Coonceil Ny Gaelgey Terms Upto 2007
BAARLE-GAELG Fockleyr CnyG (3) annulment (marriage) n mooghey n -poosee, pl mooghaghyn-poosee Cur magh Jerrey Souree 2006 Antarctic Circle, The Cryss yn Antarctagh antimony antimoan m Abbey Woods Keylljyn yn Abban Appledean Court Close Lhag Ooylagh abolish vb moogh, mooghey applicable law n leigh f breeoil, pl leighyn breeoil access n cair f -entreil application (legal) n obbraghey, m, pl obbraghyn accession n entreilys m apply vb cur ayns bree, cur ayns bree actinium aghtinnium m architect n ard-vasoonagh m, pl ard-vasoonee activities, deeds, proceedings npl daltyn mpl Arctic Circle, The Cryss yn Arctagh acupuncture n lheihys m -doral Arctic Sea, The Mooir yn Arctagh adrenaline n adrenaleen m Argentina Yn Argenteen add to vb cur rish, cur rish argon argon m addictive adj neu-lhiggagh Armenia Yn Armeain adoption (child) n doltanys m, pl doltanyssyn aroma therapy n lheihys m -soar Advisers’ Secretary Scrudeyr ny Coyrlee arrest vb gow seose, goaill seose advocate n turneyr , pl turneyryn arrestable offences npl loghtyn mpl fo ghlass AEO (Special Needs) OYC (Femeyn Er-Lheh) arsenic arsnick m Afghanistan Yn Afghanistaan Ashberry Avenue Astyl Berrishyn Keirn Africa Yn Affrick Ashberry Cottages Bwaaneyn Berrishyn Keirn Africa Court Cooyrt yn Affrick Ashbourne Avenue Astyl Strooan Unjin Alaskan Gulf, The Lhoob Alaska Ashbourne Grove Keyll Strooan Unjin Albania Yn Albaan Ash Grove Keyll Unjin Albany Lane Lhoan Nalbin Asia Yn Aishey Albany Road Raad Nalbin (Douglas) asparagus tips npl baareyn mpl lus ny sooghid Albert Street Straid Albert assessment
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