From: VTA Board Secretary <
[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 9:57 AM To: VTA Board of Directors <
[email protected]>; VTA Advisory Committee Members <
[email protected]> Subject: VTA Connections Newsletter - June 2019 VTA Board of Directors and Advisory Committee Members: Below is VTA’s newsletter for June 2019. It can also be accessed using this link: Please share with your constituents. Thank you. Office of the Board Secretary Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 3331 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 408.321.5680
[email protected] New Transit Ser vice Pl an approved; Bi ke to Work Day and Budget Public Meeti ngs coming up... View this email in your browser June 2019 Another Milestone Achieved VTA's BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Project achieved another major milestone when VTA transferred control of the BART trackway, systems and facilities to BART. BART now has exclusive access to begin the final phase of testing and pre- revenue operations in preparation for passenger service at both the Milpitas & Berryessa Transit Centers planned to begin before the end of 2019. Read More Honors for Apprenticeship Program and South Bay Champion for Transportation The Valley Transportation Authority congratulates the VTA/ATU Joint Workforce Investment program, Mission College, and California State Senator Jim Beall for their recognition with Bay Area Metro Awards. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) announced the awards during ABAG’s General Assembly meeting in Oakland Thursday morning, June 6. More than a dozen honorees were announced for programs and projects that are advancing Bay Area mobility, protecting the environment, addressing housing needs and keeping the region resilient.