UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO DIVISION OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY [see pages 3 and 4 for Representative Assembly membership list] NOTICE OF MEETING Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Email Ashley Welch at
[email protected] to obtain the Zoom link. ORDER OF BUSINESS Page (1) Minutes of Meeting of December 1, 2020 10 (2-7) Announcements (a) Chair Steven Constable Oral (b) Chancellor Pradeep Khosla Oral Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Simmons (c) Research Integrity Oral Sandra Brown, Vice Chancellor for Research (d) Office of the Ombuds Oral John Armijo, Director and Ombudsperson Nicholas Raichart, Associate Ombudsperson (8) Special Orders (a) Consent Calendar [none] (9) Reports of Special Committees [none] (10) Reports of Standing Committees (a) Educational Policy Committee, Geoffrey Cook, Chair 117 Five Limited-Term Exceptions for Winter and Spring Quarters 2021 to San Diego Divisional Senate Regulations 500 Grading Policy, 501 Adding and Dropping Courses and Withdrawals, and 505 Repetition of Courses • A limited-term exception for Winter and Spring Quarters 2021 to SD Regulation 500.D.2 to extend the deadline to change grading option (Letter or Pass/Not Pass grades) from the end of the fourth week to the end of the tenth week of instruction for undergraduate students. • A limited-term exception for Winter and Spring Quarters 2021 to SD Regulation 500.E.6 to extend the deadline to change grading option (Letter or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades) from the beginning of the quarter (end of the fourth week, in practice) to the end of the tenth week of instruction for graduate students.