![Matrix 90 3 Ii](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Newsletter of the British Science Fiction Association News Awards: Hugos and Others SF Museums Clubs Nation-Wide Listing Fanzines A Natural History Conventions Worldcon Reports Cry "Fanac" Orbiter Explained Media News and Reviews Films, Videos Matrix at the Fringe Plus Comics. Letters, Competition Corner and Information Service. October-November 1990 2 BSFA membenhipc....... £.12 (UK A EEC). ll.5 About the Artist (non-EECEuropc),£18.,.'l2.5airA...lrali., Contents $2~ir....tio ....il.bIerr.....: llle_oclti,fromlaltlT1lo_,edirorofthc MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Joame RIoine F..letlVDy<Jr''''riu offanzinct Md orl of 29 Thornville Rc.d, NrwlfH"*.thc""blicilyforAtbacon'91 ...lUch m Hankpool, w.lkina on 01..: TIle BSFA Column be held .1 the Ccontnol HoreL 01.'0.... neXI (..h_nPortcr) C1e""landTS26 SEW Sep&embel.Nexrittuc ...illfeaw"' .......... "'vic..... pouibly • aiv~ B.R~r ink,.,icw. 10 I would like MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: K£ilh Ffftman ~~ the utwoR 10 n:fIe<:l the SF/Horror boundariu. with. from 269 Wy\.ch... Ro-t, Artwork it very ...dcome - ple __GIl -..01: irs. (p1lU1 Ki«.id little bdp Loou, SF Rcadina R06IPl. CJut",;C"I~ -nd odic, _rca) RetJders IIWY II«~ IMI I~r~ tlU ,Iildus ill dris Loc.a.IF-.x... USA MEMBERSHIP: Cy OIaoIvin _,.:i.... _ .,.., COttIpf<fer is lenffm.Jt, iff tlMIU .41AIWilfledSL. (L:imMiIdM:U) 1OI'rt<ltldris.i,wiUbe"...urp", .. ~,1I IAtron. vrrrlrmJ. Wr"""",plftOstsillCrret,. M14U13. USA Medi.Ne_ 12 (John Pesen wilb J_ph Niehol-. Owy M. Asft>rm~l4doftlTlWOrl:-dY,is~ SSFA OO-ORDfNATOR: ~b_1l Pone, Oi--. O.vin Boylle' ...cI/on M-> _lIIbers Nne UI,rrly utll i"f-tUNr ra (wJridI 60 BolrtnelnMlh RCNld. i,"'rlctNrled}·lH.t_Glf.MOSIr.,""'~1U FoIu-CTI9.5AZ Fft wid HenOOc:k: 17 tlUbwtlill' _doe uttmS(UIt/,sUtct .. ...-t A.ftinlO" .ad Awdvwb: The N_nl ......... utII;lIt111JWt11. tlwsl'0u!oriu...tnrticnullttJ HWory of F (Nil: Farcy) MAllUX FDITOR: klllly 0J0¥U tI".ryfowpriority. 16Avi."PlKe. The Thirty Ni~ Zinca I.ce.k LSI2 2NP a....p of Adcfta of MFA membcn: BLADiY. a-io: 16 R..o..- s.... o.-k NEWS: PMd KinI;aid c.0--1 Buu..T<nJA.2ABridJiro&_"'-.Shlrky.s......... 60 Bo.nwmcMllh Road, ",,»IN Wonnalion ~,.,io;e UpcUoile 19 FoIkuaoac CTI9 .5AZ C1.ARIt., N"'F1 T. 71 c."""... KM.., PIr1r. a... (Phil Nil:ho..) 0U0rd OD INP MEDIA: JohnPeaen =~~"l.ap"""'L....Wal~. Oy-F_": 20 299 Southw,"y Drive. WUI;srbeOrbile.7 P1)'D>(*1h PL6 6QN AlIENO. s.- 2j SMIdoon Jtood" Cloi"........, W'ol'-' (Seelbom_) SNI.OBP ORtJN'WI'll.. PMI M. 19 Bcndoy 0..-. Woorlwood, COMP£l111ONS: Role, Robi_ Coma New. L«dtU6."'T (1M Abr.hua) 75 Ro.lyn Avenue. MAXWELL. N;"'I 201 Itrmoon AY•• ~ c.. Harold Wood, ~llclf".BT6)SI1l £Au. RMJ ORO McCAHY. '-r C• W'__ 1loed, AM. ~ The PeriodicT-bIr:: 21 Hanra. GUn 6SX DIIV~ B.""u Ny' "M., ik Cl..UBS: Tommy FerJu80ll NOORD. J.e. Y ........ 1llI. "'3 ICW Har-. n.. OrUlS"boom. ...brblicft" 9OCarnhill, ........... Worldcon Site Votilll Shanlllllow J. OGDEN. Clriooophor M. Holly S.....P Ho*I. r..·• L.... On the Worldcon Pro,rammc (June Londonderry ST... IBE B_J<.IlRGI1liDN L.verio;k) ~MEJl.OY.C"";]I.1 Eoorlel'loft, C..-.., Cordilfa:, ContourM'P!'ins' TREASlJRER: Brett Cockrell RAINE. "-- c. 19 Thomy;11e Rood, H.tlcpooL WrikBack 4OC)'pNaRoad, C1c....1ondTS16lEW n M........ London NWI 7BU SMrIll Andrew M. 15 Sonde.... St.. 0wI;"._ Co. (Jon Raymond Scholer, Tommy Fe'llIIOn, ........ Sreve Grover, Kev MeVeigh. John O. Rickert, ADVERTISING: to be ar....,god SMTIlt. Doyid R.•1 Morfarl_. UploalL B.....llum, W..... O.nicIBuck) Lothi&nEJCi1~ INPORMATION: Phil Nichol. STAFFORD. o.,..,k L. 11 W_idt Rd., W.~ • Dok. Compelition Comer .57 Oran~ Road, Ptea.... I...anc1PR.S-a'" (Roser Robimon) THOMAS. Mno. O. Heidce_1 I•• 17" M"",I...m­ West Bromwich, SOlIpbo.r.: ,.. lWnrne. Be1li..... Welt Midlandl 870 IPS Ne... York for Eulercon 199)1 =~Y~11~CoodIa-LSleiPll,""Whilby. (Jim<m:y) ORBITER CO-ORDINATOR: SlOCll1>olnQGQ WAJCB, SIepIoen M. oW'" Shirley"'..... Shirley. 190CoKhRo-d, Soooll.mp-. Haru. SOl 5Nl ADVERTISING: Cover (b.ck. ibc:, ife) £40: full Slei,hu, nu, Whitby. WOODWARD-COURT. Joolin M. II Ponlond Sq~ p,* £)5: h.1f pale £20: quute. p'&<' £1.5. Rare. North YOlta. Y0l2.5EN o..henlwn,GIoo..GU12H'T for multiple i.-moot Reloti.ble. Disuibulionof 1_ flyen ...ith BSFA mlilinp i. ReSoci.ble. PAPERBACK INFERNO EDITOR: Andy Sawyer All memben tbould .ip rbe GuUUlItt Form. Thil ~"il. from M.u_n Porter. I n.e Auy..d Tel: 0.51 336 335.5 me_ Ib.: tbouki !he BSFA eolia.. (...hich it Woodf.n1Ane, very unlikely). then uch membe,..,jll only be My opinioN expruted "" thoK of individu" LittkNeslon, diJible. for. low tel tmOUnr of",y_yowi",. • uth«t.'Ild<ton«necatarilyn:fIco;lrhOlIcof South Wrnl L.64 ..BT Wilbout Ibit Limilcd Guill'Vllee. neb member eiUle.rheedirororrhc MFA wouldDCCICI 10 PlY in proportion ifrbe.t.olu.. FOCUS EDITOR.: Cecil Nuqe wont bappeDllll mel it wovld inevillbly be men CopyriJIM C BSFA Lad. 1990. !Ildi"id\t.1 49SwionRoad, lhNr the limiror.d 1_Itt_L eopyriJhltwerbepropertyofaulhonandoditon. .....". lSSN: 0)07)))5 York YO) ILU l'hl're it alm ... i:rnpn:ajv~ eolir(,tion of BSFA bod;ittuca.vllilablefromMwIttDPortc,. Prodllction by J"..y.-d S'""e GIo~.Prinror.d by VECTOR ro-EDITORS POC Copypiac. 11 Jdfria PatPge, o.ildford. K.e... Mt-Vci,h Boyd PU\:...", S_yOUI4AP 37FiraRCMd II ManbStft:o:I Milnthorpe B....,w.i...FllmelS B.itiah Scia>De Pic:tion Aaoc-iation Ltd. CompMlY C.rnbriJ, LA17QF CIunlon. V.14 2AE No. 921500 DEADLINE RI:,iuerecl in ErrJ1and. Rl:p*~ Addrut - 60 17th November eo.~1bRo-l, Folkalone, Kelll CT19 .5J(L. ThU: i_ <Jl Malnz lid in Ipc TirIla Roman. with Limitcdbyo....-. 12pt or ISpt H<:1""tic. BoMt for hudinp. Matrix 90 3 Ii There ia now I new Oubl Columni'l: Toonm)' Ferguso•. I hIVe known Determinants Tommy lincc 1987 wh<n. II new fonzine editon and conrunnen, ...... were pan of the ~Kncw Mutanl'-group. While I continued .. I rnoIher and prograacd "1l'•• _irdlhing.but.uddcnlylfedq",ite~rv l'vepublishedmillioni 10 editor here. Tommy rmishcd hill politicl degree and now worb in and millions of words .....ienee fiction writer, journalist, and ... Londondcrry whcre he iaconlact fOl" the Iocll.fgroupthere. Hewritc.,·!l'1 fanzine conlribulOr _ bUI this is the first lime I've ever'" down to cortlpOlle ....10 ICC ~ith leave. il wIIllwlY" one of the fintthinp Ilwncd to in the an ~ilOri.J fIX' fanzine of my very own", Obviously il ill tlOC your editor. It mlgazine·. Tonunyis ancxtremclythoughrfuland prolifIC CorTelpondcntInd il IICtu.Jly Bob SIuo", in his fullt flltlZine. Pcrspu PQffl)/, on thc diff>cullieol both Keith and I wiah him well. Wek:ome lboud. of writina an editorial. He continue.: ~ ..,.ponaibili1y is dIIulIling. What un '"uppoKdtolJ1JyT On !he lubjcd ofdubl, il ill easy for memben to undcr-eotimlliC the.beer gUll nccdcdtowllkintolpubandfacelgrDllpofunfll'llili... facca.l·vcllw.ya 'Thcre'l not mNlY Ihinp yourcditor finch d."nling, lpartfTOmheigllu.whi.cb found the LeedI Group friendly, hlVu., .lready 'mel' oome in writing before indllce • giddy de.~ 10 free f_U down .. far .. poAible' and edilori,la. Help aeeing them in p:non. So when my hu.band Steve and I had the opport:unity came initially from thc Ia.I editor, M.urem Porkr, who commenlCd in 10 viait oome Scottilh lCience rlCtion grouJM lItia .ummer, it "",,"mod m......U­ Molm8J: "I'm alwly' 1fU~ to find thlt to many people ~ntly enjoy 011•• And ...... had "Irell time, but it will take I long lime to forgel thoK flnt the editori.1. partM;ularly when il i. the piece I f"md mo.t difflelllllO write. Or .hi".,ry momellll while we were w.iling for people 10 tum up, nOi knowing nlher, Ikick.oundforanhourOfIWO,.......,.,rinawhelherl have anything who to upe<:t or whootthey would be like. AI Forth in &:Iinburgh, ...... arrived lo ..y. and then, just when dc....r.lion KU in.•o doe.t an id.. wOl1h tooe...lyandlpentanbourlooku.,lidew·Y·IIWnellltable.wondcringif uplonng, and Off_aD", they were the Forth group Ifter 111- they ......re talking IbOlIl inlcmltional politi",. Anolher editor, AHruI' Porter, of the S"icncc Fictio.. Chro"iclr, milk" hi, editorial on 'whatever cornu 10 mind.. what bochcn him and plc-.. him ... in The nut diY, ...... vi.iled the SI]r,COIlI group. A 1IrII11I _ide relOrt-n<m­ short, an echo of his thoughts", Hia editorilla hive .nlppy titlu liu'U fiobing villige with bUI • IOlitary BSFA member, Silteoats ICCma In unlikely Terronlts Read SF, We'd All Be Dead'· fortunllely, Gordo.. D~ il no! place fOl" Ilhriving lICience fICtion group. But thll evening WII one of the IDOIt on the Tem:>riall' Dcxrt Ialand Boob - or ""The End of Life N We Know It­ illlCresting and thought-provoking of the tour. Thccon tionrangcdfrom Aglin?" which commenton new. ill..,. like AIDS and why aciencc fiction hll lCience flClion 10 comic. 1o football; and it WII an objed in how not 10 Ivoided wriling lbout il. Thil mili. an interutu., contrast to the Wcws be helitll'lilboul gom, to new e1uln. We overcame our helitat : and il w. editorilll which conccnlJlle more on tile delights .w.itins helpet:l who hive well worth it. Likewise, ...... fOllnd IWO mcetinp in Ol.gow: "Troul" in the colliled it in Cur"" N. Brown'. kitchen and living room and who then Kille Centrll Holcl, I mUted gn>IIp of .Uttcen con runne... role pllying gamen, down 10 • pllt)' with ll""11Ih, COllSCOUI, winc and ..lad. On the other hand, medii filii and computer progranuncn followed by I vi.it to the Friend:! of theM.....,h 1990;uueweiJhcdnc...lyh.1flpound,whichmake.eoll.tingthe Admirll Benbow.
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