Provincial Newsletter Boletín Provincial Province of Saint John the Baptist 546 North East Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302-2207 Phone 708/386-4430 Fax 708/386-4457 Email:
[email protected] Contents – Indice Page Around the Province 2 Noticias de la Provincia 4 Birthdays, Anniversaries and In Memoriam 6 Young Religious Meeting 7 Movimiento Laico Scalabriniano 8 Vocation Statistics 10 Casa del Migrante – Nuevo Laredo 11 Cardinals see Immigration 16 Renewing Hope, Seeking Justice on Immigration 19 Guatemala: Mensaje para el Día del Migrante 25 Welcome the Stranger 28 Employers Fight Tough Measures on Immigration 30 July and August 2008 Issue 4 1 Around the Province First Profession The four novices of Noviciado Scalabrini, Purépero, were admitted to the First Profession: Juan Martín Cervantes Álvarez, Marcos Manuel López Bustamante, Marco Antonio Ortíz Ramírez and José Grimaldo Monjaraz. The celebration will take place on November 28, 2008, in Purépero. Perpetual Profession Juan Luis Carbajal Tejeda, a religious student of the Scalabrini House of Theology, Chicago, was admitted to the Perpetual Profession. The celebration will take place on November 4, 2008, in Chicago. Renewal of Vows The following religious students of the Scalabrini House of Theology were approved to the renewal of vows on November 4, 2008: Jaime Aguila, Alejandro Conde, Óscar Cuapio, Francesco D’Agostino, Antonius Faot, José Rodrigo Gris, Frandry Tamar and Fransiskus Yangminta. Priesthood Ordinations Brutus Brunel will be ordained on September 20, 2008 in Sainte Thérése de l’Enfant Jésus in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, by Most Rev. Simon-Pierre Saint-Hillien, CSC, Coadjutor Bishop of Port-au-Prince.