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Newsletternewsletter ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Volume 47, No. 18 NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■track December 21, 2001 cember 8–9—Women: Hept: 1. Unger (Beach) — International Results — 5522. FLORIDA ACC, Orlando, April 20–21—Dec: 2. -J.T. AUSTRALIA Women: 400: 1. Guevara (Mex) 51.73. Kuretich (WF) 7340; 3. Cvelbar (NC) 7138. ZATOPEK 10K, Melbourne, December SEMINOLE Twilight, Tallahassee, May 6—10,000: 1. Mottram (Aus) 28:19.26. NEW ZEALAND 12—Women: 400H(mixed race): 1. Batten Women: 10,000: 1. Power (Aus) 31:26.34. HAMILTON, December 6—Women: DT: (unat) 55.49. 1. Faumuina (NZ) 196-6 (59.90). CZECH REPUBLIC INDIANA KOLIN, June 19—Women: DT: 1. Racko- RUSSIA PACESETTER Invitational, Terre Haute, vá (CzR) 204-10 (62.44). CHAMPS, Tula, July 13—Women: TJ: April 20–21—(4/20—HT) Leading Teams: 1. 1/ 1/ TREBIC, September 2—JT: 1. Guzdek Qual: Yershova (Rus) 47-2 4 (14.38). Ohio State 227 2; 2. Indiana State 172; 3. 1/ (CzR) 264-11 (80.76). SOCHI, September 14—Women: St: 1. Eastern Illinois 111 2; 4. Ball State 51. 400: 1. JABLONEC, September 9 (exhibition)— G. Yegorova (Rus) 10:09.83. Pierce (OhSt) 45.97. 110H(2.0): 1. Herring 1/ 3/ PV: 1. Janácek (CzR) 18-8 4 (5.70). (InSt) 13.48. SP: 1. Miller (NYAC) 65-8 4 1/ Women: PV: 1. Mládková (CzR) 13-9 4 SLOVENIA (20.03). HT: 1. Riley (Ball) 211-10 (64.56); 2. (4.20). CELJE, June 9—LJ: 1. Cankar (Slo) Armentrout (unat) 205-9 (62.72). JT: 1. Hoover 1/ 26-10 2w (8.19). (OhSt) 225-5 (68.70). EL SALVADOR SLOVENIAN Champs, Maribor, July 7– Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Indiana State SAN SALVADOR, June 9—Women: HT: 8—(7/7—110H) 195; 2. Ohio State 186; 3. Eastern Illinois 92; 4. 1. Guillen (ElS) 204-10 (62.43) NR. 110H: 1. Zlatnar (Slo) 13.72 NR. 400H: 1. Southern Illinois 78. (4/20—HT) 100(5.4): 1. Zlatnar (Slo) 50.72. Merriman (OhSt) 11.55. HT: 1. Craig (OhSt) 1/ GERMANY HJ: 1. Prezelj (Slo) 7-4 4 (2.24).LJ: 1. Cankar 193-1 (58.86); 2. Poliquin (SnIl) 188-3 (57.38). 3/ 1/ ARNSTADT, June 20—Women: St: 1. (Slo) 26-7 4 (8.12). TJ: 1. Simunic (Slo) 53-11 4 Baumann (Aut) 10:27.04 NR. (16.44). DT: 1. Primc (Slo) 205-10 (62.74). MASSACHUSETTS SCHWERIN, June 24—Women: PV: 1. Women (7/7—TJ, HT)—100(0.5): 1. Bikar BOSTON High Performance, Walthan, Strutz (Ger) 14-6 (4.42). (Slo) 11.21 NR. 400: 1. Langerholc (Slo) 53.25. May 26— 100H(-1.1): 1. Beti (Slo) 13.55. 400H: 1. Macus GREECE (Slo) 56.93. MICHIGAN 1/ HANIÁ, June 4—Women: 100: 4. Collins HJ: 1. Cimperman (Slo) 6- 2 (1.84). PV: 1. HILLSDALE Relays, Hillsdale, April 27— 1/ 1/ (US) 11.41. Malink (Slo) 13-1 2 (4.00) NR. TJ: 1. Ribac Women: TJ: 1. Williams (unat) 42-1 4 (12.83). 1/ (Slo) 45-1 2 (13.75). HT: 1. Kozmus (Slo) 190-8 HONG KONG (58.12) NR. NEW JERSEY HONG KONG, October 6—JT: 1. R. Li HEPS, Princeton, May 6—Women: TJ: 2. 3/ (Chn) 268-2 (81.75). UKRAINE Brown (Corn) 42-6 4w (12.97). KYYIV, June 8—Women: HT: 1. Rezanova USATF NJ, Upper Montclair, June 9— HUNGARY (Rus) 216-1 (65.86). 400H: 1. Davis (MdE) 50.55; 2. Brown (Vill) WORLD Youth Championships, Debre- 50.59. cen, July 13—Women: JT: Qual: Walker (US) 161-6 (49.24) (6, x AJ). — U.S. Outdoor Results — OREGON OREGON Preview, Eugene, March 17— ITALY CALIFORNIA JT: 2. Jenkins (Or) 218-5 (66.58). FORLÌ, October 6—SP: 1. Dal Soglio (Ita) DAVIS, March, 31—Dec: 1. Blair (Cal) 1/ 65-2 4 (19.87). 7208w. Women: JT: 1. Coslovich (Ita) 208-10 (63.66). STANFORD Invitational, Stanford, March Track Newsletter is published by the editors of 31—Women: 10,000: 12. Ab. Peters (unat) Track & Field News, 2570 El Camino Real, Suite JAPAN 34:12.22. 606, Mountain View, CA 94040. HACHIOJI, November 28—10,000: 1. S. MT. SAC Invitational Heptathlon, Azusa, Phone—650/948-8188 Maina (Ken) 27:56.82; 2. Wachira (Ken) April 19–20—Women: II–3. Miller (SnUt) FAX—650/948-9445 27:57.33; 3. Schiebler (Can) 27:58.15; 4. J. 50.64w; 4. Kenyon (Or) 5046. [email protected] Ndungu (Ken) 28:05.93; 5. Tsubota (Jpn) MT. SAC Invitational, Walnut, April 20— [email protected] 28:05.95. Women: 4. Fleshman (Stan) 15:49.84. [email protected] WINTER Carnival, Long Beach, Decem- [email protected] 1/ MEXICO ber 8—Women: PV: 1. Diles (WaSt) 13-2 4 XALAPA, November 11—110H: 1. C. (4.02). Johnson (US) 13.99. WINTER Heptathlon, Long Beach, De- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -257- December 21, 2001 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1/ 3/ USATF JO Regional, Sandy, June 16— PV: 1. Stephens (SCSt) 17-4 2 (5.30). Women: SP: 1. Rakstyte' (SMU) 51-11 4 3/ 3/ JT: 1. Kauffman (OrHS) 218-5 (66.57). Women: SP: 1. Borel' (MdBC) 54-8 4 (16.68). (15.84); 2. Freberg (SMU) 51-5 4 (15.69). NAVY Lid-Lifter, Annapolis, December 8 TEXAS (220y unbanked synthetic)—Women: 3000: 1. PENNSYLVANIA SOUTHLAND, Arlington, May 13—JT: 2. Laurendeau (Gtn) 9:27.99. 5000: 1. Stallwood' BUCKNELL Invitational, Lewisburg, De- Nall (NWnLa) 227-11 (69.48). (WV) 16:26.58; 2. Agrawal (Duke) 16:43.13. cember 1—Women: SP: 1. Borel' (MdBC) 1/ 55-4 4 (16.87). VIRGINIA MASSACHUSETTS USATF JUNIOR CHAMPS, Richmond, BU WINTER Series I, Boston, December TENNESSEE 1/ June 17—400: 5. Wilson (NCHS) 46.91. 1—Leading Teams: 1. Massachusetts 68 2; 2. MIDDLE Tennessee Christmas Invita- 1/ New Hampshire 41 2; 3. Maine 40; 4. Boston U tional, Murfreesboro, December 8 (280y 1/ 37 2. unbanked synthetic—OT)—Leading Teams: 1. Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Massachusetts Middle Tennessee 76; 2. Western Kentucky 1/ 1/ — U.S. Indoor Results — 59 2; 2. Maine 44 2; 3. New Hampshire 38; 4. 71; 3. Tennessee State 41. 55: 1. Scales (MTn) ARKANSAS Central Connecticut 30. 6.21. 200: 1. Scales (MTn) 21.08. LJ: 1. McGhee HARVARD 97-Boston College 44, Allston, KICK-OFF CLASSIC, Jonesboro, Decem- (Nik) 25-6 (7.77). December 1 (220y banked synthetic)— ber 8—Leading Teams: 1. Arkansas State 110; Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Tennessee Women’s Dual: H 70-BC 57. 3000: 1. Cicero 2. Southeast Missouri 109; 3. Memphis 84; 4. State 51; 2. Vanderbilt 50; 3. Middle Tennes- (BC) 9:28.24. Arkansas-Little Rock 46. 55: 1. Johnson (ArLR) see 49. TJ: 1. Ribac' (Slo) 43-6 (13.26); 2. HUSKY Indoor Carnival, Roxbury Cross- Brown (unat) 41-10 (12.75). 6.25. Heats: I–1. Johnson (ArLR) 6.23. 1/ ing, December 1—HJ: 1. Klemic (NEn) 7-2 4 Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Southeast Mis- (2.19). souri 120; 2. Alabama State 91; 3. Arknasas TEXAS BU WINTER Series II, Boston, December State 82; 4. Arkansas-Little Rock 74. PV: 1. TEXAS TECH Early Bird, Lubbock, De- 3/ 8—Leading Men’s Teams: 1. Northeastern 82; Schwartz (Bell) 12-11 4 (3.96). cember 1 (252y unbanked synthetic—OT)— 2. Albany 47; 3. Yale 39; 4. Boston U 35. 55: 1. Dilworth (Nik) 6.35. 55H: 1. Rodgers Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Northeastern ILLINOIS (unat) 7.31. PV: 1. Most (SWTx) 17-5 (5.31). 73; 2. Albany 55; 3. Boston U 38; 4. Yale 29. Women: 400: 1. Sibley (TxT) 54.13. 800: 1. EARLY Bird Invitational, Normal, Decem- HARVARD Invitational, Allston, Decem- 1/ Spaulding (TxT) 2:09.78. HJ: 1. Cadienhead' ber 7—Leading Teams: 1. Indiana State 99 2; 1/ ber 8—Women: HJ: 1. Siilats' (Harv) 5-11 4 1/ 1/ (ACU) 5-11 4 (1.81). 2. Illinois State 99; 3. Eastern Illinois 86 2; 4. 1/ (1.81). Wt: 1. Grant (Harv) 62- 4 (18.90). 1/ Western Illinois 71 2. VIRGINIA Leading Women’s Teams: 1. Indiana State NEW JERSEY 147; 2. Illinois State 132; 3. Eastern Illinois 43; VMI Invitational, Lexington, December 1— NEW YEAR Invitational, Princeton, De- 1/ 4 4. Western Illinois 37. SP: 1. Crumbo (WnIl) 1/ Women: PV: 1. Wildrick (Lib) 13- (3.97). cember 7—HJ: 1. Harris (Prin) 7-3 4 (2.22). 1/ CHRISTOPHER Newport Lid-Lifter, New- 54-11 2 (16.75). 3/ SP: 1. Kalnas (Monm) 59-5 4 (18.13). Wt: 1. 1/ port News, December 7–8 (200m unbanked Freeman (Man) 70-3 2 (21.42). IOWA synthetic)—60: 1. Smoots (NCC) 6.62. TJ: 1. 3/ Magloire' (StA) 51-7 4 (15.74). HOLIDAY Classic, Ames, December 7 NEW YORK (300m unbanked synthetic—OT)—400: 1. Kirk' Women: 4 x 800: 1. Pitt 9:12.71. MANHATTAN PENTATHLON Invitational, (Tri) 46.82. 4 x 400: 1. Kansas City All-Stars LYNCHBURG College Open, Lynchburg, Riverdale, December 1—Pent: 1. Svensson' 3:10.07. December 10—Women: PV: 1. Wildrick (Lib) 1/ 1/ (Man) 3760. 13-3 2 (4.05). Women: HJ: 1. Curtis (IaSt) 6-1 2 (1.87). NORTH CAROLINA KANSAS FIRST Indoor Meet, Boone, December AC, Manhattan, December 7—HJ: 1. Lavy — Marathon Results — 1/ 1/ 6—55: 1. Collins (Clem) 6.15; 2. Wiggins (unat) (Asics) 7-3 4 (2.22); 2. Nieto (unat) 7-3 4 (2.22). 3/ 6.16. 55H: 1. Matthews (Clem) 7.26; 2.
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