f

BOLTON Group: The landini Party (Edinbur'" &; South E-. Scotland ~Trck Group' BaD SRJ Apprec:iuionS""iely) L_lupdatc: June 1983 Laltllpdare:Julyl989 Meeu oo/IC. Every Tlluday, 2000, The Old 1'Ittu Crow.... 14 Du....gale Meelaon: Monthly Contact: The MembcnlhipOrganiaer, 11/4 Meadow.-leld Court, Edinburgh BOURNEMotrni £H8 7NA (Tel: 031 6512011) Group: Boumemoulh SF and Fantuy Oroup Comrnenta: Mtmbtnlhip £2 pc:r year. Ovcr 181. Lat' update: June: 1983 Meets 00/_1:. lsi &; middle Mondays, lbe Dolphin Hotel (fronl bar). Holden­ OLASOOW hum Road Group: Friendl of KilJOR' Trout Contact: o.ve Syrne (Tel: 0202 432489) Lalt lIpdate: OcloObtr 1989 Mula ontat: Evcry Thunday, It the Centrll Hotel, bUI an: aeafl:hing for BRIGHTON .Itemaliye .ile &I the beer ia expc:nliyc and not lupc:rb LastupdalC: Do:c:emberl988 Contacc Mark Meenan, "Bumawn", Stirling Road, Dumbarton, 082 2PJ Mecuon: E~ryFriril tI """"I offulbi"ltfStl'41 potU tiM ..tin be lively! 51(223) HULL CANIEUlURY Lallupdate: August 1989 LasIUpdMe: Dec:ember 1989 Meeta ontac 2nd &. 4th T"".....y. al Ye Okle While Hwt.. 25 Sily.... Strut Meeta on/at: hi Tuuday of each month II tm wt Station Snooker Contact: Ian Bell, 42 Walgrave Slreel, Hull HU5 2LT Contact: L•...... -ence Dean, 47 Forrester C1oec. Cm1Crbury en IDZ (Tel: 02274S8S(9) LEEDS Group: Thc Lecda SF Group CARLISLE Lall update: Noyember 1989 Group: Carlillicand DiltrK:1 Meeta ontat: E~ry Friday. 2030••t Thc Cennl. WcllingloOn Strul LMlupdalc:Junc:I9S8 Conl.lCt: Mike Potd. 21 S~ Cl'CICenl. 1...eoda LS4 2RY (Tel: OS32 Meet. on/.l: Every other Friday II nriou. ""nuu 1S3663 (Am) 0' S...ah Dibb &. D.ye Moorin8(0532741004) Conla<:l: ShcpKirltbridc:(fcl:022827l68) LEICESTER aiESTER Laltupdate: Scptcmbcrl990 Croup: CADS MUla ontaC lat Fridoly, 2OOO,.I"The R.inbow and Dove, ISS a....1u St...... t LlIIIl update: Augult 1989 Contact: George Clark, 71 Wolverton Road. Lcice.ler LEJ 2AJ (Tel: Mcc.. 00/11:. 2nd.t 4th Wednesday. 2030, .. lbe Old CWllom HQWIC Inn, OS33 82340S) 0' Ocorse Temenl, 161 Bumtwood ROM!, Nonon WalcrSlle5treet Canea,St.off•. WSI13RN Alioon Scott, 2 Cnithie Road, Vk... Cross, Cbe:ster 00 .5JL Commenla: Affiliate of BSRJ. Morc details below. (Tel: 024442396) Comrnenu: Maraton'. Pedigree and three other ,ulalu LONDON Group: "Wel1inK-Tun~ CROYDON Last upduc: May 1989 Group: Croydon SF Group Mull ontat: lal Thunoday al Thc WellinJlon T.yem, Waterloo Last update: March 1990 Meela ontac 2nd Tuceday, 1930, Oakfield Tayern, St. Jame.'. Road Group: BSFA Con~c Rob Newman, 136 North End, Croydon. SurreyCRO 1\JE(Tel' Last update: June 1990 OBI 6803128) MeelS ontat: 3rd Thuraday u "The Old Coffee Houlle, Beak S"""I, 50110

DARlFORD Group: City llIilerale. Group: The Phocniei..... LMlupdale: April 1989 Lallupdate: August 1989 Mull ont.t: Evcry Friday 1130, at the City Literary lnatilttte bar (Aulttmn Meela ontac 2nd Thumay, The Phoenix. Lower HyltlC SUCCI and Spring term.) and Thc Cock, Ett.loOn Tower (EttslOn Con~c Jonuhan Cowie, c/o 44 Brook SUCCI. Northumbcrbnd Heath, Square & Wllm:n Strccllubca) Kent DAB IJQ 0' Vince Oarke, 16 Wendover WlY, Welling, Contaoet: Roser Robimon, 1S Roalyn Ayenue, Harold Wood, Kent DA16 2BN Eue:.; RM3 ORO (Tel: 04023 42304)

DUNDEE Group: Thc Women's ~riodical L",t lIpdate: June: 1988 L.I update: June: 1999 Meela ontal: Ial Thunday. 1930. The Ololx . Meeta ontaC 3rd Tu...Jay IIIl the Royal FcatiYal Hall, becaulle you ...n gel a Con~t: Jon Wallace. 21 CharI,,"lon Strcc:t, Dundee (Tel: 0382 623399) deeml meal and • bottle of wine there and .lIral and nMal pollution are rc,tricle

Matrix 90 11

LONDONIlEJUly SALTCOATS Group: Scrotc Cicy SF Group Group: S.O.S Lac Updaie: "In.'"'}' 1990 L-..lIpd.aac:: M'yl989 MecCa o.VlA:. Allc..-k Fridaya III the Wnenball S_, lIpper Ma&~ SuDcI ModI on/-'= Every WodntJd,o)' .. The Cr~ lM. Oupc:a-U Stre:cl (beaideWool~) CoocKt: o.vc: Ell.... (Top Flat Left). 26A ChIpd-.1J Street, S"~ e.:.m.cl: B__ 1bc Gipt 0' T_y Fe...-(Tcl:0504 S4451) KA21 SEA. (rd, 0'29-t 603 II-f (AN»

MANCHESTI'Jl. SHEfF1ELD Lac Updale: J~ne 1990 L-..tIpdIIIIc:lInc:l989 Coatatt: WI BrooU (Rill.) or MM1r. S'-r (Rat 1).]11 Dic:u..­ C-.ct: Sieve: U--. IXl v.n"y R..-L Shc:ff",1d Sl9GA (Td: 0742 Ro.d,l..oIIpipe.M~,MI3ONR 7216J9) Commenca: Stwtina .,.b-b-.d ",OIIp chia AIlYmn -w.e !be 2nd a .... n...taya.NB, !be Uni.Clro\Ip WARPfD Iuovc NcilOaimarl. ST. ALBANS Ovcoe OCI N..... 19....t Colin ~..Iand .. o.-c em Ocl 26 Group: STAFFEN L-..up:lIIIIc' JIIDCI9U Group: SF and F_aay Film Society MedI ..., EveryMond.o), Laol ..pel_, OclOMr 1911 CorotKt: M~ Rogc:n.. 22 Clmpr",ld RoId. SI. Au.- ALI $JA Conucc Harry Nadler, '5 Fennel S~I, MllrlChealU (Tel: 061 Il' 1055) WARRlNOTON NEWCAS1l.E Group: WALDO Oroup: n.c Qannotl lAtupd.llllc:' JIIlUJry 1990 L.ul update: February 1990 Mc:c:u 0Il/'" l.t &: 3rd ThW'ldly. 2000" lbc: Albion. B'llenby Lane: Mee... on,I'l: S'lUrdloy .fremoorw" Rc.y'. Bar. C'hin.alOwn ContKl Henry NeWlon,"l The Rook. Hellby. Olc:ahire WA6 9AS (Tel: ContKl: I." s .....bro (Tel: 091 2M 6913) or H.It!}' Bell (091 478 2559) 09282 4$76) or M"San:1 Toul. 2 ROKlllIIk. Lyman (092$ 7.54463) NORWIOJ Commc:lllI: U.ullly (bill not .Iw.y.) in downlUin liar Lac "JNl-: May 1919 Mea. 0Il/at: Every ocher W~y, 2000,. the Ribl cl Beef (buemo.nt), WALTHAM FOREST FyeBrid", Group: WE1J' a: Wild..,. ConCact: p_, Le.... w..., Tra: C••• Lo... Ro.d, Fomcell SL L-..updaac:, A.S..... I9S9 Mary, Norfollr.NRI6 lIN (Tcl:()j() 14\ 1)10) Mc:iaaI w,..J-- 011 No..c:mbc:, 7th. 'There iI a.....u ...... n p-p lid Ittc: Medl on/.t: The: Bl.,\; H_ "v"ry odic. Wc:dnc::.

OctoberlNovember 1990 12

fibn, but Ruvehaldccidcd •••ntt ic. While .-eriptitbein,preparc:d,bythc Media News S..,...rlM1T...",.cditora,thcreitllill.f.inll'C*ibiIMy!halRec:.cwilldirc:clit.. John Peters D",jd Cronenbcrs" ~OII afWillillll'l B."OII.....' 17w HDk. I.-dI will FILM -Fo..,,",-ofy.. illlofilm Iri"'.. hel'lt ..... _ interubrllandq... _ JaM Malkovitdl. WUlem Dtloc tad B....HeRbey. COR.... &I Pinc:wood necui...., pn;>dooclioft rIJ""" prillled in I te«DC S..~ T-u Iftitk Oft the Saodtot...,bwyboliklin.thc_forltli..",J:;ltooIr. ...lyS1miUioftIOJeI Hollywood "n bcloly. In die filU fi"", mondlI of Ihio ye., die k>p ei,hl Si,OOlrDCy Wet"es 10 .ip .p fOf" the dUni a1ial ....Gl, ~ta by loday', ~ Ipmt $1.5 biliioa ...... -.. lony rwo moviu - this r.,...... &WldtrdIand'-'ainf.. lheprodua:ra.Azoocbcr~.lien"""tll:r, i..:1MDd the mwkeqc-. womc.-7'Io IOSI.16billion. _c__ SyI_r SIa1Ionc. baa dec:idee! _ 10 "'f'PC'" in D..4J Rtdotti.." • cop .S by flMa.. &la p"",n inchodcd: DidTnry 162m; Die HlITd 11S92m; TotlII a1ial on • trlIia _~.. Wilh -.ic adapwi_ 01 c....ue hcrocs II lat R«"II $17..: Gremliru /l, at $55. almoel: ~fM ••,in baemelll. 1auW­ bcocominl bil lNaiDeta, J)iQa Ik L-tcnti. has _need p1_ for FUuJt thiIIIaplaiNwhy.film;'c_ideRdlObo.fIopifildoean'Ire<:OIlp, ~ 2. One 01 the pn:;eett thtt the l.tII: Jim Hc_ .... pJ-nninc jutl aiuabk J'O'tion of i&a cc.c. in !he (lilt weekcod. bull no', hdp woncIeq beftnhi.dcath ...u/ohrtC,."..rofM4rs,.cotlabon&iot:l ...iIhDitney&lllcll<:.. how .....y ckccnl, enlertainin, fibN the ok! Hammer cOlDpany COIIk! bave If....RMi Rick Bates and lCripc...ntll:, Ol.ks POI-= _ Dianey havea't produ.«d from jllil one of cbue _ie', donu.. llnCI coffee bill. IftIlO\Inccd if the proj«t will conti"'"" Wu Cn.cn offcred to direct the .i.l!h Ebrt Slrcd film (imaJinttively tided FrtddJ's D~ad) provPcd if: it the IaaI in A«onti... 10 the 1.4 ri",es 24.6.90. produur H_ Bennet! h.. left tho: $1'" the tene., !MIl New Line: ~ Ictt than tcCcpciYi: 10 this idea and ha.e choolcn Tnt ~Iion leam .ker hi. Kript f« tho .ixlb film "'AI I'lI:jected by RKhel T.ltII.y todirccl il inatll:_ Director Slc:phen Hcrek ret.-d 10 helm Ihe PlW'IfllOllIM. A~Dlly Gene Roddenbeny and othe... had cold feel about oeqllCl to hi••1OCcc:..1U1 Bob .& TeAS E~~If~,,' Itdv....""... cl.imin. thlll the brinlm, in • new cut for STV1 and ..,lIina ;1 boo;k in !he cvly dar- of the '1Or)' had no future; he will, inatll:ad, direct SMr1 Cirnif J. Followi", the chanclel'l' Careen. After w.itinl.l..-ta year, PVanKlUot told Bennelt that dit.ppo1nling bolt off_ re...ma rot Grm/li", 2, '. nc:XI projccl c....ld lhey wouldn't fund hi. proje<:t and he dcc:ided to IMNld down u Ihe film ..rieo be either ••bott.tory. U";wr",1 Sol8i.. r, or a rc:-matc of G"lIwtr's Trav~/s. pnlduccr.E",olO,Paramount.tili inlendtolv.yc.film in Ihc cinemu by the end cfne:lI yew 110 lhal ilcoincidea widl the 2Sth UVIivel'lllf)'. Other planl for SUM Dou.lu arJ:l MtK SinJ'C' relum 10 the .f ac:nre in T1IroI<", 'M 1'{Hlaf Iheann;¥CBU)'inchoditabil"lcbnlion.anoper.andtheconlinlluionofTh~ ofTi",~. Tcrc:ncc: Slamp. HUT)' Dun Stanton and OItlloItc Lewit acr:k the Nur G~"ff..tiO#t. Iu the qinaJ oe""" ...... 001 SKY-TV and the BBC S'ro",u i" flw HOfU~. Tcunin. o.vMl Euu with Chri.!ophcr Lee takca_ l..no;h TIwNUfG~trdtio .. in the au...mn, aatrietolfou,nr.wHhiru and tr.n belie.in.. !MIt add Too:hiro Mifll/li arJ:l il ac:tt positi.cly ,"nu1 _thai'. in nr..... '-lp have been iaalled by Titan Momb.ndioe - ~ rea...re Kn.. S""I"" M~•. Tcfl)' Gilliam it rmiahin....or\ on 17w Fiwr Ki.." Robin Spoo:k. McCoy. Scouy and l1bIIra and Co.! £6.9' and ." rupcctivoely. Williuns and kff Bridp ..&Idl New Yolt f.. the Holy Grail. J_ e-ron'" formed UJhI&lOnD Eotll:r\ainmcnt who will be producing the lOll' WOIIId )'OlI liU 10 bee_ in"otved in !he makin. of a movie7 If .0. !he awaited T..rrrtiNuor 1; allootinS ",.-=hed,1cd 10 IUItt ill Scptll:mbcr with Lindt H<_ly ..likely. boch trail oIDrac.Ia'.dutnctioll by V", Helainc in 1117 and thenl'UOlftCCliol:l_ dnctorJacripnrrite:rlare My wiIh Ihc:ir-.. projccIafwtbc fOl'tCUbk ...... Nftd ~'" 1Me, by ...... One lbeGdccida dw he';'" ~.JeWea And joollC when)'Oll wondered if if: ..._1d evc:, be releate:d hc~ Cl:i¥c Btrlu:r·• V... Helain,'.1hrotc.. Tbc HOH Group plan re.,,"" _tiap &DCI.creaUap Ni",...,,1 finally rc:.ac.hed the sacc:na on Sc:ptll:mber 28. Mcdoo..... i­ of H."...... , filma and are Iookinl f.. lie. me"ra and pcopk 10 bee_ releate:d Fr_ Hcnc.nloaer'. biurft hom;w tpOOf, FrQllkeMoobr• • fUm i""ot¥edinmNr.in,lhefilm.Soif)'Oll""'~rftrltnd_ldliblo whotc.trailcritdiffic,ltlOducribein_ccmpaqy.SoIffioclOltythatif)'Oll t.-_, wrile 10: Tbomu M.y"'ft, .50 DiJh«ln COIIt\,}om Ruskin S_.. cnjoyotrbclllb_,.y_can'lJ'Ct_oflbeactflantceinc:Fntntcnalcin'. I..Gndo. SE.$ OPR. bilofmilt'II'lDtIchbeltin.tbclivin,6ayliJllCaOlitofa-clic:ol"andlhen-.kinl him if he Wa'lta ••oad timer HcocaklC!cl"'. /huk.~ICQSe 2 bu alto jouI been Hamme, f_ ahoIIld.1ao Ucp MC)'" _ f.. a ""' aI1Nm by rock JrOIIp relcate:d 10 .ideo by Medu.. tad tbc Dtrio Ar~orrc Romcru Poe Wwfarc. H ..'rt"'u Horror, • collection oI ....p and inatoImelll.Ja." baNd on coll.bonI.ion. Two E.il Eyu. it .chcdulcd for • UK rekuc: in Dccc:mbcr " "arioua HU'I'U'RU lilma and ch• .c...... and bolh ~tr.r Cuhina and OviPopher probably the ideal ahemative toNi"jrJT..,." .._itia. Lee h.ve w,_n die .Iee_.. Apparently Hammer were ao impreucd by lhelklQOrccordinl lhr:y offcred their filII collabor.tion and will be in.ol.ed Be...... , of Al.!OCt of 'M Killcr FrirdQir~, D..41h Cm.18 Bc F4101, Ni,1IJy in.joinUyprodllccd.ilko!h.,wiJIbeallllCtndreletaedinlhc ....,.fut""'. Ni,h'fItlJr~ JJ (.wn", the Ackenmonttel), 171.. Uttborrt. CltDi"..d HWf IJ, D4,t 1111: "bum i. OUI on Re.oI.cr Recordt, REV (J)/CDIMC 1.7. A .peei" Obltlliofll. n~ Terror Wilhi" IJ, M{JII"cq"i" Oft ,hc MI1t',. It Rt1W oICrows, limireC: Lid. Shieldl), Body I'QTls. S,r Ko>b"kifltlJ" NYI'D.

AI.... with the abovc mll.>C:al coll.borlllion HtnlmCr ..., dl>C to mate a TV SCENE - The nv teri.li..rion of Stevcn a.n.p,', Clli"'crtJ h. been comcbtdt in • bi. w.y !hit yeti. A compilttion I• .coo it pltnned to makc &hiflcd from itt c:xpeeled .ummc,.101 in the IChcdll\ca and .... iIl be II"tnlmitted 11M: 01 the eatim.ted two hunthd and .Utl)' filma H...... h",c produced O\'U _time dunn, the winter sc:_. Zc:ni!h, the Pro::IlIClioa company, ... the lut forty yetn. A IWCnty .ilt pan 8U1 of Britisll .me. will thow atpeCtt kcc:pin, the date tceret, hIM it i. _II known that the ...... mn and wiNc' of all the !)'PC' offilma Hammer made, bill 01 __, doc c.mphtAI iU be 011 sc:uonaarellllCll to &howcuc the pro.,.ammet that will brinJ in both hi"'" the ..._.~yofditre:reDltypctolhorrorfiImaH.nmco- Each .~ratinpandmYi:rtilinarevawa. Tbc sb. f.. tbc .m1l_recrealCd ~will ha.e: a ..pwMe theme - .wnpiru, _ ... c_mc«-a, by Imtl" Animation. .mo wortcd on the Oi.c Barb, films. Hellnriltr tad canoedy, ~IC:' o.wtlJ. Ovislophct Lee, ctc. No dl:l&iIa u to cr-miuioD Ni,Nbn..J.

apdalod tv moyir;for ABC-lV. The __ nct'IYOr\ if; Uo pi_in, a four bour oven.id 011 hia re.1 one. The film f.fthfotlly rec:apitulUca thia pan of the aIOry. miniacria '-ed 011 Skpbe:1l Kin,'. ","-11«. IT. Tira OIrry and Ridlard andeyen acIda in lb. familiarDickian alafllc the roboc cab-drivcr: b'll then 1llomM.1ft _, of.InI>amiaUoada&e; !hecaatbullbe", i'IIoO __ .....'" Dick wenl ... IOstrip offlayee after 1ayee 01 f•• memory 10 11)1 10 ~,",r. J can'l help b," ~ how mucb of IN: nine hundn>cl pi.. fMr diacOY'Ct lbe chancier'. real ideality (and by u_ion what noaka .. hamaQj ~ OJIM will ahoe-homId imn IbM fOOlr howa.. PinaUy. fOO' Dr. Who f-. • Ibe fitm 1IIU !Ilia ~ aa the aprinpo.d fw ita u.citin. hither-dlitt­ special __y ..ma 011 Ibe prc>&nmme ia beifll hldd • lh£ Wabflll:ld chaae/ahool-oorl/diKoYery/doooWc.<..- -,... Asld Ibm Ihroow. in • f_ Ta;hnlo;al CoIkr 011 Nova:nber 17. linked IOIbe c_ ·Sc:icocc FKtioa,IF.... Dick.... ~litl)'Way-abt-llWo-dIitdaofthe...ydvoolJb,lbedireo;lOI'of t-.y in Ibe Modi.". cClllfirmed pull iftI:~ Ion Pen-, prodlIo:;er J..... Rl:kalllnc.. the -rimpIaDllII'f'Yioe whidlacl Sc:b...... -UCr off.....alb NIlban Tamer and wrilu kn:my Iktmam. AIJ ~ ,_ ia Fnza inlOlottelnpIlOCOllYincchimthuhiaatvenlllruapantiltbcllhavemn. Hiroea.If)"OOl_ldlike _information 00' ...... 1 10 IDCnd, ....me to:Ci,", pannoid f__y and tbII anIeM be taka the pill he'a ~cn he'll ",main Eadley. 114 o.lc F_ RDIId, N...... -, nell' W.field, Weal YorUhire. Il'IIpped inaidl: ilia OW!! mind. NoIlOmention ~ table-tllmin, reyelation And ",member tbaa ... pleaIII'. IDWardatbcend_.OttlytheKlllalcndinailalffaikloC'onvinee:IlOIQod.b11l aaill <*Iher. dclU u-.dti.... But ....pile look.. likc ••labofbecfc•• Media Reviews Sc:hwuuneUU" baa a1...,. had. rathe. aly.nac ofhll_. and what one'. 1c~ ....iIh aflc.rthe pyrote<:hnic.Mvefadcdiathe .....y in which, hiacloanacr Haw ca" ""NUI rn-irws 61aT1 wilh atrydli", tHlwr tIwui IC." CtllftlNHJlwllof1rw ...yilll .tarted •• C....lr1II;tiOll work£r and ended aa • remade apy. he'. tweriOllwN.lheriDlOdsi" u.-",UldJe O/IlUU...m.r,1I Frill,eperiod. 10 lOb mana,ed 10 make Ua qucati... hia own identity••__ who.tartcd .. an pGT1i" IIspf'ritllperfDmliUl« u/"ScielOCe Fit:tiq"Su.u·.. Auman body-bIIilder and now riy.... Tom Cn!;'" .. Ibe US cinem.·a billell crowd-politer. KEN CAMPBELL DOES HAlL ERlSI wkb The $cltoc:e Flcdull Thain orUnrpool Howeyer. one can'l dOle any review ofTa,../ Recall without aorne menlion of iJlIhe Edinburgh Frinac the enormool.lily detailed lela - .11 w work of Ron Cobb. who mllll now be muin. rnon: money than he ever lm'lined when alill an underlround comiC' Ken Campbell ia AlfOarnett·. jeerina ""iahllour in I" SictMu lINJ i" Healtll, ani.1. 'The MlII"I colony in particlllariooks IItterl)' c....tible. tbc blldgel invated tJz founder of The Sc:ienoc FKtion 'Theatre of , and. captiY.tin, in maltinS il ao no doubt. ",flection of Sc:hwaru""Uer·. dnwinS power and monoIo,"i.1. Tbi. ·l'OIIti""w ia • talc 011 the orig;'" of the 'Theatre, and of ita perhapa alan a tribute Ia the artiatic kudoa that SF moyie. now h.w. Yel.1 the aarnclimethiacolony-..ernapanof.cOllti__ line.lretdlinlbackdvou,h prodIIction of W IlJllmin.ati triloc.....hich ia lIppMaIdy aboul Ik>baI COlI­ apirw:y. LoytICnfti.. for=a of eyil Md IIOIChlike. B4oJc"."JOe~Ia StIIr WaIT. • dqrictiOll of. fltlUre thai looks acIu.aIly liyoc!.in. .imultarlll:oualy ""bby _ hiah-1l:Ch. pop,lIated by .-nPCnd and powufal II iaccnainly. fllCinalifli We. ~,inninc widl ~II". rU'llSFwaw...... Iei..- d_ and Ioncn 1ooIr.in& 1OC>l1 thenwdvea fn>e of the .y_lII;e....cdy ill 1972. whc", he ume inlOc-.ct..-ith·wOva..tIo.ofBriliabSP" (Brian the_a«tofpriy_afflllCnccandp.t.lieaqotUor.lnfKl,lhatc'-aocloriaed Aldiaj and tbc ·plllmln)' yoiocdWwAidoc:k Doon· (Jobn Bnannu). He Ibe Wan 1andacape of the eiJhliea.. A "'Illre pcm.p. t-od _ ctc.ely 011 • daaiba SF fIN. MY'" m)'UoCn- t.e- of IiJbI e~ &om their hei,~in, oflbe aoc'" colltz'adic:liona eYiderlt in COlllemponry !..-don and fOfthcad8 and liM.qlhcm aD IOJetber. Thia ia_oftbc_y witty and Ne.. York., andlhu me """-_flep-_unfteah OIIt forOOlndvei aickw'7II'l.ncu he taka.1be -'d off-*-. _.cienoe fictiOIl in &om ow _ t-ledF. PaMpa lhia mat. it _ familiar. aolhll when we ,.enenL ti-.uy FIIN:'" it will aecm nthu bon,.. Ce~y. Ibe job of realiain, il baa p-t _oflhc bandaofSFwriItnI and intotholoe offilm-mak_ The M_ impon.wty. hellnde.....tbc l"'Ml:r ~oIcbariIowic IdIiaJ ..->on ia whethel, ....-hcn Ibe "11"'" arrivea, the US Conatitoltioa will M,", 10 ..batiaacl..llylOld,ahbOOIahlbe ..bject ....aeriabil.wre_gbinilaelf mil _ndeCI 10 allow Sc:hw_ucr 10 "n for Preaidcnt. {Rn-i-.t", 10boold_·._Ilti.... We_prqllIRdlOlia_lOhlminwbacja.afteraU. laupllNidto4u} the _clO"flll"ic ofperformlllU rn-. bccau.bc: m.... 1iB him by pu.yin. lip hia _ of wonder • it aU. rMhcr than _in, _ of the AtOtJ ,,-rlJrr rnirw 0fI T.w Rte.tl. II Ittu be", sli""ly edil.J, ruNWi", " .....rdilieainherenlintbcblltlr:ofacie:tlecflctioft. Je,n;p',,", of dw plot. Aft.~ SJllltsti", ,1Ia, i, IIoJ 10 be -_cdti", sptrilll law.t.lolh.ralesoflut'tcoJurrwJJt"'re/elUu~",ir.lht Iro.tyle. il·. like lialenin, 10 one of the beuerYllrietiu ofpwtYIIH:al-he·. ~cyirwro",i""u: IInlib SpUciina Ony. for CJl.lmplc, in 1b.1 he tlCYer n:ally ~.. the ncod Ia dialllrb ",. After .11, he'. Ic_ from John Bnmllcr IMI SF ia "I.bo,n ·fIln", .•• (Qu.id)aoonrllldohimacIfOlllherlln.Ullahlbetwcenconflictinspolitic.1 and he hu "'"K himaelf 10 admoniah • collu.ltC for takina il .11 too force....blelalnl.ll_andrlnllin,hiaperccptionac...tinu.UycMllenrd· acriou.ly. 'The keyclcment inthia monolo,lM: ia th.1 iI·. really funny.cycn Only. trip 10 Man can aolve hia Iedl.1 problema. when he'. diacuNin,1hc poaaibility of..-onil: plota 10 undermine sovemmcnt and infilll'aIC .1Il1Cyca. ofaockty. He "'ycll1••Umanner of DCrie COin,. on that The film w.. inapircd by. anon.1Oo')' by Ph.i1ip K. Dick, "Wc Can Rcmem~r occur. he relearchea Ibe UlCient ordcrofthe Dtuminali and thccllllofEria, II For You Wholull1e". 'The Ky word he", i. ·inapircd". 'The dil'OClOl' and gocldeaaofch_.andtlw:aoeincludcbiz.arrcyiaiton,pottedKC:reIinform.tion wrlll:fI MYC takcn Ihc kernel of • wriu.en 1100')' and bIIill on it in • fonn of ancI lon, forJOllCn boob and pampblcta. We Iauah II the bIlildin, lip of coll.boration.. The l'Uuk i•• kind of Harllt by NorlhwuI for tbc fIlllI"'. coincidenca.thcc_inllin,aigndllCanccofthenumber2J.tndlbeaugaeation combini,. an inui,vin, plOI ....ith plelllY of p-= and imalin.ation. lhat Karl Man. wu an nhllniMti dllflC, bul the moP .uaoeptibk puta of OW minda be,in 10 ....onder if it·. IlOI bcc:omina. little COllyiftl:ing after .n. lfTOIoIR-Uhadbt:eJldone-.aay•• arapIUc_1.it ..OIIldnodootbthave {RmrweJ'" Grvi" Boyr.~}. tea:ivod I.viall critical pniac.. Ba;..... it ia on fikn and t-od 011 • Phil Dict 1IOry. it will be objected 10 aorne.com ftw ita lack of inll:llcclll" merit. 8111, To '.e II tr'"fK""llry break: frr- • Fri",e• .lIooor ..." ....)'tl'\C' ~.sisf seci", .. inRobowp.lhc ...... iatbeRifJO'l ....U>11IOthinlr.aboulil..U)'Olldotl·1, T.._ Rec'" Hvwn-e~, pl_ ""'e Ihtu Ilw hu, ,.,..". of lhis ~n-iew Iii bKk and enj..,. an u.cclknl Kim Ihrille,. {Rmrwd", lOll Mono,,} -""u'" i..tnNJw:e II Mbate alKJNl,lw tw,.".. M Jtpicwl i" SFJibtts. Morrfrr-IOllManutaIIJ 7rna1R_lr i" Wril.&oct..S..,b«,t,a wsInJi,"'" TOTAL RECALL IdcrtetJjcrio.. _.widI .. dftclOr Pul Vcmocyen 1990. IIO ...... IU, cert Jl ToralR....U ....a1 be thc_ yiolelltfilmofthe )'Ut. When I ..... il.lhad BRAVE l'o'EW WORLD .potopofUS __bchiDdlDCwtooabootlCd_"Oo,As1lie.pl-everytimc. TAD The.,., Company in the Edinb.uJh Frinr- Sc:hwuuneUU" _I inco .ctioD. 'They probably wiahed Ibey cOOIld lead bUn Ia lbeOulfto helpaort _ a fe.... dKutora ·,iven the ...rnber ofpeopllC hi. WCiviliaatioa ia Sleriliaarion- ia _ of lhc litenlly raoandin, phr_ thai characll:r m_1'" 10 kill .n by hirnKlf. who ne>e

OCloberlNovember I ~ 14

ltal.. (God be<:oming Ford), an: handled deftly, c.,h being given lhe right and the aqueuy·voioed heroine', dream ofI "matchbox" ofhe, own, complete amollnl of wciSht. without bludgeoning UI 10 death with speech-mllkinJ. And with "AI.1 ehlin-link fence~ and "ditpw.1 in lhe sink" work 10 well bee.u... thanb 10 Hlllltler,!he discursive oections, w~ one: lOCi .. theory it played off they I&kc cliched mll.ie.l.iIllMiON. and IIIldercllt the Mntiment with wiL n.e 'gainst another, ~ gripping and frighteningly urwsolVible. TIle ceo,",! lyricllll'C a1w.y. ClevCl snd the music, I fiftic.a/llixtica putiche complele with q_lion i. fon=ver with UI _ do we wanl controlled bappineu Or will we opt Shirelle-like girl ehorua, ill toe-tappinlly ellC:hy ,lUff. for lhe frwdom 10 feel unhappy and suffer pain Iblt gael ...ilb lhe ..eeroon of freewill. This company'. perfOITllance: is admi,.ble in thai it orUy '1I'C1y dinppoinll thoec who IllW the film of the show firal, Only lhe dentiat chancle, laco the The f;OIIlumea in this production an: unifonnly while, ~inforein8 lhe notion of charisml of SteY<: Martin'l part in the film. Seymour. the wimp who filiI a1Crility.until_ vi.itthe"..vlges" whoM: rich blcnd of palan myth and inuoduoc, the plant, ....udrey U,IO blood, illcapeeially lood. christi."ityfOlTlUl ••ubatilUte{or the true spiriwalfrecdomIhallheir RellC"",tiondenie,lhem. And the plant i, wonderful. ha~ing • rich fruity deep bluca ~oioc which impro"'" On the film'. own Alldn:y U. whilll lacking the Frank ~ wiurdry 1bere are some interating s!)Ilistic {calllre, of direcfioo Ilich lIS the 1e<:11I~ of that veraion. i1lfOW. impn:..i~cly, u the hum.,.. acllrry around it, and loursoflhe *h.tchcrXl" lhatthc ludience is made to ,(lend bylhe.imple wben tlfllllapeak.l, the effect il spel1bindinl' f'I'OC'US of having acton planted in the audience to uk quUtiOnl of the controller. White face masu are IIIed 10 'lIgp! • done

F... IhoM: of YOll unfamiliar with lite plO! of thit SF "B_movie" mUlie.l, it So whal il of in"''''11 to the lICicnce flCtiOll ...1de,7 lbe aornc:lirnel thin line concerns tlte growth of. mlll-uling. tinging. gianl planl and the effecl it hu betwecn fanlaly and re.lity thM tome people.ppear 10 be unable IOJUognise. on lite Skid Row re.idenu who come into contaci with il. Thill m.y .ound lib iI's not e~en • queltion of whether ... DOl you .ttach lOy credence to .....l1y odd ide.f.... mu.ie.l.bulilworUmarvellOUlly,elpeci.llylive. CrowleY·I ...m.rhble c1lim.: the ...lltionahip belwecn Neube'g and Crowley i, the .une u the relMio...hip belween Oarles MInIOII snd Ilia "family" or ....gelessn.e.!feenle,intotlte.piriloftheridiculouswithgullO: lDexccuof Jim Jone' and hildiaciplc.o. Crowley could h.Y<: been j=achinlufololY or Cncfgy th.l camel the .udience .1000g and makes litem sympathi". with comic­ ocientology lIIelllilyuheprcachedmllick. It doesn't m.ltc:, whelher or nol book eh.,acte.. and lICnlimenll. Whe... thill show llandtlbove illcloscst C,owley hMl cOII1I<:1 with .upposed "Hidden M.Ie,." in thill C

&AW1&] Matrix 90 IS

IrcalmellC of hill followcn. "'1be",,'•••lder hom eftry mimlte". n..1din, ..no .. ,"illbly off«l. Thil • all 10 ....mic in concepI and eJlec'IIhon!hle YOll iI MJPerb. llw. ....-riIin1 ill I¥perb. n.. ..hole dUal ill lIacr1y gippin" If )'011 be,;n 10 wonde, why they bochered.. and why !be maltcn didn', Ilk yOll, !wive • chance, pie.., do ICC it. (Rm-~dby Guy M. Gih_J bec_youjullt-wyoucouldha... donocbeDa'.

TN ~pfoffruwiJf_/IInJwrCfl"UilJ,udi.. " ..,~frtvttnw>rt llw. )ootolthe filmilhu"iJy(tndob¥ioII.ly)inapired byBItJdCnlfUWrand i,,: A/u".widlMlc:ncloacd.cIMllrOphobir:loolheiJl*:nedbycverydUnlbeinJ coloured ..triOIIa ..... of black. ~ and military .,..."- 'The whole thinC WORDS FROM THE WORLD'S END .... th>ton.tpeeially~indoorltl,encarSholt&trt,tnddlillflCt n.. Oxf.-llw.1tre 0.-, .. the &tintNrp Fri. ~.:cc.ntll for. cmo..llpCdofthe film thIc)'Oll don't at tint no6oI;: thatdclfl*.the nwnbc, of people OftlCftC.n l1li: IfI!'J lime, noone blot the p-, phi'-PhM:a1 ex~ 01 !he iIaue 01 HII_ WiU ¥en- God'...ill. pripcipal cbanoc:tcn ever IoCNaily tpe"" Thill hat the lint_nile .ide-d'f«t WId ,., heroic SIp, thiI pi')' every bit obetva .. o..NdiMV'H.-p Swdellll of m_" _ of Ihe helicopter pilotl • pllyed by 11m-.. German DnmI A...... It e-pciY1kd the lIlIjoricy at Iht: lIIdie_ attt-p ink,­ .....1oC ..men.look _j_ -.ileat ...... 1ypeI bIIt brain.... 10 boot; atpeeial elli""ly,. _be, found ill mythoiOSic~oricaI.'-100 bud to_allow cff"'ldlltthem.llten.u~IYCOllldn·lhI... in..nded. MOd left duri. the perfomunce. And _ ,entleman. pertupl IUffcri"" the .train of -....how.toI;Hnany. feU _lcep md ~ behind me. M_ 44 i. mack in ci...mucope, and w;th IUCh an upcc:t ratio one "04I1d normally ad... peopllC _ to wail f« !be "ideo and Ihe cropped prillll lhll no.. 'llpubly Ullented and Ctla"Cilcd c_t, throe men and a wom.... lICapt into "",,,Its. But in thi. cue, the cincmlloCope IddI noth",.. tnd in fXI cmpl1_i... the perform__ with • bawdy IOI\C which loCI inlo motion a ttrlin 01 an mUllinC tnd ..,ally quite app.lli"l defect: when the bil'pIC"dIi'-lo imonnality IMI prope,ly IInde~lIt Ihc more IOlICmn 'lIbjcct maner oflhc main .Iidi", ICl'OII the .tIfI, yOll can I« the camera jcrb. You can't ,.,t mIlCh pu1oflhcpll)'_lhctdvenlUreaandconq_oIAlellanckrIheOrcot,c'vcn wone than thaL /Rninv~d by los'lM Hied to comply, the reluetanll monk. in the proclCN of Iellint; the 1I1e, ill fom:d to Y04I _0II1d ClIpoct, "OIIldn'l you, WI a director of Friedltin'. reputllion c....ide, lhe MbjllCIUoa of ~ will in hill own 1m _ oppooed to C:OIIldn'! cock lOp • horror fibn - at Ie.. _ within !he fir'll fi>re min_. AlQ..,.,'...... ivc: manifeawicJn. of bum.. wiD. He ..u. which did God Uof_na6Cly. dlilcloet h.ppcn inn. G...rditJII, the lIleofatn>ewilh the _nd,tndthitf_lhecelllnlquettionthittdrivabimincocompk:fe _I of. ckmonic dnIid and • h_nccr for the blood at babica.. }eMy Sufrove tcriptinalhetlle. iI C_iIl.... uuancly __ive __ who CMl cbann pwaltII inlo belie.. inC dlll tiE • the best """'y 10 looIt after !be.. _110m b-by. Ttkc.. me..,ly on the level of mytholoJicllftlillorit:a1l11Ory1Cllinc. thill play Unf_lIIldy.• a)aohuape~f«le"inCiI.(wltcnlhe_ ill hip) it a ..,mlfbbk fuI. llw. playen __ cbarfed witbcathwi_""" thitcmerp widllhccbild inIOthef_wbcnlbctJtfcnt.lry\inI_ .aacriflCial_k inlhe"".liIy ofthelldinlthey~-IIwI)'Imlirdy_..incma.cven in to dlill hu.. _jut .....inC to be. MFI boolc..,. rolcI.c:h _ dl.. of _ 01 Hell'. minion. OI'!bIII of Alcundcr, ~ly a role tocewctint.tlIn:procIIIclioaf«lIpirincloCton. 'The play m.atc:._at llw."",dabonoftbcoat·'ClItn_rrinllfappcti.. f«~BabyBio-iIIdilcloeed inno¥ltive"y1Utic ~IIICb _ when the mcd; it fcwced to "'bc<:omc" to thclllClicnce with lKiIe ..~ immed....ly the film be,_to any 1NUd­ cMncten in the life 01 AkJr.1rder WId therefCft ICtlIally pulhcd into up of WlUIC or Ibodc "alue ill \IOI.lllly ditlipated Iller in the dimu when a confronwi_ with the -. himlclf. llw. millie -.d ill "d...lie. nnainl from limilw ••arion iIIlcaclhily repltyed for the audience. Onor...... the ScOlIith contemporary folk to synIhcailed mood picccc. UbiqIlMOOI. chainAw is whipped IIOIt 10 add. fri_ of artificial fear. 10 nwc:b IOlhIIthetreeu,,-tndlriu_fancy~in.l'"'tty.....mic: 1bc wordt apokcn fit comfortably in&o the id>om of heroic 1""-, complete batllcof' ..illa. wilb Ulillbly mtjQtic metaphon. witbowt beinC .uft"oc:atin,ly didlnc:cd form reality or _ndin& artific:ial. C_iderina Ibat thn • only the lCCond Whilelbitalooc i1almcllcnou"'to~nder!hefilmum...khabllC.atediol"ly perfonned play by a y...... c pl.ywri"'!, it iI qui," .. achie"c:ment./Rrnnv,,1 dwll..npc by Pricdlti... Stephen Volt tnd Dan On:enbwllnd IoCSIJ>IIY editin& byC-i"BoyurJ i. e_Jh to maltc one look forwud to Ihe delilhtl of fiUinl ....1 • poll till .pplication form. 'The ide. of child·tnltChinC it, of COlIne, • wly horrifyins '71ti1 US-G,/7M" prodlfCfio" ,aku OllfltlNl aNi BHMk,.."wr fr>r ill "/()Qk" _.and._ll-writ..nlCCnariou'inalhi.ide.couldbethebaiitofanin..me "Nl 111"""'1 i" ,/,,,,'''"from Bf_ 11111...... "Nl n~ DU9 Dou.. for fOod drama. A CAlC in point WII the lillie Cirl ...tchocl durinCthe .ummcr from • ""tuU"," ...rot, 10IIII P,r,rs i" M.trix 89 0{ MH" 44. A fi-rtJI,r r"'inv carnan in Ihe welt COllmry • why did • t_nIy thn:c year old man ~lCh n:lotHdltJIt"·./n/i,,,s: lhroush Ihe wirdow tnd I'".b her? We may ..."er know. BUI !be explontion of. kidntppcr'. ,.""he and the parents' UlIuilh _Id malte umcttlin, and MOON," poIIibly horrifIC "ie..inl. Howc'lel", tddina MI ...... Iy daft p\ot aboi.tt Di_ted by Rolmd Emmerich., 99 minulel, cert l:i ikmonictreelillcnouaJ!toklacany_ofidenrif'"lC.rionwilhtbcfilmand ,~ In the trllila-• .,.j in .y....,.;.. M_ 44 Ioob 1000:1; INt tbc ~a1ity it rather .... thM the ...m of iu paN. Plot IOSie? 'The ICripc? Po:rt.p. both • Ihe On n:flcc:tioa, thiI itn·IIId..Uy too difflC_It, .. Ihe IMin nit 1ft1in1_I..Iy lCripfwri..n tum very u_ at the dittinction belWeca alOlar If*m and Ixkina io c:blnc:lcriatlion. Jeany 5"".,.,.." may be Ihe _, bill her ac.Ially• .,.j. proIorc which ...... thtI by 2031 tIw EtrttI.domi...... t by O'fUWhelminc b~ diR'- _y mI1IC¥OkllCll: ...... Camilla 10 the inlUJ.1tc1ic (M) mininC cOl'pOntioat ••ply -npomitinC' N« it it C\'U poioItbllllltinabailylOtbcMcriflCwu-.nodiffcn:olf'ramtaltin&himlD cxphincd ...... all thek..- in the "~_~ __ ..ppocd 10 be orbitirt&. M~.Caft.yl...oweU"""I>...icsB_playthe~tndu.-ldclicil OI'bow they~tokavc _~..,ck"'~Ptopermilrowy-""'" .)'lDpMby.1NI the poor ICripI a11ow8 them no propel" penpecti¥c. 'They an: niMioft,. idenliltit pcopk. cyphen with no IUlity.

B_t tbe helicoptcn __• in flC!, tbc f'"1lm'. one pod iclc.a. tbe limmd bem, I'm .....,. ditm.)'Cd ..ben. film inttik AC:h ""Clli.... rcIIdioN in me - .101 thMtbcair.IOO ....tyand ....I... forlbcpUolt:lOfIy~themoi ofpeoplctndlOOncyba¥<: been brOIIpttotelhuloliltlccffcct,and)'Oll CMl't tee....,., .-..ter backen ..mIlS _ their .....ia;- back ...... Yct liu1c help....-leril'll ...... ynobody_tbcf...lllcwlil:rtndc:otrU:tedthcm.William ~aI u•• e"ef mack of the iclcI: we _Ihe poo. dlatina cadi ocbu Il"OIIIld Friedltindnc:b:ibothTM~md1MFrnt('hCOMC'';"",_ofillnlthal thc _'. c"'y_ in mock docfipts and 1h.aI'. Iboul it. When the time epitomilc Ihe modern horTor and thriller ,e:nra. nu. film iI IIRlikely 10 c_tockfendthc ...ine.ainltthcroOOl~oIthccorporltiOft"ll"Ch· enllanee thai n:puUltiorl.1I i••c_ of ~oodIman. Don'1 Spare lbll T_rw ri"al,il'.a1lo,,"rinaboulfiveminu...;andin ...yu-=thillri...lry.andthe /Rrnr'O'Nd by Iolul Pd~rsJ helicopcen, Ire qui.. iDcidcnw to them.iniMOI,whicbc:oncellll thelheft of on:·laden mininC thuw.. by i..iden and roqu~ an wndcn:over in"etIiCIlOl' Wile" "plot ,'11 0141 o/Itoltd. Y"" N" ....tko..'.li'ti,IIIorjtul"",'mb" to be infiltnled into !he e~w of",,-pnlOnCr1l beinl IIII""t to ny the helicopten Itoppi~r times. Or Itoppt~r. ~qwJlly bod,films lib: II the price oIlheir liberty. To no p.t .urprile (_II, no! mine). !he mlllCnnind behind the .hurnc lhelts NIIII OUI to be the moon'. commllJldcr.

OctoberlNovember 1990 16

I BOUGHT A VAMPlRE MOTORCYCLE eRlemblc doing. aoft.hoe o.huffle 10 Frank SiNIn'. New Yo"". New York has DireclOf Dirk Campbell, 104 milWlc><, cert 18 10 be lIeell to be believed. Cinema g.S' .bound. not leu' IIlinS Ouiotop~r t.« ... madprof_lookillJfot"thepcrfectfluvinl•. The Kling ill perfUDCIOty. the joke. e:w.enociating. the plot half-willed. the ocenario .Iupid beyond belief, the !Quit Ihoroughly .illy - and .110 rather Willt Joe Dillie'. CDCoor.gement, Rick Baker and his crew have fashioned the amlliing. Admittedly. I 80Il,"' a Vampire MOlorrycie provoke. chuckle. moat perverted bu.neh of little begg.... outaide the Man Brotbcrl and leI them ;lI&IcMlofbellylaughA,blllthi.iaprob.bly~,ulCil.lmakc:ra.knowingthat loooe in. New York office block. One COftIlanliy hoped lItat they wOll!d bump the alighlcfl hint of poncnlOUl'nca would be dc.lh • the box offICe - and that into BtIICe Willis ahooIinS Die Hard 2 - would the crewa be .ble to tell the apanf....., its o;:cnlr.lprem;.e the film iackvoid oforigin.J ideas - chole 10 difference71 won'l spoil il fO!" you - make this one a priority in yoor diary. pl.yil ...... lirer.therth.... e<>tnedyItilnot.Iw.~de... whoorwh.tia And don'l leave before the lighta come on • you m.y miss aomething. being saliriaed - Ibere can'l be that milch mile.se left in the tbcmc of {Reviewed by John Peters} vampiriam ordemooic poIoKuion - but the notion of.molOttyclc that won', Nnunlil Il'krdarlc and then only on. I&rIk fIlll of blood iaeertainly unu.ual. OK, so John liud il. ANi I fib reviews wltich aln co_nt On /he eveN wilhofll losing /he enlhusiASm and /he enjoy",ent il cretJId. Did I stJy How the mot~yclc got tNl WIY pro'I'idea the lubplot, involvins dll: huntinS -finally·' Alwdysafalal ward. when Ihe kJsl word coNJdco"'efro'" a One· down of the biur gang which mllrde~ the riub wb<- Ie•• <:lnC'e rock it; ma" trilon,yu,folJu.i(3: thilinlumprovidc.thc""cuoeforthcbike'.initialbloochhed,p1.yedmainly for black laugbo. &her which ilg_ properly on the rampage and cndlI by LORD OF 11IE RINGS eating a traffic warden anempting to give il a parkingl;ckel for a brokcn performed by Rob lnglil .. the Edinburgh Fringe headlighL Although theacriprwriterl-=m a bil confuocd aboul the diffcrenc:e between vampirism and dcmoniam, tJU. very confuaion allowa room for a It Is a one-man verlion of Tolkien's triloJ)'. 1be ide. tul'lll OUI no( quite u ..ther jolly exorciam acene featuring a priest not avene to doina a fcw .trange as il lKlIlndll, howoever,.ince the epic COIUeIll of Talkien·. wort. wtJeeliea hinwelf. After which, more roaring aroond knoc:lri"l people offCoonlerwithaaunbed. .paring u. much ofthe rel.rivelylediouabaltle aeenea and much ridingarOllnd on horseback in Rohan and Gondor. although we are .Iso forced 10 IOIe Oleelrily, the acriptwTiter. even le...e room for a sequel by ensuring th.t when aubaidiary yel inlcreating plol linea. like the treachery and downf.ll of he f...t sequire.the motorcyclc. Ibc bcrohulOreplac:e the original petrol Sanunan,forCllample. tank, which wu damaged in the glng .hooc-OU1 in the hero'. g'rllC for • bil ofbu.ineuintheflllal.hoc.lcilllaocthelitlcevennow:V",,¥,;uMolOrcycle Obvioualy the eJtlenl to which you can enjoy • version of. favourile novel 2: I Tho..ght rd Gol Rid OfII. BUI I bet il WOn'l be half u daft. {Rrviewed espociaIlyone.revetedand.lmo.laacred uthis,dcpencb on how fill yOIl by lonph Nicholas] agree wilb lnalis' adaptaliona of the characters. He .uecccded, for the moat plrt,ing.iningthelympathyoftheaudieneeforhiovisionaofProdo,Oandalf, Bid 10 get bad: to straighl sf. lime Iravd. scierlCefictio" meets lhe wulent aNi Strider. Golhun and ao forth, by avoiding caricature in favour a! following the provides Ihe tmsWers. Yu,folb. it's: IClIICofthe worda.poken and, from them,dcriving the w.y they ahoukl be said. BACK TO THE FUTURE m Direclor Robert Zernec;lria, UniveraaI, PO Hobbita have often prescnled. problem for illualrllon and acton of.ll kindo .inu they can 10 e.ily .ppell merely silly and senlimental. But in Ingli.' lhi. follow. on dinx:dy from BltFll, with Marty McFly having to gobacl: to Frodo and Sam, there i. real .trength minSlod in willt their phy.icaI fragilily 1885 to relCue the 1)oc from • gu....lighler·. death. Yea, BttF UI becomea • and worldly ine:lperic:noc. Gollum i. prescnted CIlccllenlly, merely by vocals wealem in this l.~t, and hopefully, flllal epiaode. And il .... to be uid, thai .inu Inglis is not. phyaicaI performer. Gollum bcM;:omea.aquinnins, comical whi~ the DeLorean (THIl: mooillyl..h time-machine ever) ICta ahunled 10 the figu.... dcservinaofpily,but.lsoeaaenliailycOl1'llpledand unlrullworthy. ,ide for moat of the film, this is dcfmitely • CrICker of • film. 1be reuon ia Strideri.a litde lacking indcfmiOOn,bulthenhe aIwa)'l w., and here there limple: by ltaying mainly inane timc:~one. the aloryconoentrale.on Marty il little for him to do lince we leave the eompany ellly into the produelion. and Doc long enough to flllally dcvelop the characterio.lion onlyakelched in and p.y oaIy the moat fleeting; of viaita to them towards the end. lhia is not the clllicr filma. CIvi.topOcr Uoyd (Doc). in particular. confums how good an • weakneu in Inglis' perfonnanoe, but merely a prlCtic.1 conaidenlion. emotional actol" he is-fincdcmOftltraled in The DUQlf1 TeQlf1.Asl before. the Oandalf is wiae withoul preaching and the Nu.gul and Ores are wisely Icn ramificliliona of lime travel are besl ignored (for the good ofyoor sanily, if m.inly.ug.ge.1ed nOlhina else) u the film dNzlu with bre.thtakingloCtion sequencea, some very good comedy and • wry paaliche of the 'oVUlem genre by Il.ing many VCleran The oolyre.1 grievance I h.ve is,,, I have conlinually said, the ornissionalhal IICIOllI from counlle.. welterna. Mary Sleenburgen play. a characler not had to be made to bring it III 6o'Nn 10 under two hOUri. Thankfully though diaaimilar to the one ahe pl.yed in Time After Time when abe lime_travelled (and this will give you some idel of the aciuor-work thai had 10 be don<: 10 wilb H.O. Wells. Robert Zemcc:k" mu.. be • glutton fO!" pwtishmcnt, having tltil piece), the programme menliona th.t Inglis .... jual recorded. full version, shol dus directly after BttF II. All in.ll th..... filling end to an original and .s6 hoW'1l loog. in New York. Preaumably it is intended for braadcut, and if witty aerie., and one wishes other production teamo lOOk the lime to get lheir it ;.. il will be interesting to ace how il compare. with the moally CIlccllenl acta togclher 10 well. {Reviewed by loh" Peters] (but Iell complcli.l) BBC adaptation. {Reviewed by GalI;'1 Boyter] FiNlUy.ltorrorfaf'Ce: Video News GREMUNS 2: 11le Ne... B.tcb NEW RELEASES - theae new genre Iille••hould be eUlTCndy .v.il.ble,­ Director Joe Dante, Warner Brothen, 12 CASTI..E: Bill.l Ted's EM:dlenl Ad~enlJlre; P/talliom of/he Opera (Robert Englund'l venion); Enro,,"ter 01 Ravnt's Gote; John Waten receives the re­ Withoul doubl thia is the darte.t and moal baam: comedy I've seen .inu illluc lrealmenl,- Pofye3ler; Female Trouble; Mulliple MtVtiDC3; DespertJI~ roo'"g Ei1lS/ei". From the opening sereen where Daffy Duck .ttempts • pre­ Livi"g; Oliver Reed and Donald Pleuancc in a remake ofThe House r!Uslwr. emp(ive .trike on Bug. BulVlY and the Warner BrOlheri logo, to the clOling ~UaD: Brother3 irr Ann.r: f)Qrk ROQ"I; Pathfinder: Shocker crcdita, thia film resemblel nothing 10 much u • e1aoaic Chuek Jone. or Tu HOLLYWOOD COll.ECfION: Cherry 2000; The Arr,,,. Red PI,mel; Red Avery cartoon. In fact, Owck Jonea dircc:1ed the animlled lIeq\lcnocs, Heal: Shorl Cif'nlif 2: Blind F..ry: Ray Hanyh.uaen'. The EtJrlh vs Th~ Flyi"g dcmOMlrllingvery.blythlllhe·Ssrillthebesl. Sa..c~rs: Jo..rney fO th~ Seventh Planet: Lib FtJlher Like Son: The Sevenlh Sign:Vibu Once .gain. the human cui are .1moa1 ~levanl II the gremlins the...... lves MEDUSA: After3hoclc: BASbl CASe 1/: Irrfenw in S"ehaverr; Franlcerrhooker: are very much the 11111. TIle loc.lily hu ahifted to New York from the d_ic: Re-Q1IirtlQlOr 2: Ii",il Up; Never Cry Devil: Nightwish; Brian Yum.'s Socie" Imall lown of the first. bUI liltk haa changed. Billy il .lill the focul for MGM/VA: Earth Girls ore Ea.ry: Brain Dead and several volume. of Bltls Mop.i manipul.tion,.nd u the audienoc know the rulu bel1el" than he dou. BWirrycollectiOM .n hell bre.ks looae in the mOIl sophislic.1ed off_ tower in the city. Thi. of RCA,lColumbia: MOItJler High. Twice Dead. Yealron _S..rtdown; The Vampire cou....1I0wl Dl1Ilte to sllge .ome incredible comic act pi«es - the gremlin in Retreal: "TIle wild welt, where men are men and vampires allCkl~ .. 17 VIRGIN: MoM.t:y SJoinu: Th~ Tall Guy; UHF HIve Ako Heard From pu.graph. (For lhoee who m.y be Ie.. thin f....ili.. 20:20 VISiON: Clulttas Ar..: to- df SUlk..: LooJ< Who's Tmhn, withthej"'1On.lhiti,u'lIally.bbrevl.!edlo"WAHP",andh.vi"lyOllr"unc mentioned in .ueh • p....raph it beina WAHFed _ thil defmiti... UIl'aCIed GUILD _ S1tocur, 1989, (18), 105 mi We. Cnven'.IIlte.I,;'. lCwork.in.. from -I DhOO'1 Undhc~1Ild Bloodhy Fhanzinea· by Khcv Ph MhcVhehip). of Elnl SI, llSing elcttrici'ly m-ad of dn: the medium ofde.th. Horace 1bere arc in facllWo Kplf'ltc ktler <:o1umna, one general, and the o!ber ("KI1i Pinb:r i-n't e:<-=t1y one of life'. gentlemen - bill hobbiu int"lllde rape, m.u.s JlIglina·) ~ontainina IlI:'POIl.llCl .pcdfx: 10 Judith'l ·PellO:h FIItt, Buma and murder and .tickinS hil dian. inlo power IJOCketl;, Becoming the ~I bunled Femini.1a AS,insl Centon.hip. arti<:1e from the previous i..ue. Some of thete m... murdcl'a" in town (well, Mondloy nip.. are .I.....y. quietl) Honc:e iI rcapontea "'" ..ther intcfUlin" and at Judith henelf points 0tIt, largely mi.. finaUY""ahtandbcin,lOobvioll.ly&uiltyilltrlllppedinlolhcelcctriedl.ir. the poinI. Ctn the ever forgive A~don. C.oI. for exunple, for '1Itpe<:IinS Wbilo: he .urpn.u everyoM by soU.ina in !be elcclric chair'. volta and Judllhofbein,-ditingan.ou.-1Nifl ahouti"lformore,Honocegro.... ·lf'OIlscr,finallyll;lapptngh.ohactka.Thia i,.famili••tofylJllvcdby.nc.trwiolllOthepkltandlblain I ~opy tnd llI:ad il _ .ttaek hil victinw. Hil ability 10 ohiftfrorn body 10 body ahould be exciting but uc;cptto ..y that, formc.1hc line itdomill.lled 10. oertain utcnl by Judith'l 1m', __ ICC"" are "tdc!l"'Phcd" ahe.d. feminismtrticle, and lh.1 mot" ifnol.1I of bcr <:orreapondcntl htve forgollcn Karl Mant'••imple dielllm: '"The world hll only been inlerpf!'ted by RCE/COLUMBIA. CIu"y 2000, 1987, (15), 95 miN. &QCUcn! at KUoncr philoaophera in VviOlll w'Y': the poinl it 10 <:hangc il·. Thi. poinl i. which inexplicllblyfailed.ttbecinem. -onhindoighl, prob.b1ybcc.uocit ~OIl.IpieIiOll.ly for,oIlen when ditc\lllin,. for ellample, IUitm in advetti.ing. really oaewatheknifeinlOltr.'1enclan8'l'l'edspecief.,IhcYuppie.11v:o yeari. N Ion&: .....~h tdvettilina it effeeti~. il will contillllC 10 be produced. E~I 2011, ancl Sun Tread_II h. jUJl.horted hi. KlI-droid (Oxrry 2000) in an tlac Aa,""""rt hat nollldl pretenllona or <:OIl.Iiderationt. ilUdtl U the written amOl'OU.l cliDl:h UIIOftll the tochen .ink'. ~ .I>dt. Rt!ber ditftucd II thi. link between Melboume fMdom. and, ODe prclll..-, Ozf&n.l generally. On lhi. (7) Sam hires • Il'aCker 10 fmd him llIlOthtr ~rry. AlonB !be w.y !be~'. level, il mllll be judged I IIK:«II. F7TI ~nt mi.ion 10 rlite the m

Fire and Hemlock Edld it. of <:oU13C. an IwJrd.wilWlinS famine, !hough I dollbl if II will be 100 I..., bef~ the IUDC~'" be ..id of nT, with tbc NovI _ard b.11oI ~orninS 1be~ ""' more f&l\l:ine.o than IIlu.llhia time. Inwled from the Worldcon fan right Ilong rul lOOn now. After .11, F1T hal .11 the n,h! qllllifX:llions: room. and IlI:lrieve

OctoberlNovember 1990 18

won, Idler cohlmn Oft 1InIOkina. roekm, and anTIS. KlN"'lIed by • li.- 01 KOSMOSKYNA 2 f"llZu- ,,"ei~cd. Th~ one i- _II wuth ,.,..till._ (Ecu J_ger. LinAakc:.tcnblU 13. I, SfI.OO250 HcIllinki, Finland) Cubrinc DOXA! oftheFinniohScicoceFicI.... WriIcn"-'cialioo..Tbc/{~upl&.inod, (Roman Orun.lti., PO Box 131, M-.de", SA .5010, A.m!ia) A kaer inIJochICtioolOfinniabf_and.-fiIeOllJob_Sinin&owilhhera'-'t Hpp6emenl thil time -hKlinc o.vc. L.cU.1'1 ruction 10 ~ pcrf_ SlOr)' Ihc Nip W.Icr"'. She c-a:.. ;t • cornplimcnl .... be told her worb ..uatSIeIarc. ~ ndI hm-tf 011 multloob (-IN¥pCak.bk --.. of(s) '" "&Ioricntinc 1ikc.lIICntaI iIt.h~.the--".....lt.~ldrcc_ldbe JlCl""rt~). R«n.an guto ill ,.,ply Ihat while a-1 Ctutea beH'Y IIIld -UIU ·1 think I rud(tbalatoryJWljUllnow Icaa'llKa1I whal: it ...... abooIt_· totnllh.,_artiadelibemclyda.ipcclto"ctwt,etot;JeIy,lOinvile_ LEGEND ••yaolvic....ma~woricI,10 wJ&Uldiffc.tmapwaibilibu-. A fwtbulJD.m! (10M Braad, 3 E.by Walk, IGottd.aIc, Liverpool.) C_iKenIIy cfljoyablc dexri'- Lalin Limbo, puformano:e wb.l: and 8e1f-aDpkl~ public _rut mcdiaflllZiuc1ridlllticleaaaLiutda{tMGilJllUaadSpor;,,/9SI9. ,.\ppaft;ntly l~r(iaitMelboolmewhic:b.ltnCtllheaeimc:l'UlintpeopleorjualR_1) in S"I"fnNUf V tbc caped auudcr will IKtlc potluli?Sboukle.lyfantineabeac&Dnl:dandalORdaafloppyddb faced by ,hugepilcofllnrCapOfdcdtofanr.irxa..lnlClQIing. infonnatiYe....ith (e_ilko. the traahy P&f'U aomc wen: prinlled ...)7 the odcIanou. point· I wilh the... were ..-c leacr .boatilulCI lib Ihia. FACTStlEET FIVE PERSPICACIOUS PERSPICUlIT '1 (Mike CNndcrloy. 6 Arizoruo Ave. Rcnoa1acr. NY 121~2, USA) Tbc (Craie Macbride, PO 8011. 274, Wodd Trade Cenlrc lOOS, A..cn.li,) Run m..ltitude of faonzinca liAcd (pi.. ...tOo. e~ and poclrJ)" hlllDblin,lO. of 0..- M.cat- which had IoIda of v __ the Mclboamc ven.... of faazinc cdilOr."1 ucitifta 10' fanQl>I' reader. P111.ide .Iotoftimc for Ibia BiAIea' t.irttday party and • I.boa player (dclPCalled) who at.-l playWlJ ... _(I40papl) 0907 011 EMler Day (ie early). The Iellcr coIooma incllodca phoIOI of tbc FJU!"" eorTClpOllllcllta(bc&dlOllly)&Ddthcreis ....amin&tbatcOllcOflJlllittcaIftiahl (Mike GI)"u, SI2I WoodmuI AYe *2. VNl N"Y' Ca 91.401, USA) ~ -act thcbe&lbcJW deaL PlIrthn __ willdcpcDdaa die reapoMC."1f with W~on report and.-tial David Lee Andcnon apecc:b: lood for US fan nobody. c"Cfl .liJhclr illlera1Cd, then thia projecl may shrivel Uld die·. Picy if it dou. FIAMINGOS TURNING TRICKS (FITlt) POtmllK (Ioacph Nkho.. and JlOdiih H--. 5A FrinIOfl Road, SIanlIord Hill, 1...oDdoIl (Ep ClCmy, MlIlCebov, 14, 140 00 Pnhao ., C%Joc~akiao)The bulletin Nlj 6NH) DominMed by a m_ive (and _ivcly in~lQtin&> letter collllNl, of the J.1ea VertIC- chit. which inc.... a brief IUaIory of e-:h fanrklrn. • co&y wride on life in. women'. priaon.. &ocn by a .1Udc1ll volll.!>IOCr and &nOIhcr episode of the -Sw Tftck n., (hilariou.) and...- lieu.... )"'1 another uoOc holiday for J.-ph. capaiEi", Canoes in Tn.. P\lLP 17 FUC.K.ERS 'N' FRAMES (Medon Carol " Rob Hanacn. 144 P1MhcI 0r0'i'C, Eat Ham, London E6 (lohn M. flek... 299 SOIIthw.y onve. Southw.y, Plymouth PL6 6QN) 4"'1OC.I IAB)1lUa:l:incb•• f'QUlt1ngcdilorahip·PCllliMUCcdiledloyJohnH.....cy. fOO" £4.Xl, .inile iullC £I.2j;. Fiction, r.inCI and Ioc. of revie..... luge 10 SThe Orchard., TonwcII,HertaSOI20HR.AIanDoRyooccdef"1ftCd ·fanniah" (lCcord anniYenary cclebralion) include. an cul...i"e tape from Oive u"any.ubjcctcanbcdiacullClCl~.it;"then:foredll.bioultoqllibble.t_inl Lillicwood ofElft:lronit;o/DuQIIU in St. AlI&lell. I likcthil_ articlelon .bortion riglla 00" In ..cicle on JCnuincly wll'llingkida 10 read FTL 0...... , 1M CQI DQItC,r: Ol..ch Hatria deKobca!he fann.h "i';101"1 10 Atom'. (Mir:hoel CllITOll. 30 Beverly Downa, Knod;Jyon Rood, TempIeD,.,e. Dublin IraditioNol f..neral . Yery moving. A long IellCt column. 16)Oubr.incfor thelr..hSciencc:FlClicnAaaoci.lion.F"lCtion.aOlvidB,in RBDBACK inkrview•• network .-liele. The re"iew IClClion conccntl"'Ie' on plola. (John O. Beny, S2S 19th AYenuc EMI, Seattle, WuhinclOn 98112, USA) GREAT BAlJ..S OF FIRE 3 Ne...letter ,boutlhc Down Under Fan f1und (Us..A..lraIiI and back). Thc nellt (Dave Lanpord, 94 London Rl*!, Rc.adine ROI JAU) Ne...letter on the nee will _nd • North Amcric&.n fan to Bri.b-nc nellt Eaa..... Liat of d_k JcIUlY Randlea court Cuc wilb qualif"Jcd opcimilm - MJ Balli baa raiacd. third fanr.incato bc.l/ICtimcd of the catimaled bill. More boob fOO" sale and lrida ro;qucatcd for mail order SCIENCB ncnoN JOURNAI..EN auction. Supporten incl_ Tcny Broome., Ken a.c.lin, 0-.. FunneD. Ken (Ahrticl EnJhoIm, Rc..uemaoOata29.S·116J31 Srockholm.Swedcn) Tc.. l.akc. SIe'IC Sncyd. Nig"" n.c..-.a..te. Wendell W'Fr. Jr~ Walkr A. ilCmaofnew.. IhcS.....ti&Illp&ClCmowcmefll,therU'&lRaaianalmaaRinc;btol WiU. and many more.. the bcoIf pwtuplora thecliffialhica ofwrilingconvenatiool for aliena. INCEP'I10N SHIPYARD BLlJES 5 (SIeVC Jeffery and Vikki Lee France. 44 W1U~ W.y. Kiclliftplft. ~ OX5 (10M D.o-.. HipflCld CIoec, Newport P.pll, Booeu MK16 9AZ) The DCA) ~A Pb,. of Vipcta ._ or • H_ of ShininJ (--.bar Tamidocd) be_1ilJ lypOJr,.,akalllyle and c,",floll".- ID&kc me Ibifllr. of ...... ny Alljcla~ diK1lucs Ihc prw and coni ofcriticiamh'cvie_; wich lorie:! lanl&i-inJ pic witbcrum _ the fi,.r one .dclkiow..lwould re~...ucae &barpcr pieccaon Fnder rolcs.Srorm C_antincand die Iiluaryandrosync. 'The..al edil:illf· .... make a Latin IIog tbc mar of ••Of)'. admiPbk bul. f_ __ p_lou~gcndc.rroleaia_dqloIh. ...ith thc a-a.1aIioa woUd haYe prcftlllcd many flo.lift&' in. mUllin: lAtin KILLlE I'J!N 17 dir:tionary. The lct:ICr column i. livcly; ollhc article&, ~n Lake (lIdnUrably 40p lb. • a footb.ll fam:iuc. (Richard C.io-, 34 8o)'d On Cteaocnl, coenpkrncnlOd by • Shcp illo) and M.-y OcnlJc an: ~gbt .-.oking. Kilmaun, Aynbi~, Scodand) Diatinct lack of acicocc f"lCtion, oweroc- of SVERIFANDOM IN THE lOS football- in odwr word&, • Iypical f..wnc.. Lcl~n., e-ip. foocbalJ folk_p (Holrer El;- - no &ddtcu .ival • (lOMibly obcainod yil Ahrtid Engholm. (·AI he I,y on the lo.llkf"tcld dyin&JWith the blood poulin, 011.1 of hi, ~ ,. above) n_ "lty &nlholov C&nnOl be dacn"bcd properly in , few headJIlw-n he propped hinwclfup ooonc elbowJAnd thcac _~ the worda he linea .theftc',.101 ofrudine there plu•• 1dofl'h<- of Scaadinavian fltll nidi Kilmarnock, Kilmarnod:/We are the champioN"). 10 idcnlify. Long pu_ while I open il.1 random and read.bouI aIlIdonllifc. KlWICON more Cllciting. _ (.lIppOICdly) 1cc1ol.1 and (pouibly) more er.aucraicd than (FcIir:i1y ReICher A P.ul Scooroca. 30 Mltllwct Ave. Mt. Alber!. AlOCkland. mine. New Ze.I.nd). lUll because th••• con prosrarnmc book docan'tllOP it beinl TAFFDOOR 1 wonk reading. Arlicle.! On Hany Harriaon and Mary MacLachlan, Dr. Who (Robert Lichtman, PO Box 30. Olen Ellen. Ca. 95442. USA) BKkground f.ndom in NZ ,nd photographs of the con commilleC. informltion on lhe TAW rloCe and detail. ofthc 'IICtion which include. d_ic fllflr.inclfor ••Ie.

MatS 19

TALES FROM THE BROKEN DRUM. edition of TIle Dra,o"bo"e ehDir (Arrow) and the hardback of the Kquel. (Gary StarT, 46 Am,ide Ro.d, BeafWood E.talc, Notlinsham N05 SHE) SIO"e of FtV~ell (Century). The place ia W.letltone·•• .:52 Bold SIJUt, OubzinenfO<;larino:, tM elub devoted totbeexplonlionoflfhllll'lOUr. n.c~'. Livcrpool; the time i. 1830. Contaetthe.hop (0.:517<190866) for more detaib. an llIIaJ)'Iilof R~d DwarfhislOfy.'" Od~to II Clot1luHors~(poern, hilariouI) ADd Ioolr. oul for Aald, Sa"'J"et, editor of PtJPerboct ht/ulIO. who IlelIt thia: ""'_. infonnlt>on. TlMEUNEl (1~him Henke, Johnal...... , 21,6551 Volxheim, Germany) Or. Who fanzine nFTEEN YEARS IN ORBIT Pclertlorough Science FicUon Club arc in Germ.. with Sabine Muller pMfolio and comic Illip - Mr. Spack ,lao orlartisina·oerieaofeventanelltYCll'"tocclebnte!heirflftccnthannivenary. appean. They an: co-puaentinl • nwnber of aulhon with the loc.l wrileR sroup. TRAPDOOR 7,1,' chi~n·. book club and booIu.hopt;. includinl the lped.liat TII~ Ho"S~ Oil lll~ (Robert lichunan, PO Bolt 30, Olen Ellen, Ca. 95442, USA) To describe this Bordtrlllnd. II 3ID Lineoln Road. AllO the David Holrnea O.lkry hope to .. an ..:ceuible fannilh aem:ine is • limikd truth - it givu you • tingle of host In uhibilion of III from !he wilder oborel of the irn.ginllion. Other pu~ deli"'t fond deVOUR hour- aI.pare time when you IiI 10 rud m reread eventl will be orllniaed neW!:r the time. Detaib from Pcterborollih SF Cilib. it Thil one ill sood (1lOte <:aldlll undcntaeement). 24 Yuley Road, Yuley, PclCrborolllh PE73LO XUENSR (Ahlin Ie Bu..y, 211'\1edu Cirmtiere• .wSO !:aneWl. Belgium) f'reneh and WANTED INFORMATION ON OLD TIME SF WRITERS I'm 100kina EnJlilh Unc from Belai.,.. f_: infonnalion an:! mood f"ICoon. O,,;o"lly for inform.tion on lAo..reI Dltna.,.,., Pltul CORY. He...,. K.. G.le ("Sp.wn ;nk""til18_ of the Vortcll"), Dukl I. ~ea, Cbar~ Elk MUM (David Mcllw.in). WHO SUFFERS?' Karl Tbole (.m.t). o-r R~ltu (Vernon H. 5mb). Rafe ~r..rd (Julie C. OrOlIV'Cnor. S<:iencc F.c:ti... and Fantuy Sociely. Toivo Houac, ("Wheel in the Sky"), H&llb Waite.... Robert K.. We'" and S..ud MI_, Univeniry of HIIII, Hull HY6 7RX) Lively enjoyable c1ub:r.ine wilh grue&orne St&ndud pulp editOf. And WIUlIm S.mbrot, • writer I h.ve been trying 10 fable from Oily. lone. and d.,.....ion of how p.x. Dick ....ritel; ,bolll and for n::Kllt'hforovercwoycltl.lliveirt.rural~ .. aowouldbelr.tefulfOfany children."lidentifywilhlhemetionbyJohn LiptlWldMutinBrioc; articlea andn:VicWI by Milr.e Aahley. Anthony North, Tony I..ee,Dave W. Hul....; and It prob.bly COITIU .. OCWl 1.0 no one, bul relpOt* to thill coluTlVl ino;relllCl il1u.lnlted by ~yfu ... 0.11. Goffin, Allll Hunter and John Light. It .Iso :~~ ~:::::~in~:~A~t I~:~:n:: 1 i~':':"he":.·i: ino;ludc. • froc li.lIty minute compil.tion tape of Iyn!helizcr millie: from !he :oi:' :1 Ei«tronie:.l DRanw l.bel. nul .Ibum is elIclu.ive to r,.' F and fcawrellOlllC mentioned "Market Space". I'm ceminly not Ipinat thia. After .11. without of the be.tmu.ie:iana on the elec:tronie: mUlic ICCrle. r,,'FcOllta £4..50 ($14) your [etleR.I·d h.ve nocJtinl to do. (Now there'•• thOllght ...) laornetimca for.4 iaaue .ubaeription or £1.25 ($4) fOf • linglecop)' andCUl be ordered wid\. however. th.t the impoaaible qucatioml occ..ionally po... in thil column from John Peten, 299 Southw.y Drive. Southw.y. Plymouth, Devon PL6 drcw,"imilarrcaponlC. Unfortunately,yctanothcrqueationhudcfeatedbolh 6QN, I h.ve .lao. luge quantity of m.guu- (ger=. comptltet. electronica, myaelf and the BSFA membership (for detaill ace M8V). Any g .. on where mu.ie:. film and vidco) todil:pll«:of,andaorncgenreboolr..o. for. lilt, pleue we·re loing wron,7 ..,nd ..... 1.0 the .bove addreM. N if to prove th.t,.11 in.ll. we don'tre.lIy do ao badly. I thought thia time "GET STUFFED" 1Re lip' by and fOf IlOft 1.0)'11 requirea new membeR, If I'd live you In ide. of how well the Infonn.tion Servioe h.. been doin,. So you have.lOfttoy with.defmiteperaon.lity and. lillCrary fnomc of mind. hen:IOC&' pcrbapsthey·dlilr.el.ocommunie:.tewithothcrlOfttoyl,Afterall,tn

October/November 1990 20

The moat "1~fyinS cue. an: where I've <:aIled upan .omeone 10 assist, and they've gone above and beyond the call of auI)', IlOI merely ...w<:ring the Comics News qUClllion,bulillllmin'linstheentin:'\Ibjoclaru..lwou1d~i.llylikelo Ian Abraham thank Fandcrwn and the Edgar Rice Bunol/gh. Society for superb ..iawlce in the pllSl. Retailen in Brilain are cu,,",ntly hl~ing to re~iew their 1ICIling policy with regard to "....I..-only" comics sfk:, stocb were lICiud by both cu.1orJv Whal an: your chanoo.l of. de«ntan.'Nt'r 10 your qllaljon, I bear you cry. offken and the police. Variou, mipmen.. hive been impounded on poinl of Well. I've h.,;! to .bandon seven 'I_tiona for various rn'OM (u.,...lIy. when couy, whiisl the la"'l SfHllb"SJ repot1lI I raid 011 • London lpoei";,,1 SlUR! . • 11 .nil-ble channell hue failed me); and ~ or rwke I've h.od to declare Titlou aeized were m.inly ponoographic in n.ture, huin, become i...~ogtle on uSC dOled be<:,""" the 'l"".tioner WlUlled more Nld IT"IO"' dc:u.il on the same the t.lil of lhe nlllOOOllI mui-lICric, SltlClt Kiu. Whilol IIOI'IIe highly com­ subject. If you're asking _thing th.,', no{ amen.ble to conventional mended litlel, ,uch u O-.w, f~ CM Dimur, h.ve bcc.n affected, the cu""nl rucalch melhoda, be ~p~ for. Ions w.il - six montm or mOf" in II)mC scare has been IggIV.ted by the prolifualion or poor qlUllity utica, often cue•. Bill ifyou're.fterbibliographical dctaila or the like, you stand a good .toekedbyshopt:.g.instthe ad~iceofdisllibutonwhowOllklh,vepn:ferTed chance of an answer within fix \¥OeU. BUI don't forgellhal SARI not to have carried them. Retailen mighl be ad¥iacd to Confider thai diatributonhavefarmore.bilitylojudgethequ.litylUKlm.ketabilityoflllch Ifyoll want 10 put rne 10 the IeSl.dropmr:. line, and I'lIl1CC what I can do. comics.1be market in ~adult comics" wOllkl •....,Iy have followed the .,.th of My addrea iI: Phil Nichola. 57 Grange R....t, Well Bromwich. West Midlands the black ok while fad of. few ye.....go, eoll.p"ing and lelving retaile.. B108PB. holdina:largequantitieeofun..leablelUKluJVetumlblestoek.

An example of the maluring of the comics bUlinca recently (u oppoacd 10 ito produc..l) has been the k:ntati~e mov,... within aome ComplllUe5 _ard. Cry "Fanac"! creltor"""rlCnhip.lnoneofthemoathighprofilecllICIIofthilnewfrccdon, for creltorl UK 110m! Pat Millo IUKl Ke~in O'Neil and their popular MII"1uJ/ Thi. muc, Sue Thomasoll 1'levub the KCrct of the BSFA Orbiler. No, we Law have left Marvel'. Epic imprint to joint Neptune: Diftributon and their don't yet h.>'C: Our own space .hunka, btll the orbiter grou.,. m.y yell.unch ApocalyptIC publishing divioion. The .ptit with Epic Comicl ia reported 10 hue Ie~ero.l BSFA memben on • meteoric cllllCr in writing. been entirely amic.ble. November will ace the releue of A Pr-lige Formal MII,sltDl Lmv entitled The Kj",dOlft of dte Blilld: !be charac:ter What is the Orbiter? will laler join the line up of I new comic Toxic, 10 be published by Apocal­ )'plIC. This willappcar It your loc" new..genl weekly from MItCh 1991. Orbiltr i.the BSFA's poslal wrilen' workshop .cherne. cu,,",ntly co-oo:linl1l~d by Sue Thomuon (190 Coach Road. Sleights, nr. Whilby, North Yorio. Y022 Penluin Boob recently rele" I compilillion of TQnk Girl slli.,. from 5EN). Then: ..., cum:nlly (Sep!. 1990) ele~en ICli~e Orbiter grou.,., with a Dttldli"t malmne: to I blaze of medii publicity including re~iewl in IIOI'IIe of twdfth in fonn.uon and open 10 new memben. the more up-marhl newspapen. l1>cy continue their forlY into the comic. world by releuing a ~olume orMlluritQniQ Comics in November, baaed 011 the Each group conllillts of fi~e wrilen and a ~I of manuscripta, posted from popular UK indie comic which relalc:ll travel storie. (lOme with I VlI","ly SF member 10 member on a pre-.rrlnged ~orbil". When )'QU gclthe parocl, yOll f11~our). Pengtlin will allO be publidtinl the UK edition of Gillt Mt uberty, PUI in a MS of YOllr own, write honeat, con.trueli~e critical comments on the I SFcomic by FBIIk Miller and Dive Oibbonll, once il complelc:ll i.. four italle other fOllr MSS, and p... il on. 2·3 mooths I.ler, the plll'CCl reluma to you and run in the State•. Ifthc currenl air of credibility around Sfflphie novel you lalre ....t your old MS with four ae.. of comments .uaehe<:l, pUl in a new publiahing ia 10 be m.intained. it ncedo this sort of.uppon from m,jor bou.,... MSandrepeat... In III unusual move, UK havc obtained the righb 10 reprint Orbiler'. be"",fi.. are many. Wrilc:n often feel isol.ted: the group pUll you in DC', Arnenclll Stor Trtll: Tlu NUl Gt"trorio" comicl in I Britilh maglRinc t....ch with four other people whoprelum.blyh.vcaomethingprettyb..ic in of that title. It will be ••lable male for their DoclOr WIto Monthly IUKl be common with you. the desire 10 wrire. YOIlr work ill read with .ttention and produced by the lame team. HopeNUy lhi. will mean m(II'e room fOl' edilor commented on by four other people who will al the very leul proofread your John Frecmlll 10 employ Kmi-pro fill wrik:n., some of whom he has MS for 1)'pOl .nd continuity erran. Very often lhey will made much decper erocoufflge.d to good effeci in the pagcaofthe latk:rtitle. crilicialtll, which win either lead you 10 re~iae your WOR. or 10 undcnllnd Ihli you can'l pleaae e~eryone .11 the lime. De~cloping • "critic.l eye" and The following SF fla~ourod up-and-coming projccta will be of intere.c: judic;tum ofphr..., in commenting on odIer peoplca' work will.1 the 110111 male you more .ware of a rango= of writing .tylca: il m.y lead you 10 develop TWILIOI-IT (DC): Tbrec plU1 revi.ioniSl aerie. feawring many lICmin.. DC your aelf-criticism, 10 delect and eliminate _nne.....,. in your own WOR, ac:ience ficlion heron, incllKlinsthe legend51)' Tommy Tomorrow. Grown men lllill h.Unl DC', officeslookinl for Tommy', pM' uploit:f .., and thaI'.jllSl AplU1 from Illy I'Qlriclions made and .greed upon by indi~idu.l group", there !he pl'Olll Wrilten by Howard Clilykin, dr.wn by JOIIC Luil O-eI..Lopez. ia no rellriction m,,* and IJrud upon by indi~idu.l grau.,., there ia no WORlD WrIliOUT END (DC): One of the biggo=ll DC publicity pushca in reslriction on fOITll, Of genre. I hl~e ocen novel eJltrlCtI, short '1One., radio a long lime il gearing up to promote this title by Htllblaur wriler Jamie: plays, comic scripts •.. I ICC no reuon why poetry and non-fICtion piec:es Delano, including ellcupll/prc~ic:WI in the odIer "brit-pac:k~ DC comic., such shoukln't be orbited wiihin an.gru.blegroup. Mosl group" Kt a length limil as Doom Po.trolandShDJe.l1>c oldest plol in the world: the blttle of the 10 avoid paying uorbitanl postal charges. acllel. Dodor WIto'. f.iled with !his concepl Iwice, can Delano do belter1 LA~ AMERICAN (Epic): Finlsolicited 10 ftOtailen • couple of ye .... 110, There's very little form.l.cructure 10 the Orbiter network aplU1 from thaI. I might be lopical now u it concerns American mililMy mighl. Wagner and keep records ofmcmben' 1\III1oe. and addresses. and which gOllp(') lhey're in GranlacripL (some people ftnd il interesting to orbit. MS round one: sroup. re~iIe it in the FAfHRD AND TIlE ORAY MOUSER (Epic): Another Cht.~kin acrie., light ofcritici.m. n:ceived, then orbit ilround.aecondg....ptolOCeifthe confilTllinghi. move blCk 10 the Shetto aherhis peek outside with BlDclt Kiss. re.ponx ;" differenl). I ..k people 10 leI me know if they want to drop oul of This I'm lure you'll recogniac .... bue

CADD..J...ACS " DINOSAURS (Epic): Seeml to be !he month fCO'dinoaun ­ limi!arly _ially_.ff1icled people, we fell into each <>then' Irma, and beholdl bit CtlOilgh.d1ey didn't lei 1,000 crKk IMC lime ....y were aroundl Colollr Fandom Wal. reprint of I""'yiouoly bIw indie comic fUlUring in~nninllcd lime wne., hence thecontnodiction of Ihetilk. BlCk 10 lhc Con. With a progamme hning lip 10lixleen .imllltaneOIlI pat.llel .trelll\l. il can gel fairly ,omplic:all:d 10 dc,ide w~re you want 10 be and for what. The .peltCl'l and p_1I fOllnd il j...1 III cliffK:ul!, often uriyin, half &n hour \ale, or not at all. A lot of lhem weren't e¥en in Den Hu, at the lime­ The Periodic Table yet !hey were.lillli.ted in the prol'"lrIImC IIpdate.hee",riJh! up to the end of the Con. No matler: the principle, preYlou.ly thou,bt ulll<'ientifK:, of Con ne~ &hit lime i. domin-aed by !he Worklcon in .... Ncthulancb; there ~ .pontaneou. gcnenlion was proYed repenodly; ad Iwt; panell appeared 0111 of delait. ofilie nell! WorldcmlO nvc for. One ofthc Worldc... cOIllenden "". the alldiencea, liyod 0111 !heir brief li¥U, diAolYed, and yanished into aome EllrOpUIl and !hili h.. 11im:d up !be "EuSAC" MIe. - chat ia, Ih-t. European .lr"ge and echoing plac:e-probably the bar. Warldeon bid whiclilOKa should .till hold lhe con (The ;de. of. European Science F.,;ti... lnlerim ConvcllIion wb-.e>d ... 1M NASFlC, which is held in IbedtheimpreuionlhcConwuoycr-ambitioullyoyer-c.r,anitedbeforchllld.. NorthAmeri<;. whenever !he WOfldc:on occ:un on If>Olhercontinenl). HO'NUcr, and fairly diaor,anited at !he time. No doubt I'll be alUlC:Kd for lIying Ihll: ..-1 Amcricllrll now _m 10 "".,1 • m~ intemational Worldcon and Ik.",.hel1ofalotofpeop!eplltahellofalotofworkintof1lnningthe although thi. lal Worldc:on "AI not !he bi811ul, it ""N dcfiN...l)' !he m..t Con and makin, il work, whik I ...... iyely bl(:k and enj~ il. And it did international wilb 92 Pinna, «l (ENI) Oennll.lM, .5 Ru..i_, 8 Yupla"l, J work,1lnd I dkl enjoy it. I hid a lot of fIIn. I only wenl: 10 a handful of Bulgarians and 2 Tumaniana in .tdition 10 10 C2c<:ha and 41 Poln. There progamme item. _ I kepi millin, them becalllC I w .. in the b... Not were 331 I'CpreKntlotivel from !he boxl COWItry, the Nelhcrlandt, 679 from deliberately. but becallle the ,onYenatiol1l were 10 good I f«gol 10 check lhc ~It Britain (lie _nu, mayor may not include the Northern lrith ,ontingent, incredibly oomplu ~pot:1tcl· programme ,"ide (Mlmebod)' mll.t han a pot:1tc1 asl~ Dull:h weren'lquite /IIlftJil with the polilic:a1 geography of the British thai liu) to aee where I'dinlendcd lObe. bles), S39 from the United Stalea, .:cording 10 the 'OIl nc:wllc:t""r CO"!acls aNi C01foctio"S. 1bc nllmben differ .Iightly from m-givcn in the following Highlighllforrne' report, be<:all. il was wrilll:n aft~r the Con wu oyer: a 1bc f.,t thaI the Dutch Minilter for Ctl\tllre found the Con a .ignifK:anl enou,heventthltahelpokeatlhe openillfluremony "Mag Ik een Orangeboom, Alstubllefl" a I at lui 1191' Brian Aldill'. SF BI,.,s: yery thouJh!f\,1 and chollghl­ provoking, yery movin,. and I Te<:omrroend il wholeheartedly (and Brian make& Says Dave Barrell a wonderflllteddybe..). a 1bc Kllmau. Hotel in Schevenin~n it wondro.... Bri..... A!di..•• pany L.I .ummer I .I.-d going 10 Amlterdam eYery 'OIIpk of monthl 10 ICC • and the Bantarn/Corgi party a couple of nigltll earlier are whal the p1_ was 1hI1'~ ~r Dull:h friend. I .Iw.y. felt emblllTUolOd IlI>d friend. bed 10 lpelt dc.igDed for - ellpedilly II you eOllId watch a .pectac:lllar international in En,li.h for my bellefi!, in their own 'OIIDtry. I boupl. few "Tel(:h fireworlt diaplay competition 011 the belCh from the window•. YOliraetr boob and I.Ipu IlI>d thoIIght: by the lime 1'010 Den Hut!: fOO" the a Meeting loti of old friendl and makina: lOme roew. J",t.1 w. aboul WOO"ld daM" w~1 WII a gre.t way 10 end the COlI _ IlI>d eon,ratulatiorw. Norm..., on flNllly (thankyOll), Go,j, """.,"1 (Jood morning) IlI>d HOt ,_ ~I (how ..., you7­ getting Th, Iron Dmun IIPbanned in Weal Oennany. lill:..lly, how ,oetI i11-1lI>d 10 tlik 10 my friend'. doJlIll>d Uti in .lanJllIge they oeerncd 10 undentand.1'be 'OIIIOIlInll I COllld m&l\l.ge: il w. the DaM" w~lI. de N~dtrId the grunmar chat did for me.

It didn'l matter: the Dull:h do (almo.t) all .pelt Bn,liIh, IlI>d (WlIiK the Worldcon Site Selection Voting Frenc:h) an: perfectly happy 10 do 10. They..., alao dcli,hll:d when yOll make After three yotingroundo,the 1993 Worldc:on.ile wll annOIIncod 10 be SIIII an effort at the bar and ..y. Mal ik nil O","~boom. tJUttJNi,bt. F..~ (with 436 fint choice votel). The Commiaee. which indudel Ilpent • lot of my time at that bar. YOII '0II1d puantee at Illy time of the me",hera of e'iCry m.jor fan organilltiOl'l in Nonh California, eGnlli.lI of: Slie Slone (01m), Terry Bifid, Ben Miller, Midt.l Wal1it. Dnid Oark, O.il dayorniJh! 10 find an au«tment of Britilh wrill:n and 'liw inthemlinba" _ whic:h bed all the cllarm, half lhe ,omfort and none of the .izc at a multi­ Sanden, Jeff Canfiold, jan howard finder wich many memben and IUpponen .~y ,ar park. Pull marb 10 the bar.taft (1IIl1ally OI'Ily two) who coped with inc:ludin,OregBenrord, Diana PIlUOIl pllll Spickr and Jeanne Robinoon. 1lle aCGnIltanlnllhofweirdforei,nen. Conunittee with 10 pruent • tntly intematiOOlI Workkon in an inlemalion.al eitywich oyer 4000 reatatnanll IlI>d a mild dimall:. Foreipen,tbue_rea lot of dleK. I"veheardConPicdondcacribeduthe "lhcmain,on.ileh.ufunction.p~fCK4-'OOpeopkandl200,lIeIIroontI: fint Itvc Worldc:on. P«, I believe, the fnl time eyer OIIlaide the UK., Brill the threeoycrflow hoII:lI..., a\lleu than qu_r of a mik away. The Muriou OIItnllmbered Yanb, 7{)l} 10 5S6. Then came the Dutch, al 360. 1bere IVCre 106 from Eutem Europe, inc:lllding41 Poa and :n But Oerm_ - ,iDs_t i'.l1Iilivetofannilbnocdo-no,orbgeinprintel'OOnll,24hour,offce.hop, rule•. Totlll of filII al:lendins memben: 2.339. .winvnina: pool, reillted dreu ,ode.. added _p and nndwich ban. 10_11, ehocolale and hotellCrvice (SF in '93. PO Boo; 22091, San Franc:~o, Calif. 94122, USA).~ All chill m.se f« some fMC:in.tin, eonnnatiorw. Did yOll know ch.1 in Sloycnia,. rq>IIblic: within YII'OIlaYia, ..thon gel a month'. uJwy f« eyer)' ~.se • ixteen Pilei wriu..n11llc only prot>km ill. it hu to be in SIO'l'enie' a Of the other ,onlmden, Phoenix lIy they will try ag.in in aboul • . 1",I.geand,"1tlrebein,~ayilyprotn

pla<:e to be an allthor H' Programming at the Worldcon Being Brili.h, and knowing a fair number of Bri'" in the SF world, il was yery June Laverick rare f« meta look wound the main nOOl"IIl'I (~ar the bar) and not lICe people I know. On the other hand, havins gone by myxlf IlI>d not being The 1990 WorkkOl'l got underway with an openina "remony where lhc GIIC1ta .pecifieally wilh anyone whik I was there, I did .pend qtti"" a lot of time ofHOllO\Ir made lhcirappearano;c byrilins up from bcncath the blCk oflhc wanoderillfl from one eonvenation 10 another, and going to programme ileml liage. There w. IlIIO a lengthy .peech on the yirtue. of SF by the Dull:h alone.lllw ICveral people WM'd obYiOllllyeome alone and who didll'/know Minister of CIIlture, who ill a~n1ly a SF f.... loti ofolherpeople,and they looked pretty loat. I attended a nllmber of p_b inclllding Tolkim's Heri/a,e. Patric:ia McKillip Serio", wamin, ,omin, lip. A lot of fll\l _ IlI>d a lot of wrilen • in the SF wu ,itcd u an e:umple of a good new fmllly wri""r. Geoff Ryman III11e1ted world are b.icr.lly Ionen. How fandom ever fIIndiorw i. a my.tery of the from the audienc:c lhal the main theme of Th~ Lord of Ihe Rill'S it lou lame order as How 60ca a bumble-bee fly1 or Why is there always one odd ,"ffered aftel a war. Apparently Tolkien 1011 a nllmber of friendl in wartime• •od. when you ernpi}' the washing ml(:hine1 IU kidl we read by torchlighl IInderthe be

October/November 1990 22

Mlillcd by " Dutch fan in the guise of "St. HUllo~. Unfortv.n.",ly. Olel"u OCTOCON (O<:tober 13-14. The Royal Marine Hotel. OlIn UoIMire, ll4 Quinn y.rbro read WI the nomin"tiono 100 quieltly for the openlon of the .ttending, f.7 d.y membenhip on lhe door; dellils from 30 Beyerly Do...ns. .lideprojcctOO"lOpreaenlthec~in8·I;d.... Ktloc:klyon Road, Dublin 16. PIc..., note that chi. con i. re.tricled to 350 members) On Sund.y e~nina. Bri.... Aldiss. Ktrua J'etroM:U, Whiuleld ..d Ken Terry Pr.lchell is the msin O"".t of Honour ...ith mil"'" Dull""'. Peltt C.mpbell (who hac! flown in 'p"ci.Uy) performed Sacnec Fie/ioft Blun. nu. Morwood and J.III'" WlUle .Iao. There ...ill be ...orlr.ahopa on pl.yinl DaD, Wall " ..,rie" of mIChe, o.nd poem. from luch ""orb .. lAsl Orders an:l The ...ritinlnoveJ.andbecominllllartialbalano:cdbypvoelaonll<:iena:llC:uon Eirilly Mj,.IIu Hour. With the minimum of propoI. the trio upt the audience and f~. filml and • coatume party. ThiA con .ima to provide events for SF, enlranccdand amllsed. fanluy. horTor and comic. f.....

The Masque'" Wall ,,!mo.t cancelled dllC 10 " lack of entrNlIll. Eventually CONCERTO (October26-28, Kinl'. Manor Hotel. Edinbllrgb. ll7 .uending. .bout twenty five costumes "'""'" Ihown, many being Ihrnwn together in !he £7 IlIpporUns. det.ils from Jelle Goldie. 97 Harriaon Ro-'. Edinburgh EHI I I.., few d.Y"- Thil ineyitlbly led 10 " poon:r diaplay than "' ,,",viou. ILT) Worldcom,but;tw&'Istillenicrtainins. ifllQfl>Ctimea in.dVUlc:ntly. For mc, the With DUma Wy."'" Jo.... FOll and Mkt..el MadleoWt II Ollele. ofHonOllr, belt COSlllme of the evening ...,1III!be vcry 1.1 entrant"cued u Mort from the this ...ilI be an enteruininl con. ClIpecially with the H,llowe'en theme. Terry Pritchett DilCWOrld booka. With glowing Meyes and curying" Kythe, he had" genuinely menacing and unearthly .ppur..-.c:e. A'-o notloblc ""'''' two GENGIfiS KHON (O<:tober 26-28. H.tfield Polytechnic Siudeni Union. £S women cololl",,1Iy dreucd all the elemental .pirita of fll'e and w."'r. .ttendin.. f.4 for .ludenll. OIpa and UB4Oa: dellil. from o..ir Beins. Student Union PSIFA. H.tfleld Polyteehnic. Colle&" Lane, H.tf",1d ALIO 9AB. HelU) Thc conference f..,ilitie. in the HIgl.IC were very modem ""itll _nl Slyle Thi. is the I_te.t in • lonl lI<:rie. of friendly and inform.1 ·Shoe .trinl cona~; Katingin the largerh.1I1 giYinge\'(:ryQnl:' good yie... ofeyen",.O\'(:r.n. I Adr"lt Cole ill the m.in Oueatand provamme e\'(:nll include I fonn.l debate rully enjoyed the Worldcon and left fulinl ..,newed enth,niNm for SF and on the HllbbleteleKope and. participatory ut.how ...ith. largesnffiu ....ll f.nlaSy. andplauci"" 10 mw orllin.1 monsters.

NOVACON (Noyember9.-ll. El\cdlior HoteL. Birminlharn. f20 on the door. Contour Mappings The.., might be ... IIpper limit to prevent the botellcltinl uncomfortably crowded) Didr.lndNIddLyltC:h.,edilorsoftheenlerUininlfuu:ineMiIftosa.hayebeen Jildl. Co... ia Ouest ofHOflOIlr - as. reprodllctiye biologiAt, he i. ide.ally Nkcd to prepare tbe F-n Prograrnminl u.ck fortbe 1991 Worldeon,OIicon plaeedlOelltr_poIatepouiblellien(.eJlll.llbehaviollr.lnappearanee,hecould V. They.", interuted in fan hiAtory. fuu:inel and fandom _OIInd the ...orld, be an Emmett "Bad< 10 the P",IU"'~ Brown, complete ...ith enthusiam\ and bue "'0II1d ...elcome .uSBC.tiOOl f,om BSFA members (Chicon V AUlust 29.­ ch.n.m•• NovlCOrl will _lao celebrate Britiah Fandom·. 60th birthd.y tIcu (both in 3D). Mr. SorJo"~us. Tht ROC"ky Horror Pir'tIcU SIww. B/adt"'"Mr. PrdDlor, Afitll, There ...iIl be an enlarged COItlolrr MtJPPi",s nel\t ia"" (thill one h. been A/i,1IS and more. The Commillee poinll 0111 that aome J'l"osrlllUTlC items ...ill compressed beesu"" of thoc general preaure on space);. fe....nippelllo be IIn.uillble for children. BUI there ...ill be four brand new films. dill<:_ concillde _ An"", McColfftey ...ill be involved with lhe "Mu.ie in SF and vir'r w ullions. panels. 'IICtions and • de.Ie,·. rom. N you ...iIl need to .leep VUUl strnm II M.binogiCon nelll JIIIy in Banlar; Grea PkkenRill h.. aon>etimc:, the con hotel (P.ril:er. inCO!'JlOUuon Strut) arc offeriJIIlsped.1 resilned ... OI.ir from Mericon IV in HalTOS.te ""llt May d...., Io~. aeries of r.ce of£20pe' nighlbed and filII brelltfut - but ilmll.t be IlTIl'lged in peraon.l problems and dis.ppointmenll"; MlY 1991 ...ilI alao cont.in adYlllCel. Muqueradccon for child..,n - programme item. to include anim.l b.ll00n m.kinl and cuddly loy muquerade cOllllme.; and filllllly X-Con. =~4!'W1I!l< •

Matrix 90 23

X·CON'1 hal; Ynf_Aalel)' boca uDodled. no.. CommicIao: did propo"d Ott';", will ruftl,d -, Bo..,Itl. v...,.,., MrHorcycl.· ,rrin.othc:red -- Continued 10 ICC. I cOl.lId Ilw.y...ve thete ,.," up .. &rl ouAiliat)' ..pply oflOUcI I'm l .. rpriKd lhu Mutn. Jeffa")' lind Fro.noe h.ve ~IIO reod Tim Pow",,' P'f'C" u«11e1'll TIw AJto.bU DiIIu, Nth..,. C. Oub'l P.M;ItJot T_rrow. A"..... In&rl)'c_.wtlydoctthcwriaul.....,.ha~elOkcopOodat.olulclyoa'''"l'I D.~idoon·. Port!, W.lter lot. Miller Jr'. A C_",1o<.pt Jot Lribowir" Lony fOf' film IOhc .lUCc....1 WMITamm7 ...... to ... ia lboz ifevcl')' fum Nivel'l'l Taul of IC_" s,w., TIw WQf'.... of POtolOu. n. FIi,Itl of tltt ~Jc.1T)' Sil~rbet,·. of. novcl orahort.....,. had 10 be cuct and failhloll 1O"8OWCC thcn:'dk HorltrodisJl trd, Paumelle, D.usofFttWy, Robert Up rkI poonl i.. m...., the:m. M.)'hc itllCedt tok poiMad _lhoIlMprinted ,Iw VUot. Thcoclon: SIll,.-'1 A TIli'IodrI of 0'0"1' and l.o.n WriPI'. WIIo ...... ttrdftltn.".diffc~llImedi.. SfHOh of CltulNdt (which "-Id really be Corlb.... \oul they're noc ...ery cdibk). (Stcve Orovtl'. IOSe)"OI'I Lux. EatIKiIbride01....UI lnthcctOllOverbc:l"W'OC.. thctwo,the~."""'bc:cbMrandirna""ioa.. Othcrwitc fi..... wiII k j...1. tn outlel for It- too Iuy 10 rud.. lloa Moran. MiaJ'tll offc. the followUta: TIv Off-Lic,ltCts of IsItt, 117 AE Vtn Vod.... 6 &dellOn 0-. B..ry. Ov. Mo.nchcllC, BU 2JF]. FONI_.FDNbt. oNiE"'~"S_""ForJ... b71taac: Atimoy. u..pi" ofDiM S_ b)I J 0 B.llard, Rop. To.....,.. 117 Mic.h_1 Bit.hop. Fry n." loy Robert SiN'~ Jo" did Mr utJd IA~ Itt'" rol"",,, of "Molfix 89".1 r~fHdl tltDI it w,.1:. tsp«Wtlly IJI. co~". lit. /"" w... orlrQC'ud Jtv"a1 .w l,fIY. i, 10 )'O".lAt rttMkrl, 10 ('OIII1",.1It[wilt"". H_"",. dttu -._t IfWOMTlIblt C-...."I.II. Artwork for /Jo. 1IUl' isnt, tlto"ld 'tJltc' lilt ItDrrw 'Of ro-t'" "" /Jot rmrwl. SF or odttrwist -"s..iklblyi"tri,,,,", clusll"".Jot1O" onisu. The Quality of Reviews is nol Strajned A Man and His Dog

As. .cincphilC-. I'm tully apptllcd .. tbc ..... opiniooot.,..re~hive 01 I .... ~ply ~with 1M cOYer il .... It ,,,qa!.t 10 vcry .....y pottibil...... ico ... an foom. Joha ~tcn douo', IBind • fib be... trirllmed (TAt ;00 with .tlCh limited ...bjoecI ,.....1 1M do,'1 droopin, tail .. ~f'ltcted in £.,,1 D.tJd) - for .....ioto. cc...... ip re_ - 011 yideo. he CYCll _k_ the .l..mpcd tiKMtlclcro 0( the htl or ill it ,,;~, ~trUl1 Dou the do, know d.. bbin, (pGlJt/iNJ"J. rkI_M one 01 the. palal crimca cctmn:liaed .,_1 thtl he. it widt the Wf'llft, _-=,? H.. thcrt boca .... tlic... Wt.c_e. 011 Ewth cincml. C,"·lhe~od ...bIl"Cl1 toICcotllllfOfthcdcpl'u..ionof doJ tnd mtn10rtftclo,tt'dmanthe.lient, ..niIoppy on' p'-I IIIXon",nial 10 them in ph)'.iul or p'ycholoJic-.1 -= .....? It'. Inlly pk.....abk 10 tee • picllr~ tht! ~&rl keep makin, _ dtirllt • and Chri. B.iley doan't ,ive • d...... WI the yide.o D"". h.. lIOIhin, 10 00 with l.ynch'. ~e ..ionofthe film: Wilh.n the. p.,..tnd...:.."in,ofthcoou."pcl'b i..lil in one the dcln 10 ktep on ~·~iewi"l il. Thio w.. powuf..lll..ff th.. wide """1'1 tnd the ~moy.l of • lot of the " ..tic. l.7ltChilll lO\ICbe•• D""t did nlincthin,lO .ornewhcre dctp in my plyehc. (10M D. Rickett, 41 Foretl 10010:0 bland indeed tnd il'l no wonder. Show il in .11 ill ,lory in • 70mm Court, Sno.reabrook. London Ell lPl.1 lhe.1tC and l.ynch'l b,ulhtakin, mo~icm"'in8 pull Herbert'. pcdcaIritn writin,lOlluorne. Dallitl BIOt't odds: 1 lhink the trtworlt in the lilt iutIC w.. tmuhu." u.pccitll7 dte cove, wilh the do,. and I ftcl that the a1ont1.d of.nwork I'm TIttnkt. thou,... fOf the ~~ie .... oa Ttt_1 (whcrc 1 whokhetnccll7 .VC"'), .....in, Krou the boW, ineltodin,the _11..,.,._. """"" 10 be 011 the ....y M_ 44 (dilto), A"t SIiI, ond HtillJlul. (Raymortd P. Scltokt. Cbemin 6to "P. h"'9Pi1y. (114 Bu.k7l.anc:. Sidcwp. Kcfll DAI4 4JH]. S.Ic~ 14.01_1004 l.UJ>IVtC, Switurltrd). W.abtI ....,df,- CJfrlI S"'. 8SIiI,.;,J.wLt.. $«i." is_ /41 OOProNa 4. _141 00 P'oNa 01Wl1II. L.lflMdtadJ"u sItoaU ~ _.D(III, A "".,U,,-, of YorbJliu 6SFA ""tttb

OctoberlNovember 1990 24

5-WilVlCtof6HII,c. Matrix Competition #89: Results 6 - 1lI1111la1Clr IIndet the ...... AMES Roger Robinson 7. PromoIca hil own boob on New York cable.1V I. OOH .1. Worldcon .ince 1987 lbc ide. r« Ibill cOnlpClilOon _mil 10 have been _II rueived ",jib 1_ or 9.00H.I.Worldc:onbetwecn 1965 and 1975 ~ ofm. deven e...... bei",." far .. 1can Iell, ...... toMat,ucoxnpetil­ 100JIIdoblack belt and c:o:pcr1 piatol sMi i_. In a1ltwenry _ pi«ea: of ori,inal work were aubmilted w1Ih all bill 11· WiMet ola On-MAR in 19n and 1982 ~DynamJc tbfte atickin, 10 die twenl)' thru wordl aakod (M. 1lle ocher Ihree were rM!:n'Y 12- MA thuil wu pattly ,..bliabcd in Sf"' mal aix wordl kJcl&-Ihe.UInII bein,lhe XY a.ZwwdI;.1lledifkrenc:c bc:tween thewimerNfrre:IP_....tIherwux-r.vpJ••r....tridl:w...... llhlt LISTC lonIYI·velhei.SbooltlOkenlON1aelbec:_ofhPstrictd>e~lolhe. 1 - ~ Come Home niles. 'The AlbmiWonl could be Utl',oritc:d !hu, - fouttee:n in alpha order, 2-VendelLKfortbcS.int thru in rev,""" alphI otdu and the ""' nndom wid! the "pn." for ayinl aU 3-BlIllbooBkIocWled Wee acyla JOinIIO Ma.-. Ro,,'-.'. trilOS)'. '-M~MC 5-FaiacNipl F_ • ytI'M: by Nlrl ....~ on the McCaffTo:y boob. 6 - The Life and Death of. Saltllile Above, beyond dOlMk, cInJON twward ny. 7-Wall01 Ye.an Ore 100.... in jo;GpaIdy ""..-...ant lie. g-Ralph I24CAI+ Me nowonp.-n..qooid'Jyriai... apy_. 9-SFBlwa 11iREADl1- 10- YOOIt Book 01 Film-MaUna Unc_ioNblc vil:riot. writhinl-Oy. 11- The Mind Mealer 12-DccimalPayrol1Table.a Second (j_) J... r....eridr. 'frith. review 01 Metroplltl8r. Auonod bizam: dWXkn duip, eWlecM: fn_ ,_lIeU hip­ Entrica to tbc _Ill IlIddR:u: RoJCr RDbi-. 75 R-Iyll Ave._ HatokI raohotion imaaiaatiotl j_..,..b KadIo:y'.lively Mcln>pbafc ...... ,1. ot.crw. WIIIId, F-.. RM3 ORO. by Slltlltd-, No",,_. 17a., 199O. pIIft. QaNl.... _reholly llUY'i.,i.. ,"hnolopul wban viA. with X-.ntod yo«hfulzombta..

Thrd'"'l...I..,a1llhe.rol~inc: Soap Box T.M R_ with. complaint IIbootl NB..L _ bema ill competition U. Tbia •• CoklDll f... teadcn lowricc on .1I\I~tclOloc to tbcirhc-. 'Thia Whaa .,ileoe. unmukod till..? S<*tion reve" quirltioh pn:judice. omittina: ~rdIm Nell. multitudinous love,.' kindly joYOUI Inun heroi.... ,'-'-oua fcminiat ",adct travelled &om to H.U OVcmigbl 011 • aowdcd boat in • rectillin,acatdurinl,l«IrmllDdfa::"I&ron.Iy~lbtoJlf'OPOlC: eJ<~...ire. l!MaiminJotion can', be a1ktwed.

G.rt'J Nobkcwich a S/Q, T,tk.ynops.iI: New York lor Eastercon 1993! A bokI captain dirK" Enapriee f_.allantly. He ia J_ Kirk. Loc.ting Jim Grey ...... y ...... occupicdplanc... QuictJy"'.pecti"'Spock·lloCUlly"niqucVllkan wiadom. Aftu !he Worlckon., and the upcrienoc of tr~IIi"l by fen')'. the proapa:l 01 • me", EaalCrcon on kfICy in 1993 filII me with Io.lbinl_ Especially the Sua R. Fri.1Id wilb an invocation co follow !he U1IC palb: thoIIpl of tr'Ivellinll home .ftct the con. Ayin•. at e"ttelll pricca. doelll'l klolt Don'1 b"y Kylic Mino.uc·1 ~: olhcrwile, q"ickly I'CfK)IInC.C further 10 bad for !he chance of lleeping in my own bed, rathet th.... apcRdin, ~nty n.lIK.tinlly ....ve u.ndett_inll and pIIKhaae VClClor - certify IQnlCthin. orlbittyhov.ntravellina· inlelligcllljoilywe.llentfcn!helM:ad. That'. rip!.) don'llbinlt I'm beinl pcuimistic. Even with tbc,...-peel ofthc Competition #90 "Trouble With Triples" Sin.le. ElIt'OpcaIl Market c,,"inl the form.liliu., the Channel Ialandl ate not part of !he EC. Straiahl off. the tirnc from Ic:.vina ihe hotel loaclrinluhote in England could be • mIlCh ... t_lvc bolIta. And will British Rail have held Iklowate.thrceli... indicatinl!hebir1h,an(obIc"",)facland.titkbelon.in. Ihctr.in1 lovariOll. IoUthon.AIl you h.velodoiam.leh "pone. ilem from each lial and Iho:n.addlho:."thor·Inamc:.J".ltomm ilabitrnoreinlef'l:sting, !he",are. Th,vclhi.bridgcl'dlikeloaellyOll,okay7 IWO lleml in each lill that do nol form part of ally ~triple.~ 10 !he'" an: only ten."thon to find. And how lon, i. il ,oin, to lake to lei from lho: So"th CouI7 Anyone whll ,,"konl on chanlin, IlIlion- in London, and sellin! • .,.at on • train ""I, in Mart.ingwillbeufollowl: k:aa than III how. hllll'l ttXd iI. That·.1hc fNlelt roIIlt. Ooi,,& vi. Birmingh- CO