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E-mail Message

From: Gay Munro [SMTP:[email protected]] To: General [EX:/O= COUNCIL/OU=SDC/cn=Recipients/cn=General] Cc: Sent: 24/02/2013 at 11:17 p.m. Received: 24/02/2013 at 11:17 p.m. Subject: Southland District Plan - submission from Gay Munro, .

Submission to Southland District Council's 10 Year Plan from Kathryn Gay Munro, 359 Lawson Rd, Mokotua, RD 5, 9875. Email: [email protected] Ph.: 03 239 5827

This submission relates to the Energy & Infrastructure section. I would ask that the SDC make any new (or large scale) lignite mining a prohibited activity in Southland for the following reasons:

It is commendable that the Southland District Council joined up to the Communities for Climate Protection Programme at the end of 2005. I note that the aim of the programme is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Council’s activities and in the Community. I would suggest that the mining of the lignite resources in Southland would be totally contrary to this goal, with it being well known that lignite use as an energy source would result in one of the highest forms of carbon emmissions, with no proven or practical capture technology to offset it.

Being a resident on the -Waituna lignite field, I am also conscious of the direct environmental impact that mining would have on the adjacent Awarua Wetland complex with it's international Ramsar designation. The dewatering required to access a field which lies below sealevel must impact on the nearby wetlands, as well as have a likelihood of salt water intrusion making restoration impossible, so for this reason mining as a landuse in this area should be prohibited.

Health issues for communities downwind of lignite mines, such as Mataura or , must be another concern. It is well known from overseas studies that mine dust is a major cause of increased levels of asthma and other respiritory illnesses.

I commend the SDC on it's support for the development of renewable energy resources, along with encouragement for energy conservation and efficiency. Southland is a pastoral province with the added attraction of our natural landscapes and environments, making agriculture and tourism our economic strengths. Large scale mining of lignite would diminish these, taking our province a step backwards to last century's non-renewable energy source, not to where we should be heading, to a sustainable future.

Thank you for this opportunity to submit. I would like to be heard.

Gay Munro.

file://H:\Trim\TRIM\TEMP\CONTEXT.4116\t0MN3OWI.html 15/04/2013