
 Purpose and importance of Sodhana in  Introduction  List of Kriyas  General instructions about Kriyas  Respiratory System  Digestive System  Trataka   Agnisar  Sankha Prakshalana   Inter-relationship of Kriyas with  Shuddhi Kriyas and Pancha Karmas  Glossary  Bibliography

Major Kriyas – Trataka, Kapalabhati, Neti, Nauli, Agnisar, Sankha Prakshalana, Dhauti and Basti contains:

 Introduction  Name  Reference  Anatomy of the related parts  Materials used  Previous practice  Technique  Precautions  Benefits:  For Spiritual aspirants  For Healthy persons and for patients  Effects on Mental Health  Contra indications  Book: Cleansing in Yoga  Pages 180, Author: Selvan  (Practice Kriyas under guidance of Guru)  Wrapper Printed in Multi Colour, Inside Photos printed in Black and white

Other information:

Hatha Pradipika:

 When the sun within, the internal lamp is kindled with relaxed inner attention of mind, the calmness, serenity and inner stillness explores the inner dimensions of life. Yoga is a well-systematized, subjective, normative and experiential science. The incomparable strength of yogic practices removes all social, subtle bondages and stumbling blocks like conditionings and inborn reactivates to experience the bliss ineffable and attain comprehensive freedom, freedom at all levels where the pure consciousness (soul) abides in its real nature

Purpose and importance of Sodhana Kriyas in yoga:

 Kriyas (cleansing process), , and are the bases for higher yogic practices like Dhahran, Dyane and . The fusion of body and mind should lead the aspirant into the revelation of self – realization

Elimination of impurities by Kriyas:

 (Cleansing process or Mala suddhi) brings down the body activity to a minimum level that facilitates the body working to go smoothly. Then the body requires less oxygen to carry out its functions and there will be less production of carbon-di-oxide due to less activity in the body. This provides less work to the respiratory organ in providing oxygen to the body and eliminating carbon-di-oxide from the body  Thus, fewer requirements of oxygen (O2) and less production of carbon-di-oxide (CO2) facilitate the diaphragm movements and respiration which is important in the practice of Asanas and Pranayama in particular. the subtle and first unit of energy links the body and mind. Pranayama, the pause in the movement of breath, enables the aspirant to control the higher and lower centres of brain thus controlling the emotions  Kriyas are vital in influencing the immanent powers of body in developing specific immunity, capacity to resist and eradicate the offending factors and to help the body to recoup itself. Dhauti, Neti, Nauli, Basti, Trataka and Kapalabhati are the six Kriyas, practiced in empty stomach. Cleansing materials for Dhauti, Neti and Basti should be sterilized before and after the practice. The water should be luke warm and salt mixed  The Practice of Kriyas should be taken only under traditionally trained expert. They should be practiced according to the need as the Hatha Pradipika Says.