The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet Has All Right to Edit Any Material and Information in This Booklet

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The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet Has All Right to Edit Any Material and Information in This Booklet 1 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. Venturers of Area 4, Southern Region Area 4’s VOA Cabinet is excited to announce our 1st EVER Weekend of Awesome Happenings for Venturers! Throughout the weekend of March 9th-11th, 2018 Venturers will be participating in a wide variety of various games and activities at the beautiful Sandhill Scout Reservation in Brooksville, FL. WOAH will be an amazing weekend with team building games, boating activities, aquatics, climbing, and even shooting sports. The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet wants to make this weekend a memorable experience for Venturers all over the state of Florida. We want all Venturers who attended to leave saying “Woah that was amazing”. Throughout the weekend we will also be covering SR Area 4 Venturing Business with the Council Presidents & Advisors. On Friday Evening, we will have an open forum Venturing Meeting for all interested Venturers to ask questions and to cover Area 4 Business. Please be sure to sign up as soon as possible so that way we can make sure that this event will be an amazing experience for each attending individual! Our goal is to have all Venturers who attended to leave saying “Woah that was amazing” and those who didn’t attend to regret saying “Woah, what was I thinking”. Yours in Venturing, Ryan Davis (954) 644-0558 Area 4 Venturing President Todd Graczyk 904-742-0218 Area 4 Venturing Chair/Advisor 2 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. SR Area 4 VOA Officers Area 4 Venturing President Ryan Davis Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Administration Kaitlyn Rodriguez Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Programs Chris Cahill Area 4 Venturing Vice President of Communications Bridgette Smith Area 4 Venturing Advisor Todd Graczyk Area 4 Venturing Associate Advisor of Administration Jeff Lewis Area 4 Venturing Associate Advisor of Programs Mike McLoughlin Area 4 Venturing Associate Advisor of Communications Patti Monahan 3 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. Schedule Begin End Activity Attendees Location Friday, March 9th, 2018 5:00 PM 9:00 PM Check-in & Campsite set up 9:00 PM 10:00PM Open Forum Venturing Roundtable Camp-Wide 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Leader’s Meeting Presidents & Advisors Dining Hall Staff & Activity 11:00 AM 11:30 AM Staff & Volunteer Meeting Dining Hall Volunteers 11:30 PM ___________ Lights Out – All is Quiet Camp-Wide Saturday, March 10th, 2018 6:30 AM ___________ Reveille – Wake Up Camp-Wide 6:30 AM 7:30 AM Breakfast Camp-Wide Dining Hall 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Opening Ceremonies-Class B Uniform Camp-Wide Flag Poles 8:30 AM ___________ Selfie Wars Begin Youth & Adult Teams 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Morning Activities Begin Youth & Adult Teams Activity Area 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Lunch Camp-Wide Dining Hall 12:30 PM 1:00 PM Color War Camp-Wide Activity Field 1:00 PM 4:00 PM Afternoon Activities Youth & Adult Teams Activity Area ___________ 4:00 PM Deadline for Selfie War Submissions Youth & Adult Teams Meeting 4:00 PM 5:00 PM MANDATORY Council Meeting Presidents & Advisors Room 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Dinner Camp-Wide Dining Hall 7:00 PM 8:30 PM Area VOA Meeting All Venturers Dining Hall 9:00 PM 11:00 PM Dance Party Camp-Wide Dining Hall 11:30 PM ___________ Lights Out – All is Quiet Camp-Wide Sunday, March 11th, 2018 6:30 AM 7:00 AM Breakfast Individual Crews Campsites 7:30 AM ___________ Check Out Begins 4 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. Things to Know 1. There will be a Color War in the afternoon, each Venturer should bring a White T- Shirt and other accessory clothing. 2. Each Attending Venturer should be swim tested before attending WOAH a. Information about the Swim Test can be found on Page 11 and can be recorded on Page 12 3. Adults, you may be asked to volunteer to assist in running an activity if we end up needing more hands-on deck. 4. Council Presidents and Advisors will be asked to give a Council Report to the Area during the VOA Meeting, so please be prepared. a. This will be discussed more in depth during the Mandatory Council Meeting Saturday. 5. Campsites will be given at check in on Friday to each Unit & Contingent. 6. You will need to submit a Unit Roster at Check-in. Please have it prefilled out. a. If you need more slots, you may attach a 2nd copy of the same sheet. 7. Each Unit/Council Contingent must bring a copy of each attending Youth & Adult’s BSA Medicals (Parts A & B) a. The Units/Contingents will be handling their own Medicals but they must be accessible throughout the weekend. 8. When registering for the Event, please be sure to register under the same account as a Crew/Contingent. This will help keep things consistent and organized. a. More information can be found on Page 6 with the Registration information 9. All Meals (Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and Sunday Breakfast) are included in registration and will be served in the mess hall at designated times. 5 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. Registration You may register at: Process of Registering: 1. Create an Account a. Any accounts you may have with another Council will not work, you must create a new account unless there is one already in North Florida Council’s system. 2. Enter your Roster a. Go to the tab “Your Roster” b. Click “New” above Youth or Adult. c. Enter the information asked for each participating Youth & Adult. d. Be sure to click “Save” after entering each new participant. 3. Register for the Event a. Go to the tab “Event Registration” b. Click “New” above Youth or Adult. c. Select the youth or adults that will be registered d. Choose the “Youth Participant” NOT STAFF e. Select the Event “WOAH” towards the bottom of the selection menu f. Select Create Registration 4. Selecting extras a. Confirm all the information for that youth is correct b. Select “Continue to Pick Options” c. Drag the additional options desired on the right-hand side to the left d. Select “Save” 5. Check Out a. Either Select “Check out” or “New Youth/Adult Registration” Adding Registrations 1. Log into your Account 2. Select the Event 3. Select “Manage Registrations” on the bottom right side. 4. Follow same process starting at Number 2 above. If you have any difficulties or questions please contact us at [email protected] with the Subject “WOAH Registration” 6 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet. Rules & Guidelines 1. PDA – Public Displays of Affection a. Every Venturer, male and female, is to abide by the BSA rules of PDA. Violators may be asked to leave the event. 2. Buddy/Quadi System a. Four minimum at all times! b. Co-ed buddy groups are Four or more; minimum of two of each sex 3. Dress a. Usual scout-appropriate attire (Class A or B). b. Shoes are to be worn at all times. Including in the Ocean. 4. Leave No trace a. Follow Leave No Trace Principles. 5. Guide to Safe Scouting a. Follow all National and Council rules and regulations at all times 6. Alcohol, Drugs, Profanity, and Smoking a. The VOA fully supports the policy of the Boy Scouts of America concerning the use of Alcoholic Beverages, Drugs, or other Mind-Altering Substances. i. This includes the use of cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Vaping by youth. Adult smokers must abide by BSA policy regarding smoking. ii. No smoking allowed on camp property. Non-compliance may result in the individuals being asked to leave the Event. 7. Medical Forms a. All persons attending Area 4 events must comply with Scout policy to have in their possession a properly filled out scout medical form, Parts A and B b. The crew advisors are responsible for the possession of BSA medical form for all (youth and adult) attending. c. Form Available at 8. Swimming Policies a. BSA swim tests MUST BE COMPLETED before participating in any swimming activities. b. Please keep in mind the BSA Swim Safe Policy so make sure you buddy up. This includes canoeing. 9. Electronics a. Area 4 Venturing is not responsible for the loss or damage of any electronic device brought to the event. 10. Sportsmanship a. This is a competitive event and emotions have a tendency to run high. Please keep the spirit of scouting in mind. b. If one team purposely hinders another team for the sole purpose of winning the event that team will be disqualified. c. Profane language or gestures by participants will not be tolerated, resulting in disqualification of the event. 11. Judging a. Judge’s say in their activity is final 12. Uniforms a. Class A is referred to as the official dress (i.e. field) uniform. b. Class B is referred to YOUR UNITS activity uniform (typically a unit t-shirt). 7 Please note: The Area 4 Venturing Cabinet has all right to edit any material and information in this booklet.
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