“Keeping in Touch” for the current month can also be found on our website

St Ethelbert, Alby St Mary,

Our Lady & St Margaret St Lawrence, All Saints, Thwaite Calthorpe


All our churches remain open during daylight hours for individual worship or visits.

Scarrowbeck Parish Priest: Father Brian Faulkner, Oak Tree Cottage, Cherry Tree Road, Plumstead, NR11 7LQ 01263 577868 [email protected] Rest days are Monday and Tuesday

Keeping In Touch April 2020 Aldborough and Thurgarton Parish Churches. Facebook: Aldborough Parish Church Due to the COVID 19 virus, all services at Aldborough Parish Church and the The story of Holy Week and Easter – which includes so much of what we know about the Chapel have been cancelled. life, death and resurrection of Jesus – would Message from the Ministry Team: suggest that true happiness does not come Aylsham Church will be broadcasting a from achieving goals, whether passing exams service live from Aylsham on Facebook and on or getting a pay rise, but by living for the sake our Team website of others. The philosopher Thomas Aquinas ( said that happiness lies in collectively every Sunday at 10.15am which you can join in practising the sorts of virtues that Jesus did, with in your own home. such as performing acts of charity, courage and

wisdom. If someone focuses their attention on rd 23 April is St Georges Day. St George was a others, then all pressure is off. Roman soldier who protested against the That is surely a good starting point for feeling a Romans torture of Christians and died for his beliefs in 303AD. The best-known story of St. lot more contented. Rev Jack George is his fight with a dragon. It is highly unlikely that he ever fought a Special Days in April. dragon and even more unlikely that he came to , but St. 5th April Psalm Sunday. George is known throughout the Celebrating Jesus arriving at Jerusalem for world as the dragon-slaying the Passover feast. People cheered and patron saint of England. waved palm branches as flags as Jesus

went along the road to Jerusalem. Did you know… 1st April was known as daffodil day. 10th April Good Friday In Victorian times, families picked The saddest day in the daffodils and took them to the local Christian year, when Jesus

hospitals to give to the patients. was put to death.

th If you would like to find out 12 April Easter Sunday information about christenings, The happiest day in the Christian Year, weddings or funerals, then when Jesus rose from the dead. Chocolate please contact the clergy team eggs are given as part of these on 01263 704457 or celebrations as the hard shell of Revd Jack Branford on the egg represents the empty 07855 759 024 tomb and the emerging chick [email protected] represents Jesus, whose resurrection Churchwarden: conquered death. Bunnies, lambs and Jill King. 01263 768077 flowers are also used to represent New Life.

If anyone is in need of help, (or would even just like a chat), particularly if you are self isolating, Village Care will do what it can to support you. Please contact Jane Maguire on 01263 761578 if you need assistance, would like to volunteer to help or if you know of anyone who may need support.

Dear Friends What began as event in a market in Northern China has, in the course of a few weeks, become a global pandemic affecting the health of all of us. For as social beings who meet and travel, no where is hidden, no where is unaffected. This fact, of course, on one level is frightening, especially for those in parts of our world where medical provision is of the most basic. Yet it is also of concern for all of us here, who have least to fear, but much to be aware of. We are daily asked to accept limitations on our freedom, out of concern for our neighbours and the greater good. This reality of our belonging to a world intimately connected is not a truth in any way new, where our response to that truth needs to be affirmed and embraced in a positive way. Of such is the faith born of the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus. An Easter faith rooted in a life that is truly giving. In the months ahead there will be many challenges, some of which may be hard to face and difficult to come to terms with, but challenges are to be lived and life is to be shared. With my prayers and blessing Father Brian, Scarrowbeck parish priest

FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Matrimony St Ethelbert Church on Saturday 29th February of Eleanor Nash and Nicholas Sanders ______

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISHES Week beginning Sunday April 5th Alby: The Common, Blacksmith’s Lane and Church Lane 12th Ingworth: The Street 19th Thurgarton: Ringbank Lane and School Road 26th Aldborough: Pipits Meadow, Thwaite Road and Thwaite Hill Road

Dear Friends Coronovan Crisis and the church These few words are meant to highlight and inform you concerning the parish churches of this benefice, but more than that to show that buildings though much loved have only limited significance. As a national church, the in solidarity with many other religious bodies has made the decision that in order to limit the risk of infection, all public acts of worship are to be suspended. On a local level this means that for a time all parish churches in this benefice will not be holding public acts of worship. So, for example in this month’s edition of In Touch there are no dates and venues of services for the month ahead. Holy Week this year, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are all likely to be celebrated in a different way On a very practical level my desire is that all five of our buildings will during daylight hours be left open for personal prayer and reflection. There will be samples of prayer material in each of these churches for us to use if we find it helpful. Of course, in a very real way prayer is not suspended, nor is the church closed. Many of us will continue in a heightened and focused way to say prayers daily, for that is an aspect of true discipleship. The church as people is not closed, rather in the care we express towards neighbours, family and friends, in practical ways, the gospel is lived and known Do please feel free to phone at any time. Fr Brian

Annual Parochial Church Meetings for Scarrowbeck benefice

St Ethelbert’s, Alby 4pm 22nd April Mecki Green’s house St Mary’s, Erpingham 7pm 23rd April in Erpingham church

All are invited to attend their own parish church annual meeting

Datefor your diary for 2020

Saturday 4th April. We’re packing bags for Tesco’s customers in Aylsham. Please come and support us between 10.00-15.00


Church Summer Fete And Fun Dog Show This year at ERPINGHAM VILLAGE HALL AND ITS SURROUNDS On Saturday June 27th 11am to 4pm We will have all our usual stalls – cakes, produce, bric a brac, raffle, and refreshments to include light lunches and afternoon teas and an ice cream van available. We hope to have games/races and have lots of ideas for other activities. Watch this space!

Would you like a stall where you can advertise or sell your produce? Charities free – others for a donation.

We would also welcome ideas and participation from other local community organisations If you can help in any capacity then we would love to hear from you Please phone 01263 761702 Let’s cheer ourselves up and have a really fun day ALDBOROUGH WILDLIFE

WEDNESDAY 15th April Trevor Williams

A Year at Common

7.30 pm in Aldborough church room

Aldborough Surgery Coronavirus We want to ensure the Aldborough Surgery services are available to all of our patients. We remain the only surgery in that has an Open Surgery facility. I am sure you will understand that this could be threatened by any patient that attends with symptoms so please heed current governmental advice to stay at home (self-isolate) regardless of travel history or contact with confirmed cases if patients experience: - A new continuous cough


- High temperature (of 37.8 degrees centigrade or higher)

If you have symptoms that cannot be managed at home you use NHS 111 Online. Please only call NHS 111 if you cannot get online. Reluctantly, the Open Surgery will need to cease temporarily if we have confirmed cases in Norfolk. If you wish to speak with a doctor then please contact the surgery on telephone number 01263 768602.



If anyone is in need of help (or would even just like a chat), particularly if you are self- isolating, Village Care will do what it can to support you. At present our activities are all under review; everything is still going ahead, but this may, of course, change. N.B. Many of our amazing volunteers are themselves getting on a bit, so it would be very welcome indeed if some younger people could come forward to join our ranks, even if just for the period of the virus. Please contact Jane Maguire (761578) if you can volunteer, if you need any assistance or if you know of anyone else who may be in difficulties. Aldborough Farmers Market

5th April 9:30am-12 midday 3rd May 9:30am-12 7th June 9:30am-12 5th July 9:30am-12

The Children’s Society annual box opening is to be held on Wednesday, 15th April 11 am to 1 pm at Glenys Padgham’s house. If you cannot attend on this date please either let Glenys know or email [email protected] so arrangements can be made to collect. Thank you.


We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of our local and to let you all know that our opening hours remain as 12 am - 11pm 6 days a week, CLOSED on Tuesdays. In addition to this we offer a coffee shop in the function room 9 am to 12 am where tea, coffee, soft drinks filled rolls, sausage rolls and cakes are available four days a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays We also sell these food items in the pub. Our intention is to buy commercial cooking equipment as and when we can afford to do so, which will enable us to provide pub cooked food in the future We hope to see you all soon Best wishes Dawn, Dee and the team

Aldborough Black Boys

Set lunch menu - 1 course £8.95, 2 Courses £10.95, 3 Courses £12.95. Sunday roasts served from 12 midday to 4.00pm. Monthly quiz night - Saturday April 18th 8.00pm Theme nights - Pie and mash night Saturday 25th April 6.00pm till 9.00pm £12.95 to include a pint or small glass of wine Live music - Saturday May 2nd - The Classics 8.30pm - 11.30pm Tel no. 01263 761649 The Green, Aldborough. NR11 7AA

May 16th 7.30 pm Aldborough Community Centre ‘Mela’ supper with entertainment from Bollywood Sparkles Dance group to raise money for Anando Dan which provides opportunities for art and play for slum children in Bangladesh.

June 4th,5th and 6th 7.30 pm Aldborough Players Summer production ‘An Enchanted April’ at Aldborough Community Centre ______

Not keen to play outdoor sports?

No problem! NOW there are other ways of supporting

Erpingham Multi-Use Games Area (next to the Village Hall): helping to keep it FREE to use at all times! * Advertise your group or business alongside details of our events & activities on the NEW on-site noticeboard. Info: [email protected] / 01263 768262 * Recycle your old (clean) newspapers and magazines in the NEW Paper Bank near the MUGA / Village Hall. All proceeds to MUGA funds

* Visit the MUGA Family Fun Day: Sunday 24 May from 11am

FREE admission - donations gratefully accepted. All proceeds to MUGA maintenance. Please note - the date of this event may change, depending upon Government guidance.


Having just heard the Prime Minister's speech outlining the measures we all need to take to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, we have decided to close Coffee Club until further notice, which will probably be some time. We advertise when we decide to start up again.


An Audio Visual Presentation of Aylsham Shown on a large screen Using the latest Digital Technology Presented by Brian Hedge



“Magic and Mystery of Herbs” a talk by Suffolk gardener and broadcaster Karen Kenny Thursday April 16th * Aldborough Church Room, 7.30 pm. * as we are all in uncertain times, please check our website for up to date details of all our programme events. There is a direct link there to our Facebook page:

ALDBOROUGH OPEN GARDENS 2020 *Sunday June the 14th* Organised and funded by Aldborough Gardening Club, this major village event, last staged in 2018, was a huge success. It raised over £3,000, a major part of which was donated to village-based charities and community gardening schemes.

Plans are now under way to improve on this for Open Gardens 2020. We already have a draft list of those who are very generously offering to open their gardens for the day. We would like, however, to find a number of smaller gardens on or around the Village Green to participate. New gardens/gardeners will be offered comprehensive assistance. We will also need volunteers on the day to help with ticket sales, car parking, plant sales etc. Ideas on how to add to the day are welcome. if you can assist any way please contact the Club at

[email protected]

The Mobile Library – a stop near you

Have you taken advantage of the Mobile Library yet? With up to 8-week loan periods and no charges for overdue books, it’s sure to put a spring in your step! We have children’s books galore, fiction and non-fiction adult books, DVD’s, audio books and much more. Why not wander down and see what we have to offer?

Currently visiting Aldborough 4-weekly on a Thursday: 10:45 – 11:05 Stepping Stones M & T 12:15 – 12:25 Howett’s Bungalow 12:30 – 12:50 Margaret Lilly Way 15:45 – 16:45 The Green – perfect for an after-school visit!

Next visiting: 2nd Apr, 30th Apr, 28th May, 25th Jun, 23rd Jul, 20th Aug onwards

Mobile Library Timetable








24 ALDBOROUGH 15:45 16:45 THE GREEN NR11 7AA

Ingworth 11:05 – 11:20 The street – telephone box 22 April 20 May 17 June 15 July 12 Aug 9 Sept 7 Oct 4 Nov

__ The Erpingham with Calthorpe village hall th AGM will be on Friday 17 April 2020 at 7pm in the Village Hall, all are welcome.

Easter Coffee Morning

St. Andrew’s Church, Metton, NR11 8QX

Saturday 11th April 10 am ------3 pm

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt ---- 1 pm

Cakes, Raffle, Tombola, Homemade Preserves Easter Chicks?? Refreshments

All proceeds to help re-decorate Metton Church

Looking forward to seeing you ----- a warm welcome await Why not have a go at bowls in Erpingham?

If you are looking for a sport to pay on a summer afternoon or evening, from May till August, why not give lawn bowls a try? The Green is adjacent to the village hall and an open practice is held on a Sunday afternoon from 1.45 pm for just £3, tea and cake half way through, and your first session is free of charge. The first session of 2020 will be on April 26th. The club currently plays mixed teams in two afternoon and two evening leagues for those that get the bowls bug and you can play as much or as little as you can find the time for.

In the winter months (September to April) we also play Carpet bowls on a Tuesday night 7 – 9 pm and Short Mat Bowls on a Friday afternoons 2-4pm, both held in the Erpingham with Calthorpe village hall. The cost is £2.50 and includes refreshments.

Bowls can be provided for both indoor and outdoor bowls games. They are all played with mixed teams of all age groups and abilities (we currently have three players in their 90’s.) If you want more information, please contact John Snelling on 01263 768953.


Apple festival Sat 3rd Oct 2020 Film Night 21st Nov 2020 – Film TBA, Tickets £5.

Quiz and Chips Night 23rd Jan 2021. Tickets £10 to include fish and chips, bring your own drink and glasses. Film Night 6th Mar 2021 -film TBA, tickets £5

Erpingham Primary School develop outdoor area with the help of a £10,000 Lottery Grant

During February half term we received the news that we had been successful in our bid for £10,000 of Lottery Funding to redevelop our outdoor play area. The work has been taking place during March. We have been able to replace our ageing trim trail with some fabulous new pieces of play equipment, and have also been able to extend this provision to include our pre-schoolers, with a large sand pit and climbing frame with stage area.

In school this term, our immersive topic has been ‘Truly Scrumptious’. We have been looking at the Mayan civilization, talking about where our food comes from and have even decorated our early years classroom as a Chocolate Factory! Our Older children have been designing their own chocolate bars and will be making adverts for them. We have also been celebrating British Science week, with Kitchen Science Workshops presented by Kiddicook. The children took part in some fantastic experiments that they can safely replicate at home. We have also been talking about hygiene and germs, experimenting with glittery fingers and trying to wash it all off!

Little Brown Hare Pre-school

In pre-school, the children have been using magnifying glasses to take a closer look at our environment, exploring the concept of why things look bigger. A focus this week has been around maths, we have provided many opportunities for the children to experiment with counting in various forms. We have places available in pre-school from September. To arrange a visit to either the school or pre-school, please contact the Erpingham School Office on 01263 761365, or [email protected]

Aldborough Primary School – A Journey in Time

Over the last two weeks artists Sunny & Pea have been busy at Aldborough Primary bringing the Learning Street timeline to life. From prehistoric dinosaurs to Harry Potter, the timeline beautifully illustrates the history topics taught from Reception to Year 6 at the school. The children now have a permanent visual timeline to support recall of key people and times in history generating plenty of discussion. “It’s been really good that the children have been able to watch the timeline being painted,” remarked one parent. “It looks amazing!” Thank you to the very active Friends of Aldborough Primary Schools for making this possible. During the spring term class assemblies to parents/carers have also taken place on Friday mornings. In March Class 4 confidently and cleverly both informed and entertained pupils, staff and their families with a very slick journey in time through the Ancient Civilisations. Their re-enactment of mummification in the Ancient Egyptian period was highly amusing and delivered superbly. Well done Class 4

Aldborough and Thurgarton Parish Council

Highlights from the March Parish Council Meeting – Chairman’s selection ➢ : The new sign is now with the artist who will paint the panels. We may struggle to have the sign ready for the Village Fayre but expect it to be ready during the summer. Now that the new sign is well underway, any organization or individual who would like to contribute to the creation of the new sign please contact the Clerk. ➢ Green Management Policy: Sadly, this was not approved at the March meeting. Concerns that some of the residents were not supportive of the Policy, and some misinformation communicated at the meeting, resulted in a decision split the policy down into bit size chunks to be re-visited it in September. ➢ Dog bins: “Thank you” to the three local dog owners who have together contributed funds towards the capital cost of one of the two bins. If any other dog owners would like to contribute to the other one, then please contact the Clerk. Look out for the green dog bins on the Green in late Spring summer. ➢ Annual Parish Meeting: This open meeting (on Monday 20th April at 7:30) is an opportunity to celebrate some of the good things that have happened in the village over the last year, and a forum to discuss any hot topics. See separate notice for agenda.

Martin Elliott Chairman’s personal view


The Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the Quiz night at the Spread Eagle in Erpingham. Over 80 quizzers turned out and “The Saga Louts” were worthy winners. Thank you to Yvonne Tiffany who set the questions and improved all of our knowledge on old Norfolk sayings! The event made a profit of £560 which will go into the “Friends of Aldborough Surgery” fund to support Surgery equipment and Wellness initiatives. A big thank you to the ladies of the Spread Eagle for being such good hosts and making a generous donation. AYLSHAM CHESS CLUB

Local chess enthusiast, John Wickham, has gained recognition on the international stage. The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) / International Chess Federation has appointed John as a FIDE Arbiter at their 90th FIDE Congress, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. An Arbiter’s role is to ensure the smooth running of events and to act in a similar manner to a football referee - sometimes using technology to spot infringements! John will now be involved in running international chess events taking place in the UK and abroad. John already has a very illustrious chess career. He is Honorary Life Vice- President of the English Chess Federation (ECF), Chairman of Norfolk County Chess Association (NCCA) and the East Anglian Chess Union (EACU) and, as a Qualified ECF Arbiter, is involved in organising and running most Chess Congresses in East Anglia and is a regular Arbiter at the British Chess Championships. In addition to this, John regularly plays chess for Aylsham Chess Club. Bob Grindrod (Chair of Aylsham Chess Club) commented: “We are very proud of John's achievement in being awarded this title by FIDE. The honour is recognition of John's hard work, dedication and performance over many years" To find out more about Aylsham Chess Club e-mail: [email protected] and for details of other Norfolk Chess Clubs visit:

IN TUNE WITH HEAVEN Parry ‘Blest Pair of Sirens’; Edward Elgar ‘Te Deum’; Zoltan Kodaly ‘Missa Brevis’; and Organ works played by David Ballard and Philip Adams. and Choral Society, Directed by David Ballard Saturday 25th April at 7.00pm, at St. Peter’s, Sheringham Tickets: £15 on the door; £12 in advance; Under 18’s free. Box Office: 01263 822347

Aldborough Village Shop and Post Office. Tel 01263 768198

New Opening Times 8-30 to 6-00 Mon– Sat Sun 9-30 to 11.30 (no postal services on Sundays) For Groceries, Butchery, Fruit & Veg, Fresh Bread, Chilled and Frozen, Coal, Off license, Calor Gas, Dry Cleaning, National Lotto, Stationery, all postal and banking services, Free cash withdrawals from most main banks


Your Independent Memorial Mason Memorials in marble, stone and various coloured granites Brochure upon request Workshop: 01603 755524 Unit 8 Sawmill Close, The Street, , Norwich, NR10 4BH

Hatha Yoga With Pia Shell Yoga to strengthen, stretch, release and relax A quiet and mindful practice We are open for lunch and dinner 7 days a week Thursday Evenings throughout the summer and autumn, but are closed 6.45—8.15 pm during the afternoon.

Erpingham Village Hall NR11 7QB Come and enjoy a 2 course lunch menu (Mon-Sat) for £15 with a choice of starters, mains and desserts First class free of charge Sunday lunch is always a popular choice, roast Rump of Blickling reared beef or Loin of Pork, with all the trimmings. Please contact Pia : [email protected] 2 courses £19.50 Our main menu is also available for lunch and dinner daily 07767 896610

The Tax Factory offers tax advisory and accountancy services together with payroll and VAT assistance. We cater for self-employed individuals and small businesses, including Limited companies and are based locally in Norfolk. With over 30 years’ experience working in this field, we understand that dealing with your finances and HMRC can sometimes be daunting.

We are here to help! If you would like to talk through your requirements please contact us via the details below. Fraser Lawrence 01263 761530 Mobile 0771 890 9497 [email protected]


WEA AYLSHAM – SPRING TALK Wednesday April 22nd, 2.00 pm

‘Women can Fly’ With Sally Dearman-Cummings

Following in her brother’s footsteps, jumping from the landing window, off the garden fence, and out of perfectly serviceable aeroplanes, Sally saw the light and became a pilot, first civil and later military. In this talk she shares what led her to become the first woman pilot through the RAF’s fast-jet flying training system, some animal facts relating to military flying, and how to attract or repel noisy jets depending on your proclivity.

Where: Friends Meeting House, Pegg’s Yard, Red Lion Street, Aylsham NR11 6ER Cost: £9.00 Reference: C2227269 Book Today or by phone 0300 303 3464 For more information contact Branch Secretary on [email protected] or Chairman on 01263 732496


Support and Help Just ask, if I can I will My reputation is built on being trustworthy, 'Unfortunately, reliable, punctual and caring for my clients. Assisting them in their day-to-day household Aldborough needs, whether it’s just an hour or for the day. For further information and no obligation ring Fayre has been now on 07950 457578 * Cleaning *Going for a walk postponed due to *shopping *meal preparation corona virus. *Dignified personal care * DBS checks Watch this *commuting to doctors or dentist, hospital or other appointments space!' *telephone calls(utilities etc) *short term respite *Companionship *Care certificate/moving and handling * fully insured CONTACT: Ariane 07950457578 Email [email protected] www.

Report of the Ordinary meeting of the Erpingham and Calthorpe Parish Council

held on Wednesday 11th March at The Spead Eagle ph

Chairman Norman Smith welcomed all those present; there were apologies sent by one member and two declarations of interest. The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on January 8th 2020 were approved and signed. Under matters arising on highways Norfolk County Council had arranged the removal of the overhanging tree in School Road and advised that white lining would be scheduled. The Clerk would arrange for a new SAM2 pole to be installed at the entrance to Jubilee Close. On footpaths the Council heard that the footbridge to Thwaite Common had been replaced. A new dog bin (near the telephone box) had been installed, with fortnightly collections. The meeting was adjourned for public participation and Cllr J Toye (North Norfolk District Council) covered the new waste contract, energy conservation, tree availability, the next Town and Parish Forum on 24/4 and housing issues. The Clerk and Chairman gave an outline of the history of an application to erect a telecoms mast on the recreation ground. The Clerk had made contact with two North Norfolk parishes which were addressing telecom mast approaches and also the NNDC officer dealing with these requests. The applicant had been invited to the meeting but had declined. From discussion it was clear that the Parish Council should pass all the contact and application information to the Village Hall Committee as the body responsible for operational matters on the recreation ground. Further, the meeting felt that there should be a Public Meeting to discuss the proposal and this would be planned for mid-April, the applicant advised and invited to attend, with a record being sent to the North Norfolk District Council. The meeting resumed. On planning and a mast proposal for the recreation ground, the Clerk had circulated documents from the applicant and had hoped that a representative would attend this meeting. The actions were as above. On the land at Eagle Road for eight new dwellings members emphasised both the need for sewerage to be adequate and the housing need for young families. The Council resolved to support the application and the Clerk would add its reservations that the sewerage service may not be adequate. In his finance report the Clerk advised that the Council’s domain name had been renewed for another year; the Council had renewed its registration with the ICO until January 2021; the new dog bin would cost £190 +vat; a new SAM post would cost £90 +vat, which was agreed by the Council – the Clerk would submit a re-declaration to the Pensions Regulator on behalf of the Council. Current bank statements were initialled. The Clerk asked of the MUGA group in which month their contribution would be paid, and he was asked to forward a demand from October 1st 2019. The Council had received a request from Erpingham PCC for support which the Clerk read to members. The Council agreed to make a maintenance grant of £100 to both churches in the parish. The Clerk explained the need to appoint a new internal auditor and Mr Roger Canwell was appointed. Payments due were approved for play area repairs, electricity, the Norfolk Playing Fields Association annual subscription, grants to the North Norfolk Community Transport and Citizens Advice Bureau, the Clerk’s expenses, the Norfolk Parish and Town Support subscription and to HMRC for PAYE In a report on the play area there were difficult ground conditions but all was well otherwise. In his reports the Clerk gave the next meeting date as May 13th commencing at 7.00 pm with the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Meeting of the Council. He relayed a request from the MUGA group to site a paper bank at the Village Hall and the Council was happy to signal its support. The Council heard about potholes in School Road and on The Street – the Clerk would advise Norfolk County Council. A member gave a SAM2 update and reported the Safer Neighbourhood priorities on drugs and highway offences incl. speeding. The Council was updated on the Play Area Hub and its fundraising plans. In open business the Council heard concern about the condition of the path beside the play area. The meeting closed at 21.05.

Sadly the Easter Egg Hunt planned

for this year at Alby Crafts has been cancelled



Please send copy for the May edition by 14th April 2020 to the Editor

Linda Howard [email protected] 01263 833323

Thank you to all who contribute to the

printing costs of Keeping In Touch

If any new readers would like to make a one-off or regular donation please contact our

TREASURER : Liz Ashness, Beech Cottage, Chapel Road,Erpingham, Norwich NR11 7QJ

Tel: 01263 761224 [email protected]

Keeping In Touch Committee Editor Linda Howard Treasurer Liz Ashness Advertising & website Ros Horne Website Corinda Carnelley Distribution& Erpingham representative Stephen Burrell Distribution & Ingworth representative Belinda Northey Aldborough representative Ruth Elliott Alby representative Sheila Goodley Calthorpe representative Colin Willis Thwaite representative Lesley Hennessey

Health and Lifestyle Other Retail

MAGGI’S MUSIC Flute and Piano lessons for fun or THE PURPLE PARROT GIFT SHOP at Alby Crafts & Gardens. Selling grades. Experienced and friendly teacher. All ages and all a range of cards, toys, bags, scarves, candles, jewellery, plants levels welcome. and so much more. Contact Maggi at [email protected] or 01263 761482 Nicola Geere - 01263 761573. SKIPJACK LEISURE POOL. 01263 761352 or 07867555068.Swim in the privacy of a pool with spa, swimjets & sauna.. ½ hour To advertise here contact & 1 hour slots. Ros Horne: 01263 761702 or email Children’s parties welcome. Tollgate, Ingworth [email protected]

GUITAR LESSONS . Most styles, all levels, beginners welcome. NORFOLK CHILDREN’S BOOK CENTRE Please ring Dave Morrison. 01263 761740 60,000 wonderful books for children. Come and have a look! Parents, children, teachers, everybody welcome! Open Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 10-5. Church Lane, Alby NR11 7HB Tel. 01263 761402

LOCAL TEACHER offers tuition for children at upper junior and lower DOCTOR WHEELGOOD CYCLES cycle sales – servicing - spares – secondary levels, repairs Dealer of Dawes cycles and Frog Kids bikes. i.e.Key Stages 2 and 3,in literacy and numeracy, and other subjects by 11 Road, NR28 0DA 01692 405033 arrangement. A specific problem, or the need for a boost in [email protected] confidence? Discuss it with Max Dorras tel:01263 577 525 MATHS TUITION Qualified friendly maths tutor for all levels from primary to GCSE: all ages from 8 to 80. Speciality –confidence building One of our advertisers has had a small leading to good results. ad in Keeping in Touch since it started, Please contact Anne Olivant on 01263 733635 or and has never needed to advertise [email protected] for details anywhere else Food and Catering Accommodation

ERPINGHAM HOUSE FARM, The Street, Erpingham, NR11 7QD. Free- range eggs, Trees, Asparagus in season. Also hard-wearing SELF-CONTAINED holiday/guest accommodation at Thwaite Barn mohair socks, and Airbnb at farm. Tel 01263 761208 or 07887 745425 (on Thwaite Common). 2+1 Good for visiting family and friends. Phone John or Chris on 01263 768441.

TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS 5* HYGIENE RATED BY NNDC CHESTNUT BARN, School Road, Thurgarton NR11 7PE We specialise in Wakes, Celebration Parties, Christenings, Baby Spacious holiday barn with three double en-suite bedrooms and Showers, and Afternoon Teas a mezzanine with four single beds, sleeps total of 10 plus two cots, an extra fold up bed can be provided, pets welcome, Home-made produce. All dietary requirements catered for. large parking area, garden with outdoor seating, outdoor We also hire out Crockery (Plain or Vintage), glasses etc. Plus games, BBQ and table tennis. Contact Kate Hammond - 01263 Wedding Items. 761169 or 07918 673716. For personal service please ring 01263 768076

IAN WRIGHT Farm fresh pork from our own herd of rare To advertise here contact Essex sows Ros Horne: 01263 761702 or email Orders taken for roasting joints, chops, sausages, bacon, hams. [email protected] st 01263 761461, or see us at Aldborough’s Farmers’ Market, 1 Sun

House and Garden HAYNES ELECTRICAL of ALDBOROUGH Established 1982 P A LUKE ELECTRICAL (Part P approved. Electrical Safety Register incorporating NICEIC registered, Part P approved domestic and commercial electrician. No job too big or small. Call Pete for a free no ELECSA,NICEIC,ECA). obligation quote. Prompt efficient service & competitive prices for all PHONE: 01263761890 Mob: 07506872498 industrial, commercial and domestic electrical needs .Free Email [email protected] estimates. 01263 768033 or 07796458718) or [email protected] CSG PROPERTY SERVICES Local property maintenance engineer. STEPHEN CLARK ELECTRICAL (NICEIC approved including Part P) Wide range of services including carpentry, electrical, decorating, Your local contractor. Any industrial, commercial and domestic work plumbing, gardening etc.. including PAT testing, free estimates. 01263 768576 Domestic or commercial. Fully insured, reliable and competitively Mobile: 07824 997963 Email: [email protected] priced. No job too small. Call Craig on 07775 255222 or e-mail [email protected] PEGG ELECTRICAL SERVICES (NICEIC approved/Domestic installer) ERPINGHAM VINTAGE NURSERY. Large selection of French obelisks Domestic, commercial, industrial wiring, test and reports. and plant supports and various statues, plants, fragrant roses and 46 years experience. unique ideas for your garden and home. Open 2-5 pm daily but times Please call Andy on 01263 768564. Mobile 07799 264370. may vary so please ring to avoid disappointment. 01263 768319. Cash or cheque only please

M. NEWLAND, BUILDERS All building work undertaken. Over 30 years Furniture and Art & Craft experience. 077 8090 3694 or 01263 768323 HALLS PROPERTY SERVICES Ltd 01263761819 PVCU windows, doors, conservatories. Fascia & CARDMAKING classes in Aylsham. Book a class or visit my shop guttering, kitchens, bathrooms & wet rooms, all general stocking papercraft materials by appointment: building work. Ann Colman Crafty Cardmaking 01263 735518 Local authority grant work undertaken. Free quotations. [email protected]

HERITAGE PAINTERS- Local family-run PAINTERS AND DECORATORS ANDY DANIELS, YEW TURN. covering all aspects of interior and exterior Timber framed buildings, carpentry, wood- turning, landscaping, repairs, restoration. 30 Silvergate, work. Call Josh on 07552 851359 for a free Blickling. quote. [email protected] 0776 8680926 01263 734413 ROPER HEATING SERVICES. Oil boiler servicing and Maintenance and Heating Faults and Breakdowns. Call Steve on 07788414514 OFTEC & KEVERNE DEWICK Gas Safe registered. Specializing in oil boiler servicing and new Bespoke Handmade Furniture, Woodturning and Woodturning courses boiler 01263761400 or [email protected] installation. All plumbing work. Free estimates. AYLSHAM HEATING – Gas Safe registered heating SIGNS & GRAPHICS – All kinds of signs designed and produced. engineer. GAS - OIL – LPG Servicing … Maintenance … Traditional to modern – vehicles, shops, boats, houses, restoration. Repairs …. Large format digital printing – banners, canvas, photos, posters. Office number : 01263 825910 Paul Riches 01263 768082 Rose Cottage, Thwaite Common Mobile : 07917 420770 Email : [email protected]

JONES THE SWEEP Stoves, open fires & solid fuel ELEANOR JANE SOFT FURNISHINGS. Curtains, Roman Blinds, Cushions appliances swept. Member of Guild of Master Sweeps. and Tie-backs. Please call Ellie 07967 021835 or 01603 739208. [email protected]. Fully insured. 01263 833362 or 07799 Instagram: @ eleanorjanesoftfurnishings NORFOLK ESTATE FENCING Traditional Metal Estate/ Park Fencing & Gates, no job to small. TEUCER WILSON, stone carver & letterer Please visit our website for more information. Bespoke hand carved signs, memorials & garden sculpture. To view my portfolio please visit email Or call 01263 735656 [email protected] or phone 01263 733723 Email [email protected] AYLSHAM COMPUTER AND WEBSITE DESIGN Website Design & updates, Computer repairs (24Hour option) at home or in shop, DEAN KNOWLES wood-burners, Installations servicing and repairs, New computers & Ink Cartridges etc, Broadband and WIFI chimneys and flues swept, bird guards etc, HESTAS registered and problems, Tel 01263 731020 NACS approved sweep, certificates issued. Tel 01263 570076 15 Red Lion Street Aylsham NR11 6ER or [email protected] PROPERTY AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE. Excellent service, professional standard. Building works, slab laying, Plastering, MANNINGTON ESTATE painting, decorating, gardening, large or small jobs. Flat packs Walks open every day of the year (parking £2) and shelving. Local- willing to travel. Boardwalk across meadow with bird hide. 01263 584175 Neil Martin 07908 415971 or 01263 579627 Season tickets available & children’s activities in school holidays [email protected] [email protected] STEVEN WADE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STEPPING STONES PRE-SCHOOL, in the grounds of Aldborough Planning and Building Regulations advice and applications Primary School, provides all day, morning and/or afternoon sessions Designs and drawings for new houses, extensions and for children 2 years to school age. Children of 3+ years are entitled to Government funding for up to15 hours or 5 sessions per week. renovations. 01263 768538 e-mail [email protected] 01263 768766. . ERPINGHAM WITH CALTHORPE VILLAGE HALL P.D. NIGHTINGALE PAINTER & DECORATOR City and Guilds of Located in the heart of the village, the hall is available to Established 1985 Tel: 01263 768119 or 0798357998 hire throughout the year. It provides excellent facilities for E-mail [email protected] clubs, children’s parties, wedding receptions, anniversary celebrations, theatre, dances, exhibitions, wakes and much more. Contact Rosalind Horne on 01263 761702 or Email erpvhall [email protected]