Continental Development Program

2019 Quarter 3 Report


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CONTINENTAL DEVELOPMENT DEBRIEF The third quarter of the year in Oceania saw multiple development activities taking place around the region; including coach and official’s education, national training camps, a regional training camp and the Oceania Junior & Cadet championships.

For those in the Pacific, the highlight event was the hotly contested titles on offer at the , the largest Pacific multisport event that is held every 4 years.

The highlight for youth this quarter was the opportunity for Oceania’s best Cadets to compete to secure a place in Team Oceania for the World Cadet Challenge, whilst the Junior Teams contested for the position to attend the World Junior Championships later in the year.

In addition to the umpire, referee and coach education courses that took place, various players and coaches represented the Oceania region at international level. The Pacific’s focus was centered around preparing and competing in the 2019 Pacific Games, where there was team, individual and para titles contested.

With the strategic plan in mind, and coaches being the key to players learning the skills of Table Tennis continued efforts were put on upskilling coaches through coach education courses. Priority was given to the countries who have not had a coaching course in recent years. This quarter also included the delivery of an Olympic Solidarity funded coach course and training camp.

For the final quarter of 2019 Oceania looks forward to providing additional support to more countries through the development funding and through the support of Olympic Solidarity funded courses.

ITTF-Oceania would like to thank the ITTF, the National Olympic Committees, ONOC as well Olympic Solidarity for their on-going contribution to a sustainable development of the in Oceania.

Jessica MacAskill High Performance & Development Manager ITTF-Oceania

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HIGHLIGHTS 1. Pacific Games – A highlight event for all Pacific countries and athletes every 4-years. 11 countries competed in teams, individual and para events. There was a historic first Table Tennis Gold Medal for with Ioane winning gold in the para Seated Men’s singles event.

2. A Pacific Performance Training camp was held in Nuku’alofa prior to the Oceania Junior Championships to help prepare players for the event.

3. Bounce it Back, the inclusive school program was rolled out in .

“The introduction of Bounce it Back to schools here in Fiji will be of great benefit in providing an opportunity to have children more active while providing them an opportunity to learn the basic skills of Table Tennis. At the same time the program gives us an opportunity to deliver social inclusion messages to the children. The program will greatly support the already established Smash Down Barriers disability program that our DO’s deliver. The course was also a good opportunity to have Teachers from various schools attend and learn how to deliver the all-inclusive program.” Naren – President FTTA.

Gold for Tuvalu in the Seated Men’s Singles at the 2019 Pacific Games

Participants of the Pacific Performance Training Camp in Tonga

Students taking part in activities during ‘Bounce it Back’ in Fiji

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Participation in ITTF-Oceania Development Program Activities Coaches Match Athletes Administrators Women PTT Officials 4 courses 3 courses 4 courses 0 courses 0 courses 1 course Males Females M F M F M F M F M F 48 23 8 13 83 59 3 - - - 1 1 71 21 142 3 0 2 239

Admin. 1% Gender Coaches PTT, 1% 30%

Athletes, Males 59% Females 60% Match 40% Officials 9%

Coaches Match Officials Athletes PTT Males Females Women Administrators

Agreement of Understanding implementation progress

Activity Conducted Agreement Progress Coach Education 1 2 (+5 Club coach) 14% Continental Hopes 1 1 100% Regional Training 1 3 33% Camps URC Education 3 2 150% Women - 1 0% PTT - 1 0% Mentorships 2 2 100% Scholarships 19 22 86% DNA Programs 1 2 50%

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ITTF BASIC UMPIRE COURSE Dates: 4-6 July 2019 Expert: Stephen Gillespie (AUS) Budget: US$ Funding: Self-funded Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0

A total of eight students attended a Basic Certified Umpire Course in , . The course took place over three days with the basis of providing more skilled umpires that could assist Samoa during events. The participants were provided hands-on umpire experience as they assisted in umpiring many of the matches of the Pacific Games, the event which followed directly after the course.

The course has assisted in leaving a legacy beyond the Pacific Games, with Samoa having skilled umpires who can assist with future local community and national level competitions.

Course Participant Umpiring at the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa.

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ITTF BASIC REFEREE COURSE Dates: 4-6 September 2019 Expert: Stephen Gillespie (AUS) Budget: US$1700 Funding: ITTF Continental Development program Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0

A total of six students attended a Basic Certified Referee Course in , Fiji. The course took place over three days with the basis of providing an opportunity to upskill some of the local certified umpires to referees. The participants were provided hands-on umpire experience as they assisted in umpiring many of the matches of the Oceania Tour Fiji that was held on the two days following the course. Simultaneously the course conductor, provided some mentoring to a couple of the participants who passed the referee course.

Fiji is not new to putting up their hand to host events in the Pacific, this course has provided an opportunity for them to build their capacity to host and run future competitions both of domestic and international standard.

Participants completing practice questions during the Basic Referee course in Fiji.

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ITTF-PTT LEVEL 1 COACHING COURSE Dates: 16 – 22 September 2019 Expert: Alize Belrose (TAH) Budget: US$ 925 Funding: ITTF Development program/self-funded Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

An ITTF PTT Level 1 coach education course was held in Nuku-Hiva, Tahiti from the 16 – 20th of September, the course was co-funded through the development program and self-funding by the Tahiti Table Tennis Federation.

The course was attended by local participants from the club and schools on the island. The idea behind having a course on Nuku Hiva is that it is the largest of the Marques islands that form part of French (Tahiti) and this group of islands is not near the main islands or center of Table Tennis.

Nuku Hiva now has ten new coaches who have gained significant skills and knowledge from the course who can now assist the Tahitian Federation to promote the sport and provide players local development opportunities.

Nuki-Hiva community members participating in an activity run by the newly certified local coaches.

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ITTF-PTT LEVEL 1 COACHING COURSE + TRAINING CAMP Dates: 23-30th September 2019 Expert: Jessica MacAskill (NZL) Budget: US$3850 Funding: Olympic Solidarity Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 14 2 0 0 8 17 0 0

An Olympic Solidarity funded ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Course and two-day training camp took place in , from the 23rd to 30th September. The course was attended by coaches from the club and 10 different schools. The course provided skills to coaches so they can teach introductory level skills to school children and their local communities. There were 16 participants who attended the coaching course, of which six passed the final assessment and have commenced their 30 hours of coaching to complete the course requirements.

After the coach education sessions, a two-day training camp was held. The training camp allowed some of the participants, including the local development officer an opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills into practical use. The local high school across the road from the venue benefited from the course, not only was one of their PE teachers a participant but during the day the girls attended Table Tennis lessons.

Palau is presently active and eager to continue teaching school aged children the sport of Table Tennis. This is evidenced by the attendance of teachers from most of the schools as well as the commitment from the Ministry of Education to collaboratively work with the local development officer to ensure more regular

school visits happen throughout the remainder of 2019 and into 2020.

Participants of the ITTF PTT L1 Coach Education Course

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PACIFIC GAMES - Dates: 5-15th July 2019 Able-bodied Athletes Para Athletes Males Females Males Females 29 31 17 9

The Pacific Games is a 4-yearly multisport event and in 2019 was hosted by Samoa. Table Tennis events were held on the 5-15th July and was one of only three where para-events are also contested.

The Pacific Games is the largest regional event and in 2019 Table Tennis had eleven countries competing; Fiji, , , Palau, , Samoa, , Tahiti, Tonga, Tuvalu, .

The Teams events for both the Men and Women were hotly contested with eight Men’s teams and nine Women’s teams competing. Tahiti won the Men’s Teams title defeating New Caledonia in the final, while the Women’s Teams saw Vanuatu defeat Fiji to take home the gold.

Overall Medal Tally for Table Tennis Events Country Gold Silver Bronze Total Vanuatu 5 1 6 New Caledonia 2 2 3 7 Tahiti 2 2 3 7 Fiji 1 4 3 8 Tuvalu 1 1 Papua New Guinea 2 2 Solomon Islands 1 1

Participants at the Pacific Games in Samoa

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ELEVATE – PACIFIC TRAINING CAMP Dates: 4-6th August 2019 Expert: Patrick Wuertz (GER) Budget: US$5900 Funding: ITTF Continental Development program Coach Education Officials Education Athlete Development Para Table Tennis Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 1 - - 5 5 - -

Full article |

A Pacific Elevate training camp was held prior to the 2019 Oceania Junior Championships in Nuku’alofa Tonga. The camp included ten players and three coaches and was ran by Head Coach Patrick Wuertz.

The three-day training camp allowed players to train with players from other countries as well as an opportunity to fine tune skills prior to the competition. The camp consisted of on-table exercises, physical drills and off-table education sessions for both players and coaches.

Tongan coach Simote Manumanu Pepa, saw first-hand the benefits of access to a high-performance sporting environment. “This is our first opportunity to be in a camp at such a high level where we get to join and train with players from other countries. We are very grateful to have Patrick who was a lot of skills and knowledge to share with both our coaches and players. This experience is very valuable to us and especially our junior players as it allows them to build their

skills for the future.”

Participants at the Pacific Performance Training Camp in Tonga

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Equipment Packages National Company Tables Nets Rackets Balls Barriers Budget Association US$ Total US$


Course Materials Coaching Manuals URC Materials Budget National Rules & ITTF Association Level 1 Advanced US$ Regulations Handbooks Tonga 20 US$400.00 Solomon Islands 15 US$300.00 Palau 20 US$400.00 Tahiti 25 US$500.00 New Caledonia 20 US$400.00

Total 100 - - - US$2000.00

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The Smash Down Barriers program continues in the transition phase. With the Australian Government announcing a further extension for those countries on the program through to June 2020. This extension covers the period whereby the new program information is distributed and allows for the new programs application process to occur.

In this quarter Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu continue to be eligible to receive Australian Aid PSP funding. Kiribati is continuing to be supported by a Japanese coach through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in their development activities while Solomon Islands has continued running basic participation programs. Activity is on-going in Palau with their co-funded Sports Development officer.

Other countries also have ongoing support and access from Oceania through opportunities to have development courses for players, coaches or officials.

The new Bounce it Back (BiB) school program that was launched earlier in the year has now been launched in a second country – Fiji. The programs activities are designed for schools but can also be adapted for community groups, youth groups and any organisations working with children and youth. Using table tennis as a vehicle, the Bounce it Back program aims to improve the quality of life of young people by: Increasing Levels of Physical Activity; and Promoting Social Inclusion.

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• Bounce it Back (BiB) Schools program that focuses on delivering social inclusion messages to youth through Table Tennis is going well, and the program now been launched in a second country-Fiji.

• Eleven countries participated at the 2019 Pacific Games with more countries competing in the para divisions than the able-bodied divisions.

• Continuation of participation programs in Kiribati & Solomon Islands post SDB. This is supported by JICA volunteer in Kiribati, and Solomon Islands by local members building on experience knowledge from recent coach education course.

• Participation continuing in Palau with the assistance for a local development officer being funded by the MoU between ITTF-Oceania, Palau National Olympic Committee and Palau Table Tennis Association. Palau had players attend Pacific Games, they also recently held an ITTF PTT Level 1 coach course. The course was attended by schoolteachers from 10 different schools and there is on-going work with Ministry of Education to have Table Tennis delivered to schools.

• Tonga’s capacity continues to grow and they show-cased this to the other Oceania countries when they successfully hosted the Oceania Junior Championships and Pacific Performance Training Camp.

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Table Tennis Disability Program

ITTF-Oceania, through the support of Table Tennis and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia) have developed the Smash Down Barriers (SDB) program to provide sport for development outcomes for people with disability, using the sport of table tennis as the tool for development.

The objectives of the SDB program are:

• Increasing inclusive participation in the sport; • Improving quality of life; • Providing leadership opportunities; and • Changing attitudes both by and toward people with disabilities.

Implementing Countries:

• Fiji • Tonga • Vanuatu

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Dates: January – June 2019 Expert: Various Local Development Officers Budget: US$ Funding: Department Foreign Affairs & Trade - Australia Primary School Age Secondary School Adults Disability Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 112 96 15 21 44 39 85 67

Smash Down Barriers program – rural community outreach visit

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Dates: July – Sept 2019 Expert: JICA Volunteer - Momoko Washituka Budget: US$ Funding: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Primary School Secondary School Adults Disability Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 29 23 9 6 14 5 4 2

Momoko training local youth in Kiribati

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Participation/Community Programs

Dates: July -Sept 2019 Expert: Local Development Officer-Orachel Watanabe Budget: US$ 750 Funding: ITTF-OCEANIA COMMUNITY PROGRAM Primary School Secondary School Adults Disability Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 18 20 10 26 17 15 2 0

Palau High School Students learning Table Tennis as part of physical education

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Smash Down Barriers program + Bounce it Back in Schools Program

Dates: July - Sept 2019 Expert: Local Development Officers/JICA volunteer Budget: US$ Funding: Department Foreign Affairs & Trade – Australia + ITTF Dev program Primary School Secondary School Adults Disability Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 123 201 36 39 19 14 20 19

Continued delivery of Smash Down Barriers lessons to centers for people with a disability occurred throughout this quarter. The visits to centers were supplemented by the delivery of the Bounce it Back (BiB) program for eight schools and one community. Both programs focus on increasing the level of physical activity while providing positive messages about social inclusion.

Tonga School children take part in a Bounce in Smash Down Barriers program participants Back lesson in the classroom from Alonga disability center during their visit to watch team Tonga play during the Oceania Junior Championships

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Smash Down Barriers program

Dates: July- Sept 2019 Expert: Local Development Officers Budget: US$ Funding: Department Foreign Affairs & Trade - Australia Primary School Secondary School Adults Disability Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 51 40 78 58 2 1 5 2

National Player & Development officer Yoshua helping develop Vanuatu’s junior players

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Bounce it Back Schools program

Full articles |

Bounce It Back(BiB) the in-school participation program that consists of eight sessions aimed to increase levels of physical activity and promote social inclusion was successfully launched in Fiji at the Yat Sen Hall on Friday the 6th of September.

The launch was attended by the Counsellor of the Australian High Commission, Renee Deschamps, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Heritage & Arts Alison Burchell, as well as guests from other key organisations such as FNSC and FPC. The BiB program had commenced earlier that week with a two-day workshop for FTTA development officers and local teachers. The education sessions were delivered by Australian Para-athlete and Smash Down Barriers Ambassador Trevor Hirth. Over the coming months three schools and two community groups will take part in the Fiji program with more schools ready to join the program in 2020.

BiB program delivery continued in Tonga to the eight schools and one community that are participating in the program. The programs aim of changing negative perceptions and attitudes towards persons with a disability (PWD) is already evident in Tonga with local para-development officer Siaosi saying “the program has been a great way for me to gain confidence in my coaching skills and I have noticed a change in the children’s’ reactions towards my abilities across the lessons”.

The roll-out of the Bounce it Back program in Oceania is expected to continue in

2020 to more countries.

Yat Sen students participating in Bounce it Back activities during launch of program in Fiji

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Dates Association Course Expert John Murphy Australia 20/1/2019 27/1/2019 Mentorship Placement (AUS) / Patrick (PNG/SI) Wuertz (GER) ITTF Basic Umpire & Referee Stephen Gillespie 15/2/2019 17/2/2019 Course (AUS) ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching Jessica MacAskill 19/2/2019 27/2/2019 Tonga Course + Training camp (NZL) Oceania Hopes Week & Eva Jeler 23/4/2019 28/3/2019 New Zealand Challenge (SLO/GER) Pablo Perez (ESP)/ PTT Classification Seminar 29/4/2019 30/4/2019 Australia Sharad Pandit Level 1 (AUS) Solomon ITTF-PTT Level 1 Coaching 5/6/2019 9/6/2019 Grant Wilson (NZL) Islands Course Stephen Gillespie 4/7/19 6/7/19 Samoa Basic Umpire Course (AUS) Samoa Host 7/7/19 20/7/19 All Pacific XVI Pacific Games Countries Oceania Elevate Training Patrick Wuertz 4/8/19 6/8/19 Tonga Camp (GER) Jessica MacAskill 1/9/19 7/9/19 Fiji BiB School Program Launch (NZL) & Trevor Hirth (AUS) Stephen Gillespie 4/9/19 6/9/19 Fiji Basic Referee Course (AUS) ITTF-PTT Level 1 coaching 16/9/19 22/9/19 Tahiti Alize Belrose (TAH) course ITTF-PTT Level 1 coaching Jessica MacAskill 23/9/19 30/9/19 Palau course + training camp (NZL) Simon Gerada Team Oceania WCC 16/10/19 21/10/19 Australia (AUS) / Tim Preparation Camp Seaholme( NZL) Simon Gerada 23/10/19 31/10/19 Poland World Cadet Challenge (AUS) / Tim Seaholme( NZL) Stephen Gillespie 24/10/19 25/10/19 Vanuatu Basic Umpire Course (AUS) ITTF Level 2 Coaching Christina Chee 30/11/19 6/12/19 New Zealand Course (MAS) Training Camp + National Jessica MacAskill 13/12/19 21/12/19 Hopes Week (NZL) New Club Coach Course + Cathy Gauthier ?/1/20 ?/1/20 Caledonia Training Camp (NCL) You can follow updates of ITTF activities here:

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