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The Tiger's Tale The Tiger’s Tale Volume 92 Issue No. 2 Oct. 22, 2010 Rites of passage ceremonies practiced in all cultures, date back to beginning of civilization By Shelby Rasco silk ribbon as flower hand, said her vows and According to author they will be obtaining, or Sitting in front of the petals kissed the navy blue sealed her marriage with Edward Berry of the this stage can also count round mirror, the woman carpet of the center aisle. a kiss. The ceremony was Cambridge as the actual viewed her reflection. Feeling the nerves build complete. University ritual. For The young woman was up, she glanced down the Marriages, along Press, example, in beautiful – made over long aisle – beyond the with births, graduations, initiation a wedding, into near-perfection, glorious room – and saw reunions, baptisms and focuses on the bride and almost dream-like. She him there. Everything and even birthday cele- the loss of groom say observed the fresh coat everyone surrounding her brations, are all rites identity. To their vows of make-up that had been vanished. The blushing of passage ceremonies. achieve this and exchange so intricately detailed bride smiled once again These ceremonies sym- desertion of rings to on her fair-skinned face and took her first step into bolize a transitional identity, the symbolize to bring out her vibrant womanhood. period in a person’s life individual leaving their green eyes. She examined Gliding down the aisle and usually hold cultural can do old lives as the millions of auburn to the traditional string rituals to rid the person anything individuals ringlets that draped over music, rays of anticipation of their original role and from changing their and entering their new her shoulders, resting beamed off of her. Upon prepare them for their appearance to changing lives as husband and beneath a white veil reaching the front of new role. their entire being. The wife. and silver tiara. She the church, she took his Rites of passage reason for this is to looked closely at the ceremonies date prepare the transitioning In the final stage, beaded designs on her back as early as the person for the new incorporation, the indivi- stunning, one-of-a- creation of civil- life they are about to dual is introduced to kind white lace dress, ization and have acquire. For example, in their new identity and which flowed like a been passed down a wedding, the bride and must combine it with field of flowers being through generations groom wear a dress/veil their old way of life. This influenced by a swift for thousands of and a tuxedo to symbolize stage is often enacted breeze. There was a years. Through the the beginning of their new through celebration. For knock on the door. It generations, many identities. example, in a wedding, was time. rituals have been the bride and groom The anxious woman modified, but they The second stage, hold a reception after the walked down the still contain the transition, is often called wedding ceremony. hallway, rounded symbolic content. the “liminal (insignificant) the corner and faced Although some stage.” This stage is the Rites of passage a crowd of familiar ceremonies can in-between stage where ceremonies are a faces staring back at contain up to five an individual has already significant part of all her. They all sat in stages, a typical lost their old identity but cultures. They have an elegant sanctuary ceremony consists has not yet acquired a been present in society decorated with of three common new one. In the transition for a long time and will bundles of white lilies stages: initiation, stage, the individual often continue to be seen in tied onto the ends of transition and undergoes education civilization for many the pews with lavender incorporation. about the new identity years to come. Editorial 2 Oct. 22, 2010 Editorial Tradition gives way to partying According to Webster’s dictionary, a rite of passage, such as a quincenera or bar mitzvah, is “a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status for an individual.” These rites of passage are usually religion-based and signify the metamorphosis from a child into an adult. Now it seems, however, that these rites are shoved aside for the sake of simply partying. Quinceneras, for example, have changed from symbolizing the transition from a girl to a woman at the age of 15 into just a flashy birthday party. Traditionally, the girl who is having the quincenera should abstain from wearing make-up, high heels and from dating. The quincenera was meant to be the first time the girl was allowed to wear make-up and, in some cultures, the father of the girl trades in her flat shoes for ones with high heels during the ceremony. The girl is often given her last doll to symbolize her last child-like object as well. It is evident that this tradition has slowly died away over time, as has the symbolism that comes with the celebration. Also, the amount of money spent on a quincenera can equal, or even surpass, the amount spent on a wedding. Even if the girl’s family does not have much money to pay for every day things like food, sponsors are often obtained to cover the cost of the party. Rites of passage should be kept sacred and not be used as a means of elevating one’s social status. When these rites of passage ceremonies were first created, the intent was not to flash money or fancy clothes. Instead, they signified leaving childhood behind to accept religious or cultural responsibility and maturity. Roar of the Crowd Do you think rites of passage ceremonies have lost their true meanings? “Yes and no. Yes, be- “Yes. I think people “Yes. Most teenagers see “Yes and no. Yes, because cause nowadays cer- nowadays use these these celebrations as an there are certain rules and emonies like quinceneras ceremonies as a time excuse to party, which principles behind them are just a way of show- to party, and they for- consists of drinking and that some people don’t ing how much you can get the real reason why even sometimes doing abide by. No, because spend on a party, but no some people believe times they’re doing it.” drugs. Personally, I be- because for some people, lieve quinceneras and bar have changed and they ceremonies like these are Jesse Jones make exceptions, but, in 9th mitzvahs have changed special and retain their from being rites of pas- the end, traditon should true meaning. After all, sage to simply social be followed as much as they only happen once gatherings.” possible.” for you.” Justin Torres Makinzee Dingman th Roselia Jaimes 11th 11 9th The Tiger’s Tale Stands taken in the editorial, editorial cartoons, opinion columns, letters wishes to purchase advertising space may do so. The staff reserves the right to to the editor, and entertainment reviews do not necessarily reflect the views refuse any advertising it believes to be in poor taste, libelous, irresponsible or Editor Shelby Rasco of the administration, faculty, or adviser. Letters to the editor are welcome advocating an illegal activity. Assistant Editor Leslie Quinonez and must include the writer’s name, home telephone number and grade The Tiger’s Tale is a member of the Interscholastic League Press Staff Writers Jessica Jones, Beto Jaimes, classification. Letters will be edited for material that fails to meet legal and Conference (ILPC). As a member of the ILPC, this publication is governed Alexzandra Luevano, Kellie Sanders, Andrew Velasquez Reporters Ashley Carr, Briana Juarez, Ashlynn McGuire, ethical guidelines, and for spelling and grammar. Spelling and grammar by all University Interscholastic League (UIL) guidelines for eligibilty in its Mercedes Navarette, Kaleb Presley, Bethany Reynolds, should be edited by the author of the letter, and the letter should be limited annual contest and in the individual literary meet in the spring. Briana Stanford, Miccah Wesley to 500 words in length, typed. If mailed, the letter should be addressed to: The Tiger’s Tale can be viewed online at Artist Beto Jaimes Snyder High School, Student Publications, 2901 37th Street, Snyder, TX E-mail can be sent to [email protected]. Photographers Kirstie Leuck, Natalie Kerry, Allison Downing, Janell Espinoza, Destiny Whitney, Ashley Elizondo 79549. Adviser Diane Arnold Financing of The Tiger’s Tale is provided by advertisements. Rates are This school district and its Career and Technology Education Program Principal Larry Scott $3 per column inch. Additional information regarding ads may be provided does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, age or national Associate Principal Trig Overbo by calling the Student Publications Department at (325) 574-8835. Ads are origin in its educational programs, activities or employment as required by Assistant Principals Canita Rhodes, Ray Conner Printed by Snyder Daily News solicited from the community; however, any student or faculty member who Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI. Opinion Oct. 22, 2010 3 The Adventures of a Girl Named SHELBY Writer visits enchanting San Juan, Puerto Rico By Shelby Rasco below me, a beach held glorious mountains. And the during World War II. I was waved by to our beloved Adventure 2. pleasure for all of its guests. sight of clouds descending mesmerized by this piece Puerto Rico. Preparing to dock, the San Juan, Puerto Rico – what into the treetops, composing of Puerto Rican history. I am so thankful that my ship jostled me about the an enchanting place! a lucid fog about the place.
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