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BEAT BACK CATHOLIC U Rider College News SWIMMING VOL U:\I E IV TRE~ TON, N. I., JANUARY 13, 1933. NUMBER 12 POPULAR STUDENT DIES Intra-Mural League Cage Rules RIDER FIVE DIIW WHILE ON VACATION Formulated by Board of Managers FOR C. U. COlTEST Senior Teacher Training Student As Regular Games Get Under Way Cathedral Hilrh and Collelre Jay Taken 111 While Home vees to Meet in the For Holidays The Intra-Allural League held its fi rst time apecified. Failure of a team to report Preliminary meet ing of the season last 1\1onday and for play at auch time conltitutea forfeiture. Uae of an ineli,ible player in any .ame alao CLASSMATES ATTEND FUNERAL el ected its officers consisting of: President, conltitute. forfeiture. Any team forfeitinlf CLAIR BEE TO OFFICIATE \Villiam lunda ; Vice-President, Esmond a .econd .ame i. automatically dropped Possinger. from tbe .chedule a nd it. remainin. Ifame. Funeral sCfvil:l.'S were held for H arr, Board of l\'l anage rs-Edward Scheele, declared forfeit. Rider College's unbeaten basketball \Vicl!cr, Sr. Tcadtcr '1'., at his home i;l Cosner Club ; Esmond Possinger, C hi V . OFFICIALS-Official. .ball be ap team, victorious over the U. S. Marines, Reading, Pen nsy lva nia, on ' ,Vcdnesday, Delta N u ; Fritz Huttinger, Phi Sigma p ointed by the Skull and Sabre .ociet,.. M iddlebury, Geneva and Cooper Union, J :t nuary II. i'\ u ; Crawford Dennis, Poyda's Pi rates; VI. RULES - The official ba.ketball puts its winning streak in dire peril tonight 1-1 arfV wa s Bill Barrcnt, Kappa Phi ; Sidney Luckey, rule. a. adopted by the Joint National at 1\I oose Hall when a highly touted Cath taken 'il l with Ba.ketball Rule. Committee .ball .o.ern aI. olic Univers ity quintet comes here to match Pi Beta Epsilon ; Ruehen Schmidt, Wreck conte.ta. infltlenza on ers ; Emil Visocky, Ivy; Ralph Weiss, baskets with Coach Frank Donlon's Rough .\I onday. Oe Sigma Lamba Pi; Douglas Pfister, Alpha VII. ELIGIBILITY-All earoUed men riders . I.:c mh e r 26, .tudents of Rider Colle.e. ...cept tho.e Co-feat ured with the Rider-C. U. dash Si;,!ma Epsil on; Carl Bergen, Ramblers ; de.i.nated by the Varaity ba.ketball coach and died after J ames :\1 l."Ssineo, Delta Sigma Phi. a. compri.in. hi. Varaity .quad, .hall be will be th e preliminary at 7 :30 o'clock be an illness of Honorary memhers-:-Fra nk l . Donlon, eJi.ible for intramural competitioll. To rep tween th e st rong Rider Junior Varsity and 0111\, fi, 'c da\'s. DireclOr of Athletics; ,"Valter J. Krol, re.ent a team in any ,ame, howe.er, a .tu Cathedral Hi gh School. Bill Rick and ilr. 'Nicger dent mu.t have hi. name in.cribe d on the C lair F. Bec, former Rider coach, will offi Rid er News; J oseph D. Rubins, Rider eli.ibility liat of that teami .aid liat to be pursued the News ; J ohn Bonitz. Skull and Sabre. filed with tbe executive committee prior to ciate in both co ntests. A Cl:o untancy the .tart of .ea.onal competition. No .tu 'f 'he ' '''ashington, D. C., team is one of course for two dent .0 Ii. ted .hall be allowed to play with The foll owinl! ruh.,:, have been drawn the classiest on the Rider schedule and years, having any other team in intramural competition Coach Donlon, taking no chances, said yes I!rad U:llcd last year. He returned this year up by the Board of :\Ianal!cr:;. governing durina the current .ea.on. Withdrawal of a in tramural basketball : name from an eli.ibility li.t and .ub.titu terd ay that he is working his men at top fo r the T eacher Trainin~ course. tion of another name may be done only witb speed for the clash. H e will stick to the H arry was wel l-liked by his fellow Ac I. ORGANIZATION- Competin. team. a two-third. affirmative "ote of the board lineup of M ickey Reichardt, Lew Kipper I.:ou ntanrs, many of whom wcrc shocked to .hall be divided into two lea.ue. of .even of mana.era, and only for .ucb r ea.on .. team. each a . follow.: man, Bob Bousenberry, Ted Str)'charz and hear of his den d l. H e was a member of withdrawal from colle.e, permanent injury, .ickne.. , etc. Buck Russo as :t starting five. T his group the Sigma Delta Phi C lub of which h(" wa!' Lea.ue A Lealue n Fraternitie. Non-Fraternity has been in tact since the opening of the Secretary in his Senio r rcar at school. VIII. GOVERNMENT- Each team or 1. Pi Bet. Ep.ilon 1. Co.ner Club Kanization of t he Intramural a.aketball A. campaign and has functioned successfully. The fo ll owing membe rs of his class at 2. Phi Siama Nu 2. Ivy Club .ociation .ball name a . inale repre.entative T he Cardinals will bl! led by Eddie tended the funeral: Fritz H uttinger, 3. Alpha Si,ma Ep.ilon 3 . Iit.mbler. to a B:rard of Mana.en. A pre.ident, .ice ' ;Y hite, w ho formerly scintillated for Harold Burchell , David Wallace, Martino 4 . Kappa Phi 4. Wreckera pre.ident, and .ecretary of tbe Board of Roman Catholic High School, of Philadd Mannino, J amt.'S Messineo, Linahan, 5. Sil'ma Lambda Pi 5 . Poyda'. Pirate. Manaaera, duly elected, abaU, to.ether witb 6. Cbi Delta Mu 6. Si.ma Delta Phi tbe Athletic Director, compri.. an executi.e phia. He will hold down one of the guard Palerzi, and Doremus. posts along with either Sheary or Spindli. II. PROGRAM-Each teGm .hall pia,. committee for tbe .upeni.ion of competi each other team in the ume leque once tion and to pa.. on matte" iavol.i!lJ' con Galliher will be at centre, with Montague durin. the .ea.on. Winner. of each leque trover.y u nle••• ucla matters nece ..itate a aorl either Augustfer or McVey, forwards. a t the end of .cheduled play .hall meet to vote of .pecial meetinK of tbe Board or ACCOUNTANCY CLUB determine the intramural champion.hip for Manqer• . the .ea.on. IX. A participant who has played on RIDER IS ADMITTED ORGANIZED BY SENIORS III. SCHEDULE-A .chedule of .ame. the Varaity or Junior Varaity Ba.ketball givin.. the o rde r in which they .hall be team i. officially declared inelilfible for any TO NEW JERSEY A. A. U. Resolutions Adopted By Members playe d i. a ppende d herewith. Came. will of the individual team or orKanization. with be played in both Stewart Hall a nd Moo.e which he may become affiliated with. of Club at General auditorium. The time and place for all X. If, for a ny rea.on a team repre Recognition Achieved By Effort. of game. of tho .ucceedin. week will be posted Meeting .ented in either leaKue kat a player that h .. Athletic Director each Thursday and, if pouible, publi.hed in participated in a Var.ity or Junior Var.ity the Rider New • . aame and it .hould play any team that has Donlon The Accountant's C lub, th e coll ege's IV. FORFEITURE- All .ame. mu.t be non-var.ity policy maintained, the team newest organization, was formed last week playe d at date and time .cbeduled. Post havina the repre.entati..e will be a forfeit Rider Coll ege, through the efforts of ponement may be made only with the ap with a win or 10", throu.hout the entire when forno-two members of the Senior Ac proval of the executi.e committee. Official • • ea.on until .aid player has withdrawn from Fra~k Donlon, Director of Athletics, was counting C la s!> met and formulated plans are in duty bound to .tart .ame. a t the the re.pecti.e team. admitted to the New J ersey Amateur Ath fur organization. letic Union at a regular meeting of the A :'teering committee of fi vc, composed assoc iation hel d in Newark , New Jersey, I) { Kinard. Ki r:tly, rVle:tler, Rei mer, and RIDER SWIM TEAM IRIDER MAYMEI THROWI on December 21, 1932. This stroke of 1'\ orman. had met a few timl'S prior to the progress will enable Rider :tthletics to com cl a:,s meet ing and h:HI drawn up fl"So lurions FACE WASHINGTON BY EAST STROUDSBURG pete in any amateur athletic contest in, the and suggest ive id eas to present to the group United States. as a whole. In rl'Cog.nition -of Rider's membership, At the meet ing last week , H ar~ett T omorrow Coach Bill Brooks' Rider Rider wrt.'S tiers began their season by the N. ]. A. A. U. has elected Frank D on- mermen ",ill travel to Washington, D. losin g to the strong E,lst Stroud sburg Ion on the Board of IVfanagers. Other Kinard wm: l'i ccted tempora ry chairman C., where they wi ll encoun tcr Gcorge ' ,Vash- '!'cachers Coll ege team last Friday night coac hes who rt.'Ccived recognition were: a lld J oseph Kira l~ ' , temporary secretary. Thc group chose Ihe name "The Ac ington University in that sc hool's opcning in a hard fought 23- 13 match. Mr. iVlurph}" wrestling coach, who was CO ttlll ants C luh" ailer several names had meet of t he seaso n.