LEEDS SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN MATTER 2 – COMPLIANCE WITH CORE STRATEGY KCS DEVELOPMENT Peacock & Smith Limited Suite 9C Joseph’s Well Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB T: 0113 2431919 F: 0113 2422198 E:
[email protected] AUGUST 2017 www.peacockandsmith.co.uk Leeds SAP Examination (Matter 2) Peacock & Smith Ltd 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1.01 These comments are submitted on behalf of KCS Development, a residential site promotion company seeking the allocation land of south of Harewood Road, Collingham (Site 1293) in the Leeds Site Allocations DPD (SAP) for 85 no. homes with extensive open space and buffer landscaping. 1.02 KCS Development is a Member of a consortium of housebuilders (the Collingham Consortium) and site promoters that is proposing a comprehensive masterplan for future housing development in Collingham. The KCS site comprises one of 4 allocations that are proposed in the settlement that together will deliver: 450 new homes, thus reflecting Collingham’s role as one of the larger settlements in the Outer North East Housing Market Characteristic Area (HMCA), with a good range of shops and services and public transport services; A site for a new primary school, thus providing the opportunity for education facilities within Collingham to be substantially improved, to the benefit of existing and future residents; and A new access route between Harewood Road and the A58 Leeds Road, which would help to reduce traffic through Collingham Local Centre. 1.03 KCS Development is also a member of a consortium of housebuilders and site promoters (the ONE Consortium) that is proposing an alternative strategy to meeting housing needs in the ONE HMCA than that proposed by the Council.